The Shamanic Garden

The Shamanic Garden

Mindful living, psychic development, meditation, healing, spiritual growth, consciousness, Gaia

Yes, you read right: The river that’s officially recognised as a ‘legal person’ 22/02/2024

In 2017 the Whanganui became the first river in the world to be recognised as a legal person, bringing closure to one of New Zealand’s longest-running litigations. By conferring a legal personality to the river, the Te Awa Tupua Act reflects the deep ancestral relationship the Whanganui iwi (tribes) have with the sacred waterway.

Yes, you read right: The river that’s officially recognised as a ‘legal person’ New Zealand’s longest navigable river has a personality that changes with every twist and turn.

Alan Watts: Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods Made for Fun 19/02/2024

The quote “Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods Made for Fun” is attributed to Alan Watts, a British philosopher known for his works on interpreting and popularising Eastern philosophy for Western audiences. The statement encapsulates a profound reflection on the nature of human suffering and the significance of perspective in our experience of life.

Alan Watts: Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods Made for Fun The quote "Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods Made for Fun" is attributed to Alan Watts, a British philosopher known for his works on int

Sacred Geometry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe 19/02/2024

Sacred geometry involves the study of geometric shapes and patterns found throughout the natural world and in various spiritual and religious artworks and structures. This discipline ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric proportions and shapes. This article gives a brief overview starting with the Pythagorean Solids and then discussing other sacred patterns, including the Flower of Life.

Sacred Geometry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe Sacred geometry involves the study of geometric shapes and patterns found throughout the natural world and in various spiritual and religious artworks and struc

The Mysterious World Hum 22/01/2024

In every corner of the world, from the bustling streets of urban centers to the tranquility of rural areas, there resonates an enigmatic sound. Known as the "World Hum," this low-frequency vibration lurks just on the edge of human hearing. It's not overtly loud, but its pervasive presence can become irksome once noticed. To some, it's reminiscent of a distant truck idling or the continuous drone of an airplane that never passes. Strangely enough, this hum seems amplified indoors, becoming particularly pronounced at night

The Mysterious World Hum In every corner of the world, from the bustling streets of urban centers to the tranquility of rural areas, there resonates an enigmatic sound. Known as the "Wo

Taoism: Inner Alchemy and the Natural Way of the Universe - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Taoism, an ancient philosophy and religious tradition that emerged from China, presents a vast wealth of spiritual practices and cultural influences that has touched every aspect of Chinese life. In this episode, we delve deeper into the intricate aspects of Taoism such as the pursuit of immortality through inner alchemy, the wisdom of the I Ching, the harmonizing practices with nature, the

Taoism: Inner Alchemy and the Natural Way of the Universe - The Shamanic Garden Taoism, an ancient philosophy and religious tradition that emerged from China, presents a vast wealth of spiritual practices and cultural influences that has touched every aspect of Chinese life. In this episode, we delve deeper into the intricate aspects of Taoism such as the pursuit of immortality...

An Introduction to Hinduism: Part Two - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Hinduism, as a diverse and pluralistic religion, presents a pantheon of deities, each with their unique narratives, symbolisms, and forms of worship. This episode explores the multifaceted world of Hindu deities, the significance of devotion, or Bhakti, and the influential Bhakti and Sant Mat movements.

An Introduction to Hinduism: Part Two - The Shamanic Garden Hinduism, as a diverse and pluralistic religion, presents a pantheon of deities, each with their unique narratives, symbolisms, and forms of worship. This episode explores the multifaceted world of Hindu deities, the significance of devotion, or Bhakti, and the influential Bhakti and Sant Mat moveme...

An Introduction to Hinduism: Part One - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Hinduism, one of the oldest religions in the world, offers an intricate tapestry of philosophical and spiritual concepts that guide the lives of millions worldwide. Central to Hinduism are the concepts of Dharma (righteous duty) and Karma (action and its consequences), along with the ultimate goal of Moksha (liberation).

An Introduction to Hinduism: Part One - The Shamanic Garden Hinduism, one of the oldest religions in the world, offers an intricate tapestry of philosophical and spiritual concepts that guide the lives of millions worldwide. Central to Hinduism are the concepts of Dharma (righteous duty) and Karma (action and its consequences), along with the ultimate goal o...

An Introduction to Taoism; Tao, Wu Wei, and Yin-Yang - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Taoism, a profound philosophy and religious tradition that originated in ancient China, offers insights into the nature of existence, balance, and the way to live a harmonious life. In this episode, we delve into key Taoist concepts such as Tao, Wu Wei, and Yin-Yang, explore the role of meditation and ritual, investigate the transformative power of Taoist philosophy, and consider the influence of

An Introduction to Taoism; Tao, Wu Wei, and Yin-Yang - The Shamanic Garden Taoism, a profound philosophy and religious tradition that originated in ancient China, offers insights into the nature of existence, balance, and the way to live a harmonious life. In this episode, we delve into key Taoist concepts such as Tao, Wu Wei, and Yin-Yang, explore the role of meditation a...

Spirituality and Personal Growth: Pathways to Inner Transformation - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

The pursuit of spirituality and personal growth are two intertwined journeys that often serve as the bedrock of a fulfilling, meaningful existence. These concepts transcend religious doctrines or practices, encapsulating a broader understanding of our position in the cosmos, our interc***ectedness with others, and our quest for self-improvement.

Spirituality and Personal Growth: Pathways to Inner Transformation - The Shamanic Garden The pursuit of spirituality and personal growth are two intertwined journeys that often serve as the bedrock of a fulfilling, meaningful existence. These concepts transcend religious doctrines or practices, encapsulating a broader understanding of our position in the cosmos, our interc***ectedness w...

Unlock Inner Peace: Meditation Techniques for Stillness and Clarity - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

In our constantly buzzing, frenetic world, finding a moment of stillness can feel akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Yet, amidst the whirlpool of life, inner tranquility and clarity beckon. They reside in a space readily accessible to all of us, a sanctuary of calmness called meditation.

Unlock Inner Peace: Meditation Techniques for Stillness and Clarity - The Shamanic Garden In our constantly buzzing, frenetic world, finding a moment of stillness can feel akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Yet, amidst the whirlpool of life, inner tranquility and clarity beckon. They reside in a space readily accessible to all of us, a sanctuary of calmness called meditation. Let's....

Christianity: Built on The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Christianity is built on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whose message of love, compassion, and salvation has profoundly shaped human history. This article will explore Jesus' life and teachings, the biblical texts, the concept of salvation, the role of prayer, the transformative power of faith, the various Christian denominations, and the importance of charity and community service.

Christianity: Built on The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ - The Shamanic Garden Christianity is built on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whose message of love, compassion, and salvation has profoundly shaped human history. This episode will explore Jesus' life and teachings, the biblical texts, the concept of salvation, the role of prayer, the transformative power of fa...

The Relationship Between Mindful Productivity and Well-being in the Context of Technology - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

The ever-evolving world of technology has deeply embedded itself into the fabric of our lives, influencing the way we work, communicate, and think. It has brought an array of advantages, notably the increase in productivity and efficiency.

The Relationship Between Mindful Productivity and Well-being in the Context of Technology - The Shamanic Garden The ever-evolving world of technology has deeply embedded itself into the fabric of our lives, influencing the way we work, communicate, and think. It has brought an array of advantages, notably the increase in productivity and efficiency. Yet, there's an ongoing debate about how this constant c***e...

Breaking Free: Your Guide to Overcoming Phone and Social Media Addiction - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

In contemporary society, the prevalence of smartphones has surged significantly, with over 3.8 billion users globally. The ubiquitous nature of these devices has sparked a gradual escalation in phone addiction, colloquially termed “nomophobia,” the apprehension associated with being without a mobile device.

Breaking Free: Your Guide to Overcoming Phone and Social Media Addiction - The Shamanic Garden Introduction In contemporary society, the prevalence of smartphones has surged significantly, with over 3.8 billion users globally. The ubiquitous nature of these devices has sparked a gradual escalation in phone addiction, colloquially termed “nomophobia,” the apprehension associated with being...

Sustainable Homes: Harnessing Technology for a Greener Tomorrow - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

In recent years, mounting concerns over climate change have sparked a burgeoning interest in sustainable living, promoting a lifestyle harmonious with the environment (IPCC, 2021). Individual efforts, when accumulated, have a substantial impact on mitigating environmental degradation.

Sustainable Homes: Harnessing Technology for a Greener Tomorrow - The Shamanic Garden In recent years, mounting concerns over climate change have sparked a burgeoning interest in sustainable living, promoting a lifestyle harmonious with the environment (IPCC, 2021). Individual efforts, when accumulated, have a substantial impact on mitigating environmental degradation. This article p...

Christian Mysticism: Abiding Love and Mystical Marriage - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Christian mysticism, contemplative prayer, and monastic life each offer a unique perspective on the spiritual dimensions of the Christian faith. This episode will explore these facets of Christianity, as well as delve into Christian symbolism, sacraments, and the religion's impact on Western thought. We will also discuss Christian values, ethics, and the world of apologetics.

Christian Mysticism: Abiding Love and Mystical Marriage - The Shamanic Garden Christian mysticism, contemplative prayer, and monastic life each offer a unique perspective on the spiritual dimensions of the Christian faith. This episode will explore these facets of Christianity, as well as delve into Christian symbolism, sacraments, and the religion's impact on Western thought...

Breath of Life: A Comprehensive Guide to Mindful Breathing Techniques - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Mindful breathing, also known as breath awareness meditation, is a type of mindfulness practice that involves focusing your attention on your breath. The practice helps in cultivating mindfulness, which is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

Breath of Life: A Comprehensive Guide to Mindful Breathing Techniques - The Shamanic Garden Mindful breathing, also known as breath awareness meditation, is a type of mindfulness practice that involves focusing your attention on your breath. The practice helps in cultivating mindfulness, which is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknow...

Journeying Inward for Personal Growth with Self-Reflection - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

In the whirlwind of daily life, it can be incredibly fulfilling to take a moment to turn inwards, journeying into the recesses of your mind to foster personal and spiritual growth. Through self-reflection, a practice rooted deeply in meditation, we can find inner stillness and clarity.

Journeying Inward for Personal Growth with Self-Reflection - The Shamanic Garden In the whirlwind of daily life, it can be incredibly fulfilling to take a moment to turn inwards, journeying into the recesses of your mind to foster personal and spiritual growth. Through self-reflection, a practice rooted deeply in meditation, we can find inner stillness and clarity. So, grab your...

Transformative Effects of Sound on the Body, Mind, and Spirit - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Sound healing, sometimes also referred to as vibrational medicine, is a practice that uses the power of sound and its vibrations to restore one's mind, body, and spirit to a state of balance and harmony. Sound healing is based on the fundamental principle that all matter, including our bodies, consists of vibrations or frequencies (Perricone, 2008).

Transformative Effects of Sound on the Body, Mind, and Spirit - The Shamanic Garden Sound healing, sometimes also referred to as vibrational medicine, is a practice that uses the power of sound and its vibrations to restore one's mind, body, and spirit to a state of balance and harmony. Sound healing is based on the fundamental principle that all matter, including our bodies, consi...

Unlocking the Secrets of Sacred Rituals for a Nourished Soul - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Hello kindred spirits and curious minds! Today, we dive deep into the nurturing embrace of sacred rituals, which have cradled humanity in their gentle arms for centuries. These rituals are far more than just traditions; they are a way to nourish our souls and honor life's significant transitions. Join me on this enlightening journey as we unravel the delicate fabrics woven by rituals in our lives.

Unlocking the Secrets of Sacred Rituals for a Nourished Soul - The Shamanic Garden Hello kindred spirits and curious minds! Today, we dive deep into the nurturing embrace of sacred rituals, which have cradled humanity in their gentle arms for centuries. These rituals are far more than just traditions; they are a way to nourish our souls and honor life's significant transitions. Jo...

Symbolism and Significance of Mermaids: Real or Imagination? - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

The lore of mermaids is a fascinating tapestry that weaves its way through numerous cultures across time and geography. From ancient Assyria to the British Isles, and from the Caribbean to the Far East, these enchanting aquatic beings have left a lasting impression on humanity's collective imagination (Bane, 2014)1.

Symbolism and Significance of Mermaids: Real or Imagination? - The Shamanic Garden The lore of mermaids is a fascinating tapestry that weaves its way through numerous cultures across time and geography. From ancient Assyria to the British Isles, and from the Caribbean to the Far East, these enchanting aquatic beings have left a lasting impression on humanity's collective imaginati...

The Closer We Get to the Heart of the Matter the Further Away it Gets - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

The Oscillating Heart of the Matter: Navigating the Paradox of Proximity and Distance

There lies a confounding pattern in the delicate fabric of human experience, where attempts to discern the nuances of profound issues only seem to entangle one further in webs of complexity.

The Closer We Get to the Heart of the Matter the Further Away it Gets - The Shamanic Garden The Oscillating Heart of the Matter: Navigating the Paradox of Proximity and Distance There lies a confounding pattern in the delicate fabric of human experience, where attempts to discern the nuances of profound issues only seem to entangle one further in webs of complexity. It echoes the words of....

Embracing Sustainability and Eco-consciousness in Everyday Life - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

As the clarion call for a greener, sustainable future grows louder, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history where each of us has a role to play in fostering a harmonious relationship with our beloved Mother Earth. To truly honor our earthly home on a day-to-day basis, it requires a commitment to sustainability and eco-consciousness.

Embracing Sustainability and Eco-consciousness in Everyday Life - The Shamanic Garden As the clarion call for a greener, sustainable future grows louder, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history where each of us has a role to play in fostering a harmonious relationship with our beloved Mother Earth. To truly honor our earthly home on a day-to-day basis, it requires a commitme...

Crystal Grids 101: How to Harness the Healing Energies of these Powerful Allies - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Crafting Your Crystal Grid

Crafting a crystal grid is a personal journey, an artistic endeavor where your intentions, desires, and the energy of crystals meet. Below is a guide to help you in creating a crystal grid that resonates with your goals and ambitions.

Step 1: Setting Your Intention

The first step in crafting your crystal grid is defining your intention.

Crystal Grids 101: How to Harness the Healing Energies of these Powerful Allies - The Shamanic Garden Crafting Your Crystal Grid Crafting a crystal grid is a personal journey, an artistic endeavor where your intentions, desires, and the energy of crystals meet. Below is a guide to help you in creating a crystal grid that resonates with your goals and ambitions. Step 1: Setting Your Intention The fir...

Mindful Parenting 101: How to Foster a Harmonious Home - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

The principles of mindful parenting stem from the teachings of mindfulness itself, which is the cultivation of present-moment awareness with an attitude of openness and non-judgment. The foundation of mindful parenting is understanding that the way we parent our children directly reflects our internal state (Duncan, Coatsworth, & Greenberg, 2009)1.

Mindful Parenting 101: How to Foster a Harmonious Home - The Shamanic Garden The principles of mindful parenting stem from the teachings of mindfulness itself, which is the cultivation of present-moment awareness with an attitude of openness and non-judgment. The foundation of mindful parenting is understanding that the way we parent our children directly reflects our intern...

Spiritual Awakening: Embarking on the Path of Enlightenment - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Awakening and its Signs

Spiritual awakening is like greeting the dawn of a new day; it’s the process of becoming more c***ected to one's true self and the universe. It is often marked by a newfound understanding of life and the world around us.

Spiritual Awakening: Embarking on the Path of Enlightenment - The Shamanic Garden Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Awakening and its Signs Spiritual awakening is like greeting the dawn of a new day; it’s the process of becoming more c***ected to one's true self and the universe. It is often marked by a newfound understanding of life and the world around us. Notable spirit...

Unlock Deeper Bonds: The Ultimate Guide to Conscious Communication and Emotional Intimacy - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Conscious communication is a crucial factor in fostering and maintaining strong relationships. It entails bringing a high degree of awareness to the way we express ourselves verbally and non-verbally, aiming to be genuine, respectful, and empathetic in our interactions (Lerner, 2012).

Unlock Deeper Bonds: The Ultimate Guide to Conscious Communication and Emotional Intimacy - The Shamanic Garden Conscious communication is a crucial factor in fostering and maintaining strong relationships. It entails bringing a high degree of awareness to the way we express ourselves verbally and non-verbally, aiming to be genuine, respectful, and empathetic in our interactions (Lerner, 2012). Conscious comm...

Breath as an Anchor: Harnessing the Power of Now through Mindful Breathing - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor,” reflects Thich Nhat Hanh, guiding us into the world of mindful breathing, where each inhale and exhale can be a sanctuary of peace (Hanh, 1996). Mindful breathing, also referred to as pranayama in yogic traditions, is indeed a gateway to grounding oneself in the midst of life's tumultuous waves.

Breath as an Anchor: Harnessing the Power of Now through Mindful Breathing - The Shamanic Garden “Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor,” reflects Thich Nhat Hanh, guiding us into the world of mindful breathing, where each inhale and exhale can be a sanctuary of peace (Hanh, 1996). Mindful breathing, also referred to as pranayama in yogic traditio...

20 Effective Stress Management Techniques for a Calm Life - The Shamanic Garden 22/01/2024

Modern life comes with its fair share of challenges, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. By employing a combination of strategies, we can navigate these waters with greater ease. Here’s a deeper dive into 20 stress management techniques:

1. Deep Breathing

Benefits: Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

20 Effective Stress Management Techniques for a Calm Life - The Shamanic Garden Modern life comes with its fair share of challenges, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. By employing a combination of strategies, we can navigate these waters with greater ease. Here’s a deeper dive into 20 stress management techniques: 1. Deep Breathing Benefits: Deep breathing counters the effect...

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