Learn with Simona: Mastering English
English is a beautiful language. It is considered the 'universal language'.
Grammar rules
Long vowels words
Types of words - nouns, verbs, adjective......
Tongue Twist Masters. Why on earth would I want to learn tongue twisters? #tonguetwisters #esl Hey there, YouTube fam! Welcome back to "Learn with Simona: Mastering English". Today, we've got something really fun and interesting to talk about – tongue ...
20 Most Useful Idioms with Explanations and Examples
Immerse Yourself Daily #englishlearning #esl #englishtips My tip for today is quite simple yet incredibly effective: Immerse Yourself Daily. Yes, immersing yourself in the language is like diving into a pool of know...
Easy Methods for Improving English Reading Skills
- Decide what you want to read
- Take it slow
- Reread
- A list of unfamiliar words
- Read aloud
- Summarize
Easy Methods for Improving English Reading Skills Easy Methods for Improving English Reading Skills - Decide what you want to read - Take it slow - Reread - A list of unfamiliar words - Read aloud - Summariz...
The present simple tense is used to talk about actions that happen regularly, repeatedly, or are generally true. It's also used for scheduled events in the future. Here's a simple explanation with examples:
For most verbs, add 's' to the base form in the third person singular (he/she/it).
For other pronouns (I, you, we, they) and plural nouns, use the base form.
Habits/General Truths/Įpročiai/Bendros tiesos:
She brushes her teeth twice a day.
Cats like to chase mice.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
The sun rises in the east.
The Earth revolves around the sun.
The sky appears blue during the day.
Scheduled Events/Numatomi įvykiai:
The train leaves at 9 AM tomorrow.
The concert starts at 7:30 PM on Saturday.
First, you mix the ingredients. Then, you bake the cake.
Every morning, they run for exercise.
I love chocolate.
He dislikes waking up early.
The book belongs to Sarah.
Remember that the present simple tense does not indicate actions happening right now; it focuses on habits, routines, facts, and scheduled events.
Atminkite, kad paprastasis esamasis laiko forma nenurodo veiksmų, vykstančių šiuo metu; ji sutelkta į įpročius, rutiną, faktus ir numatomus įvykius.
Hello friends,
I would like to share with you my long-standing journey of love for foreign languages and learning. From the very first encounter with foreign languages, my eyes began to sparkle with new worlds and possibilities.
The English language is one of those languages that has provided me not only with communication skills but also opened doors to different cultures, knowledge, and adventures. It has accompanied me from the very beginning and has become an inseparable part of my life.
Every language lesson was like a new challenge and a journey to knowledge. Learning different languages, I understood how people express themselves in various ways and how a multitude of international friends revealed new perspectives to me.
The desire to learn languages led me to foreign countries, where I met amazing people who shared their cultural roots and their life stories. It was an unparalleled experience that enriched me not only linguistically but also personally.
My journey into the world of foreign languages is just beginning, and I eagerly await all the new challenges and opportunities it can bring to my life. If you also have stories to share about your adventures with foreign languages, I would love to hear them!
Sveiki draugai,
Norėčiau su jumis pasidalinti mano ilgamečiu užsienio kalbų meilės ir mokymosi nuotykiu. Nuo pat pirmojo mano susitikimo su užsienio kalbomis, mano akys pradėjo žibėti naujais pasauliais ir galimybėmis.
Anglų kalba yra viena iš tų kalbų, kurios man suteikė ne tik komunikacijos įgūdžių, bet ir atvėrė duris į skirtingas kultūras, žinias bei nuotykius. Ji mane palydėjo nuo pačių pradžių ir tapo neatsiejama mano gyvenimo dalimi.
Kiekvienas kalbos pamoka buvo kaip naujas iššūkis ir kelionė į žinias. Pasimokiusi skirtingų kalbų, supratau, kaip įvairiais būdais žmonės išreiškia save ir kaip gausybė tarptautinių draugų atsivėrė man naujas perspektyvas.
Norėjimas išmokti kalbas mane nuvedė ir į užsienio šalis, kur susipažinau su nuostabiais žmonėmis, kurie dalijosi savo kultūrinėmis šaknimis ir pasidalijo savo gyvenimo istorijomis. Tai buvo nepakartojama patirtis, kuri praturtino mane ne tik lingvistiškai, bet ir asmeniškai.
Mano kelionė užsienio kalbų pasaulyje dar tik prasideda, ir aš su nekantrumu laukiu visų naujų iššūkių ir galimybių, kurias jos gali atnešti mano gyvenimui. Jei ir Jūs turite ką papasakoti apie savo užsienio kalbų nuotykius, labai norėčiau išgirsti juos!
Shadowing Technique in English: are you wasting your time? Do you use shadowing when practicing English? Shadowing is one of the best ways to improve your English speaking skills as it helps improve pronunciation, in...
How You Can Become a Fluent English Speaker ALONE Is it possible to become fluent in English without traveling to an English-speaking country? In today's lesson, Thiago will share his story with you.► Speak ...
How I Never Forget New Words in English I'll tell you exactly what you need to know to keep your brain allive, and remember all the English words you learn (forever).👇 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗟𝗶𝗳...
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The lion and the rabbit