Louisiana Energy Export Partners

Louisiana Energy Export Partners

LEEP seeks to advance public and private sector leadership to secure Louisiana’s energy future.

Opinion | Biden Toys With an LNG Export Permitting Ban 23/01/2024

The White House is yet again leaving Louisianans in the dust as the administration attempts to dismantle LNG exports, curtailing new economic opportunities for Louisianans. Read more from ⬇️

Opinion | Biden Toys With an LNG Export Permitting Ban How to hurt allies and the U.S. economy to please the climate-change lobby.


LEEP Spokesperson Charlie Melancon's statement on the White House LNG Taskforce:

"At a time of geopolitical turmoil and record high coal use around the world, blocking LNG export permits to appease a small pocket of voters would be a serious misstep by the Biden administration. Currently, the United States leads the world in LNG exports – shipping reliable, clean American energy to our allies across the globe. Our nation's dominance in the global energy market is a key pillar of achieving U.S. energy security and reducing reliance on Russian gas. Americans understand this, and the numbers show that a strong majority of Americans support LNG and view natural gas as a cleaner substitute for coal. Support is even stronger here in Louisiana, and the consequences of a LNG permitting pause would be felt deeply by hardworking Louisianans who rely on the energy industry daily.” - Charlie Melancon, former member of Congress and Louisiana Secretary of Wildlife and Fisheries, and the Spokesman for Louisiana Energy Export Partners (LEEP) Coalition.

LETTER: Building communities through energy investments 06/12/2023

"As we look ahead, we must recognize the importance of grid resiliency and community when these major weather events occur. Fortunately, the natural gas industry has stood with us to provide strength and resources in our time of need." -LEEP Spokesperson Charlie Melancon. Read more ⬇️

LETTER: Building communities through energy investments The natural gas industry has played a key role in helping to rebuild our communities following devastating weather events.

Sanctions and War Make US LNG Even More Vital in 2024 07/11/2023

Increasing unrest globally continues to highlight the importance of U.S. LNG, which promotes American energy security and helps support our closest allies abroad. Read more below on how Louisiana is contributing to our nation's energy security⬇️

Sanctions and War Make US LNG Even More Vital in 2024 Conflicts from Russia to Gaza are elevating America’s role in supplying the fuel as the global market tightens.

Louisiana’s Natural Gas Industry Bolsters Our Economy 02/11/2023

LEEP Spokesperson Charlie Melancon weighed in on the economic benefits from Louisiana's LNG in Louisiana Oil & Gas Association quarterly industry report. Read more below.

Louisiana’s Natural Gas Industry Bolsters Our Economy For decades, Louisiana’s energy sector has driven our economy and set the bar for innovation efforts worldwide.

Average U.S. natural gas bills expected to decrease this winter 25/10/2023

When LNG production is bolstered, energy costs drop for Americans. Read more ⬇️

Average U.S. natural gas bills expected to decrease this winter Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government

Letters: Supporting LNG is supporing Louisiana innovation 24/10/2023

"The buildout of LNG has positively supported our local communities, providing Louisianans with high-paying dependable jobs, affordable energy and tax revenue that funds our healthcare, schools and law enforcement." Read more ⬇️

Letters: Supporting LNG is supporing Louisiana innovation Contrary to past commentary demonizing the natural gas industry, liquefied natural gas has proven to be an innovative solution to address climate change, while delivering vast benefits to our state,

Climate activist Bill McKibben urging feds to reject Cameron Parish LNG project 24/10/2023

It’s clear that climate activists have to resort to pushing false narratives to align with their message. Calcasieu Pass has been in full compliance with its emissions limits and has seen a 98% reduction in deviations in 2023.

Climate activist Bill McKibben urging feds to reject Cameron Parish LNG project An internationally renowned climate activist is urging the Biden administration to block a planned liquefied natural gas export terminal in Cameron Parish from a Virginia company building four of them

If industrial projects happen, New Orleans area could gain 20,800 jobs by 2025, economist says 24/10/2023

Dr. Scott’s report highlights how natural gas projects are generating tens of thousands of jobs for Louisianans and billions of dollars in local investment. Check it out! ⬇️

If industrial projects happen, New Orleans area could gain 20,800 jobs by 2025, economist says Looming industrial projects, coastal restoration spending and casino developments could push the New Orleans region to gain 20,800 jobs in the next two years, according to the Louisiana Economic Forecast,

U.S. Power Grids Saved By Natural Gas, Again 24/10/2023

Energy In Depth: "An “all of the above” approach to energy production is vital for stabilizing power grids across the United States., as well as boosting domestic jobs and securing American energy independence." Read more ⬇️

U.S. Power Grids Saved By Natural Gas, Again Grid reliability – driven by natural gas – is paramount to ensuring equitable, affordable access to energy for Americans across the United States, especially those living in areas prone to extreme weather events.

Letters: Louisiana industry ready to embrace carbon capture if feds stop dragging their feet 24/10/2023

State Representative Jean-Paul Coussan: “Our energy experts, technicians, and administrators are well-equipped and well-prepared to tackle expansion of CCS projects across the state, delivering the jobs and community investment that come with it.” Read more ⬇️

Letters: Louisiana industry ready to embrace carbon capture if feds stop dragging their feet Louisiana’s economy is ready to be unleashed. Jobs are ready to be created. And while over a decade of legislative and regulatory groundwork has been laid, the Biden EPA and

As EPA drowns in CCS applications, oil states want to take control 24/10/2023

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy: “It’s important for our state to have the power to permit, site, and provide oversight of carbon storage wells, without relying on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).” Today, we are still at a standstill.

As EPA drowns in CCS applications, oil states want to take control The agency has seen a large increase in the number of companies that want to bury carbon dioxide. But it has only approved two permits.


The importance of energy security has been underscored since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which caused energy prices to spike across the world. LNG facilities in Louisiana ensure that our nation has a secure, steady supply of energy for our entire country, and our allies abroad.


Over the past 15 years, the US has made strides in reducing emissions. This is largely due to the shift from coal to natural gas. Electricity generated from natural gas produces 50% less emissions than when generated through coal. LNG is the pathway to climate goals.


LNG companies undergo a rigorous environmental review by our nation's experts, ensuring the safety and health of Americans is at the forefront of every decision. These thorough reviews take years to complete and are subject to re-evaluation.

Letters: Pleas for help from Louisiana shrimpers fall on deaf ears 24/10/2023

Louisiana’s LNG facilities appreciate the role that industrial fishing and sh*****ng plays in the Southern Louisiana economy and prevent disruption by hearing from community members. Acy Cooper talks about the real issues facing the shrimpers. Read more ⬇️

Letters: Pleas for help from Louisiana shrimpers fall on deaf ears The Louisiana shrimp industry is in crisis; putting our 15,000 jobs and $1.3 billion industry at risk.


Louisiana is the third largest producer of natural gas, and accounts for 9% of all production in the US. Hardworking Louisianans are the backbone of our state’s energy industry and have grown it to be one of the strongest in the nation.


Currently, renewable energy sources only contribute to 20% of all US electricity. Environmental groups demand for an immediate conversion to entirely renewable energy is neither reasonable nor feasible. Our infrastructure cannot sustain our need without traditional sources.


Exporting fuels like natural gas to Asia will help high-population countries like India reduce their dependence on high-emission fuels, and transition to cleaner energy sources like LNG. LNG is the way to achieving our climate goals.


The Biden administration's Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said, "I believe U.S. LNG exports can have an important role to play in reducing international consumption of fuels that have a greater contribution to greenhouse gas emissions."


Russia’s war in Ukraine has demonstrated the need for the US to be a global leader in energy creation. Europe’s dependence on Russian oil has empowered Putin and put a strain on much of Western Europe as energy prices have spiked.

Study: New Lifecycle Analysis of U.S. LNG exports 24/10/2023

The American Petroleum Institute found that if China, Germany, and India used U.S. LNG instead of coal for electricity generation, it would reduce emissions by 50%. By unleashing the potential of LNG, we will be able to reduce emissions on a global scale. Read more⬇️

Study: New Lifecycle Analysis of U.S. LNG exports The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Our more than 600 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come from all segments of the industry.

Charlie Melancon: Green Party enviros should recognize U.S. energy exports as benefits - Louisiana Energy Export Partners 24/10/2023

LNG projects are approved by our nation's experts and their innovative ideas are moving the world toward a cleaner energy future. Read more⬇️

Charlie Melancon: Green Party enviros should recognize U.S. energy exports as benefits - Louisiana Energy Export Partners The Advocate | By: LEEP Spokesman Charlie Melancon A German lawmaker and environmental advocate is set to tour natural gas facilities in southwest Louisiana this week. The environmentalist is an affiliate of Germany’s Alliance 90/The Greens party, who voted earlier this month to strike down amendm...


Louisiana is a hub for energy production and innovation. The increased production of liquefied natural gas not only bolsters our state’s energy industry but creates long-term opportunities for both local communities and the country. Read more ⬇️


What is liquefied natural gas? | LNG explained | National Grid Group 24/10/2023

Expanded LNG production will help the U.S. reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach global environmental goals, all while restoring energy independence and supporting U.S. energy leadership. Read more ⬇️

What is liquefied natural gas? | LNG explained | National Grid Group Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been reduced to a liquid state. Could it be the fossil fuel that has yet to reach its true potential as we move towards cleaner, low-carbon energy systems?

DOE needs to recognize importance of US energy to national security - Louisiana Energy Export Partners 24/10/2023

LNG facilities play a critical role in US national security, ensuring the nation has a safe, reliable, affordable energy supply. Read more ⬇️

DOE needs to recognize importance of US energy to national security - Louisiana Energy Export Partners The Hammond Daily Star | By: James “Spider” Marks As the world grapples with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and the associated geopolitical tensions, the United States has an opportunity to play a leading role in supporting our allies by exporting our liquefied natural gas (LNG). The U.S. h...

Economic Impact 24/10/2023

Louisiana’s energy production facilities are key economic drivers for our state and are critically important to many local communities. The oil and gas industry contributes $73 billion to Louisiana’s GDP according to a study from Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association (LMOGA) Read more ⬇️

Economic Impact LMOGA is a trade association exclusively representing all sectors of the oil and gas industry operating in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico.

Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities set a record in first-half 2023 16/10/2023

In the first half of the year, pipelines delivered a record amount of natural gas to U.S. LNG export facilities. American energy infrastructure development is vital for our global energy leadership, supplying our allies w/ affordable & dependable energy.

Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities set a record in first-half 2023 Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government

Charlie Melancon: Green Party enviros should recognize U.S. energy exports as benefits 16/10/2023

LEEP Spokesperson and Former Congressman Charlie Melancon weighs in on the German Lawmaker Kathrin Henneberger's visit to Louisiana to tour LNG plants. Read his story⬇️

Charlie Melancon: Green Party enviros should recognize U.S. energy exports as benefits A German lawmaker and environmental advocate is set to tour natural gas facilities in southwest Louisiana this week. The environmentalist is an affiliate of Germany’s Alliance 90/The Greens party, who

Letters:: Carbon capture projects can help state drive energy innovation 11/10/2023

“As someone who has been part of the fishing community in Louisiana my entire life (61 years), I can tell you the gas industry is our friend and has proven to be a supporter of the fishing industry.” James Dill shares his story below⬇️

Letters:: Carbon capture projects can help state drive energy innovation I was born and raised in Louisiana, and I’m a small-business owner and avid fisherman. As a longtime resident of Lafayette, I’ve seen firsthand how the energy industry has grown