Refreshing The Soul

Refreshing The Soul

A safe space for you to heal and find rest for your soul!


Are you experiencing a season of change? 🤍

Whether it is a change in position, location, or something within your soul, changes can be good AND challenging.

How do we navigate this season and fully accept the newness that God is bringing us into?

In this week’s episode I break down how we can E.M.B.R.A.C.E. this season so that we can fully experience the benefits and lessons that come with following God.

Watch or Listen HERE:


God reminded me this morning as I was driving through the car wash, that sometimes His process can feel like the same.

It gets messy and dirty while you’re going through.

Sometimes you can’t even see.

But if you keep your hand off the wheel, He’ll carry you, wash you off, and you’ll come out….(you finish the line)


It’s not your fault.

I know sometimes you seek to find the wrong in you, the reason why they abandoned you, hurt you, shamed you, condemned you, overlooked you.

My daughter, remember the enemy is an accuser and seeks to steal your joy and peace.

Instead of looking at you when you are triggered to find fault, turn your gaze to Me and find Me.

Ask Me simply, “God where are you in this?”

Come closer to me and I will come closer to you. There you will find unconditional love and the real you❤️

Ready to break the cycle of seeking approval? I share some things God has taught me and you can listen HERE:


God knows your soul better than you! He designed you and is faithfully patient to complete what He began in you.🤍

Obedience to Him can be extremely uncomfortable. Just know it is the beginning of breaking strongholds we can't do on our own.

Give Him the place where you seek approval...
...lean in and hear... obedient and trust the God of the journey He has placed you on.

For more, you can listen to "Break the Cycle of Seeking Approval" here:


New Year, Same Cycle?♼

We look for approval from others mostly because we haven’t accepted ourselves.

This year let's take back the power that we put in others hands to approve us and become settled in our souls in who we are becoming.🩷

In this episode, I give you 3 things you can start doing now to disrupt the cycle of people pleasing, not being honest with your true feelings, seeking excessive reassurance, and more!



God is taking His time with you, so be patient with yourself. You’re His Masterpiece 🤍


Happy New Year!🎉

Sooo our family did a thing...a new thing...we recorded an episode together sharing our personal, spiritual, and family goals for 2024!

I'm honored God allowed me to share my family with you. ❤️

We hope this video sparks conversation with your family and brings your soul joy, encouragement, and refreshment!

P.S. Watch 'till the end...Marcus drops a WORD on us!💚🤍🖤

“A Holiday Special with The Hardens”

👕 Hoodies/Shirts Elevated Designz


Are you pouring out more than you're being poured into?

I know when I'm running on empty when I become easily irritated at other's requests.

I know when I'm thirsty for God when I'm looking for solitude time to be filled.

I want to challenge you to cry out with me, "I'm empty, fill me Lord." Then wait for Him to respond to what your soul needs.

I didn't know what I needed was an intimate bible study on Luke to meet a deep need in my soul, but He knew and He wants to fill us.

He wants to fill you.


Why not you?
I have always been fascinated by and admired women who wear their natural hair big and in full bloom 🤎

I think their hair authenticity is BEAUTIFUL…but I made excuses why I could never wear my natural hair like that (doesn’t look right on me, too much for me, etc)

But why not? Why not me?

Are you admiring from afar while denying something in you?

Maybe it’s not hair for you, but whatever it is, I want to encourage you to drop the excuses and give yourself permission to express your authentic self.

This world needs you just the way you are. Yes, YOU! 🤎


Hello My Refreshed Sister❤️
If you've been following me for sometime now, you know that my heart is to release episodes that are God-breathed.

Lately, I haven't released an episode because God is changing RTS Podcast and the way I show up.

He birthed this podcast in me, so I'm eager to share the new direction He is taking it.

I pray you leave this episode encouraged the more to follow God's leading and rest in His ways, no matter how scary or different it may look.

Watch or Listen HERE:


God is doing something new in you and around you.

Stay the course.

Rest in the pace of God.🤎


We can hold ourselves captive to our past mistakes and shortcomings, and not give ourselves permission to receive the good that God wants to bless us with because we feel unworthy of it.

So we sabotage relationships, jobs, opportunities…you name it.

We punish ourselves by pushing the good we don’t feel we deserve away, and settle for less.

My sister, I want to let you know that your past does not qualify your future, only God does.

Let yourself go. God has.

🎧LISTEN or WATCH "Moving Forward: Forgiving Yourself" here: (or Link in BIO)


What are you thankful for?

What has God blessed you with?

Let me know in the comments!

I pray that you have a Happy & Refreshing Thanksgiving!🧡🤍🤎


I remember the place of feeling angry and frustrated, yet confused if it was ok to show it.

The feeling of being scared but afraid to say it.

I was torn between the ache of my feelings and how to respond in a way that still pleased God.

The question that burned in my heart was, "God how do I be?"

God so lovingly heard my heart without a word leaving my lips and sent an older lady to me to say, "God wants you to know, whatever you're doing, keep doing it."

What was I doing? I was BEING with God.

I invited God to be with me and me with Him in every essence of my life and my heart. With Him is where I'm being set free to be ME.

Our being starts with being with God.❤️

Listen to this week's episode HERE: (or link in BIO)



I give up the weight of how I want things to look and go, for what God wants!

There's only so far we can go with so much weight.

What do you believe you need to surrender in order to move forward in who God is calling you to become?

There is something(s) we have to give up to go forward.

Let's talk about it!

🎧 Listen NOW to "Giving Up to Go Forward!" HERE: (or link in bio)


When we daily decide to break up with the old version of ourselves, we can accept who we were always designed to be.

Check out this week's episode as we continue to breakdown what we need to move forward!

🎙 Eps. 144 "Moving Forward: What do you need to accept?"
🔗 Click the link to watch or listen here: (or link in bio)


When the old mentality tries to arise and whispers...
..I'm not good enough..What will people think..I will always be this way..I'm going to get hurt again

Open your mouth and boldly speak to your soul, "I'm not her anymore!"

That's not you and it's not your future!

Sis, we're moving forward🤎

Watch or Listen to 🎙Eps. 143 "Moving Forward" HERE:


You've been honest.
You've addressed the pain.
You've allowed yourself to feel.
You've allowed God and His Truth into the sacred place of your heart.

It's time to move forward.

God's best for you is ahead of you. ❤️

Watch or Listen to 🎙Eps. 143 "Moving Forward" HERE:


You have permission to ask questions.

I understand that your past may have taught you to keep your questions to yourself to avoid belittlement, offense, weird looks or an image of weakness…

…but my sister, in order to become what God already knows about us, we must tap into wisdom outside of our own understanding.

While there is an internal work and healing we are accountable for, God did not call us to do the work alone.

He has set safe spaces to aid you as you heal and process.❤️‍🩹

Over the years and in my marriage, these are some vital things I’ve learned to do to create a safe space for honesty, questions and transparency:

Find out in this week’s episode how each of these play a part in creating a safe space. Listen HERE:


What words come alive to you in this scripture?

Mine is empathize & grace.

This scripture is telling me that we have permission to be weak and to bring our weakness to God. He's a safe space because His response is empathy, mercy and grace.🤎

Share your heart in the comments below...what is this scripture telling your soul?


There was a time when it was hard for me to be honest with God with what I wanted.

I would say prayers that I thought He wanted to hear...until one day He asked, "But what do you want?"

I had to really ponder in my soul what I truly wanted. I learned 2 things.

🍂God wants our honesty and cares about what we care about.
🍂Honesty in a safe place leads to deeper intimacy.

So now when He asks me...we have convos like this...

Are you being honest with your Heavenly Father about your desires? Are there some questions you've been wrestling with in your soul that you need to share with Him?---Sis, don't keep it inside any longer, start talking to Him...He truly cares!🤎


🎙I'm enjoying sharing my heart about safe spaces this month! Click this link to take a listen:


How are you creating a safe space in your relationships, in your home, your job, or the ministry God has called you to?

Last week we covered some reasons why it's hard to be honest about your feelings, your desires, the need for help, etc...and ways we can begin to move out of that place.

This week we are discussing ways to create a safe space for others to be honest.

One mindset shift we need to establish is that someone's vulnerability and honesty is a gift, not a green light to impose your frustration or opinion of where someone is at or should be on their journey.

How do you treat gifts that are given to you?🎁

Let's talk about it here >> (Link in BIO)


Are you being honest with yourself, with God, and others?

In this episode, I share reasons why we may find it hard to be honest and ways we can begin to allow God to soften this place in us.

Let’s continue the conversation about creating a safe space by clicking here> (or link in BIO)


Confession is connected to your healing!

When we confess, we have come to a place of surrendering the comfort of privacy and self-protection.

Confession silences shame and gives place for Truth to speak into your wound.

Need a safe space to confess today? I’d love to pray for you! 🙏🏾Share your heart with me here:


Hello Refreshed Sister🤍
Do you desire a safe community?

The truth is, our safety and protection has to be in God alone.☝🏾 It is when we make Him our safe place first, that He can begin to heal the wounded mindset that you are unprotected.

When we don't feel safe, it can cause us to be hard and closed with each other.

I'm learning in this season, that the more vulnerable and reliant I am on God's protection, the more I can hold space to be and receive vulnerability from others.

Let's keep talking about this safe space we desire and how God creates this for us first so we can be that for others💕

Eps. 132 - "Walking Closer with God"
Eps. 123-126 "Breaking the Victim Mentality Series"
Eps. 80-84 "My Hiding Place Series"
Eps. 54 "Transforming from a Wounded Mentality"


A safe space is required to recover and heal.❤️‍🩹

You must feel safe to share, ask, cry, get it wrong at times, and just be where you are without the guilt, shame or judgment for being there.

When our safety is threatened, we are distracted from the rest and healing that God so wants us to experience.

I believe God has called me to create a safe space for you to heal, because I so longed for it myself.

I understand the importance and beauty of vulnerability that we can have with others.❤️

When we are open in safe community;
❤️‍🩹The lie of feeling alone is shattered
❤️‍🩹We can receive the love of God through others
❤️‍🩹Heaviness is lifted through confession and intercession

Will you share your heart with me on this and answer a few questions about your ideal safe space to heal? Click here>>

Also Check out 🎙Eps. "Creating A Safe Space for You to Heal" to hear my heart on the matter.


Are you in the middle of transitioning?

You may be moving locations, switching schools, changing jobs, or you're shifting from an old mindset to a Godly one.

Whatever transition you may be experiencing, it is sure to come with the ebbs and flows of feelings and thoughts that can lead to heaviness in the soul.

We can transition well and lightly!

Check out this week's episode as I share the 3 things that has helped me transition well🤍🖤

Watch or Listen HERE: (or click the link in my bio)


While we're in the process of being restored or healed, in our mind, our health or in our relationships, it can feel long and hard.

My prayer is to bring you hope in this episode!

God sees you! He sees your progress and He sees you working the Word!

Keep's worth it in the end!

What you can expect in this episode :

👉🏾Shifting the pressure from you to God
👉🏾Patiently waiting produces a harvest
👉🏾Testing of your faith is part of the process
👉🏾Practicing patience requires being led by the Spirit

🎧LISTEN on your favorite podcast platform (or click the Link in my BIO)


Hello Refreshed Sister!
You may not see it, but you are changing.🤍

It is the day-to-day living with God that changes us...evolves us.

The more we uncover God as we look for Him in our day, talk with Him, listen to Him, learn from Him, be obedient to Him, and believe in Him...the more we will uncover about ourselves!

What is God uncovering about you?

Let's continue this convo! Check out 🎙Eps. "The Uncovering of You" on any podcast platform or click the Link in BIO!


I recently asked God to show me my heart in a particular area. What He revealed I did not like.

To be completely honest, I felt a small sense of shame. 😞

I confessed and repented to God...and you know what His response was?

The engulfing of His Loving arms! I felt an extreme wave of love consume me in a place I felt unworthy of.😭

He uncovered something in me so He could heal me with His love.❤️

We will only know the depths of God's love to the extent we are willing to be uncovered.

Let's get to heart of the soul and let Him love us deeper in the places we may not know exists in us.

🎧LISTEN HERE: (or Link in BIO)

Videos (show all)

God will carry you❤️
God is taking His time with you, so be patient with yourself. You’re His Masterpiece 🤍#RefreshingTheSoul
Happy New Year!🎉Sooo our family did a thing...a new thing...we recorded an episode together sharing our personal, spirit...
Let’s try it again with the FULL video!😊Go a little farther 💙#RefreshingTheSoul #WeeklyRefreshing #RefreshYourSoul
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