Joe gqabi
New up coming video where am dancing hip-hop is pending...
Will always choose to dance more than any talent I have
Being me
Follow to follow 🙏
I can dance even more better
I keep on practicing till I become a better dancer
Dancing is the most wonderful way to feel good in every way
Skirt se jean asifun cherry eline body ye Sgubhu Samasi
A smile is an expression of pleasure and happiness.
I was just bored 🥵
Otherwise I can dance better
And there are times u get really motivated to become a better dancer.🤸❤️
Dancing has no age limit
Figuring out yr own unique style of fun is one of the best parts of learning to dance
To become a better dancer u need to practice no matter how good you are.practise!!
When watching dancers, what is it that makes you want to watch them?
Never discreet yr talent .❤️