Ryland Rammell-Home Loans NMLS #2286035

Ryland Rammell-Home Loans NMLS #2286035

Currently licensed in ID, AR, AL, and more on the way. I work creatively to find the best loan product for each of my clients now and in the long run.


If you want to come check out a beautiful home, get some ideas for your own, or just want to drop in and say hi, we’d love to see you! So excited to be doing this with Jessica on Saturday!

OPEN HOUSE this Saturday, May 18th, from 11:00AM-1:00PM!!

LOCATION: 3000 Dartagnan Dr, Pocatello, ID 83204 🏡

Listing provided by: Jessica Quinn with REMAX Country Real Estate

Co-hosted with Ryland Rammell-Home Loans NMLS #2286035 with Fulcrum Home Loans

Come say hi and have some treats!! We are expecting warmth and sunshine! 🌞

More details here:


I do what i do because i love helping others, whether it's agents dealing with the chaos of the current market, or their borrowers. I am proud to be with one of the top brokers in the nation and be able to offer some of the BEST RATES you will find.

If you know an agent that would be good to connect with, please tag them below, comment, or send this to them! i would love a chance to help grow their business.

If you know someone wanting to buy a home, Tag, comment, or send this to them. thank you everyone for the continued support!


So many people stray away from construction loans because of the insane cost of closing twice. Traditionally, you would have to take out a loan for the building process, and once it was complete, do a new loan to refinance out of the building loan into a 30 year fixed. One time close Construction loans have a HUGE advantage when it comes to saving on closing costs and the fees you normally encounter with construction loans.

Photos from Ryland Rammell-Home Loans NMLS #2286035's post 07/03/2024

For all of my friends in real estate! if there's one question that i know we all get asked almost DAILY, its "what are rates looking like?" with the follow up question of "do you know why?" for those of you who would like, I would love to send out a text, or email with this info to you. I wont be posting this on my social media pages, so if you'd like to get added to my list to send this out, please comment, or send me a DM with your preferred method of sending the info! Give me a little time to get it streamlined and consistent, but hopefully this information can help you- help others!



Sadly this means walking away from Code Red Contents/Idaho Fire and Flood. Everything I've learned over the last 1.5 years would take a novel to summarize, but i could not be more grateful for the people, experiences, and opportunities i was given. I have nothing but love and respect for my friends at IFF and CRC.

That being said, i am excited to start lending with a new company called Fulcrum Home loans. Some of the advantages i will be able to provide for my clients now are
-Significantly better interest rates
-More opportunity for creative financing especially for all of my homies and home girls self employed/ in the D2D world
-The personal touch and communication that is always lacking with other lenders in the industry.

If you have any questions or want to start preparing to purchase a home please give me a call, shoot me an email, text, whatever you want. I'm here to help and am excited to be a springboard for you and your future.


Congratulations Brieana and Bradley!! I could be not more excited for you and you and your little family to be getting into a home. I couldn’t have asked for better clients and I can’t wait to see what you guys do with fixing up the house!

Even in crazy times like this you CAN find a great deal on a GREAT home. Get you a great lender and agent and be patient.


Quick market update for everyone!🚨🚨

These FED meetings have been completely unpredictable. Last time we had one, they raised rates by .75bp and mortgage rates dropped, this time, they announced they would continue to raise them, and they went up! 📈

So here’s where we are at according to Google when it comes to your average interest rate.

What does this mean for you? Yes your interest rate is higher, but at the same time, the housing market is officially on the decline.

My advice? Look out for great deals on properties. Ask for a 3% SELLERS CREDIT!! You can use this to buy the rate down which means a lot in the current market.

It’s a great time to buy, we just need to be smart. If you have any questions or need some advice, you know who to call😉


VA loans!

DID YOU KNOW that if you are eligible for a VA loan, you can get up to 100% financing on your home? not only that, VA loan rates are incredible compared to conventional.

one thing to keep in mind is that if you do finance more than 95% of the home (5% down) you do get hit with a higher funding fee.

if you or a friend are looking for a new home and think you might be eligible, please reach out! it's super easy to check and is an amazing product.


Last weekend I had the incredible opportunity to help one of my friends from selling at Aptive close on his first home in Arkansas. Not only were we able to work together to create a game plan for buying his first home, but also how to acquire as many rental properties as possible! If you're self employed and looking into buying a home, please contact me ASAP! its absolutely critical to plan ahead for the process with taxes, LLC's etc.

Congrats Andrew and Ana, and thanks for trusting me to help you along in the process!

OH and if you're looking into selling solar, hit him up! He's one of the best leaders you'll have the opportunity to work with.


LOOK OUT! Interest rates have jumped again!

In an effort to quell inflation, the Fed increased policy rates by 0.75% at their most recent meeting. This is the largest increase since 1994 and more than initially expected. Mortgage interest rates had already moved upward in anticipation.

What's next? It is expected the Fed will continue moving rates on an upward path at each successive meeting of the Open Market Committee, so long as conditions warrant. Most analysts anticipate the increases will continue until the Fed has met its directive of containing inflationary forces in the economy.

Background on the Fed: The Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) controls the federal funds rate and discount rate, which are charges for overnight loans from bank to bank or from the Fed to member banks. The rate was lowered to near zero in March 2020 in response to the pandemic. These historic measures are now being reversed. This is the third increase this year.

This does Not mean that buying right now is a bad idea, it just means you need to create a plan and you need a lender who can be creative short and long term.

I monitor interest rates and the markets every day. Please reach out if I can answer questions or be of service to you or your friends and family. I'll be glad to help.


It's been a little bit too long since I posted on here, I apologize if anyone has been missing me😂

There is a lot of debate on if buying a home is an investment, or just a big purchase with a lot of debt involved. Here's my take.

If it's a primary residence in normal times, typically appreciation on a home is between 5-10% annually. which is pretty close to what you would holding your money in an IRA or retirement account. This makes it a lot more like a forced savings account, that you can truly enjoy living in, and potentially build in a significant amount of equity if you choose to modify it. Of course, the last few years have been quite the exception when it comes to appreciation with record highs across the nation. However, things tend to level out over time.

On the investing side, if you are purchasing rentals, Air bnb's or anything of the sort, then, it does become an investment (assuming the numbers make sense and it cash flows). You can purchase an asset that not only appreciates over time, but also pays you every single month!

If you need a lender help you get into a primary residence, or you want to look at investment properties and understand the numbers behind making it work, please give me a call! I'd love to help out.

Oh yeah, and happy Memorial day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


This close was a great one.

It was so exciting to watch these guys close on their first home! We originally locked them in at a 4.625% rate and bought it all the way down to 4.25% using remaining sellers credit. That means it cost them NOTHING to get the lower rate!! In a crazy market like this, you NEED a lender who will get creative to get you the best rate possible. It’s extra work so most lenders won’t even try but we ALWAYS go the extra mile!

Enjoy your beautiful home Savanah and Tyler. You guys deserve all the fun memories you’ll create there with your little family! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the process.


One of the most common questions I get as a lender is "what do I need to know/do in order to qualify for a home". Truthfully I think our educational system has failed in informing people on these things, but I guess that's what I'm here for! 😄

If you are a first time homebuyer purchasing your primary residence, the minimum down payment required for a purchase is only 3% if it is a conventional loan! If you are using an FHA loan the minimum 3.5% down.

This is where things get tricky. For a duplex with the homeowners living in one side as a primary residence, if purchased using a conventional loan 15% down is required. but this is where FHA loans shine! you can still do 3.5% down, all the way up to 4 units if you are living in one as your primary residence.

For conventional loans, a minimum credit score of 620 is required. FHA loans, however, are much more lenient on late payments and have a minimum of 580.

If you are wanting to get into a home or see how much you can pre-quailfy for, lets schedule a quick call and figure it out! I'd love to help.


Yesterday’s close with and was a special one. Not only did we get Garrett approved with NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED, we were able to originally lock his rate at 4.5 and last minute, we were able to use some left over sellers credit to buy the rate ALL YHE WAY DOWN to 4.125!

In a wild market with even crazier interest rates. Find you a lender who not only fights to find the best program for you, but will also scramble last minute and go through some extra stress for YOUR benefit.

Thanks Lacey for finding them an awesome home in IF! She’s an incredible agent to work with.

If you’re ready to buy a home or want to know how we made all this happen shoot me a call and we will get things done!


Most of you have figured out that I'm ALL about home buyer education. The more you know, the greater the advantage you have in real estate. 📚📚📚

One of the most overlooked factors is closing costs. If you can find a way to lower your closing costs, you can lower your seller credit %. which (agents correct me if I'm wrong) means you have a stronger offer because the seller keeps a little more cash in their pocket. 💸

When comparing lenders ALWAYS compare their lending fees, not just the rates. Rates can always be bought down, but it should be the buyers option on how they use their cash. 💲💲

If you have any questions about our lending fees or any of the terms on this graphic, shoot me a DM. I'd love to simplify the lending world for you!


Just a friendly reminder that even in this crazy market, there are ways to get into a home now and start building equity. Few things match inflation better than the real estate market. So if you can, now is a great time to buy! especially before the FED hikes rates up again in another few months.

If you have any questions, you know who to call!


Construction Loans! 🛠🛠🚧

We are luckily in a market where lumber costs have normalized. Many people that were unable to build a year ago because of affordability now have a chance to build their own home! 🪓

That being said, construction loans are very different from a traditional home purchase transaction. There's added inspections, origination fees, and underwriting fees. bottom line, these loans can be very expensive to close on compared to a traditional one.

We have an incredible One Time Close construction loan that we offer. what are the benefits?

- You don't pay closing costs twice! this alone is a difference of THOUSANDS of dollars
- Land cost can also be included in out construction loans
- You get the benefit of current rates, rather than what they would be if you locked at the time of completion, which could be a 9+ months away!

I'd love to help you get started on building your new home! if you have any questions about construction loans and our amazing program, let me know!


This market is WILD, we all know that. being a first time homebuyer trying to come up with a down payment when the average house is $300,000+ is even harder. that's where Idaho Housing's first time homebuyer programs kick in.

- 0% down on your first home!
-Lowest rates in Idaho.
- Lots of flexibility in the loan amount and program types (ex. FHA, Conventional, 203K)

-Great rates and programs with low down payments always come at a cost
- Origination fees up to 2% can be charged (if a program is done outside of Idaho housing's first time homebuyer program we do not charge any origination fee)
-These fees are added to closing costs so ideally seller credits will cover it, but if they are only covering 1% closing costs the extra fees fall to you)

-If you need down payment assistance the programs are incredible. They can get you into a great home at a great rate. if you can come up with 3% for a down payment you might be better off because you can save on fees and even buy down the rate if you want to match Idaho housing's

If you need more information or have any questions let me know! And if you have any friends looking to buy their first home, tag them below! .


Creating passive income and investing in properties can feel extremely intimidating. Cash flow, Down payments, and income qualification will scare away 99% of people from investing and building their net worth.

The BRRRR method is one of the best ways to build a great portfolio with limited cash. combined with our amazing 203K programs for renovating, you can quickly scale!

If you have any questions or would like to work with a lender with a deep understanding of the investing process, reach out to me and ill break things down and help you get qualified!


Happy Presidents day everyone!
-George Washington would want you to buy a house if He were here, more importantly he would probably recommend using me as the mortgage lender. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Rent vs. Buy🏠

When renting a home/apartment, things are largely out of your control. Rents can go up at any time causing you to look for a new place to live. Pets may not be accepted, and if they are, you pay a large fee just to keep them in your home no matter how clean they might be.🐺 Noisy neighbors can wake up babies... the list goes on.

Not only that, but each month you make a payment you are building someone else's equity/net worth. And you are unable to make any large changes to the property to truly make the home your own.

Renting isn't all bad. For some people it is a wonderful option. However, in most cases if it can be helped buying is much better. If you want to know how to prepare to purchase a home or have any questions about buying investment properties, please reach out to me!

Photos from Ryland Rammell-Home Loans NMLS #2286035's post 17/02/2022

Fixer Upper?

When my wife and I bought our first house, the market was going crazy. houses that were once 250K were selling for 400K, and things were on and off the market like hot cakes. after months of searching and getting beaten out on offers, we eventually decided to buy a fixer upper.

When I asked my lender about what programs I could use to get some extra cash, or even down payment assistance I was told we had no home equity so we would just have to use cash to fix up the place. this totally drained our savings, and it was worth it we have some incredible equity now, but watching thousands of dollars disappear is never fun.

As a mortgage lender I can get you access to an incredible 203K program that not only helps you finance your home purchase, but also give you some cash up front to cover the cost!

With the way this market is trending, more and more people will have to go this route to get started. If you have any questions about how this all works shoot me a message or give me a call! Id love to get you into a home with some equity right out the gates.


Rates are going crazy! if you're wondering if you can afford a home, here's an easy way to look at it.

-what is your current rent wherever you're at?

now compare

-pull up a mortgage calculator on google
-find out P+I
-add about 70 bucks for insurance (assuming your house is about 300,000)
-add property tax 75-100 bucks

these are all big estimates and assumptions but you can see if the trade off is worth it.

if you have any questions about the lending process or want to know about some incredible agents we can refer, shoot me a message!



There are so many different types of loans that people can qualify for. First time Homebuyer programs, FHA, RDA/USDA, conventional, the list goes on and on! today I'm going to go over the Pros and Cons of FHA loans.

FHA Loans awe Awesome for a few reasons
-compared to conventional loans, they have much lower credit thresholds. This means if you made a few bad decisions that have haunted you with credit, there's still hope to get into a home!
-FHA loans allow minimal down payments as low as 3.5%.
- They have required fee limits on closing costs!

-because of the added "risk" there is a heavy up front 1 time fee for doing an FHA loan. This can be paid up front or tied into the loan.
- There is an annual MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premium), this is different from PMI. Typically, it is attached to the loan for a longer period of time and is based off of the financed amount, so it can be costly.

At the end of the day, FHA loans are usually not the Go-To loan for most. But for some, they can be an incredible option to stop paying rent and move into a home. If you have any questions about FHA or any other loans, reach out to me!

Meet the US lender aiding Jamaica's Olympic ice hockey dream 05/02/2022

Meet the US lender aiding Jamaica's Olympic ice hockey dream Jamaica hopes to send an ice hockey team to compete at a future winter games — with support from what might seem like an unlikely real estate backer.