Smith Wigglesworth quotes and testimonies

Smith Wigglesworth quotes and testimonies

Quotes that will uplift your spirit man because they are anointed. We don't publish motivation quotes but Spirit breathed quotes, Smith wigglesworth quotes.


Miraculous testimony- Jesus Christ restores limbs of an amputee through the ministry of His servant Smith Wigglesworth.

While staying in the home of a curate of the local church of England. Smith Wigglesworth and the curate were sitting together talking after supper. No doubt the subject of their conversation was that the poor fellow had no legs. Artificial limbs in those days were unlike the sophisticated limbs of today. Wigglesworth said to the man quite suddenly (which he often did when ministering in cases like this), go and get a pair of new shoes in the morning.

The poor fellow thought it was some kind of joke. However, after wigglesworth and the curate had retired to their respective rooms for the night, God said to the curate, "Do as my servant has said". God was identifying himself with Wigglesworth. There was no more sleep for the man that night. He arose up early, went downtown, and stood waiting for the shoe shop to open. The manager eventually arrived and opened the shop for business. The curate went in and sat down. After a few minutes, an assistant came and said, 'Good morning sir. Can I help you?' The man said, 'Yes, would you get me a pair of shoes please?' 'yes sir. Size and color?'
The curate hesitated. The assistant then saw his condition and said, 'Sorry sir. We can't help you'.
"It's all right, young man. But I do want a pair of shoes. Size 8, color black". The assistant went to get the requested shoes. A few minutes later he returned and handled them to the man. The man put one stump into the shoe and instantly a foot and leg formed! Then the same thing happened with the other leg! He walked out the shop, not only with a new pair of shoes, but also with a new pair of legs!

Smith Wigglesworth was not surprised. He had expected the results. He often made remarks like this; 'As far as God is concerned, there is no difference between forming a limb and healing a broken bone'.

May your faith be lifted up


"When things are not going right, there are satanic forces in operations. What is my solution? To rebuke the condition of sin, death, disease or whatever it is. I can pray in the Holy Ghost, and that prayer is effectual to bring down every stronghold of the enemy. "

-Smith Wigglesworth



AND HE WAS NOT....FOR GOD TOOK HIMSeven days later, Smith Wigglesworth journeyed to a minister's funeral. Along the way, he commented to his friends how "wonderful" he felt. He pointed out the different landmarks where he and Polly had visited or preached, then would tell of the great miracles that had happened while there.
When he arrived at the church, his son-in-law, James, opened the door and helped him into the vestry where a warm fire was burning. As he entered, he was met by the father of a young girl he had prayed for days earlier. The girl had been given up to die, but Smith had great faith for her healing. When he saw the man, he asked, "Well, how is she?" He was expecting to hear that the girl was completely delivered, but the answer came hesitantly. "She is a little better, a bit easier; her pains have not been quite so bad during the past few days." Disappointed by what he heard, Smith let out a deep compassionate sigh. Then his head bowed, and without another word or experiencing any pain, Smith Wigglesworth went home to be with the Lord. He left on March 12, 1947.

Credit: Answers


Smith Wiggglesworth and other generals of God group... It's about the old generals of God and their adventures in Christ.
