Soaring Phoenix

Soaring Phoenix

Working with practitioners and clients to create easy to follow protocols. Specializing in training for practitioners in the Integrative Medicine space.

Providing in-depth case review, laboratory interpretation and application, and one on one coaching.

Anorexia Nervosa: Addressing the Bugs in the System 26/11/2022

Check out the blog post I wrote for Psychology Today

Anorexia Nervosa: Addressing the Bugs in the System Gut microbiome manipulation may prove therapeutically valuable.

Tolle Totum – Anxiety and Depression: The Gut-Brain Connection 20/05/2022

Check out the article I co-authored in the April edition of NDNR

Tolle Totum – Anxiety and Depression: The Gut-Brain Connection NICOLE CAIN, ND, MA  MICHELLE MADDUX, ND  Anxiety and depression are not new issues for human beings. However, their prevalence has been increasing at shocking rates over the past few years. Preliminary data estimates that depression rates have tripled since early 2020,1 and as of 2021, over 280 m...

Intestinal Permeability: Remove, Repair, Resolve 20/05/2022

Check out my article in the January 2022 edition of NDNR

Intestinal Permeability: Remove, Repair, Resolve MICHELLE MADDUX, ND  Intestinal permeability (IP), colloquially referred to as “leaky gut,” is fundamentally a failure of the body’s inherent mechanisms to maintain separation between the contents of the gut (food, microorganisms, etc) and the rest of the body. The gut barrier is made up of c...

PCOS and the Gut: The Role of the Gut Microbiome in PCOS Treatment 20/05/2022

Check out my article in the December edition of NDNR

PCOS and the Gut: The Role of the Gut Microbiome in PCOS Treatment MICHELLE MADDUX, ND  Patients with polycystic o***y syndrome (PCOS) typically struggle with hormone imbalances, insulin resistance, irregular me**es, lipid imbalances, obesity, and inflammation.1 In these patients, the practitioner will want to target steroid hormone detoxification pathways, ...

Immune Function & Competence: Gut Microbial Influences 20/05/2022

Check out my article in the September 2021 edition of NDNR

Immune Function & Competence: Gut Microbial Influences MICHELLE MADDUX, ND  The intricate interplay between our commensal bacteria and our immune system is complex and wide-reaching. Given that immune competence is at the forefront of our public health interest as of late, this article will briefly review the relationship, mechanisms, and potential the...

The Immunopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease Is Related to the Composition of Gut Microbiota 29/03/2021

Great article shared by Dr Deanna Minich

The Immunopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease Is Related to the Composition of Gut Microbiota The microbiota–gut–brain axis plays an important role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Commensal and pathogenic enteric bacteria can influence brain and immune system function by the production of lipopolysaccharides and amyloid. Dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiome in...

Should dietary guidelines advise consumers to deliberately include safe microorganisms in their diets? 26/03/2021

The gut microbiome is hugely important for our health, how interesting would it be to have a daily dietary recommendation for fermented foods?

Should dietary guidelines advise consumers to deliberately include safe microorganisms in their diets? While for almost all of human evolution our food and water have contained large numbers of microorganisms, the industrialized human diet contains low microbial numbers. So are we ready to recommend a specific daily intake of microbes?


Take Back Your Power-- Own that Body of Yours!

Put an end to “should” and start doing what you want!

Whether that’s working out, eating chocolate cake, having a good cry, going for a walk/run, or taking a nap.

Getting and staying motivated to take care of yourself and your body aren’t an issue when you’re the one with all of the power- so stop giving it away!

During the Saturday afternoon workshop at the 2021 I'mperfect Life Women's (virtual) Retreat you’re going to learn how to take control of yourself and your body!


When Dr. Edith Eger was 16 years old, her family was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. Her parents were murdered the day they arrived. Dr. Eger was pulled from a pile of corpses when the camp was liberated in 1945. She's dedicated her life to finding her freedom and dedicated her career to helping us understand trauma, healing, and the power of the human spirit. I will never stop feeling deeply moved by and grateful for this conversation and Dr. Eger's work.

Photos from Herb Pharm's post 08/02/2021

This is a great botanical company and it’s usually easy to find them.

Timeline photos 14/01/2021

By properly administering M.E.D.S. in your life daily, you have the capacity to prevent and overcome burnout.

These simple steps can change your life. Go from being exhausted with life to being fully engaged and experiencing the best version of yourself. It's time take the power of who you are back into your hands.

For more information DM or click the links below.


The Inner Work: YouTube Channel


Dr Anderson is a brilliant physician. See his research review on nutrients for the current pandemic below.

I always find the “official” response to health crises interesting and even comical at times. COVID-19 (the acronym I will use here to indicate the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection) has been the usual batch of interesting information and so much more. Even today (but especially in March and April) we were told by Government sources and the medical experts on each news outlet (and even some politicians) things such as: “nutrition does nothing to alter this disease”, “Vitamin D (or you fill in the nutrient) will not help”, “all these things are bunk” and on it goes. Read the full article here:

Free Toolkit: 6 Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Tools for Youth 07/12/2020

It takes many different therapy techniques to help heal from trauma

Free Toolkit: 6 Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Tools for Youth Download the 11-page toolkit.


Giving your body the TLC it needs is undoubtedly on everyone’s mind this year, especially with colder weather around the corner. Thankfully, keeping your household healthy and happy from the comfort of your house can be easier than you may think! This recipe makes a lovely remedy for anyone feeling like they could use a boost to help kick a cough or sore throat.

To get everyone ready for fall weather, I wanted to share one of my very favorite herbal recipes for Thyme Honey Cough Syrup!


This week is , and to celebrate, we want to talk about our favorite powerful woman, Tieraona Low Dog, MD. Our beloved herbal goddess has dedicated her life to sharing the wisdom and teachings of Mother Nature that she’s learned through decades of hands-on experience. With a natural inclination to continue learning from the green world, we never cease to be amazed and inspired by our favorite powerful woman.


My grandmother was definitely on to something with this cherished Sage Relief recipe. Anytime we’d come down with a sore throat, grandma would whip up this gargle, and I continue the tradition with my family and patients. Sage is an old and time-honored remedy for irritation and inflammation of the mouth, throat, and tonsils. With fall around the corner, I wanted to share this recipe to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

How THC May Treat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Neuroscience News 28/08/2020

How THC May Treat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Neuroscience News Staphylococcal enterotoxin, a bacterial toxin implicated in some ARDS cases, can be prevented by treatment with the cannabis compound THC. Findings also suggest a potential role for using cannabinoids to treat ARDS caused by COVID-19.

What Kids Hear When You Criticize Your Body In Front Of Them 22/08/2020

What Kids Hear When You Criticize Your Body In Front Of Them Parents' personal comments can send harmful messages about body image.

Study reveals immune-system deviations in severe COVID-19 cases 13/08/2020

Study reveals immune-system deviations in severe COVID-19 cases A Stanford study shows that in severely ill COVID-19 patients, “first-responder” immune cells, which should react immediately to signs of viruses or bacteria in the body, instead respond sluggishly.

Timeline photos 03/08/2020

Wahoooooo! I recorded the first episode of the I'mperfect Life "Weight Loss with Love" podcast last night!

If you're a member of the private IPL free Facebook Group, you can catch the video replay, or you can wait until it's up on your favorite podcast platform! (Details coming soon!)


Great chart from the brilliant Dr Minich

The rainbow of foods for the immune system

Micronutrients as immunomodulatory tools for COVID-19 management 31/07/2020

Micronutrients as immunomodulatory tools for COVID-19 management COVID-19 rapidly turned to a global pandemic posing lethal threats to overwhelming health care capabilities, despite its relatively low mortality rate…


Those of you with older loved ones living in residential facilities have likely seen them struggle with agitation. Although common, this distress can be hard to watch — and hard to treat. Which is why I was glad to read a new study showing that essential oils can help soothe agitation in older folks. In the study, elder patients from six residential facilities wore a cloth patch containing two drops of lavender, lemon balm, or placebo sunflower oil for two hours daily. Both lemon balm and lavender helped reduce irritability, and this was true in patients with and without dementia. What a beautiful way to utilize the healing power of essential oils!

Source: Watson K, Hatcher D, Good A. A randomised controlled trial of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) essential oils for the treatment of agitated behaviour in older people with and without dementia. Complement Ther Med. February 2019;42:366-373. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.12.016.


Great advice

The last few days I have been ON EDGE, feeling like I was going to crawl out of my skin.

Irritated, short with my kids, unable to focus, annoyed at myself for all of the above.

In my past this would have led to eating a whole pizza all by myself. (Truthfully my food choices have not been stellar the last few days, but they didn't include a whole pizza...just half.🤣)

So yesterday afternoon I stopped myself, forgave myself for being an a-hole to myself and others, then sat alone with my thoughts for a few minutes and asked...why?

Why am I feeling like this?

I realized I was feeling anxious. A feeling I don't get very often, thanks to some mad skills I've developed over the years, but it still sneaks up on me sometimes.

It dawned on me that the pending answer to my insurance pre-approval for lipedema surgery has been gnawing at my brain but I have been so busy trying to DO life (like normal) that I hadn't noticed the voice in my head...

When are you going to get an answer?
What will you say in your appeal?
How will you afford this?
Will your kids be okay if you can't get surgery?
Will YOU be okay?
Will you be disabled in just a few years?
What if, what if, what if?!?

Stopping to notice my thoughts, without judgement (mindfulness) was slightly helpful, as it at least allowed me to name the cause of the anxiety, but it didn't necessarily bring me comfort.

I was feeling like everything was all out of my control. (The initial answer from my insurance company totally is.) But after I had some time to think about it, I realized there were a few things I could do...

First, I apologized to my boys for being grumpy the last few days as I tucked them into bed last night.

Second, I posted in a lipedema insurance support group and asked about other people's experiences who had my same insurance.

Third, I called my insurance company as soon as they opened today to confirm they had received the paperwork and found out when I could expect an answer.

That last one was the most helpful.

Turns out 15 days is the typical turnaround time. And they won't contact me, they'll contact my doctor's office.

This means, I can stop stressing for the next 10 days...or at least stop obsessively checking my mailbox, email inbox, and logging into the insurance app looking for an update.

Instead I will only get excited when my phone rings, hoping I'll see that the call is from my doctor's office. 😁

To remedy this I used the first three steps of my Six Step Approach to Responsible Weight Loss (link below) because these principles can be applied to all areas of our lives!

(SPOILER ALERT: weight loss is way more than diet and exercise!)

1) Forgive yourself
2) Be mindful
3) Take action (Create habits)

This process of forgiveness, mindfulness, and action, didn't make the situation go away, but it gave me the ability to control my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

If you struggle with anxiety, binge eating, or just want to improve your happy, healthy habits, I highly (and biasedly) recommend checking out my free workshop.

Give yourself the tools you need to feel in control when it comes to food, fitness and life. ❤️

I'm off to be present with my boys without wasting another moment spending brain space and energy on an answer from my insurance company that is currently totally out of my control... at least for the next 8 days. 🤣

Intestinal Permeability, Inflammation and the Role of Nutrients 28/07/2020

Intestinal Permeability, Inflammation and the Role of Nutrients The interaction between host and external environment mainly occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, where the mucosal barrier has a critical role in many physiologic functions ranging from digestion, absorption, and metabolism. This barrier allows the passage and absorption of nutrients, but at the s...


Great information from Dr. Rob Silverman

Untitled album 11/06/2020

Dr Michelle Maddux Franklin

Photo Credits: Jeffrey C. Hawkins