Hoosier Note Solutions

Hoosier Note Solutions

Hoosier Note Solutions buys/sells notes and land contracts backed by real estate through a mortgage

Hoosier Note Solutions 16/06/2023

If you are holding a note or land contract and would love for us to take a look at it and give you a no obligation quote, please reach out at www.hoosiernotesolutions.com. Free up the cash in your note to use for other projects. Contact us today.

Hoosier Note Solutions We Pay Cash for Notes, Mortgages and Contracts


With the weather staying warm here in Indiana, the kids are getting some great time in the sprinklers and water table. Amazing the innocence of the kids as they aren't yet aware of the bigger world around them, but just love the fun of the moment. Stay humble and enjoy your moments this summer.


Part of our vision is helping others. One way we do this is by caring for foster children. We recently got the opportunity to take on a 16 month boy and nearly 3 year old girl. They are brother and sister and have seen a lot in their short life spans. We are so blessed to get the opportunity to help in this way. We have had our challenges but overall thankful they are getting love and care that they need. Thank God for His provisions.


We are currently looking to purchase seller financed notes, mortgages, land contracts and deeds of trust. If you or someone you know would like to have cash rather than waiting for the remainder of the payments, please contact us at 812-552-2289.


Spending a beautiful morning with my granddaughter. It is so precious to have time just hanging out and connecting with those we love. Our lives are busy with looking at opportunities and with work that we need to slow down and enjoy it as well. Take focused time to rest with those you love. Let them know how much you love them and also refresh yourself to re-align your vision for why you do what you do. Be blessed.


Hello all. I hope your 2021 has started off well and that everyone in your family is healthy. So far, we are all healthy. Here in Indiana we are getting some lovely spring 60-65 degF weather which has been great to get outside and do a few things without lots of layers of clothing.
This weekend is the time we "spring forward" with our clocks. With the year starting to solidify with your plans and you need a little extra cash, we do buy notes, mortgages and land contracts for many types of properties. Please reach out to me and we will be glad to give you a free quote and move forward with helping you reach your 2021 goals and desires. Would love to answer any questions you may have.


There sure are many surprises in life. We lost my mother two weeks ago today. She went in to get checked out at the hospital and her body just started shutting down. She went from looking and feeling healthy to quickly turning downward before we lost her. Spend quality time with those you love. It is never guaranteed that we will get to see our relatives another day. Reach out to them and keep in touch. Balance your work life with your family and enjoy the blessing of family.


During this pandemic we have increased our marketing to help more people to get cash into their pockets for their performing real estate notes and land contracts. We have noticed quite a few people reacting to our marketing through our website and other online methods. It seems that people definitely want to check you out now days before transacting. It makes sense due to the nature of so many spam emails and phone calls as well as all the phishing scams. It is so hard to know who is really trying to help and who is just out to get your money. My wife Mary and I do everything we can to make our transactions a win-win for everyone. We love to help others, but we also get a little profit from the work involved in the transaction. If there is ever a need regarding your note that we may be able to help with please let us know. Thanks


In business and in life we sometimes have to grab ahold of our guts and push through any obstacles. With Covid and other violence in the US recently it is easy to get discouraged. Keep a positive outlook on things in your life. It may not always change your circumstances, but it will change your view of the situation. Zig Ziglar always said that "positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking." I wish you the best and keep on pressing forward.

Share - Minority Mindset 05/07/2020

I recently had a friend share a link to learn about financial education from a site called Minority Mindset. If you are interested, check them out as they have some great information on learning finances as well as financial news. https://www.theminoritymindset.com/share/?rh=GcC-xPk4ng

Share - Minority Mindset ShareFinancial News You Can Finally UseYour (smart) friend thinks you should join our free newsletter. We agree.Our newsletters break down the top finance and business news, then shows you how the news affects your wallet.So, what are you waiting for? Join the fun, it’s free. Subscribe Me! You hav...


Hello all. I hope you had a great 4th of July Independence Day. From my perspective, we really felt like this year was different in that our local community cancelled the fireworks celebration due to fears of the Covid-19 virus. With that it just felt really different in that I wanted to celebrate the founding of our country, but felt guilty doing so. My wife finally looked at me on the evening of the 4th and said she missed having any fireworks (neither of us had bought any either) and so we loaded up and set out to the nearest fireworks tent and purchased a few of the items that were left. They had been wiped out. Apparently others had the same desire to celebrate. We shot off a few and then watched the larger fireworks displays of neighbors around us. I felt proud of our nation and its heritage as I watched them. I believe that the absence of our normal lives and celebrations causes us to long for the things we miss. So many things are in turmoil around the country. One thing that remains strong is the United States and our scarred heritage that solidified us as a nation. God Bless America.


Wow. It is almost summer. Where have the days gone to this year? Seems like with the virus and other things going on globally and locally time is sure speeding by. How are you doing against your goals as we look back upon the first half of 2020? For me, I have some things to get back on track including my exercise and eating habits. I am definitely not where I wanted to be in my businesses either. I am making progress, but not at a pace to meet my goals. Time to bump it up a couple notches and finish this year strong. To your best. Jim

Housing Demand Rebounds in June Amid Cloudy Outlook 17/06/2020

Looks like the predictions are for a dip then rebound. Real Estate is still a great investment for the long term.


Housing Demand Rebounds in June Amid Cloudy Outlook Freddie Mac forecasts that home sales will decline to 4.8 million in 2020 before rising to 5.6 million in the following year.

Mortgage catch-22: Interest rates are lower than ever, but millions of borrowers can’t get a loan 12/05/2020

Are you finding it harder to get financing? I have been looking to re-finance some properties, but have not reached out to the banks yet due to other things going on. I am hoping things settle a little more and we can take advantage of the lower rates and to pull out some equity.


Mortgage catch-22: Interest rates are lower than ever, but millions of borrowers can’t get a loan Millions of potential borrowers are facing a situation where it’s never been a better time to buy a home and never been harder to get a mortgage.

New home listings in April were nearly cut in half - HousingWire 06/05/2020

Looks like the virus has hit the homes on market pretty hard. Some people will still need to sell their homes so I wonder if this will cause people to look for alternative ways to sell their homes or if they will still go through realtors. I am sure there are many realtors that are really hurting right now. Anyone have any thoughts on how this could play out?


New home listings in April were nearly cut in half - HousingWire According to a new report from realtor.com, new listings fell 44.1% in April, as well as asking prices flattening and homes lingering on the market longer.


Had a great NoteMasters mastermind group over the weekend with our mentor Donna Bauer. Our group shared their visions and goals as well as their challenges. Set up some more focused ways to keep each other accountable and grow our businesses. Looking forward to seeing everyone keep growing in this business. It really is a great way to earn a little money or by building passive income for yourself or your self-directed IRA.

Embrace the Opportunity - Real Estate Investing Today 02/05/2020

Love the idea of improving ourselves and our situation during this time when everyone is being restricted in so many ways. There is always a flip side of how to look at things. Learn, grow and thrive in this time.


Embrace the Opportunity - Real Estate Investing Today Embrace The Opportunity by M. Jane Garvey We all have our routines disrupted from time to time in our lives. Sometimes this is a personal disruption coming from a life event like moving, marriage, a new child, an illness, a job loss, a family tragedy, where most everyone else’s routines stay the s...

Black Knight's First Look at December 2019 Mortgage Data 02/05/2020

What are your thoughts? Will this be a large correction of the market or somewhat minor? My thought is that with many out of work, we will see a drop for a little bit but with many getting stimulus and unemployment it may not be as bad as everyone is talking about. If it continues past July it will start to hurt more loans.
https://www.blackknightinc.com/black-knights-first-look-at-march-2020-mortgage-data/ #

Black Knight's First Look at December 2019 Mortgage Data Black Knight reports a “first look” at Dec. 2019 month-end mortgage performance statistics from its loan-level database.

Interactive Map: U.S. Housing Markets at Highest Risk in COVID-19 01/05/2020


As you do your due diligence on notes and properties during this time, be aware that values may have changed dramatically in some areas. As shown on the map in this article, there are some high risk areas that will need to be watched closer than others. Some of these medium to high risk areas for dropping property values match up to the locations with large numbers of seller carry back notes as well. Good time to purchase, but verify, verify verify.

Interactive Map: U.S. Housing Markets at Highest Risk in COVID-19 COVID-19 will surely impact real estate, as it has all areas of finance. However, real estate is inherently local. Some markets will get hit hard, while others will feel no pinch whatsoever. So, which markets will see drops in home prices? ATTOM Data Solutions is out with a new report.

Chase stops accepting HELOC applications - HousingWire 21/04/2020

Wondering if these new minimum requirements for lending on residential homes will allow more people to consider seller financing their properties.


Chase stops accepting HELOC applications - HousingWire Beginning April 16, Chase will no longer accept new HELOC applications. Customers with existing HELOCs will be able to continue to draw funds on those lines of credit.


At Hoosier Note Solutions, we can help turn your note or land contract into quick cash. The economy has tightened up and there have become many reasons to have cash now instead of waiting years to receive your remaining payments. We are excited and thankful that we still have many buyers looking for cash flowing notes and land contracts backed by real estate. Let us help you to convert those payments into cash. Contact us today.


Hello all. Jim and Mary of Hoosier Note Solutions hope you are well and that you and your family and friends are healthy and holding strong during this time of the global pandemic.
This is our initial post to introduce ourselves and tell a little about ourselves and our desire to help others as in a win-win solution to purchase your note at a fair market price while helping you through the process.
Mary and I live in Columbus, Indiana which is the birthplace of Cummins Diesel engine company, Nascar driver Tony Stewart and vice-president Mike Pence. I have worked at Cummins for the last 28 years - most recently as a service engineer for the pickup truck Diesel engine. Mary spent a little over 8 years as an LPN in a nursing home where she found that she loved wound care.
Over 10 years ago we started our journey to learn about real estate and the note buying process to supplement our income. We bought a few small multi-family properties right before the crash of 2008 and have held onto those through the years. We took a break from note buying until we picked it back up a few years ago and with our partner of 30 years we are now actively marketing to owners of seller financed notes, mortgages, land contracts and deeds of trust. We have helped several people over the last several years to sell their note and to pay off bills, fix up properties and move closer to family. Whatever your need, we would like to talk to you and give you a free quote and discuss how we can help you to sell your note and get cash quickly for your needs.

Cash for Notes and Land Contracts

After 16 years in corporate America, we decided to jump into real estate and bought some small residential multi-family rental homes in our local town. We have managed those for the last 12 years, but felt that there had to be other ways to help others without feeling stretched and stressed over how a tenant was going to perform month to month and it always felt like they left it worse than when they moved in so we have improved our processes over the years to help lessen those bumps in the road. They do still happen, but not as often.

Over those years we kept looking for other ways to diversify our time and income. We kept coming back to real estate backed notes and mortgages. In 2018, we teamed up with someone who has over 30 years in this business to help us to learn how to buy, sell and hold real estate backed notes and land contracts. We have been able to have increasing success in this business and learning every day. We love Zig Ziglar’s quote which says “If you help enough other people get what they want, they will help you get what you want.” Our role is to help others with a solution that will free up cash that may be sitting in an investment of a note or land contract. It is great to hold a note or land contract for 10, 15 or 30 years, but sometimes the cash is needed for other investments, medical bills, travel or whatever it is needed for. Give us a call when that happens and we would love to discuss how we can help you to get the cash you need to move onto whatever next steps there are in your life. The great thing about this with today’s concerns is that you can do this from the safety and convenience of your own home. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us today.
