Engauge Public Transport Advocacy Group

Engauge Public Transport Advocacy Group

Engauge! is a student-run public transport advocacy group, consisting of students from Melbourne High School and MacRobertson Girls' High School.


[Engauge!'s Short-Medium Term Goals]

Ever felt deserted at your train station? Have you had to wait unnecessarily long periods of time just to catch your train? Or bus? And most importantly, have you ever wanted to step up and tackle these issues yourself?

Well, Engauge!, a student-run public transport advocacy group, is here to help! Our short-medium-term advocacy goals for this year are lobbying for increased train and bus frequencies! We are launching a survey to collate YOUR thoughts on this topic, which you can fill out here: https://forms.office.com/r/AiUsjwMKGX.

But wait, there's more! We also intend to raise broader awareness and advocate for solutions to these issues, through the creation of mini-documentaries, a Medium public forum (where you can write 150-200 word editorials in relation to this issue) and many other advocacy methods (to be announced in due course), which YOU can be directly involved in!

To find out more about what Engauge! has to offer, or to sign up and contribute to some of our initiatives, please check out our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/engauge. After all, with a state election looming in a few months, NOW is the best time to highlight to our politicians the clear need for increased train and bus frequencies!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Warm regards,

Engauge! Leadership Committee 2022

Microsoft Forms