Good Shape

Good Shape

Page created to help users maintain their health and fitness through healthy eating and exercise.



Here are listed at least 5 health benefits of exercise bike:

The stationary bike is one of the most popular ways to exercise to lose weight and increase leg muscle strength.

Exercising on this type of equipment can be done in spinning classes, at the gym, or in the comfort of your own home, as you can buy various types of exercise bikes that adapt to your needs and financial availability.

Although, for some people, it may seem like a very repetitive and boring exercise, the truth is that this type of exercise has several health benefits, especially for losing weight, toning the legs and improving heart health.

1. Helps you lose weight
This is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that allows you to burn up to 260 calories in just 30 minutes, being an important ally for anyone trying to lose weight or eliminate some localized fat.

Exercise with the stationary bike can also be used by those who are trying to increase lean muscle mass, as, as long as it is not done in excess, it helps to burn fat, leaving only the lean mass built during bodybuilding training.

Check out a diet to complete bike training and lose weight faster.

2. Protects the joints
Exercising on a stationary bike or participating in spinning classes at the gym, for example, are great options for staying in good physical shape while recovering from orthopedic injuries.

This is because this type of exercise, when done correctly, greatly reduces the impact on the hip, knee and ankle joints, especially when compared to other activities such as running, jumping rope or playing football, for example.

Also check out what to eat to protect and strengthen joints.

3. Increases stamina and tones the legs
Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to continue to function when it has been used for a long time. So, when you are pedaling with resistance on a stationary bike, the muscles adapt and become stronger and toned, especially in the legs and butt.

By increasing the strength and endurance of a muscle, it is also possible to improve the health of the bones and ligaments around it, which causes an increase in strength in daily activities, preventing injuries.

4. Prevents cardiovascular diseases
Exercise on a stationary bike is an important type of cardiovascular exercise as it lowers blood pressure, improves heart function and controls blood sugar levels. In addition, it also reduces bad cholesterol, while increasing good cholesterol, decreasing the risk of clot formation.

Thus, it is possible to avoid various health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke or thrombosis, for example.

See also 9 plants that can protect your heart health.

5. Reduces stress
Doing 30 minutes on a stationary bike or participating in a spinning class causes the body to release more adrenaline and endorphins, which helps to greatly reduce stress levels, in addition to strengthening the immune system and creating a feeling of pleasure and euphoria.

Good exercises!



Let's agree that showering in the morning, or at least washing our face, is what really helps us wake up. And more recent studies have concluded that bath temperature influences how we feel.
Just note that people with insomnia, for example, are instructed to take a warm bath before going to bed to relax. Therefore, the cold bath serves as a “natural alarm clock”. And believe me, science shows many benefits that cold showers can provide for your health and well being.

Having a habit of taking a cold shower can positively impact your health and well-being in many ways.

The most obvious way that cold showers can help you is by keeping you alert. Therefore, it is recommended to take a cold shower in the morning. Thus, you can eliminate the sluggishness once and for all when you wake up.

This happens because the cold stimulates deeper breathing, decreasing the level of CO2 throughout the body, helping with concentration. That is, the cold shower keeps us active and focused throughout the day.

Cold showers are so beneficial for boosting energy that a study has shown this habit to be helpful even for people with depression.

The clinical trial has shown that taking a cold shower for up to 5 minutes, 2-3 times a week, helps relieve depression symptoms as it works like a gentle electroshock therapy.

Cold showers are beneficial as well, as cold water sends many electrical impulses to the brain that jolt your system to increase alertness, clarity, and energy levels.

Endorphins, sometimes called happiness hormones, are also released. This effect leads to feelings of well-being and optimism.

And the benefits do not stop there…

A 2016 study looked at the impact of cold showers on occupational health. The idea was to understand whether people who were in the habit of taking cold showers were less likely to get sick and miss work.

To the researchers' surprise, all the participants became ill. However, people who continued to take a hot bath had the disease more aggravated and had to miss work, while people who took cold baths managed to maintain their routine even though they were not 100% well.

In other words, the cold bath did help with immunity. Not to fight a virus, for example, but to soften its impacts on the body.

Another interesting fact is that the cold bath regardless of whether 30, 60 or 90 seconds (tested time periods) did not impact the final result. That is, a quick 30-second shower is enough to activate the body's immune system.

Cold showers help reduce pain in two ways. The first is that exposure to cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, thus reducing any swelling and swelling that causes pain.

In addition, cold water can also slow down the speed at which nerve signals conduct impulses. By reducing the rate at which nerves transmit pain signals to the brain, a person's perception of pain also decreases.

According to an article in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences, it is as if cold water applications have similar effects as local anesthetics for pain relief.

And you can clearly see this happening when you're holding something cold, the hand tends to go numb.

Cold water bathing can increase the whole-body metabolic rate by about 16% when done routinely.

This happens because the voluntary deviation from the ideal body temperature causes reactions in the body to maintain internal temperature. Some of these reactions are increased metabolic rate to produce heat, which results in weight loss.

The observed benefits are long term (adaptive) and therefore not likely to occur with one or two cold showers alone. They are directly proportional (to some extent) to the variation between the comfort level temperature and the temperature we participate in.

Taking the cold shower is very good, however, don't expect all these benefits just by changing the water temperature.

To have real benefits, cold showers must always be associated with other positive habits such as proper nutrition, physical exercise and a healthy mindset.


Beetroot, Apple and Ginger Juice


2 large beets, cut into large cubes
3 large apples
A small piece of peeled ginger
2 sprigs of parsley
1 lemon juice
Honey to sweeten.

Place all the ingredients in the blender jar, blend until the beets are dissolved, sweeten, strain and serve immediately.



1. Jumping rope is one of the best high-intensity exercises.

2. Jump Rope is known to burn around 1300 calories per hour. This is a very effective way to melt your fat.

3. Jumping rope also burns more calories compared to running. Plus, you don't need to be outdoors to Jump Rope, as it can be done anywhere, so bad weather can't detract from your workout routine.

4. It is still one of the cheapest forms of exercise as you can buy a Jump Rope for less than R$15.00.

5. Jumping rope helps with muscle toning as it is an exercise where you use almost every muscle and only your body weight.

6. It improves foot structure, balance, coordination and agility. Most runners and other athletes jump rope for more thorough training.

7. Jumping rope is also one of the best exercises for resistance training and fitness.

8. Jumping rope is a full-body workout. It is especially great for toning and developing your thighs, shins and calf muscles simultaneously, and it also helps to tone your arms.

9. Another benefit of jumping rope is that this exercise has the power to stimulate the flexor muscles.

10. Studies show that jumping rope exercises put less strain and are less jarring on joints than running, for example. Therefore, it is a low impact exercise when compared to other exercises such as running, for example, and therefore a better option.

11. Exercises like Jump Rope even have the ability to increase cardiovascular health as they improve the heart rate. For this reason, the action of Jump Rope is beneficial for patients suffering from high blood pressure.

12. One of the best qualities of jumping rope is that it can be done by anyone, at any age (as long as you don't have any joint problems) and by practitioners of physical activities from beginners to the most advanced levels.

13. Jump Rope also known to help improve bone density. thus preventing osteoporosis.

14. All that the Jump Rope exercise requires is an appropriate rope, which can even fit in your bag. So you'll never have to miss your workout, all you need is a rope and an open area to burn calories.


Banana Fit Cake


4 mashed dwarf bananas;
3 eggs;
2 tablespoons of almond milk;
1 tablespoon of cinnamon;
2 tablespoons of coconut oil;
1 ½ cups of rolled oats;
1 tablespoon of baking powder;
Sweetener to taste.
Preparation mode:

First, blend all the ingredients in the blender until a creamy mass is formed;
Then, pour this mixture into a greased shape with coconut oil or a silicone one;
Then, bake in a preheated medium oven for 20 minutes;
After that time, wait for the cake to cool a little, unmold and serve.


Flourless spinach pancake
1 egg + 1 white;
1 cup of spinach leaves tea;
2 thin slices of white cheese;
2 slices of turkey breast;
Parsley and pepper to taste;
American lettuce leaves.
Preparation mode
First, beat the eggs, spinach, salt and pepper in a blender;
Heat a non-stick frying pan and distribute the dough very thin;
Cook on both sides, fill with cheese, turkey breast and parsley;
Finally, roll up and serve with iceberg lettuce leaves.


Benefits: Both ginger and cinnamon accelerate the functioning of metabolism. They are thermogenic foods, that is, they raise the body temperature. Therefore, the body expends more energy to maintain body temperature and consequently consumes more calories. The properties of purple grape we all know, anti-oxidants, anti free radicals and a multitude of health benefits.
155 calories

1 cup (200 ml) whole grape juice
2 teaspoons ginger
1 spoon (coffee) of cinnamon powder
