

Young adult Catholics gathering for celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass in the Church.


Have a blessed feast day of the Assumption! Pray for us Our Lady, Assumed Body and Soul.

Juventutem.org will soon receive a much overdue refresh! Please look out for this and for various updates from us


Blessed 20th Annoversary of Juventutem!

Please read this article by our Chaplain Father de Malleray commemorating the occasion: https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/traditional-youth-movement-juventutem-turns-twenty


On 24th May in London we celebrate 20 years of Juventutem since its foundation in 2004!

Come one come all to this event at Saint Mary Magdeline


Join us at Jornada Mundial da Juventude!

Juventutem at WYD Lisbon | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem 29/07/2023

We welcome World Youth Day pilgrims to join us in Lisbon for doctrinal and spiritual conferences, and liturgies, beginning Wednesday, August 2nd, at 9:30 a.m.

Juventutem at WYD Lisbon | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem Juventutem at WYD Lisbon Posted on July 28, 2023 by secretary World Youth Day: Lisbon 2-6 August 2023 Whereas the uncertainty affecting the celebration of the traditional Latin liturgy precludes participation on the same scale as at previous World Youth Days, Juventutem will be present in Lisbon. Ad...

New President & Secretary | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem 05/04/2023

The International Juventutem Federation is pleased to announce that Henry Walker (England) succeeds Bertalan Kiss (Hungary) as President and John Paul Makilya (Kenya, New York) succeeds Monica Clarke (USA) as Secretary. Cosimo Marti (Switzerland, Italy) stays on as Treasurer as does Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP (UK) as Chaplain. We are grateful to all at the Bureau, and in our local groups for their past and current involvement at the service of the sanctification of the young according to the Roman traditions of the Church.

New President & Secretary | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem New President & Secretary Posted on April 5, 2023 by secretary The Juventutem International Federation is pleased to announce that Henry Walker (England) succeeds Bertalan Kiss (Hungary) as President and John Paul Makilya (Kenya, New York) succeeds Monica Clarke (USA) as Secretary. Cosimo Marti (Swi...

Mobile uploads 01/11/2021

Juventutem Valencia attended the great Roman pilgrimage this last weekend.

Juventutem Valencia ha estado este fin de semana en Roma en la peregrinación "Populus Summorum Pontificum". Deo gratias!

Reflections by the Bureau of the Juventutem International Federation on the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem 02/08/2021

"We, Your Young, Loyal, and Traditional Catholics"

Reflections by the FIJ Bureau on the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes.

Reflections by the Bureau of the Juventutem International Federation on the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem Reflections by the Bureau of the Juventutem International Federation on the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes Posted on August 2, 2021 by secretary “We, Your Young, Loyal, and Traditional Catholics” In composing the FIJ Bureau’s Reflections on the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, our chaplai...

Photos from Juventutem's post 20/05/2021

500 years ago today, a cannonball shattered the leg of a man named Ignatius, an event that changed the course of history.

Converted more fully to the Faith during his recovery, Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), whose members would go on to evangelize North America, re-evangelize England, and take Jesus to every corner of the world.

Approximately 10 years ago, English and American Juventutem pilgrims were able to visit Santuario de Loyola (where Ignatius recuperated) and to receive excellent catechesis from Fr. de Malleray and others as part of our participation in the Days in the Diocese for World Youth Day Madrid.

Photo credits: Tess and Paul.


For those interested, I wanted to share Kevin Roerty and SOCA - Souls of the Christian Apostolate ‘s 2020 conference that launches July 24-26 (this weekend). The conference is meant to unite Catholic Apostolic leaders to emphatically declare the “one thing necessary”... the spiritual life. This conference, featuring noted speakers such as - Archbishop Gullickson, Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Cordileone, Bishop Schneider, Bishop Vasa, Sam Guzman, Dom Alcuin Reid, and numerous others - is designed to help us engage in the war for souls through practical and lifelong spiritual formation. There is a plethora of material they are making available for free at their website (see video for link or find link thru the NLM link below). For more, see the following post at New Liturgical Movement’s article about the conference here: http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2020/07/announcing-soul-of-apostolate-2020.html?m=1 #.Xxs4sCUpCEc

Webinar: Chanting Monastic Vespers - Chant Café 30/04/2020

For anyone interested in learning more about chanting the monastic hours in the Extraordinary Form, this is a free webinar happening on Sundays in May.

Webinar: Chanting Monastic Vespers - Chant Café Following the April 15th webinar on monastic Compline, I’m offering a 4-part series on chanting monastic Vespers, for which I will be joined by Dom Benedict Andersen of Silverstream Priory in Ireland. We will spend 40 minutes learning, and then chant Vespers together. Each week will cover a new to...

Liturgical Resources for use during the Coronavirus Pandemic | Latin Mass Society 24/03/2020

From the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales: Online resources to assist with private or family devotions at home

Liturgical Resources for use during the Coronavirus Pandemic | Latin Mass Society With the cessation of public Masses throughout England & Wales, we have put together a catalogue of online resources to assist with private or family devotions at home.THE MASSA number of priests are live streaming their Private Masses online. Details of these can he found HERE.Although our Ordo 202...

Coronavirus in seminario 16/03/2020

Please pray for the community of students and professors at Séminaire Saint-Pierre FSSP Wigratzbad, the FSSP North American District: Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter's seminary in southern Germany.

As of Saturday, 12 members of the community were sick after an Italian visitor brought Coronavirus to the community.

Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for us.

Coronavirus in seminario Page officielle du Séminaire Saint-Pierre de Wigratzbad (Bavière), maison de formation de la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pierre (FSSP)


If you live in a place where the public celebration of Holy Mass has been cancelled, it may be appropriate for you to observe the precept of keeping the Lord’s Day holy, in part, by watching a live-streamed Mass and making a Spiritual Communion at the Elevation.

For friends of Juventutem in North America, the schedule of liturgies from LiveMass.net, an apostolate associated with the FSSP North American District: Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter may be most conducive to a Sunday morning observance of the Lord's Day.

To friends in Europe, Africa, and Asia, the live-streams that we have linked-to previously from Limerick, Paris, and Rome may work better.

SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini 14/03/2020

If you live in a place where the public celebration of Holy Mass has been cancelled, it may be appropriate for you to observe the precept of keeping the Lord’s Day holy by watching a live-streamed Mass and making a Spiritual Communion at the Elevation.

According to their page, the Parrocchia SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini in Rome will be live-streaming Mass each day at 6:30 p.m.

Time in Rome is GMT+1 (i.e., 5 hours ahead of US EDT).

SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini

Ite missa est 14/03/2020

If you live in a place where the public celebration of Holy Mass has been cancelled, it may be appropriate for you to observe the precept of keeping the Lord’s Day holy by watching a live-streamed Mass and making a Spiritual Communion at the Elevation.

For a long time, the parish of Saint-Eugène - Sainte-Cécile in Paris (served by the Schola Sainte Cécile) has live-streamed their Sunday High Mass (11:00 a.m.) as well as Second Vespers (5:45 p.m.)

Time in Paris is GMT+1 (i.e., 5 hours ahead of US EDT).

Ite missa est Chaîne vidéo de la paroisse Saint-Eugène - Sainte-Cécile 4 bis rue Sainte Cécile FR-75009 Paris http://www.saint-eugene.net


If you live in a place where the public celebration of Holy Mass has been cancelled, it may be appropriate for you to observe the precept of keeping the Lord’s Day holy by watching a live-streamed Mass and making a Spiritual Communion at the Elevation.

If you cannot attend Mass this Sunday, here is a link to follow daily Mass. "


Sunday Mass at ICKSP Ireland is celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Ireland is on GMT (i.e., 4 hours ahead of US EDT).

Mobile uploads 07/03/2020

A great event this June from Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pedro en México and UNA VOCE MEXICO: the Third Summorum Pontificum Congress in Guadalajara.

Including the Ordenación Sacerdotal Rev. Javier Ruiz Velasco Aguilar by Emmo. Cardenal Burke.

Del 11 al 14 de junio de 2020
Guadalajara, Jalisco

No puede perderse la oportunidad de vivirlo, formar parte y ser testigo de los diversos eventos de este Congreso.

¡Los esperamos!

Programa y Boletos a la Venta en linea a partir del 12 de Marzo en www.summorumpontificum.mx


On the 8th of February, Abbé Sean Kenney of the Institutum Christi Regis Summi Sacerdotis (who once served as a great host at Gricigliano to a visiting Secretary of Juventutem) was ordained to the diaconate by His Excellency Mathieu Madega Lebouankehan, Bishop of Mouila and President of the Episcopal Conference of Gabon.

Abbé Kenney is presently serving at ICRSP-Gabon / Mission catholique Ste Thérèse de l'enfant Jésus de Mouila

Check out this video of that day shared by the ICRSS - particularly of the choir!

Photos from Church of The Assumption Nashville's post 04/03/2020

Church of The Assumption Nashville, which has hosted many of the activities of Juventutem Nashville, was struck by a tornado yesterday morning.

In addition to praying for the citizens of Nashville who have died, please keep the Assumption community in your prayers as well.

Their page tends to indicate that donations can be made by Venmo as well to


One year ago today we were celebrating Extraordinary Form Mass at Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Frailes Carmelitas Descalzos, Panamá in Panama City with hundreds of World Youth Day pilgrims. God-willing, we can do the same at World Youth Day Lisbon 2022!

iMass App Launches World Map of Latin Mass Locations - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter 23/12/2019

Help Fr. Fryar FSSP populate the map: Comment below once you have submitted the information for a parish with the Traditional Latin Mass!

iMass - the smartphone app version of the FSSP North American District: Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter's LiveMass website - has recently launched a mapping service that aspires to eventually list every episcopally-approved TLM in the world. In a review of its North American coverage as of 23 December 2019, it looks it has most of the FSSP parishes and ICRSS Oratories have been listed, as well as a sprinkling of regular diocesan parishes.

Let's get them all! Once you've submitted a parish or other Mass site through the app, list it in a comment below, so that other volunteers can avoid duplicating your efforts.

iMass App Launches World Map of Latin Mass Locations - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter This is really the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Most traveling traditional Catholics, whether they are planning a vacation,...

Traditional Latin Mass best expresses the reality of Christ's sacrifice 12/11/2019

We recommend to your reading this op-ed from the National Catholic Reporter.

Traditional Latin Mass best expresses the reality of Christ's sacrifice William Shakespeare's exquisite Sonnet 23, about the difficulty of expressing profound love, begins, "As an unperfect actor on the stage ..." One of the lines in this brilliantly complex poem seems to...

New Juventutem Secretary: Nicholas Heiny | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem 06/11/2019

Congratulations and thank you to the new Secretary of Juventutem: Nicholas Heiny of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA!

New Juventutem Secretary: Nicholas Heiny | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem New Juventutem Secretary: Nicholas Heiny Posted on November 6, 2019 by secretary The Bureau of the FIJ: Treasurer Cosimo Damiano Marti, Secretary Nicholas Heiny, President Bertalan Kiss, and International Ecclesiastical Assistant Fr. Armand de Malleray FSSP. Meeting together in Rome for the Populus....


Juventutem picture with Mgr Dominique Rey at Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, following the Pontifical Mass that His Excellency celebrated at the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter Basilica.

Pictured in addition to our members are some Hungarian Norbertines and Fr. Zuhlsdorf. Thank you to Summorum Pontificum 2019 for the photograph.


📣 Atenção! Os organizadores de World Youth Day estão anunciando a abertura do Concurso Internacional para escolha do Logo Oficial da JMJ ! 🇵🇹

Juventutem estará presente no e esperamos que alguns de nossos membros apresentem designs de logotipo aos organizadores. Além disso, não hesite em enviar projetos para nós: [email protected]

👉 Deve ser maior de idade.
👉 Dirigido preferencialmente a designers gráficos profissionais e a estudantes de desenho gráfico.

Os interessados devem prestar atenção às seguintes datas:
👉 04 de novembro de 2019: data limite para manifestar interesse em participar, enviando nome, idade, número de cartão de cidadão/Documento de identidade, email, e número de telemóvel (celular) para ✉ [email protected].
👉 29 de novembro de 2019: data limite para a entrega da proposta para o logo (arquivos).

📄 Leia o regulamento do concurso aqui:

Attention! With great joy, we announce the LOGO Design COMPETITION for WYD is open!

• Must be of legal age.
• Aimed at professional graphic designers and students of graphic design in public and private schools.

Those interested note the following dates of the competition:
• 04 November 2019: deadline to express interest in participating by sending name, age, citizen card/identity document number, email, and mobile phone number to [email protected]

• 29 November 2019: deadline to submit the proposal for the logo.

Read more: http://bit.ly/LogoRulesAndRegulations


En 2018, el peregrinación Summorum Pontificum 2019 incluyó a nuestros miembros de Juventutem Corcaigh, Juventutem London, Juventutem Magyarország, Juventutem Michigan, Juventutem Philadelphia, Juventutem Roma (f/k/a Juventutem Italia), and Juventutem Turin.

¿Cuántos capítulos estarán presentes este año? :)

Le pèlerinage “Populus Summorum Pontificum” 2019 | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem 22/10/2019

Ce week-end, la majorité du Bureau de la fédération Juventutem sera à Rome pour participer au pèlerinage Summorum Pontificum 2019, qui comprendra des liturgies au
Pantheon - Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres - Roma, à la Basilique Saint-Pierre, et à la Parrocchia SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini et d’autres lieux.

Merci de prier pour Juventutem et tous les pèlerins.

Le pèlerinage “Populus Summorum Pontificum” 2019 | Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem Le pèlerinage “Populus Summorum Pontificum” 2019 Posted on October 22, 2019 by secretary PROGRAMME DEutsch / ESpañol / ENglish / ITaliano / PoLski / PorTuguês Populus Summorum Pontificum Rome : 25-27 octobre 2019 En 2019, le pèlerinage “Populus Summorum Pontificum” sera guid...

Videos (show all)

Greetings from Archbishop Cordileone
