Kingdom Marketing Secrets

Kingdom Marketing Secrets

I help Christian Coaches & Experts Land Their Dream Clients Fast Using Our Rapid Success System!


Back in 2016, I went full-time in my online coaching business and along with that, I had big dreams and high hopes.

But as the years passed, reality set in.

Despite my best efforts, I was barely scraping by.

It felt like I was constantly swimming against the tide.

Then, everything changed in 2020.

I discovered 7 crucial mistakes I kept repeating and eliminated them immediately and everything changed seemingly overnight!

The result?

My business skyrocketed to six figures in just 59 days, and I've maintained multiple six-figure earnings every year since.

I want to help you achieve the same breakthrough.

Join my live Zoom Friday where I'll share the 7 biggest mistakes that are holding you back from a 6-figure plus business and how you can overcome them.

Limited spots are available – secure yours today!

Here's the link:


In today's digital age, information is power...
..but actually, people don't want information anymore because information is everywhere.

What do people want and will pay for today?

People want specific applied & organized knowledge that can apply to their unique circumstances ...
.. and those of us who can leverage our expertise to create valuable content and products are poised for success.

Whether you're a coach, consultant, educator, creative, or service provider, the Knowledge Commerce industry offers unparalleled opportunities to monetize your skills and knowledge.

By tapping into this rapidly growing multi-billion (soon to be
trillion) dollar market, you can build a business that not only generates income but also makes a meaningful impact on people's lives.

If you want a deeper dive into the benefits of being part of the Knowledge Commerce revolution ...
.. and how you can capitalize on this trend to create a thriving business that aligns with your passions and values...


You'll see how you can unlock new possibilities and transform your expertise into a lucrative business venture!!

See you there!


The FINAL FREE MASTERCLASS from Coach Chris will be live on Zoom today at Noon ET. Get Your Seat ASAP:



If you're a Business Coach who wants to finish 2023 strong ...
.. now is not the time to take your foot off the gas.

In fact, you should do quite the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

Below are 3 tips to finish 2023 strong in your coaching business.

#1 - Strategic Planning

Develop a strategic plan for the remaining weeks.

Start by identifying key priorities and creating a roadmap to achieve them.

Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps to make progress more manageable.

This will help in focusing efforts and resources effectively to accomplish important objectives by the year-end.

#2 - Client Appreciation and Relationship Building
Show gratitude to existing clients.

Consider sending personalized thank-you notes, offering discounts for future sessions, or hosting a client appreciation event.

Building strong relationships and acknowledging client loyalty can lead to referrals and repeat business, boosting the year-end performance.

#3 - Optimize Online Presence

Enhance your online presence by updating your website, refreshing social media profiles, and creating engaging live virtual events.

You can share success stories, testimonials, and valuable insights on your live virtual event to attract new clients.

Leveraging the holiday season for themed content or promotions can further amplify your visibility and attract potential clients as well.

These three tips emphasize strategic planning for goal achievement, nurturing existing client relationships, and maximizing your online presence to attract new clients with a live virtual event ...
.. all of which are critical for you as a Business Coach to finish 2023 on a strong note.

Want help getting this setup right now in your business?



🤔 Still struggling with doing Challenges, Webinars or Sales calls?

Maybe you like me have paid the “gurus” tens of thousands to learn how to do challenges, webinars and sales calls ...
.. but find yourself overworked, attracting bad clients and not being paid what you are worth. 😥

💡 If so, the bottleneck falls into 2 key areas:

(1) Your Messaging
(2) Your Sales Process

After changing my messaging and sales process ...
.. I was able to do over $100K in only 59 days in my Coaching and Consulting business and begin to attract the clients of my dreams. 🤑

Also, I taught this to a small group of Coaches and Consultants.....and today, 43% of them now have 5-figure monthly coaching businesses from this as well so I know this works. 🤑

If you want to discover how to fix this in your business today ..... join me for a FREE 3-Day Dream Client Intensive by clicking the link now: ⬅️

During this Intensive, you’ll discover:

✅ The Right MINDSET to attract dream clients
✅ The Right MESSAGING to attract dream clients
✅ The Right METHOD to attract dream clients

Now before you click the link to register now, let me tell you who this Intensive is FOR?

This is FOR you if you are currently selling Coaching and Consulting and if you currently have paying clients. 👍🏽

This is NOT for you if want to learn how to become a coach or consultant or if you don’t currently have an offer. 🙅🏽‍♂️

Otherwise, go ahead and click the link now, get your seat and I can’t wait to see you in the class! 💻

🔥 This is a game-changer!

~ Chris


Seriously if you haven’t already registered for the Get Clients Consistently 5-Day Intensive, you need to stop what you are doing and do it right now.

Sign up in the comments below!

If you decide not to attend the Get Clients Consistently Intensive, you won’t be missing out on just the Intensive itself…

• You’ll be missing out on a clear, concise, and proven Kingdom sales process that accelerates your business growth rapidly (even if you’re brand new) by connecting you with your ideal client through the power of virtual events.

• You’ll be missing out on finally owning a consistent, reliable, predictable, and scalable marketing and sales system that positions YOU as the Authority and go-to person your audience wants to work with.

• You’ll be missing out on an untold number of leads, sales, opportunities, lives transformed, impact and invitations that can further solidify you as THE person to know in your niche and reinforce your brand.

And trust me when I say you don’t want to ignore those kinds of opportunities. Join the Get Clients Consistently Intensive now.



I'm doing a Special ENCORE Get Clients Consistently 5-Day Intensive starting Monday!

Get your seat now:


🔥 5 days and counting until the official kick-off of the Get Clients Consistently 5-Day Intensive.

I’ve come to learn, just as you will when you join the *** Get Clients Consistently Intensive ***, that being a guru, having 1M followers, being the most popular, and any other myth you believe you need to create a successful coaching/expert business online can literally change seemingly overnight with the right sales process.

And your trials, challenges, disappointments, and frustration are all a part of your journey to finally getting that Breakthrough you've been praying for and expecting.

You can't even imagine the success map the Get Clients Consistently Intensive is going to give you so you can connect with the people who have been assigned to you.

I hope you have secured your spot!


🔥🎉 Yes! God did it again! 49 times we get to celebrate this day!! 🎉🔥

23/07/2023 ⬅️⬅️⬅️


Details at



If you want to GET CLIENTS CONSISTENTLY, Join our live Zoom session today at 🎯🔥


Want to get clients consistently?

Get Your Seat Now!!


Are you set up to win?


2022 is over.

It’s July 10th, you have 199 more days left to create the business you want.

And if you didn’t accomplish your goals last year…

Or even start them…

The good news is that it’s NOT too late.

In fact,

My team and I put something special together that we feel will help you end the year with massive success…

… and give you a massive head start on the competition too!

Tap here for all the details »



Great Morning Kings and Queens! 👑



You may have heard that Chris held a LIVE training yesterday showing how you can use the 'reverse virtual event' formula for your business.

We had a ton of people on the line and the feedback I got was awesome!

We also had a lot of people who weren't able to attend.

As you know - we don't normally do this -


This time we have decided to host an 'Encore' training on Tuesday.

Click here to find out the details:

Videos (show all)

🤔 Still struggling with doing Challenges, Webinars or Sales calls?Maybe you like me have paid the “gurus” tens of thousa...
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