Moonshadow Healing

Moonshadow Healing

Did you know that Crystals may help you stay healthy?

Crystals placed on the chakras of the body can help alter your vibration, remove energy blocks that keep you stuck and create a positive sense of well being and health.


I've always believed there is something very magickal about doorways - portals we can use to get to other realms. I love looking at them - or through them - to get into meditation (which I have to admit is difficult for my Virgo brain!). Still, I find them mesmerizing. Don't you? Blessings all!


One of my favorites!


Don't you just love magickal doorways?!


Over the years, I've performed Full Moon Ceremonies. Looking for something in my files, I came across one I did many years ago. When a new Full Moon was nearing, I would start researching online and in all my books to come up with a new version or a new take on it. This one was one of my favorites. I wrote most of this but can't remember other contributors. So if you see something that you wrote, THANK YOU for the knowledge you sent me!
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Drawing Down Energy from the Cosmos and Leave a Spiritual Imprint on the Earth today

This activity is best performed at outdoors at night. You will need a stick, any stick from your yard or something to write with.

We’re going to do something different today. Think for a moment about ‘symbols’ and about your personal connection to the cosmos. Symbols mark our lives and mean something different to everyone. Everywhere we look there are images of symbols that create an awareness within us. This is the Magic of the Earth.

Everything in the natural world leaves its mark on the earth. It is said that every meaningful activity, event, or life process is believed to leave behind a vibrational residue. As plants leave an image of themselves as seeds, so do the oceans, the mountains, and the smallest pebble. Everything in nature contains the memory of when they were created and vibrates with that life force.

The Aborigines believe that the ancestral spirits came to earth in human and other forms, creating rivers, lakes, hills, and deserts. When their work was done, the ancestral spirits became a part of the earth, changing into plants, animals, land, and the sky. Aborigines know that they do not own the land but are a part of it.

Let’s align with the planets and the cosmos today.

Just to explain for a moment, your Left hand is your receiving hand or the hand you write with. Your Opposite hand is your sending hand.

Please start to visually connect with a star right now. Look up and find a star – any star – and if you can’t see one, you know they’re there, just imagine you see one.

Then with your Receiving hand, just like Spider-Man, I want you to visualize a web line direct from your hand straight up to your star. Stand there and just fill yourself up with the energy of that star until you feel that your aura is huge! Feel the beauty, strength, wisdom and courage of that star within you.

Sit or kneel on the ground whichever is more comfortable for you. This is a special healing rite for the Earth.
Please place your hands directly on the ground. Close your eyes. Visualize the earth from space as a bluish-white sphere filled with positive, healing energy.
All is whole and peaceful everywhere. Take a deep breath in and release . . .

Pure are the caves and plains
Pure are the mountains and hills
Pure are the winds and skies
Pure are the lakes and streams

Pure are the clouds and rains
Pure are the woods and trees
Pure are the oceans deep
Pure are the bays and seas

(Please renew your visualization of the bluish-white sphere all healed)

Pure are the birds that fly
Pure are the dogs and cats
Pure at the fish and whales
Pure are the horses and rabbits

Pure are the owls and snakes
Pure are the stags and deer
Pure are the lizards green
Pure are ALL creatures here.

(Please renew your visualization of the bluish-white sphere)

Feel the Earth as a healed whole being. Say these words:

As I receive your energy, now receive mine.

Pour your personal power out through your palms and into the earth. Visualize this energy you received from the cosmos gently spiraling down into our planet, lending it the strength to survive. Willingly give of yourself for a few moments while visualizing our shining blue planet hanging in the sky.

Pause a few moments, then say IT IS DONE and SO IT IS.

Now pick up your stick and send a message directly into the Earth by making a drawing. This drawing can be anything you wish –
anything you want to draw to you. It doesn’t need to be a work of art – just something that has meaning to you: a heart for Love, a dollar sign for Abundance, the Peace symbol, an eye for Psychic Awareness, two hearts for Marriage, the Goddess symbol, a key for Happiness, a crescent moon, or symbols for the four elements: a circle for Air, a square for Earth, a triangle for Fire and a crescent moon (like a bowl) for Water.
Draw the outline three times and each time, as you make your drawing say either out loud or to yourself, “I seek this truth and knowledge.” On the final drawing please add, “And so it is.”

On the night of the next full moon, consider making this same drawing in the Earth in your yard or somewhere that has meaning for you. Blessings!