

Tips and tricks on living a low tox lifestyle and using essential oils! I am here to help you make the switch and guide you along the way!

Grab a starter kit and join the community!

Photos from Oileelivingg's post 07/09/2021

let’s chat all things hormones —

if you’re a guy, keep scrolling🙃 my journey of hormones and my cycle is anything far from normal. most of my life I was on birth control, around 8 years to be exact. my periods were heavy, very painful, bad bloating, and cause flare ups in acne. I remember my mom taking me home from middle school because the pain was so bad. it wasn’t until I was 22 that I thought to myself, will bring on birth control most my life effect my chances of getting pregnant later? by this time in my life I was on my third type of birth control. I had gained 20-25 lbs, my hair was falling out, and had terrible acne.

I made the decision to stop taking it. I didn’t get my period for an entire YEAR. I lost a bunch of weight, acne got even worse, but I remained hopeful. I started looking into natural ways to help my cycles be somewhat regular as well as cope with the dreaded symptoms when the time came that I’d get my period.

I found products to add to my natural toolbox and in time, my period came and my cycles started to get into a groove over months of me being consistent and tracking. I now am super passionate about helping others find what works for them to help their cycle regularity and symptoms that come with their periods because it’s brought me such relief and power in knowing I helping my body get back to its “normal” rhythm.

*peep the slides for more deets*

Photos from Oileelivingg's post 18/05/2021

one of the best decisions I’ve made —

confession, I used to love candles from bath and body & my hubby loved the wallflower plug ins and literally had so many in his apartment.. I had zero clue the harm these were causing us until I did my research! we’ve now completely ditched both of those and replaced them with diffusers in our house!

not only do they replace the scents they also offer benefits for our mood, sleep, cleaning properties, immune system, and more! double win🙌🏼

have you switched yet?

Photos from Oileelivingg's post 30/04/2021

the first step towards a natural home is to be aware of what ingredients to avoid in your personal care & cleaning products!

tip — give yourself grace and be patient. this change cannot and simply will not happen overnight. it took me an entire year to swap out products in our home for cleaner alternatives.

do your research & be yours and your family’s own advocate on what you allow into your home. remember, you and your family are worth it🤍

—> save this post to refer back to when roaming the aisles of target

Photos from Oileelivingg's post 08/04/2021

T R Y. B E F O R E. Y O U. B U Y.

have you ever been interested in essential oils but were quite ready to take the jump on them? I get it, it can be an investment, scary not knowing enough about them, or how to use them.

let me tell you about this special class I’m hosting for you! this will be a texting class all about essential oils starting next weekend (April 15-18). you will receive 3 rollers that come with index cards on how to use them during the class. there is limited spots for the class so DM me to claim your spot. there will be a cover charge to cover the materials and for access of the class🤍

so what’s holding you back? message me to claim your spot!



that’s the new thing now a days right? well shoooot all I can say is I’m grateful for that opportunity! for those who don’t know I’m a registered nurse during the day and at night I help people like you get started with a natural lifestyle using clean safe products in your homes for not only you but your family as well🤍 and let me tell you something.. I stinking love it!

the freedom this side hustle has given me is amazing, the people I meet from this corner of the internet are so nice and engaging, I love knowing I’ve helped another family kick to the curb all their old harmful products in their home and switch them out with healthier and safer options.

I could never picture myself not using these products, I actually look forward to having kiddos one day to use all the other products they offer for them as well! it’s not a fad or a phase. it’s a life decision and it’s a journey for everyone. that’s why I’m here - to help you in your journey wherever you may be and to make it easier for you.


it’s been a hot second since we’ve chatted about essential oils😅 have you noticed that essential oils are on the up and up wherever you go? they’re in target, grocery stores, tj max, and more. wanna know something scary? essential oils are not regulated😳 meaning labels can say they’re “pure” “organic” and in all reality you have zero clue what ingredients are actually inside that bottle because the companies don’t have to disclose that information to you. why is that bad? because in that tiny bottle that’s suppose to be “natural” “clean” and “pure” can be hidden synthetic fragrances and chemical fillers making that bottle of oil just as harmful to you, your kiddos, and fur babies as a common candle in your home.

—> insert young living, the OG of the essential oil industry. this is the ONLY company I trust with essential oils because they have been around the longest, and frankly are the largest in the industry (for a reason). they offer their seed to seal guaranteed meaning they physically have their hands on their essential oils the second they plant that seed for the plant to the moment they seal the cap on the bottle. that’s extremely important because nothing is being done by a third party so you know EXACTLY where and how that oil was made. young living is the ONLY company that physically owns all of their farms where they grow these plants and have an open door policy to visit them at anytime! NO other company can say or offer that.

the saying you get what you pay for has never been more true than with essential oils now a days. of course the oils at target, the grocery store, or amazon will be cheaper — that’s because they’re not the legit thing🤷🏽‍♀️ oils have powerful properties to them and can be used to help in many areas of your body (sleep, immune, digestive, etc) some cheap oil from target will do nothing for your body because it’s not real. I personally care about the quality of these oils because I use them around myself, my hubby, our pup, and futures kiddos one day. and to me, we’re worth it.

Photos from Oileelivingg's post 10/02/2021

sometimes all you need is a gateway for a week.. or a weekend. time away from your normal daily routine is so freeing and fills your cup back up.

for me — a lot of it is mental health. don’t get me wrong, back at home I love it but my job as a nurse can leave me stressed, exhausted, sad, empty, and beaten down at times while on other days it brings me joy, inspiration, motivation, faith, and energy.

it’s always good to take a step back sometimes and just relax, take a second or more for yourself, to fuel you back up, to fill your cup, to feel reenergized and get back to the grind of everyday life🤍

📍st.augustine you will always have a piece of my mind and be a second home to me


do you live somewhere where it drops down into the single digits or even negatives? 🥶

this girl does — it’s suppose to get into the negatives this week in Wisconsin and I’m over here day dreaming about being back in Colorado with the warmth and mountains all around us😭

good thing for us is we’re getting away for a week on Monday — literally praise Jesus 🙌🏼

where are all my other warm weather fans?


my new favorite place💫

all thanks to my amazing husband — I had been asking him if we could switch our guest bedroom to a little office workspace for myself. he would kinda just shake his head and say okay. well the other day I was at work at the hospital and I came home to this beautiful space🤍 he literally went out that day and got everything and put it together before I got home! love him to pieces and value his heart that is literally gold😭



I haven’t done one of these in a long time! I’m super grateful for this community on here — so why not do a giveaway?!

A few of my FAV things —
⋒ a cute mini planner
⋒ sara roller
⋒ thieves hand sanitizer

I have a big version of this planner and I LOVE it, sara is MY JAM and I want everyone to experience it, I use my sara roller every single day, and who doesn’t need some good hand sanitizer during this time that won’t dry your hands out because it’s all natural and made with gentle ingredients🤍

⋒ like this post
⋒ tag a friend below (more tags = more entries)
⋒ share this post on your story & tag me
⋒ follow me

Winner will be announced this Friday January 29th at 7pm CT✨



A few weeks ago we had our first hangout together! It was so surreal — these are some of the girls I have helped get started on their journey with essential oils & low tox living and they themselves are ready to help others get started in their journeys as well! 😭

This night was intended to be a DIY night and a chill night and I think we spent more time talking and hanging out than doing DIYS which may have gone wrong🤣 (body butter smelling like straight chocolate) but we all voiced how we just loved hanging and having the community.

Now — isn’t that what it’s all about? Community. I would take community over some sale or paycheck any day. These are all friendships that have been created from this community in this space. How beautiful is that. I had been visioning, dreaming, and praying for this to happen someday and it did. And it’ll only grow from here🙌🏼

Love these girls and the friendships we’ve all created!


Ever wonder what’s the difference with the white labeled oils versus the colored labels? Those are Young Livings vitality oils! Let’s chat about them!

These vitality oils are deemed safe for internal use. YUP. You read that right! But before you go grab your oil from target and put it in your drink — HOLD UP.

The vast majority of oils on the market today are only suitable for cosmetics and perfumes. The reason YL oils are different is their commitment to producing a pure oil. YL has invested in their own farms, care for and nutrients their own plants, trees, and shrubs, and finally distill, test, and bottle the oils that arrive on your doorstep. This is called their seed to seal process meaning they control every step from planting to bottling.

Using oils internally can be done under the tongue, add them to water, in a veggie capsule, or with cooking. Young Living makes it easy by labeling all oils safe to take internally with a white label! Non therapeutic grade oils should NEVER be ingested. Ingesting oils should always be done with caution.

I personally love mixing mine with my drinks! I love orange, lime, and jade lemon with my ningxia. I love lemon and grapefruit with my water.

*important tip: only use stainless steel, glass, or ceramic with oils. Never use plastic because the oils can breakdown the plastic which is not good.


created this beauty yesterday🌻

and since — I have not been able to stop spraying myself with it because I’m so obsessed. I think it’s so empowering to have full control of the products we use on our bodies — whether it’s perfume, lotion, shampoo, body wash, etc. we are the owners of our own bodies. we have full control. so why not be picky on what we use? it’s like a fancy car. would you spend thousands of dollars on that car to in return put cheap gas in it that could harm it? I don’t think so. now I’m not saying you have to fully flip the switch overnight. or switch everything. don’t get me wrong I believe everything in moderation is good — I love me some chickfila fries and sauce ok? but why not be mindful and be in control of what you use on a daily basis? not only for you but your spouse, kiddos, and future kiddos. just think about it🤍


double posting on my personal account and here because my hubby deserves all the shout outs in the world.

I love him to the moon and back. I’ve cherished all the memories we’ve made in the last year. despite all the ups and downs we’ve both brought each other love, joy, and all the support. we’ve both grown so much individually and together as a couple. we’ve learned a lot — a lot of what not to do and a lot of what to do more often. I’ve personally had a lot of hard days coming home from long shifts from work and he’s always been there for me to vent or just be comforted. we’ve shared many laughs together, late night tik tok watching seshs laying in bed, and shoot he’s even gotten me in a few of his videos😂 but seriously want to give him a shoutout because he’s truly an amazing man and I don’t know what I did to deserve him and be blessed with this life with him.


New to essential oils? Lets go over some essential oil basics🌿

⋒ What are essential oils? They are compounds extracted from plants from a process called distillation. The oil captures the plants scent or flavor🌻

⋒ How do they work? Inhaling essential oils can stimulate areas of your limb if system, which is part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviors, sense of smell and long term memory🧠

⋒ How can you use them? There’s three ways, topically, aromatically, and internally.

⋒ Topically is one of the easiest ways to start incorporating oils into your everyday life. This can be done with making rollers using oils and a carrier oil to apply to your wrists, neck, chest, feet, spine💃🏽

⋒ Aromatically is an easy way to get oils into your house & bloodstream. This can be done through inhaling oils from your hands or diffusing them in a diffuser👃🏼

⋒ Internally is the way to get most benefit from every drop. This can be done in your water, tea, or in a veggie capsule. ONLY use Young Livings vitality line labeled safe for ingestion when doing this — DO NOT use oils from amazon, target, or the grocery store when taking internally let alone in general☕️

⋒ Are oils safe around kids and animals? Yes they are. But it’s important to remember to dilute with kiddos and animals — & do your research before using. It’s best to start small. If you need more info reach out to me and I’d be more than happy to send you more detailed info! 👧🏽🐶


Let’s talk about some ningxia!

This little red drink is MY JAM. For COUNTLESS reasons🤪 First off I’m doing a Facebook class all about ningxia the 7th-9th so if you want in let me know!

Now let’s chat why I love this red drink so much and how it can benefit you! Ningxia is loaded with antioxidants and essential oils that help:

+ memory
+ increase energy and stamina
+ healthy sexual function 😜
+ healthy cholesterol & blood sugar levels
+ combats premature aging
+ improve digestion
+ bowel regularity
+ strong immune system
+ healthy sleep
+ optimal vision

Who else loves their ningxia? 🙋🏽‍♀️


hi there I’m Tiah!

If you’re new here welcome! I’m so thankful to have you here on this page🤍 It’s been a bit since I introduced myself. I’ll be turning 25 this month, I’m a registered nurse and work at a local hospital — lately I’ve been on our COVID units since it all started. I’m a wife to the best hubby ever for over 2 years so we’re still newlyweds🤘🏼 My hubby works at a local church which is our second home. We live in the cold state of Wisconsin & yes I do love cheese. I have a doberman and a horse. No kiddos yet — we do want 6 tho🤪 hopefully soon🤞🏼 I’m an introvert and a enneagram 9. This page is dedicated to my love for essential oils and a natural lifestyle and my journey along the way to help anyone else who’s on the journey or for those who are interested in getting started!

And that’s me! Tell me a little about yourself! I love meeting new people!


2020 —> 2021

As I sat down yesterday and reflected on the past year I was blow away with all that has happened. I’ve been married for almost 1 and a half years. I started my nursing career out working in a pandemic that has stretched me mentally and physically. I’ve seen so much heartbreak at work that I honestly thought I’d never see.. We lost my sweet Grandma who I miss dearly every single day. I overcame my fears and hesitancies by creating this space here over on the internet. I shared my story and passion with you all knowing people were judging from the sides but it’s given me so much confidence and passion in return. I have met so many beautiful souls here just from starting this account! I have grown my team and helped many lives and families bring essential oils & natural products into their homes. It’s been quite the year.

As I sat down yesterday to finalize my essential rewards order I reflected that this will be another year that I choose this lifestyle with oils and natural products because I choose to continue to say yes to a healthier lifestyle away from chemicals for not only myself but for my hubby, fur babies, and future kiddos🤍

2021 bring it on👏🏼


what better way to kickstart the new year than diving into your wellness journey? 🌿

whether you’ve wanted to get into oils, natural cleaning products, antioxidant drinks, oils for your kiddos, whatever the case may be I’ve got a deal just for you! 🙌🏼

today & tomorrow I’m offering $25 off any starter bundle! nervous you have zero clue what you’re doing? don’t worry — I was there too when I first got started! that’s what I’m here for☺️ to educate you along the way!

I’ll also send you a welcome package with tons of goodies for saying “YES” to this journey & plug you into all our private groups and reassures! DM me if you’re ready to get started and let’s chat! 🤍


where are all my girls who need some energy in their life? 🙋🏽‍♀️

you know what I’m talking about. you sleep in late every morning wishing you’d wake up sooner to start your day because you don’t want it to be wasted. you’re tired of yawning 24/7 and just don’t feel present in the moment? just overall feel like a lump on a log. GIRL I FEEL YOU.

so let me do you a favor and introduce you to my best friend, zyng.

this powerhouse drink is an all natural energy drink! it’s formulated with whole-fruit wolfberry puree found in ningxia, sparkling water, pear and blackberry juices, and a hint of Lime and Black Pepper essential oils. It has natural flavors and sweeteners, white tea extract, and added vitamins. I personally love mixing this with my ningxia red every morning or sometimes I’ll just drink it plain!

have you tried it yet — ?


my favorite thing about this biz is sending out gifts to people🤍 whether it’s new members, current members (my GIRLS🤘🏼), friends, or non members - IT BRINGS ME SUCH JOY.

I love sharing my love for these plant juices and this lifestyle with everyone that I meet. they’ve been a true blessing to me and my family and I can’t help but want to share that with you all! the freedom they’ve brought me is incomparable.

I want to point out how versatile they are as well! I just made a roller for my mama friend, a blend for her teething babe, and a room/linen spray (Christmas scented of course🎄) ALL from my oils!


I’ve been seeing so many people post about which I honestly never knew was a thing until today! It’s been a year since I started doing this amazing little business on the side. It’s definitely been quite the journey, many ups and downs, lots of learning, learning more about myself, growth, meeting amazing people on this app and in person, developing real relationships and friendships, learning how I can better mine and my families life and help others learn about this lifestyle too! 🌻

Doing this makes my heart so happy and full. I love showing up on here and sharing my love and passion with you all and help educate you all on the things I’ve learned along the way!

Just know, when you purchase your oily kit or natural cleaning products you’re helping support me and my family! Not every penny goes straight to Young Living - it goes towards helping us financially! Thank you all who have followed me along this journey, commented, liked, or shared my posts. Thank you for the friendships you’ve given me. Thank you for purchasing an oily kit and saying yes to this journey yourself and trusting me to help guide you along the way! 🥰



let’s be real - we’re all suckers for great deals and saving money any which way we can. am I right?🙋🏽‍♀️ luckily for you, I have a great deal that you won’t want to miss out on!

if you’ve been on the fence about getting into essential oils and a low tox lifestyle now is your time! if you know a family member or spouse who’s been talking about oils sign them up!

from now until Thursday I’m offering $25 off any premium starter kit and when you use your kit as your first essential rewards order I’ll send you a FREE christmas spirit essential oil! and trust me - you’ll want this oil diffusing in your home during the holiday times and you’ll most likely want to order more for the next month🤍

not to mention I’ll also send you a rad welcome package loaded with more free goodies and plug you into our amazing community with endless resources!

DM me and let’s get you hooked up girl! 👏🏼


tis the season✨

who’s looking for a great room spray DIY that’ll leave your house smelling like a christmas tree farm? ditch those room sprays that you can buy at the store that are loaded with harmful chemicals that are not good not only for you, but your family, and fur babies and replace it with a fun DIY using essential oils! here’s the recipe 👇🏼

⋒ 2 oz glass spray bottle
⋒ 10 drops pine
⋒ 10 drops idaho blue spruce
⋒ 10 drops cedarwood
⋒ 10 drops vanilla
⋒ fill half with unscented witch hazel
⋒ top off with distilled water

B A M 🤩 be blessed yall 🎄


That's it! 😊 So glad to have had you apart of this ballin on a budget class! I hope that it was beneficial to you and that you learned a lot on how you can afford this lifestyle while living on a tight budget. When I first started my journey I was still in nursing school living with my mom and engaged! I was able to remain on essential rewards while planning our wedding, getting married, and living as newlyweds all the way up to today! I promise it is doable and rewarding!

If you are not yet a member with YL and are ready to make the commitment and say "yes" I'd love to chat with you and help get you started on your journey! I am offering $25 off your kit this month for the first four people🙋 You can use the link on this page to get started or DM me and I can walk you through your next steps!

With that being said, when you say "yes" to a starter kit that gives you a membership and 24% off all products. Theres is ZERO commitment to order monthly (essential rewards) OR do the biz side! Both are 100% optional! 😘 You can simply just purchase your kit and never order another thing for an entire year! Please let me know what questions you have - I'd love to help answer them! 🌻


Today is our last night together! Let's dive right in to essential rewards!

Check out my list on Amazon 05/11/2020

That's a wrap for day two! 👏 Dilution hacks and DIYS are some of my favorite things to do. I'm a huge fan of DIYS. Here are some items that I like to keep on hand for DIYS which I get from amazon!

+ 16 oz glass spray bottle
+ 2oz & 4oz glass spray bottle
+ 30ml roller (for stain stick)
+ mason jar with lid
+ hand soap foam pump
+ glass jar with lid
+ baking soda
+ epsom salt
+ carrier oil (fractioned coconut, jojoba, grapeseed, avocado, etc)
+ unscented castile soap (Dr.Bronners)
+ distilled water

I will link below my amazon favs that I personally use! ❤️

Tomorrow we will be going into more detail on essential rewards and order ideas that are cheap! Can't wait to chat then! 😘

Check out my list on Amazon