

My mission is to bring awareness to others so they understand why it's important to get involved and


With my tribe and Kristine's niece on August 3, 2023, at the 3rd tRump INDICkTMENT Celebration Tour.


You can attempt to your yt ancestors' evil and - with help from pets, including ( who thanks her god, for slavery lest she be worshipping a tree, in Africa) but you will NEVER erase . only benefited lazy a$$ yt people, who didn't want to do the labor, to make America great, so they stole Africans and brought them here, through force and violence.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 01/07/2023

Can't harp on this enough I just can't.
Does Uncle Clarence think, he makes the ancestors proud!? 🤔 📸 courtesy

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 15/05/2023

Fighting fascists in America, is really a full-time job. Wish George Soros, would send checks A.S.A.P.

Yesterday, the J6 LOSERS, who have taken up residence at the D.C. Jail since 2021, came for a pity party, on Mother's Day, for Ashli Babbitt's LOSER mother Mikki. They think because of Ashli Babbitt - having fu**ed around and found out, the mother - has some special privilege (beyond her Whiteness, that is), that you can't tell her, her daughter was an insurrectionist and no victim. Well, maybe, others won't, but I'm NOT included, in the group.
The MPD and department of corrections, went over backwards - to accommodate the fascists, after the residents of D.C. - showed up, HOURS before the insurrectionists and set-up their spot, but the popo and the Klan go hand in hand, showed yesterday, as they allowed them, the same ones, who beat their asses, with American made flag poles, on January 6th, to jockey their way, in front of us and take over, the space. White privilege in action!
The White popo, coincidentally could only see what our side and I were doing, but neglected to see, when the insurrectionist yt folks - were doing similar. I decided to point it out, in clear terms, very loudly, lest, when the yt woman, who purposely
backing up, into me touched me, we know - who they would want to arrest. F**k being PC as America and the fascist enabling popo are racist AF.

Never NOT fight fascist.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 27/04/2023

My claim to fame; my sign Democracy OR FASCISM made it into a group photo of Maxwell Frost and Tennessee’s Justin Jones, from the "Fired Up & Fed Up" press conference, April 26, 2023.
The rally was for GenZers, so I didn't want to be obnoxious, so I stayed back, until I was invited, to put the sign, behind the group. I've gotten accustomed to my sign, being commandeered, and I was okay, not being in the limelight.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 23/01/2023

Okay, I try not to post, the same thing, to all my accounts, but THIS Deserves special mentions.
This pet, was part of the mob, that included the White supremacist (who flashed the 👌🏻 at us, multiple times the next day), that tore down the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence on October 26, 2020. I had seen him, at least two times, since October 26, but today was the magic.
Apparently he gets rattled easily, as all I was doing was my usual; blocking their bu****it, with my sign. Today is was fetus p**n and damnation (twofer). He kept getting aggressive and telling me, he knows "where I live" as in front of the White House/BLM Plaza, from since 2020/2021!? 🤷🏿‍♀️ The christofascists were talking among themselves that he was being too aggressive and they needed to handle him.
The christofascist ig'nance is draining. Anyways, after covering up their bu****it, they kept moving, and so did I. We ran them, from in front the White House fence, to across from Lafayette Park. Eventually, others joined us; some being folks, who like to get really close up. They took over and next thing I know, the popo - is nearly doing a pony ride, in the c o^on.
Well, I can't lie about this. I'm so glad, me - giving him the finger was memorialized, even IF it was from fascists live streamers. Pricef**kingless.
Photos 📸 #2 video screenshots maybe Breibart!?

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 17/01/2023

Today, we had a girls' day out, and rode bikes, to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade, in S.E. D.C. Unfortunately, I'm out of storage, so y'all only get to see Karen, Faith and moi, plus my friend's nephew, who is a D.C. councilman. This is my first bike ride, since 2021, only second in maybe 5 years. I'm , right bout now. The saddle was NOT adjustable. Jus sayin'. 😵‍💫

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 02/01/2023

Happy New Year's 2023. Wishing everyone a prosperous, purposeful year.
I started of 2023 productive and completed a task, I had been putting off, for a while. **patting self on back** You should be like Nadine. 🤗

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 26/12/2022

So, how much of a cult member - does one have to be, to think Joe Biden, isn't capable of composing this tweet!? Steve here, though does think the lunatic spewing his derangement is more than capable AND right.
I know tRump lives rent free in my head, but it's because of the stupid ass people, like Stevie here; they're teachers; jurists; SCOTUS; politicians; law enforcement; SECRET SERVICE; nurses; doctors; clergy and the unsheltered. I'm surrounded by morons. Everywhere I go, is another moron, who votes. IF the people, who don't reside in opposite world, voted like the loons, that m**o wouldn't have rent free space in my head, because then I could relax and not fear, our fragile democracy, falling to fascism.
No such luck. Let's do better in 2023.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 08/12/2022

Yesterday, the ILLEGITIMATE SCOTUS heard oral arguments regarding the North Carolina voting rights case Moore v. Harper, where North Carolina republicans want the legislature, to be able to gerrymander congressional districts heavily in their favor anyway its wants, and block its states' own supreme court from being able to do anything about it. It's the “independent state legislature” theory.

The lawyers for Harper, Neal Katyal (Obama's solicitor general) said he feels, confident (even in the face of the ILLEGITIMATE SCOTUS trio Thomas; Alito and Gorsuch), the independent state legislature theory is a bridge too far.
Soooooo, my purpose in life right now, is to be kind to strangers and p**s off Samuel Alito, with my banner. IF he didn't express the audacity, to be offended about facts - regarding the conflict of interests, the conservative justices have engaged in, I wouldn't have thought to create that banner; now it lives to follow him.
IF anyone wants to go to his place, one day, in the light, with me, to hold up that banner - let me know.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 31/10/2022

I hung out at the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence Collection Exhibit today (monitoring for issues), and Candy, who used to come to the fence, came by to view it. We had the longest conversation, reminiscing about how we each experienced that period.
After talking for a while, I offered for her, to help me, with my 100 Florida voting reminder cards, that just arrived in the mail, Friday. She tool a packet. Whooo hoo.
Another great review. Glad objective people, are appreciating it. ✊🏿🖤


I'm all for it.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 18/09/2022

Y'all will meet us, on the ground, October 8th, when all the cameras are around. Yes, I said it. Our small group, of leftist radicals from is still out there, since May 2nd/3rd (before forming a group), petitioning SCOTUS6 for our grievances. We don't want to live in a world, much less a country, where christofascists run amok. If we wanted that, we would leave, but m**os, we ain't going anywhere. 📣 We won't give up the fight, abortion is a human right.📣 📣📣Bring back Roe, and we will go. 📣📣📣

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 01/09/2022

Wednesday is the night, we visit the ra**st, Brett Kavanagh and the impotent fool, John Roberts' neighborhoods; they live maybe five blocks, from each other, in their affluent enclaves. Not too far, from the Chevy Chase Country Club, where Kav, is a member, and someone paid off his $96K membership fees, for him, when he was nominated, by tRe45on tRump. When that seditious, tRaitor, is indicted - can we cancel all his picks, on the judicial bench, especially the christofascist SCOTUS3!? 🤷🏿‍♀️
I recently acquired the popo triggering [America] Under Distress flag. I commissioned (without pay) to inscribe "America Is NOT A Christian Nation" on it so that it could trigger the flags*xuals x2. Well, I think it did its job, as last evening, while others in our group of 14, lingered as we passed the ra**st's house, the popo - decided I'm the one, she was going to come at. I was across the street BEHIND the paddy wagon (they bring for us every week), getting my photo taken by , and lady pig, Lieutenant Sheila Sugrue, badge 1374 - pelted around the vehicle, to assert her authority, to me, while ignoring the others, who routinely linger, to take photos of us - as a group, and someone especially, who was standing, in full sight of ALL the pigs there, giving Kavanagh's house, the middle finger salute.
Being THE only minority, and BLACK person in the group, I'm giving her, the benefit - she's not a Racist 🐖 but just a triggered flags*xual 🐷 instead.
I chose the portrait as the opening image, as I was given the earrings and necklace, by a friend, who is originally from Bangladesh, and bought it for me, when they last visited. While the jewelry is beautiful in its own Robin, made it into my history. I'm wondering what I was thinking, when she captured this image.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 18/08/2022

Went to my old hangout the White House and BLM Plaza, for a few last night, after the Kavanaugh/Roberts protests. I didn't leave the "Say No To Christo Fascism" sign, in my back windshield, this time, but when I do, I expect to come back to it vandalized, as christo-fascists tend to be some, whiny ass, triggered snowflakes, who can't be challenged - on their ideaolgy, lest striking out - against "blasphemers".
Seriously, F**K all the christian nationalists and religious zealots, from ALL corners.


So Scotty, was into "hippy stuff" and *x 🤷🏿‍♀️ but NOT . He was . He caught the . He stopped breathing, for 15 minutes, became and was taken off today. All Scotty, needed to do, was get a ($19.50 for the payee - government or private insurance) and there's a 98% - he would still be with - to practice, their string s*x.
Unfortunately, Scotty Love, challenged and

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 29/09/2021

Went by the storage unit today, to chat with NPR - about what's happening with the items and my aspirations, for how they will be handled, once the scanning process is completed.
I ended up spending 5.5 hrs, creating the next batch, to go up to Baltimore. Rehabed 2 signs; took a few more home with me, to rehad and tape up.
At $40 hr, that's $220 min, plus the first hour, spent giving the interview, I should be getting, if only - I were making money off this but carry on.....


I know you guys, see a similar photo, every time I post but this is the origins. approached me and asked to take a photo of me, in front a sign of my choosing. It turned out, my favorite sign - was one of my own, inspired by the genius herself Laurie 's series. The series was created to push back, on
who came to the with their sanctimonious asses, like god spoke personally to them and sent them, to remedy, what we were doing at . Everyone knows, I'm a heathen so their s**t doesn't go over well with me.
I know they, both the and the other frauds, who attempted to take over the fence, with their bu****it - don't give a s**t about the that made that space a thing, so having the knows need more than was a perfect pushback. Most didn't like it; they attempted to pull down other similar signs but that one, was butted in, with over 20 zipties.
I feel Robin's photos should be entered into some . Not because I'm the subject, but because she captured - exactly what I wanted to express. 🖤


This is 🇺🇸 Hypocrisy at work. Here the -T Hypocrites are bashing Biden, for having left to the mercy of backward misogynists, who only want them barefoot and pregnant, while simultaneously praising old, W hite male and supposedly for putting bounties on the heads of women, who want to seek LEGAL . However, we know, it's **Kthechild because once that former hits the birth canal, it's f**k you, you're on your own moocher.
Why are they allowed to even open their mouths, to discuss this, like they have ANY moral ground, to stand on!? Personally, they get cussed the f**k out, before getting out a sentence. Unlike most , I know, who give those Hypocritical m**os the time of day, like their Hypocrisy deserves a seat at the table, I dispatch their asses forthwith.
This isn't happening in a vacuum. and other similar groups are responsible for those hideous backwards ass legislation popping up, all over in . Educate yourself on this organization and decide how to stop it and others like it, otherwise we're fu**ed.

" Executive Director boasted of the organization’s influence over and other states’ during an April 22 donor summit in Arizona. Heritage Action is the lobbying arm of the conservative think tank the ." SaveTheFetusF**KtheChild

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 31/07/2021

Playing with Robin's photo, to create random Warhol images of the design.


When I thought of this concept - Biden, had taken over the reigns from the and things were looking up. Unfortunately, the asylum is overrun and the patients are in control so that was but a pipe dream.
Today, the is running roughshod and we're in a a.k.a. known as . I get that one should be cautious and read up, on the process and observe, what's happening, but one should also - use commonsense and take proper precautions, IF you decide to risk it.
Because of the rampant misinformation out there about we're now having to deal with the real ramifications. One said he had and the was not one. Now, ***ss
, a 34-year-old, has zero, zilch, nada, naught, none, no problems - because the m**o is guess what!?!?!? 😉
Use commonsense people. we know, that's asking too much.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 13/07/2021

People think is some far away boogeyman; it isn't. It's with White people but too - in our everyday - unconscious and conscious thinking. When we as
say out of our own mouths, "S/he's too dark." or "his/her hair is too nappy (picky for us folks)" or "her/his nose is too broad", that's thinking, telling you, your ' features aren't good enough so you need to strive for to make your children "better". I was born into that , that my was not good enough, and that to be worthy, I needed to be validated by Whiteness ( features, behaviors and ways of thinking). That meant, getting near to it as possible, since I couldn't (at the time) become lighter (now you've in themselves in literal ).
I'm thankful for my away from . Unfortunately, too many of us are still trapped and are happy, to be trapped there. I'm free! Free!! FREE!!! Hallelujah to the universe, I'm free!!!!! and in any situation nor circumstances.


All the gay flags terrorizing !!!


Will print this!?

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 08/06/2021

Meet Langston. She just added to the Oklahoma here at

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 02/06/2021

The Rev. Dr. Robert Turner was in the limelight today, for President Biden's visit, to the historic Vernon Chapel AME Church, for the 100th anniversary remembrance of the

Every Wednesday, starting in 2018, he holds a march, from his church on to to demand for his flock and community at large. After 100 years, NOTHING, nada, zip, zilch, naught, zero has been paid to the victims of resentful White mob of thugs and murderers (some of whom are might still alive today).
News came out recently, that 's family particpated in the . He apologized for the city of being complicit but now he needs to apologize, for his family being some of the murderous thugs.


My host in Tulsa for 100th anniversary activities of

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 28/05/2021

I'm learning so much. Getting very angry. Getting resolved.
The government blamed the for the "riot" so White insurance companies didn't payout on insurance claims.
Not enough has changed in 100 years.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 28/05/2021

Saw tonight. You've to shake your head, when m**os talk s**t about wanting , to pull themselves up by bu****it, after the government of this country, continues to be complicit in creating barriers, to derail their progress. They pretend to care, while systematically
kneecapping them, along the way. .
Just know, there are people alive today, benefitting from the land stolen from the residents of . There are people today, who took part, in this massacre and were never prosecuted.

Photos from Impeachthem**oalready's post 23/05/2021

Who knows that was a ( *k) who started the bas relief sculptor in ?
How many
have gone to and patronized these places - ignorant to this information!?!?!?

Videos (show all)

I'm jaded AF, but never thought, I would've to be fighting tRump - again - in 2024!!! America is more Racist, than even ...
@secblinken the malicious Hypocrite. Tony & Evan sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G. 💘 Kibbutz Blinken continues. If you'v...
I was on my way, to camp out at Secretary of Genocide and family house tonight and the George Washington Memorial Parkwa...
Yesterday there were three car rallies, on the airport routes in the DMV - DCA - Dulles and Thurgood Marshall. I partici...
Sooooooo, Apartheid Israel is sooooooooo arrogant - it says the quiet out loud, without any consequences. Satanyahu is t...
While standing on the opposite side of the road, from Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Genocide's house, his one of his pai...
While at the White House, for Genocide Joe, I spied this proud scrotum garbage on the barrier. Well, not on my watch mof...
Israel IS a terror state that - murdered the Palestinian people on Christmas Day and still wants to play victim. Don't f...
@joanbdmv is traveling through Southeast Asia and witnessed "This Scottish guy is taking around the world. Thing is he h...
What am I missing here!? What's Max Cohen's issue with the question "Never Again For Whom?". Is he part of the MOSSAD; A...
This is some bullshit, right here. This is what American taxpayers' money is enabling. This settler from Long Island, go...