Everyday People Outdoors

Everyday People Outdoors

We offer people simple, effective, and affordable solutions to get outdoors everyday.


The outdoors are a whole lot more fun with dessert!

Happy National Dessert Day!

Grab your cast iron skillet and make a dump cake, cinnamon rolls or apple turnovers TODAY!


Everyday Outdoor lifestyles are not about crazy adventures, extreme clothing and long away adventures.

They are about making it a point to get outdoors everyday in whatever way that looks like for you.

It can be a morning walk, coffee on the deck or just some simple grounding.


Just as those who discovered this country looked out over the open waters and looked for new horizons I to use the outdoors to find new horizons.

For those that were here and those that came they found beauty, grace and peace in the many wonders of America and I to like to explore the amazing wonders of this country.


What if this trip was the trip that changed your life.

I know people play the what if game a lot in the negative direction and a lot of moms do this when it comes to camping.

What if we wreck on the way? What if my kid falls down and I am too far from the nearest hospital? What if we forget food? What if we forget Johnny’s medicine? What if it rains the whole time?

I could keep going on and on and on about all the “what ifs” that could happen while spending time in the outdoors. The real question you should be asking yourself is what if this is the trip that changes the direction of our family?

What if just taking a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood every night with your partner is what reconnects the two of you and builds a stronger foundation for your marriage?

What if this hike is the one where you decide to jog a bit and become a ultimate trail runner competing in races and inspiring millions?

What if this is the trip where your child falls in love with nature and works the rest of their lives with the purpose of saving the earth?

What if your family has such a great adventure that your kids live on to create those same adventures with their kids?

I never look at the “what if” in a negative way, I choose to look at the what if as something positive.

What if this was the trip that changed everything for you?


There is a law of ecology that says everything is connected to everything else.

This explains how ecosystems are connected to one another. Whether you believe it or not we are part of the ecosystem, we do not sit above it as some would claim.

We are connected to everything in the outdoors which is why so many people find peace, calm, focus and connection when they spend time outdoors.

It’s why so many use the outdoors as an escape from reality, really what they are searching for is a connection back to themselves when life pulls them off track.

As humans we, more times than not, feel our most connected when we are outside. We are connected to our source, to ourselves and to the ecosystem that we all exist in.

Being outdoors is not just about breathing fresh air or taking in a gorgeous sunset, it’s about creating that connection back to ourselves.

The key then is to take that experience and live as your true self everyday after.


I didn't think my story mattered........

And in all reality it may not truly matter but I feel like the entire world is based on stories.

Stories we tell each other, stories we bring to life and stories we use as lessons to be better people.

So whether my story matters or not is only in my head. If this story helps one woman live better then that makes it matter.


Slowing down to speed up is always a struggle for me but somehow big around water always seems to slow me down

Listening to the waves crash ashore or just the calm sounds of a still lake bring about so much peace.

When is the last time you just sat by the water and felt peace?


You need the outdoors more than the outdoors needs you and now is the time, more than ever before, to make the outdoors a priority for you.

The world is getting crazy, it is getting crazy and you are constantly being pushed to get deeper and deeper into the technology world.

The fact is as humans we were not built to live in a technological world, we were built to be a part of the larger outdoor ecosystem.

We need it!

Face the facts that you are being pushed in a direction that is not biologically in line with what you should be doing.

Get back to being in line with yourself and get outdoors.


This is what Everyday Outdoors means to me….

It’s not backpacking in far away places or hiking some big mountain…

It’s everyday living incorporating the outdoors.

These small moments outdoors are what allow me to do big things in this life!


Find the beauty in the simple everyday things outdoors!


In 2020, 53 percent of Americans ages 6 and over participated in outdoor recreation at least once, the highest participation rate on record.

Remarkably, 7.1 million more Americans participated in outdoor recreation in 2020 than in the year prior.

This is great news....


Have you continued the outdoor lifestyle?

With more and more people online for hours everyday it is imperative that we get outdoors more.

Everyday People Outdoors is helping you create those outdoor experiences that are easy, fun and feed the soul.


By definition, humans are drawn to nature and natural things.

Nature stimulates the parasympathetic system and lowers stress.

Studies have shown that walks outside, being around trees and nature in general lower stress levels.

Studies also show that employees are more productive, hospital stays are shorter, and patients use less medication when biophilic design is used.


You don’t need special shoes just get outdoors!!!


The Four Laws of Ecology.....

The first of these informal laws, Everything is connected to everything else, indicates how ecosystems are complex and interconnected.

The second law of ecology, Everything must go somewhere, restates a basic law of thermodynamics: in nature, there is no final waste, matter and energy are preserved, and the waste produced in one ecological process is recycled in another.

Nature knows best, the third informal law of ecology, Commoner writes, “holds that any major man-made change in a natural system is likely to be detrimental to that system.”

There is no such thing as a free lunch. The fourth informal law of ecology expresses that the exploitation of nature always carries an ecological cost.

Nature is truly the balance for us, we need it, our bodies crave it and without it we will fall out of balance with our self and with the entire ecosystem.

If you feel off these days try getting out into nature!


Have you entered our giveaway yet?


18% of adults and children get outside at least once per week. Only 18%?

That is dangerously LOW.

We need the outdoors and we need to be outdoors multiple times per week.

Only being outdoors one time per week is not enough.

When is the last time you were outdoors multiple days in a week and I don’t mean just walking to your car after work?

When was the last time you took four evening walks in one week?

When was the last time you and your family played outside multiple evenings in a row?


Yes that is the biggest secret to the outdoors, it is for everyone.

It doesn’t matter your color, creed, gender or whatever else the outdoors is the only place that every human on this planet needs and should make time for on a regular basis.

If you are worried about whether you fit in with the outdoors I am here to tell you the only reason you are thinking that is because somewhere deep down inside of you, you are craving the outdoors, so just go!

Get outdoors!

Go for a walk, drink your coffee on the deck, take in some fresh air, feed your body with the outdoor life it is craving.

It doesn’t have to be hard, you just have to do it.


Do you start your mornings with things that please you?


Take your work outdoors today!


Just close your eyes for one second.

Close them tight and think about your happy place. That place you love to go to escape, relax and find peace.

Is that place somewhere outdoors or has an outdoor component to it?

I bet with 99% certainly for most of you it does.

For most people when you ask them to close their eyes and go to their happy place they envision an outdoor paradise or even an indoor cabana where you are being massaged but have the doors open and the warm ocean breeze is blowing in.

If you always go to an outdoor space when you imagine your happy place why are you not creating that space for yourself right now.

It is simple to create a backyard oasis, it’s easy to make arrangements for that masseuse to come to your house in your beautifully landscaped yard and give you a massage.

It’s easy to do this but yet so few actually create their happy place.

It’s not too late, create that happy place for yourself.


Are you safe?



We are doing a BIG summer giveaway this month and it is so easy to enter.

To Enter:
1. Share you favorite outdoor summer photo in the comments below.

2. Share this post with your family and friends and get them to like your photo.

3. That's it you are entered. (the more likes you get on your photo from sharing the more times you are entered)

We will be giving away t-shirts, a Dick's gift card, water bottles and summer cooler bag.

Enter TODAY!


Happy 4th of July!

We hope you are getting outdoors and enjoying this beautiful country of ours today!


I know it's kind of ironic that you are reading this on a digital platform and I am asking how you shut off the noise but just hear me out on this.

I don’t care who you are, your biological makeup is not meant to live behind a screen.

You are not meant to just live and die with nothing significant in between. You are meant for more, you are meant to create your own noise in this world.

You can’t do that if you are constantly watching someone else’s noise all the time.

It’s not enough anymore to just put your phone down only to pick it up an hour later, it’s not enough anymore to only have one hour a day where you are not looking at a screen, it’s not enough anymore to spend all you time indoors.

You will not survive the evolution that is coming. You are going to have to find ways to turn off the noise completely, find your way to the outdoors and create your own noise that is much louder than any outside voices.

You can’t do this when you are listening to others.

You must get outdoors and start listening to yourself.


Be the example!!


Need some ?


Try getting up a little earlier to enjoy the sunrise.


Do you ever feel lost?

Not like physically lost although heading down the wrong hiking trail can leave you lost.

What I mean though is in life, do you ever feel lost?

I feel like with all the noise going on in the world right now people are feeling lost. They are lost on what to do, how to do it, how to get involved, how to keep our freedoms, how to stay healthy and really on and on and on. Whenever I am feeling lost I literally go get lost.

My body feels when I need more time in the outdoors beyond my daily outdoor practices, it knows when I need to go wander the woods for a bit.

Now mind you I do this in safe ways but I go out with the intention of just walking and taking in everything I see.

I allow myself to get lost in thoughts, I take down notes on my phone, I clear my mind, I just let the trail take me wherever.

Every time I do this I am telling you I come back feeling like I can conquer the world.

The pains of life are real.

As humans we go through some really hard things but feeling lost and without purpose can be easily remedied.

Allow yourself to get into the outdoors and get a little lost, literally.


This is any time I work outside my house

This is everything I carry

In one bag

With my ready

Ladies we need to be protected, we need to run our companies and we need our healthy food.

One bag that does it all

Coming this fall!!!


Getting outdoors is a truth of human life
We need it now more than ever with everything going on in the world.
But our brand is not about extreme adventures or having a certain type of clothing.
It's about having a simple t-shirt, like this one, and getting outdoors.
That can be a walk in the neighborhood, a hike at a local park or even a full day trip with several adventures.
Keep the outdoors simple
Keep it fun
Keep it refreshing for your soul
Just Get Outdoors
Shirts are live on our site and ready for your outdoor adventure.


The benefits of camping far outweigh any downsides!

Don’t worry about what could happen and just enjoy your time.

Slow down your pace and enjoy nature!


Keep it simple!!

Let your kids use the outdoors to spark their creativity and learn new things.

Bring these four things and then let the rest go.

1. Snacks
2. A towel
3. Bug spray
4. Sun block

Let them use their imaginations to figure out the rest!


I could just end this right there, YOU MATTER!

It’s funny when I get into the outdoors though one of the things I am instantly reminded of is that I am a small spec in the much larger nature universe.

There are billions of things happening around me the second I step out of my camper on a great morning by the lake that I have no control over.

Everything I the universe matters at that point to the balance of nature.

This includes you, yes you.

You matter to the universe whether you want to believe it or not.

I know we often times go through the rat race questioning if what we are doing really matters or if our lives mean anything and I am here to tell you that it does, it all means something.

After my body crashed in 2013 I asked so many questions about what mattered to me and if what I was doing had any purpose to it.

Then I got outdoors more, I figured out a way to make the outdoor lifestyle a part of my regular life and I learned that I mattered to the universe.

I had a purpose here and that purpose is to create experiences for people in the outdoors that they may not otherwise get that will change their lives.

I started to realize I mattered every time I stepped out of my camper on a cool crisp fall morning.

I mattered to the universe and it is my duty to make sure that my purpose is fulfilled.

It is my duty to make sure I am a good steward of the earth and it is my duty to build a company that will help others see the same thing.



Meet our owner…


Jessica lives for the outdoors but not in the way where she lives in a van down by the river.

Jessica runs multiple businesses, is a wife, a cat mom and still maintains an mentality.

She learned after a hospital stint in 2013 that she couldn’t continue to run as fast as she was without having a balance in nature.

It’s her mission with Everyday People Outdoors to give others the amazing experience of an everyday outdoor lifestyle and bring useful everyday items to you.

It’s important that we all get out of the meta verse and into the universe, for us to remain humans who find our purpose, strength and passions in the outdoors.

For ourselves, our businesses and our families!


Did you feel the sunshine on your face today?

What about a cool breeze through your hair?

If you missed it try to catch the stars before you head off to bed.


Oh yeah and grab our shirts available now!

Your one-stop resource for fishing and boating! 10/06/2022

It's National Fishing and Boating Week!

The U.S. is blessed with countless lakes and rivers. These water sources allow locals to enjoy recreational activities like boating and fishing. Each year, hundreds of Americans indulge in these fun water activities. Apart from being a great form of outdoor activity, fishing and boating have a key role in building the nation’s economy.

The fishing and boating industry in the U.S. provides hundreds of jobs to the locals and generates a great amount of revenue, which is used by the government to save the sea animals and their habitats.

Even before the government made it a national week in 2002, National Fishing and Boating Week was still celebrated as an unofficial fishing and boating holiday among the locals.

Things you can do during
👉Find places to fish and boat in your area using the interactive map provided by https://www.takemefishing.org
👉Find free fishing days in your area (some even offer free fishing weekends). >>https://www.takemefishing.org/where-to-fish-and-boat/
👉Purchase a fishing license for your state. >>https://www.takemefishing.org/get-a-fishing-license/
👉Learn (or teach someone) how to fish!
👉The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services has some great suggestions for new anglers to fish responsibly. >>https://www.fws.gov/story/responsible-fishing-tips-new-anglers
👉Invite a friend to share your time on the water, enjoying the sunshine.
👉Raft up! Meet up with friends, anchor your boats together and have a party on the water.

Be sure you prepare for your day fishing and/or boating.
👉Bring plenty of freshwater (or a freshwater source).
👉Pack a first aid kit.
👉Take non-perishable food such as granola bars, jerky, peanut butter, and/or dried fruit (if you’re not bringing a cooler).
👉Pack fruits, veggies, and meat (separately) and keep them chilled in a cooler.
👉Don’t forget the sunblock and hat!

Finally, take the conservation pledge.
👉Know before you go
👉👉Research and contact the location in advance. Check the weather!
👉Plan and prepare
👉👉Weather changes quickly. Bring the right gear for your location.
👉Build an inclusive outdoors
👉👉Inspire others to see themselves in nature. Showcase diverse backgrounds, abilities, and meanings of the "outdoors."
👉Respect others
👉👉Minimize impacts to other users. Give space to your fellow outdoor lover.
👉Leave no trace
👉👉Respect the land, water, wildlife, and Native and local communities. Avoid sensitive habitats. Showcase responsible use.
👉Make it better
👉👉Inspire others to respect and nurture our outdoor spaces. Depict responsible recreation in action - and behind the scenes.

Do you have anything to add? Visit our page and comment using the hashtag - we’d especially like to see how you spend your National Fishing and Boating Week!

Your one-stop resource for fishing and boating! Learn how to fish, where to fish, find the best places to fish near you, plan fishing tips in fishing spots near you, and watch instructional fishing videos.

June is Great Outdoors Month! 10/06/2022

National Get Outdoors Day is tomorrow!

In an era of social media mania, forests around the country are opening their doors to reacquaint kids and parents with good old fashion family fun—without the aid of modern technology.

On Saturday, June 11, the U.S. Forest Service invites families to join thousands of forest explorers for a free, fun-packed day of outdoor adventures in celebration of National Get Outdoors Day.

The event also known as “GO Day” is celebrating its ninth anniversary of inspiring national and local organizations to come together to promote the social, economic and environmental benefits of outdoor recreation. Dozens of events on national forests and grasslands will feature opportunities including camping, rock wall climbing, kayaking, biking and archery.

Nationwide, more than 100 locations will provide free recreational and educational activities. Some events are specifically designed to better engage urban and multicultural youth in nature-based activities and attract first-time visitors to public lands.

In the spirit of GO Day, fees are waived generally for day-use areas, such as picnic grounds, developed trailheads and destination visitor centers. Concessionaire-operated sites may be included in the waiver if the permit holder wishes to participate. Contact your local national forest or grassland to learn if your destination requires a fee or if that fee is waived.

National forests provide tremendous settings for spending a day or two in the great outdoors. These public lands provide more than 158,000 miles of recreational trails, wild and scenic rivers, lakes and streams, thousands of campgrounds and day-use sites, and educational opportunities at Forest Service visitor centers. These lands also add more than $13 billion in benefits to local economies.

The remaining fee-free days for 2016 include National Public Lands Day (Sept. 24) and Veterans Day weekend (Nov. 11-13).

Get outdoors this Saturday!


June is Great Outdoors Month! a month-long celebration of the outdoors encouraging everyone to embrace the outdoor spirit and head outside!


It's Us vs. The Metaverse...

We could care less what your views of technology are or bitcoin, automation, meta verse, etc.

We don’t care!

What we do care about though is the fact that the more we move into these worlds the less we are feeding our human body with what it actually wants.

As humans we crave connection whether that be with ourselves, with others or with the universe in general.

You don’t get these true connections from the metaverse, I don’t care what you say.

You can have all these followers and friends online but do you really feel connected or are you still holed up in your apartment somewhere feeling alone and unsatisfied because you got nothing from the 20 DM’s you just answered.

There is no substance in the meta verse but there is substance in the universe.

We need the universe, we need to physically be outdoors.

It is a biological thing for all of us.

Put the metaverse down and get into the universe, trust me you are missing more in your life by not interacting with the universe than you are in the meta verse.

June is Great Outdoors Month! 08/06/2022

June is Great Outdoors Month!.a month-long celebration of the outdoors encouraging everyone to embrace the outdoor spirit and head outside!

🌞Do you want to prioritize spending more time outdoors?
🌞Are you looking for ways to connect with nature, our families, communities, health and wellness?
🌞Simply share your email and each Wednesday, we'll share resources, tips n' tricks that will make your time outdoors simple, and fun.

It’s Time to Celebrate the Outdoors!

June is Great Outdoors Month! a month-long celebration of the outdoors encouraging everyone to embrace the outdoor spirit and head outside!

Videos (show all)

Outdoor adventures with the four legged friends! Sure do miss these days!  They are running high in heaven.
This is what Everyday Outdoors means to me….It’s not backpacking in far away places or hiking some big mountain…It’s eve...
Find the beauty in the simple everyday things outdoors!
Take your work outdoors today!
Be the example!!
Need some #naturalstressrelief?
The benefits of camping far outweigh any downsides!Don’t worry about what could happen and just enjoy your time. Slow do...
Keep it simple!!Let your kids use the outdoors to spark their creativity and learn new things. Bring these four things a...
What are you most scared of when it comes to getting outdoors more?Comment below 👇