Bioxell Pharma

Bioxell Pharma

Welcome to Bioxell Pharmaceuticals, one of the future MENA region leading research-based healthcare companies.

At Bioxell Pharmaceuticals, we are dedicated to innovating healthcare.


Be Safe...Stay at Home
Safety Comes First
We are One Family
Bioxell Protection Campaign

At the time when everyone steps back, you step forward Regardless,How hard...How stress...How risk ,You are real HEROES,We ‘d love to express our appreciation and gratitude ,For our first line of defense all HCPs ,Bioxell Pharma has honored to continue supporting by providing regular updated medical courses from WHO.
Kindly find the below link of first course


March 2020
Be Safe...Stay at Home
Safety Comes First
We are One Family
Bioxell Pharma Protection Campaign


Be Isolate ... Be Connected
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home
We are One Family
Bioxell Protection Campaign


إنطلاقًا من قناعتنا بأهمية دورنا المجتمعي الإيجابي وحرصاً منا على سلامتكم وتماشياً مع إجراءات وزارة الصحة في سبيل الوقاية والحد من إنتشار فيروس كورونا فقد إتخذنا قرار بالمساهمة الكاملة في عملية تطهير وتعقيم 1000 عيادة طبية من جميع التخصصات المختلفة في كامل أنحاء الجمهورية.
حفظكم الله فوق كل أرض وتحت كل سماء وحماكم من كل
داء وأغناكم عن كل دواء.

Based on our conviction of the importance of our positive societal role and our concern for your safety and in line with the procedures of the Ministry of Health in order to prevent and limit the spread of the Corona virus, we have taken a decision to contribute fully to the process of disinfection and sterilization of 1,000 medical clinics of all different specialties throughout the Republic.
God bless you on every land and under every sky and protect you from any disease and you shall no need for any medicine

Stay Safe ... Be Protected
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home
We are One Family
Bioxell Protection Campaign


Your Safety Comes First
Stay Safe
Be Safe...Stay at Home


Info ... from Experts
Break Your Fear
Stay Safe ... Keep The Safe Distance
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home
We are One Family


Stay Safe ... Keep The Safe Distance
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home
We are One Family


Stay Safe
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home
We are One Family


Stay Safe
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home


Dear healthcare professional
Elsevier gives full access to its content on its COVID-19 Information Center.
Follow the attached link.


Your Safety Comes First
Stay Safe
Be Safe...Stay at Home

Human Resources Director’s Office
Dr. Moustafa Gomaa
According to the developments of events related to fighting and limiting the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and in view of the acceleration of events and the continued discovery of positive cases in some public and private facilities, hospitals and banks, and based on the urgent meeting of the President of the Republic today and the alert to respond to awareness and health prevention campaigns, especially during the current period, that Which requires taking the necessary precautions.

The board of directors of Bioxell Pharma decided
• Attendance is limited to the administrative building, warehouses, and the drug registry office only for the absolute necessity, and the work process from home is completed by e-mail communication, mobile phones, and WhatsApp. And in coordination and implementation by the directors of departments, with continuous working hours reduced from ten in the morning until four in the evening.
• Continued application of self-isolation to all workers in the medical promotion sector in all governorates (medical reps. and district managers). With the presence of BUHs and the directors of departments in the administrative building only for the utmost necessity and in coordination and implementation through the general manager.
• Apply immediate self-isolation to anyone who has been diagnosed with symptoms of high fever, flu symptoms, or the like.
• The continuation of the decision to self-isolate all the company's administrative employees and residents / contacts of persons residing in the aforementioned governorates in the warning to the Ministry of Health, namely: Dakahlia, Damietta, Minya and Giza.
• Applying immediate self-isolation of newly returned European / East Asian countries or those who are in contact with people returning from those suspected countries.
The urgent precautionary decision is implemented until the end of March 2020 and will be dealt with through electronic means and complemented by the work process from home through e-mail communication, mobile phones and WhatsApp. With the possibility of an urgent presence at the office, if necessary, according to business needs.
We work hard to fulfill the promises we made to our employees, while also realizing the need to work safely and protect the health of everyone, we call on workers to adhere to the prevention instructions.
We wish you good health and wellness,
Announcement and implementation shall take place upon approval of the general manager.


COViD 19 - Awareness
Bioxell Pharma
Stay Safe ... Stay Home



Stay Safe ... Stay Home

COViD 19 - Awareness
GiT One Unit Family
Bioxell Pharma

COViD 19 - AWRNS GIT ONE Unit Bioxell Pharma


Stay Safe
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home


We would Say
Happy Mother’s Day For All of Bioxell Pharma Mother’s and Women.
“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend,When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know,Mother is the heartbeat in the home, Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together”

Bioxell Pharma Family.
Happy Mother's Day 🎉🎈


Stay Safe
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home


Your Safety Our First Priority.
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home


بايوكسل فارما تمنح موظفيها أجازة عزل ذاتي اجباري 4 أيام لمواجهة كورونا - سوق الدواء

Your Safety Our First Priority.
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home   أصدر الدكتور نعيم الصباغ رئيس مجلس ادارة شركة بايوكسل فارما قرارات بمنح جميع العاملين في الشركة أجازة عزل ذاتي مؤقت إجباري بداية من اليوم الأربعاء ١٨ مارس وحتى يو....


Your Safety Our First Priority.
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home

*قرار عاجل*

*نظراً لتطورات الأوضاع الراهنة والشديدة الخطورة والجدية*

وحيث أننا نتابع الأمور على مدار الساعة

فقد تقرر منح أجازة *عزل ذاتي مؤقت* إجباري لجميع العاملين بالشركة بداية من غداً الأربعاء ١٨ مارس وحتى يوم السبت ٢١ مارس ٢٠٢٠

على أن نعاود العمل يوم الأحد ٢٢ مارس ٢٠٢٠ طبقاً للقرارات السابقة في خطة مكافحة إنتشار فيروس كورونا وقرار العزل الذاتي الصادرين بتاريخ ١٦ و ١٧ مارس ٢٠٢٠

*برجاء الإلتزام بعدم الخروج من المنزل خلال فترة العزل وإتخاذ جميع إحتياطات الوقاية الصحية والجدية في تنفيذ القرار لخطورة الأمر*

وعلى جميع مديرين الإدارات متابعة تنفيذ القرار

*تم إعتماد الموافقة العاجلة من المدير العام الدكتور رؤوف فايق والسيد رئيس مجلس الإدارة الدكتور نعيم الصباغ*


Your Safety Our First Priority.
Safety Comes First.
Be Safe...Stay at Home


Keep Safe
Your Safety Come First


Adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2004, the "WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health" describes the actions needed to support healthy diets and regular physical activity. The Strategy calls upon all stakeholders to take action at global, regional and local levels to improve diets and physical activity patterns at the population level.


We Are The Core Of Pharma Galaxy !


Bioxell Pharma's cover photo


Let's Say Happy Birthday for Mirna .


•There is little to choose between the different classes of antidepressant drugs in terms of efficacy, so choice should be based on the individual patient’s requirements, including the presence of other existing disease and therapy, su***de risk, and previous response to antidepressant therapy.
•SSRIs are better tolerated and are safer in overdose than other classes of antidepressants and should be considered first-line for treating depression.
•TCAs have similar efficacy to SSRIs, but their more troublesome side-effects leads to patients being more likely to discontinue treatment. TCAs are also more toxic in overdose than SSRIs.
•MAOIs have dangerous interactions with some foods and drugs, and should be reserved for use by specialists.

Ref: Clinical Pharmacology [database online]. Tampa, FL: Gold Standard, Inc.; 2009.


مقابلة_ رؤوف فايق مدير عام شركة بيوكسيل فارما: ضخ 800 مليون جنيه لإقامة مصنع في العاشر من رمضان - أموال الغد انشاء 3 مكاتب علمية في افريقيا.. وتحقيق 500 مليون جنيه مبيعات خلال 2020 نبحث على بدائل للمواد الخام الصينية.. ونسعى لوصول عدد المستحضرات لـ 170 منتج خلال عامين كشف رؤوف فاي....


Happy Women’s Day.
‘’A charming woman doesn’t follow the crowd; she is herself’’


Let's Say Happy Birthday for Ahmed


Let's Say Happy Birthday !!



Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. The pain is often worse after eating, in the evening, or when lying down or bending over.
Occasional heartburn is common and no cause for alarm. Most people can manage the discomfort of heartburn on their own with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications.
Heartburn that is more frequent or interferes with your daily routine may be a symptom of a more serious condition that requires medical care.

Symptoms of heartburn include:
•A burning pain in the chest that usually occurs after eating and may occur at night
•Pain that worsens when lying down or bending over
•Bitter or acidic taste in the mouth


Find Us in Pharmacy Expo 2020

We would like to welcome Bioxell as one of our exhibitors at Pharmacy Expo2020.
Bioxell Pharmaceuticals, one of the future MENA region leading healthcare companies. They are an Egyptian company founded in 2018 with unique assets and skills oriented towards delivering high quality, innovative, branded and generic products trusted by healthcare professionals and patients.
With a huge investment and very powerful company portfolio Bioxell started with 7 Business Units targeting different and potential pharmaceutical markets: Nutrition, Cardiovascular, Gastroenterology, Neuropsychiatry, Orthopedic, Dermatology and cosmetics with immediate expansion running now for Gynecology and Pediatric.
Bioxell has a strong import and export active channels with different agencies to introduce an exceptional European and American range of the most advanced pharmaceutical/cosmeceutical products to the professional community in the Egyptian market and to help African countries with our effective pharmaceutical products.
Pharmacy Expo2020 is the biggest gathering in the pharmaceutical industry and Cosmetics in Egypt, Middle East and Africa. The event will take place at Hilton Heliopolis Cairo at 7,8,9 March.
Registration link:


Let's Say Happy Birthday for Aya .


The major classes of antidepressant drugs include the
•Tricyclic antidepressants,
•Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the
•Selective serotonin and norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and the
•Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
A small number of drugs don’t easily fall into this classification and are listed under Atypical antidepressants like Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressant (NSSA).

Ref: Clinical Pharmacology [database online]. Tampa, FL: Gold Standard, Inc.; 2009.


Let's Say Happy Birthday for Moustafa .


Folliculitis is a common skin condition in which hair follicles become inflamed. It's usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. At first it may look like small red bumps or white-headed pimples around hair follicles — the tiny pockets from which each hair grows. The infection can spread and turn into nonhealing, crusty sores.


Let's Say Happy Birthday for Karim .

Bioxell Pharmaceuticals

We are very pleased to welcome you to Bioxell Pharmaceuticals, one of the future MENA region leading research-based healthcare companies.

At Bioxell Pharmaceuticals, we are dedicated to innovating healthcare. All our efforts are directed towards developing novel solutions for major unmet medical needs. Over the years, our search for better ways of maintaining and restoring health has resulted in a steady stream of pioneering therapeutic products and services. Bioxell focuses on high-class pharmaceutical industry, international standards and healthcare professionals’ satisfaction. In this way, it is well equipped for the competition for the best results with patients in all medical sectors.

We deliver a unique contribution to better healthcare. We aim to reduce suffering and improve health and quality of life of people. At Bioxell Pharmaceuticals, we have pursued this mission with patience, dedication, imagination and skill, for over 15 years we had the idea till become mature project for ex*****on. Our vision is to develop targeted medicines that combine to offer patients, physicians and pharmacists better, safer, more cost-effective healthcare.

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COViD-19 MONITOR March 2020Be Safe...Stay at HomeSafety Comes FirstWe are One Family Bioxell Pharma Protection Campaign ...


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing