

Stream the Awakening with our Master Mason hosts as they use the working tools of Freemasonry to une


I'll be on the Joe Rogan Experience 11/11/22. Can't wait for another encounter with the world's greatest conversationalist! My new 8-episode TV series,"Ancient Apocalypse", in which Joe makes several appearances, launches globally on Netflix the same day: Please consider setting a reminder and adding the series to your "My List".
45-sec trailer here:
Photo of Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock by Santha Faiia (Santha Hancock).

The mystery of the perfect alignment of the Pyramids of Giza with the stars 15/09/2022

The mystery of the perfect alignment of the Pyramids of Giza with the stars The Pyramids of Giza are perfectly aligned with the movement of the Sun on the Earth’s surface, especially during the equinoxes. They are also seamlessly positioned with the celestial vault. The Pyramids of Giza are so old that even Cleopatra considered them to be ruins. Although millennia have pa...

The Templar Tunnel: Knight’s Strategic Passageway Was Lost for 700 Years 14/09/2022

The Templar Tunnel: Knight’s Strategic Passageway Was Lost for 700 Years The Templar Tunnel is an underground passageway located in the city of Acre, in what is now Israel. This tunnel was built by the Knights Templar when the city was under the rule of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and served as a strategic passageway connecting the Templar palace to the port.


After a week off for vacation, we are back at the computer recording more content!

The continuation of our series on Hermes will drop later tonight!

Find it on TikTok or your favorite podcast platform!


2,500 years ago, Pythagoras, who lived contemporary to Buddha, surmised that all atomic structure was based on 5 humble and unique shapes, in the way they nested, one within the other, like Russian Dolls. In fact, Buddha has been recorded, during one of his deep meditations, as describing the atom as 8-sided, known then as "Acta Kalapas" meaning "8 Atoms" which fits in nicely with the 8 corners of the Cube.

There are only 5 possible shapes in the universe of creation that Pythagoras defined as being a Platonic Solid.
They had to obey the following 3 conditions:

1 - The shape must fit inside of a sphere ie: the all the corners or vertices are touching the inside of the sphere.
2 - The shape must have all its faces or polygons the same (eg, triangles or squares or pentagons or hexagons etc) thus all their angles are the same.
3 - The shape must have every edge length being the same.

The 5 shapes are:
1 - Tetrahedron (4 triangles, 6 vertices, 6 edges)
2 - Cube (6 squares, 8 vertices, 12 edges)
3 - Octahedron (8 Triangles, 6 vertices, 12 edges)
4 - Icosahedron (20 triangles, 30 vertices, 20 edges
5 - Dodecahedron (12 Pentagons, 20 vertices, 30 edges)

These five Platonic Solids exist also in the biological world. They exist as single celled planktons called Radiolaria, which when dying leave an exo-skeleton in the precise shape of these 5 Solids.
Jain 108

Lean more about Platonic Solids with Jain 108:

Image: unknown, comment for credit


"Mathematician Henry Segerman demonstrating how a linear 3rd dimensional plane is only a projection of the curved 4th dimensional space time."


I first used the phrase "A SPECIES WITH AMNESIA" in my 1995 book "Fingerprints of the Gods" but credit for the thought must go to Immanuel Velikovsky in his much earlier book "Mankind in Amnesia". More on "Fingerprints of the Gods" here:

CryptaPodcast on TikTok 31/08/2022

CryptaPodcast on TikTok The Initiation of Hermes. Excerpt from the book, The Hermetica, by Tim Freke & Peter Gandy.

History of the Sw****ka and Its Fall From Grace - Historic Mysteries 31/08/2022

History of the Sw****ka and Its Fall From Grace - Historic Mysteries History of the sw****ka symbol goes back around 10,000 yrs. It represented the sun and life in many cultures until the N***s adopted it.

cryptapodcast | YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree 24/08/2022

Hello fellow Masonic brethren, friends, and followers. It has been a good while since we have been active with Crypta. If you were a fan of our content, and missed us, we are slowly but surely coming back!!

Bare with us as we slowly get the ball rolling on content. Make sure to check us out at all of our social media platforms. We are getting very active on TikTok, and we will slowly start adding more content to Spotify and Apple Podcast.

Follow our linktree below to access all our current social media platforms!

cryptapodcast | YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree View cryptapodcast’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.

The Secret Number - FULL FILM 23/08/2022

This is a great short film on YouTube! Definitely check it out! Worth 15 minutes of your time.

The Secret Number - FULL FILM "The Secret Number" is a live-action short created over a period of two years by a team of young filmmakers from the Savannah College of Art and Design.Based...


David Suzuki..


“The highest claim of Freemasonry to consideration is that it is a philosophical truth, concealed from the masses and taught to the adepts by symbols. But every intelligent Mason knows that of every hundred of the Brethren, …. not more than two or three regard the symbolism of Freemasonry as of any real value, or care to study it. To do so, it seems to all the others, would be idle and unprofitable.”

“He who would become an accomplished Mason must not be content merely to hear or even to understand the lectures, but must, aided by them and then having as it were the way marked out for him, study, interpret, and develop these symbols for himself.”

“It is only those symbols which Masonry has inherited from the ancient ages, and which in those ages taught the great truths of philosophy and religion to the few who were adepts, that are of any value to Freemasonry.”

- Albert Pike


The JWST with another amazing photo!

Giant news from a giant planet!

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope captured a new view of Jupiter, uncovering clues to the planet’s inner life in a new image processed by citizen scientist Judy Schmidt. Moons, rings and distant galaxies are also visible. Get the details:

Controversial Lead Codices With Earliest Written Account of Jesus Confirmed Authentic 21/08/2022

Controversial Lead Codices With Earliest Written Account of Jesus Confirmed Authentic In 2007, Jennifer Solignac and David Elkington were shown images of a newly discovered set of books, of codices. They were surprising in one particular way: they were composed almost entirely of impure lead.

A Legendary Photograph from the Calvine UFO Case Appears to Have Been Recovered 19/08/2022


A Legendary Photograph from the Calvine UFO Case Appears to Have Been Recovered One of the highest-quality photographs known of a UFO has been recovered, after having disappeared during a government investigation that took place into the si

The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation 18/08/2022

The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation An excerpt from the book, The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation, by Robert Lomas.

Controversial Lead Codices With Earliest Written Account of Jesus Confirmed Authentic 17/08/2022

Controversial Lead Codices With Earliest Written Account of Jesus Confirmed Authentic In 2007, Jennifer Solignac and David Elkington were shown images of a newly discovered set of books, of codices. They were surprising in one particular way: they were composed almost entirely of impure lead.

Timeline photos 17/08/2022

Sumerians Looked to the Heavens as They Invented the System of Time… And We Still Use it Today.

Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History - Ancient History and Mystery - HTGlobal Media 13/08/2022

Many of the scientists who made a scientific expedition to this enigmatic place believe that the Kola peninsula may be the ancestral home to Earth’s most ancient civilization. Scientists’ discoveries of step pyramids and massive stone slabs that were precisely cut 9000-40000 years ago provide compelling evidence for this incredible idea.

Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History - Ancient History and Mystery - HTGlobal Media The discovery of the world’s earliest pyramids on the Kola Peninsula may confirm the existence of an ancient civilisation on Russian territory. The civilization likely predates the Egyptian civilization by a long time. Archaeological excavations of the Kola Peninsula’s pyramids, which are believ...

CryptaPodcast on TikTok 06/08/2022

CryptaPodcast on TikTok Who is King Solomon, and what is his ties to Find us on Spotify and Apple Podcast

The Stone Head of Guatemala that History Wants to Forget 23/07/2022

Over half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, a gigantic stone head was uncovered. The face had fine features, thin lips and large nose and its face was directed up at the sky. Unusually, the face demonstrated Caucasian features which were not consistent with any of the pre-Hispanic races of America. The discovery rapidly attracted attention, but just as quickly it slipped away into the pages of forgotten history.

The Stone Head of Guatemala that History Wants to Forget Over half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, a gigantic stone head was uncovered. The face had fine features, thin lips and large nose and its face was directed up at the sky.

Footprints from the Past 09/05/2022

Archaeologists have recently uncovered ancient human footprints beneath the windswept landscape of White Sands National Park in New Mexico that date to as far back as 23,000 years. That makes these footprints the earliest unequivocal evidence for human habitation in the Americas, pushing back our understanding of the date of arrival by as much as 10,000 years.

The history-shaking find also helps to validate Native American claims of a deep time connection to this continent, and could forever alter our theories about the peopling of the Americas.

Footprints from the Past Archaeologists have recently uncovered ancient human footprints beneath the windswept landscape of White Sands National Park in New Mexico that date to as fa...

It’s OK to Be Sad: 6 Reasons and How to Manage Sadness 05/05/2022

Is it ok to be sad sometimes???

I’ve had a song by the band, I Prevail, on repeat lately. The lyrics hit hard. Some truth in this song. The song is called, “Let me be sad”.

Here is some of the lyrics:

“I'm doing everything i can to try and fix it
But knowing me I'll probably miss it
These voices get so vicious
Feels like I'm rippin' stitches
I wish some days I could go back
Before life changed, it was so fast
That time is gone and I know that
All that we have is a moment
So please”

“Let me be sad
Even for a little while
Just a chance to catch my breath
Let me be sad
Even for a little while
'Cause it's all that I have left
When all I see are the memories, I don't want to lose a thing
Let me be sad, let me be sad”

If you get a chance, check the song out. Below is a good article that I found.

JD -feeling-sad-is-ok

It’s OK to Be Sad: 6 Reasons and How to Manage Sadness Sadness can feel uncomfortable, but exploring this emotion can have many benefits. Here’s what the research says.


Excerpt from "The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation." by Robert Lomas.

If you are content to remain only a nominal Initiate, if you do not seek a spiritual message, my answers may mean little to you. If you prefer just to join in the social side of our system, rather than struggle with its spiritual intentions, then good luck to you. Enjoy the good company Masonry offers. But, if you think the Craft is simply a way to gratify your ambition for personal distinction, I ask you to consider this question. Do you really want to be known as a shallow person who is only turned on by getting to wear prettier and more elaborately embroidered aprons?

You may be thinking; 'Teach me. Show me the way, and I will follow.' But you need to realize what you are embarking on. There are many who start out eager, but, as the profounder things of Masonry begin to be unveiled, they realize that each fresh disclosure of spiritual values carries with it a new personal responsibility to live up to. I warn you; it is better to remain in the dark than to have a vision of light and then be unfaithful to it. And this larger knowledge of Masonry does not come from casual reading of books or listening to lectures: it demands long effort and persistent mental labor. It involves a revolution in your previously cherished mental outlook and life-habits. The price of knowledge might be too high. You may decide you can walk no farther along this path; you may be discouraged; you may be unprepared for effort and sacrifice; you may drop back or choose to remain in the outer court of the initiate's temple. I do not intend to be unkind or critical, but this is a fact that I know to be true, and one which you will need to face. Many have been admitted to the Craft who are not yet ready, or do not even want real Initiation. The Mysteries of Freemasonry are a much bigger thing than most of us dream. They are greater than any outward organization that tries to inculcate them. You can only internalize them when you are 'properly prepared.'

Masonry is not a secular society. It is a house of the spirit. It has to be lived in the spirit as well as in its ritual forms. We who live it know that this process continually tests us, like our ceremonies, which are dramatized images of life. If we do not pass the tests, we remain self-inhibited from moving towards the larger knowledge and deeper experience that is only to be found at the veiled center of Masonic allegory.

The purpose of Freemasonry is to help its members become Initiates in the Science of Life. If you want to know yourself, then Freemasonry offers a path to that knowledge. But beware; it is a spiritual adventure, only to be pursued by the athletic and adventurous mind.

Before you seek to explore the spiritual depths of the Craft, you should sit down and weigh the potential cost. Make sure that you are properly prepared to build upon the rock, not on an unstable personal foundation. As an Initiate, expect to suffer metal anguish. Progress in Masonic science involves great changes to yourself, your mental outlook and your ways of living. The prizes are immense, yet they are not for you alone. Initiation involves destroying your sense of personal self-hood to become a selfless instrument for the diffusion of light, wisdom and love to all beings.

If you follow this course; if you make your daily steps in Masonic knowledge; you may in time become a Living Stone in the Masonic Temple of perfected humanity.

Crypta’s Story

The world is experiencing a great awakening. Join our Master Mason hosts as they discuss the mysteries of Freemasonry, the esoteric, our universe and ourselves.

If you want to understand the mysteries of the universe as experienced by Freemasons, this is the podcast for you.

We dare to go where no other mason has gone before. Using the tools of Freemasonry we will explore the mysteries of the universe without fear. Reason and Logic are our working tools. Are you Ready?

Listen to our podcasts on SoundCloud and Apple Podcasts.

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