Good Fit Vibes with Coach Kris

Good Fit Vibes with Coach Kris

Are you ready to make a life change for the healthier: mind, body, nutrition? Sweet! Let's get started!

I do things a little differently than most health coaches in that you get a total life overhaul from a healthy home to eating out socially.


With the odds seemingly against you, can you really get & stay fit over 40? Yes! As you age, your body may encounter a few fitness hurdles causing your mile time to go up while the maximum weight you can lift decreases.

Here are five workout tips for getting and staying fit over 40.

1. Move According to Fitness Level, Not Age
2. Prioritize Muscle-Strengthening Workouts
3. Up Your Recovery & Time
4. Add in Mobility Training
5. Listen to Your Body

By adjusting your workout to your current physical and mental state, you’ll always challenge yourself enough to optimize change, but not so much that you increase your risk of overtraining or injury. So crank up the tunes and have fun!

Love & Strength,


Today was a fun Mother's Day 💕


I want to remind you this morning to be enough for yourself first.

This means to take care of yourself: mind, body, nutrition, before fully (and might I add joyfully) take care of anyone else.

Make room for yourself on your plate of responsibilities, too.

Sometimes this means waking up 10 minutes before the family to enjoy the quiet of the morning to just to wake up and listen to your own thoughts before tackling everyone else's.

If you feel like you are struggling on this special day of celebration, that's okay. I've been there, too! 🙌 This season is not permanent.

If you need a friend, you've got one here.
Love & Strength,
Coach Kris


Can I get an amen?!

This weekend is Mother's Day, and shhh! 🤫, my son and I are going to gift an act of service to his Nana by glamming up a flower garden of hers.

Despite his being Special Needs, I want to do my part to instill in him to think outside of his own little world and to see others in theirs with a servant's heart.

If nothing else, this kiddo is going to have some hands on picking out a plant for his Nana to put in the ground. Something he can carry some pride and ownership in doing for her for Mother's Day this year.

I'd love to hear what you are planning for this weekend to do for your mother, too! Have any ideas yet? 🤷‍♀️


Happy Cinco de Mayo! 🎉

Here's a fresh dish you can cook while away at work today so you can come home, relax and enjoy this evening.

Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas

1 (14.5 oz.) can Rotel
1 medium onion, cut into quarters, sliced
1 medium red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 medium orange bell pepper, cut into strips
2 tsp. ground chili powder
1 tsp. ground cumin
½ tsp. ground black pepper
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 lb. raw chicken breast, boneless, skinless, and sliced



It's Monday. It's the start of a new week with a clean, fresh slate to chase after whatever goals God is laying on your heart.

Friend, be receptive and walk forward with confidence. You got this! 🙌

Love & Strength,
Coach Kris

Photos from Good Fit Vibes with Coach Kris's post 15/04/2021

I am coming out of a MUCH needed break from the social world; feeling rested and recharged to share!

I can't think of better way to kick things off then with some favorite moves of mine you might enjoy adding to your workout routine.

A breakdown of each move is in the photo description. If you want more info on these moves, just drop me a message and I'll be happy to help you out!

Love & Strength,


Felt this to be beautifully poetic as I personally gear up for the "I AM" training in April 👇


In "Tight-Fitting Jeans" (to quote some Conway Twitty tunes 🎶), this extra belly fat may spill out over the waistband — just like a muffin above the paper cup.

Now sister, let's start with there's two types of belly fat: subcutaneous fat (that soft, pinchable fat just below the skin) and visceral fat (a deeper layer of fat that surrounds the abdominal organs).

A few factors can make this midsection bulge more likely to occur:

Diet- Consuming excessive calories each day can contribute to fat storage around the midsection. An easy way to combat this is to so make sure you are averaging more calories burned than consumed.

Heredity- Yup! You read that right! Genetics can determine how and where you store fat. While you absolutely CANNOT control your genes, exercise and eating fresh foods can help with fat loss.

Stress- Anxiety, worry and distress can also lead to emotional eating, which can contribute to weight gain. Personal development, of any topic, will help keep your stress in check.

Not enough sleep- Sleep deprivation has an effect on your appetite, cravings, and mood and it can also affect your motivation to exercise. Turning off devices, meditation or stretching before bed can help you unwind to get a good night’s rest and set yourself up for success in the morning.

Hope you find this helpful in your health journey!
Love & Strength,

Photos from Good Fit Vibes with Coach Kris's post 06/02/2021

And on some weeks you move your workout program's scheduled rest days around to fit YOUR life! 🎉 It's been a week for sure.

One more back & chest workout then Week 4 will be in the books as of tomorrow.🥰
🙌 Moving on to week 5 of 9 come Monday!

Anything you choose to do WORKS if...and only IF... you choose to trust the process and follow along with how it's laid out: mind, body, nutrition.


What are your thoughts on this toast dish idea?🤷‍♀️ It's chalked full of protein, healthy fat, and good for you carbs. Check this:

Avocado Egg Salad Toast
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Servings 4 servings
Calories 318 kcal

8 large hard-boiled eggs coarsely chopped
1 ripe medium avocado slightly mashed
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
½ tsp sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
4 slices low-sodium sprouted whole-grain bread toasted

Combine eggs, avocado, lemon juice, and salt in a medium bowl; mix well.
Spread ¼ of egg mixture onto each slice of toast.


When you’re stuck in the house — for whatever reason — it’s tempting to flop on the couch and binge-watch TV for a couple of hours (or more!) to avoid the fact that you’re stuck at home. Right?!

But girlfriend, it’s vital to your physical and emotional health to stay active. So, here's how to stay active at home:

1. Set Small, Simple Movement Goals

Build on each success as you go and consider adding time to your movement each time you achieve a new goal. Start with 10 minutes picking up the house while you listen to music. A healthy goal is 30 minutes of continuous movement each day.

2. Take Short Active Breaks When You Work From Home

Breaking the routine can keep you motivated and feeling refreshed.
Set a recurring alarm on your phone or set your smartwatch to remind you to physically GET UP...or...chug your water 10 gulps at at time. The need to p*e will get you up and moving 🤷‍♀️
(Gotta keep it real with you sister!)

3. Workout From Home (Like I do 😍)
Create a dedicated workout space and stream your workouts alongside me, but in your own space. All you need are a couple dumbbells, a yoga mat and some resistance bands/loops, too.

Staying active at home — outside of everyday chores and tasks — is new for many of my friends here thanks to the pandemic, but it doesn’t require a huge investment or elaborate planning to keep your body strong and healthy.

Small steps and a good vibes mindset will help get you to your goals as well as getting involved with other women who can relate to the every day struggle. YOU my friend are not alone!

PM me for more tips and ideas.
Love & Strength,


Listen here, ladies...
Falling off the wagon happens to ALL of us! 🤦‍🙋‍♀️
But getting and staying back on IS easier than it's made out to be.

As January is coming to a close, yes, that New Year's fitness resolutions you started off with, fully inspired to cook every day, got tossed to the wayside when life got busy and going out/ ordering in was easier. We do all tha things! I get it! 🙌

🤔Or maybe you decided to take a little break during the holidays and you haven’t quite gotten back on track yet. It's cool!

Sister, regardless of what your story is, being hard on yourself isn’t the way forward so here are some strategies for getting back on track and starting healthy habits you can live a lifestyle with:

#1 🎉 Be specific in not only "what" your goal is, but "how" you plan to get there by skipping vague decisions like “eat healthfully” or “get in shape." Clearly define your intentions.

#2 🎉 Be mindful like when you walk to the kitchen, get a snack, and mindlessly eat. Planning meals and snacks, eating at the table (rather than in front of the laptop or TV), and putting food on plates can help you slow down and eat more mindfully.

#3 🎉Let go of the “all or nothing” attitude! 🙌 Girlfriend, you heard me! When you "slip up," it does NOT mean you have not made progress or "erased" all the progress that you have made. Focus instead on the lessons you have learned.

For me, having my online fit tribe to keep me accountable (and to cuss with at times honestly) is what keeps me in check.

Registration for any of my trainings opens to the public the last week of each month. For February, I am teaching over all things NUTRITION (one of the most confusing fitness topics) to include recipes, family dinners, eating out, how to grocery shop, & answering one-on-one questions.

My class is full, but my 💖 says I'm missing a struggling friend and this message is either for you or someone you know who is needing this invitation to help end the frustration with food.

Please PM me if you're wanting in this private class after you have filled out this quick Class Application:

Training is all online and we start on Monday💕
Love & Strength,


I want to share the love for my girl friends this Valentine's with this Girl's Goal Give-A-Way! 💕

Here' how it works:
1. Be sure you to "LIKE" this Good Fit Vibes with Coach Kris page.
2. In the comments section, tag 3 of your girl friends. (Multiple submissions is perfectly acceptable. Just be sure to tag 3 different chicks with each comment, please.)
3. SHARE either this page or this post to your social.

What you win:
1. You, the winner, gets a week's worth of FREE, one-on-one online coaching with me, to include a comprehensive look into goal setting, nutrition planning (personalized grocery list included), a one week exercise plan (for home and/or gym), and an intro into personal development specific to you (gifted from me).

2. You and your winning tagged friends will each gain FREE access to my exclusive "Little Black Dress" prep which includes meal plans and specific exercises to make that dress fit in ALL the right places.

Drawing will be held *LIVE* here at 12pm CST on January 31st, so don't waste any time in helping me spread the love of Good Fit Vibes this Valentine's.

Love & Strength,


Want to lose weight AND save money?!🤔
👇 Chick, check this. It's totally a thing you can do!!!

Eating healthfully on a regular basis doesn’t have to cost significantly more than eating processed (i.e. chips, candy, hotdogs, etc.)

For starters, identify your goals. Spend a little time brainstorming your specific weight-loss intentions, whether it’s exercising three times a week or eating one serving of vegetables at every meal. If you need help with this, let me know and I can get you started in the right direction.

Next, consider what will motivate you to follow through (or not) with your goals. Do you need to participate in a guided workout program to exercise regularly like I do? Or do you need a detailed grocery list to avoid temptation?

Go grocery shopping with a list or do online grocery pick-up. Having a clear idea of what’s necessary to carry out your weight-loss goals will help you stay on-track and effectively determine where to allocate your spending money.

Double down on water. Water should be an essential part of your diet, regardless. Don’t like plain water? Infuse it with your favorite fruits, herbs, or a dash of juice for a hydrating and delicious drink.

Find your tribe. Sister, if you're like me, you do ALL THA THINGS! Groups like what I offer can help keep you accountable, increasing your exercise consistency — and your odds of achieving your fitness goals alongside me and other women who share the same struggles.

Bottom line, with some practical hacks, smart choices, and a little elbow grease, you’ll find that losing weight on a budget is totally doable and may even save you money in the long run!

Just drop me a line to get more info.
Love & Strength,

Kris sent you a video! 27/01/2021

I love to sew and this is just TOO cool not to share with you 💕

Kris sent you a video! Discover even more ideas for you


I pulled out my cards & blew the dust off...
🌬 🤧 🧹

I'm going into 2021 with a fresh approach: mind, body & nutrition because quite frankly, my last year's "resolution" (more so a challenge to myself) impacted me more than I realized it would.

That mission was to GIVE A DAMN! 🙌

To care, not only about everyone else around me, but to also care about myself and what I wanted out of life, too.

This year my focus is what IF it WORKS?!

What if I went ALL IN working on my mind, my body, and cleaning up some lousy habits in my nutrition and GOT THE RESULTS that I've been keeping myself from with self sabotage. (Ouch, right?!)

Look, the struggle is real.

So, since I'm on this "what if" journey in finding my good vibe kind of life, I'd like to bring you along for the ride as I dive further into finding the me I want to be.

Today, like the card reads, I AM motivated.

And you are, too! 🎉

Love & Strength,


Can it really be this simple?! 👇

Meal planning. Why does it seem so limiting?!

It's your mindset if I'm being gut honest with you about this whole meal planning biz. THIS is why having a community is important to your success.

Check this out: There is a difference between PLANNING and PREPPING that gets easily confused. When you plan... let's say chicken, broccoli & carrots... this gives you the option to make it at home OR eat out. (*gasp*, right?!)

When you prepare... you make your food in advance which is usually portioned out so you know you're getting enough of the "good" stuff (less the mindset of limiting yourself from the "bad".)

Now that we have that settled, here's how you can PLAN your nutrition in these 6 steps:

1. Look at your lifestyle/calendar the week ahead.
Before starting a meal plan for the week, be realistic about how much time you have to prep, cook, clean up, and go to the grocery store. You may choose to mix home-cooked meals, eating on the go, and even store bought prepared foods. ( )

2. Start with a week.
DO NOT try to write out more than one week at a time.

3. Fill in the blanks after veggies.
Socially, veggies are the hardest part of how to make a meal plan, but it can also be the fun part if you think of it as a game of Tetris, but with food! Pick a variety of veggies for the week, then your meat, then your carbs and/or fruit; in this order.

4. Work your leftover magic and cook a little extra.
To save time, choose recipes you can reheat for dinner and lunch the next day, or freeze portions to carry over into a meal plan for a different week.

5. Keep it simple and separate.
You don’t need to create a weekly menu filled with complicated recipes. Keep the veggies, meats, carbs/fruit & fresh fats separate opposed to casserole style dishes.

6. Assemble your list
Once you’ve narrowed down your meals, compile your list of ingredients. I suggest using an online grocery pick-up to help save you both time and temptation. Remember, it's not like you can't have tasty treats that move you further from your goal EVER again... just not for this week. Maybe next.

Tips like these are what you will find in my Nutrition Tribe Challenge Training and I have 1 spot left if you want it!

Shoot me a message and I'll fill you in on the details.

Love & Strength,


"All. Tha. Things." 🤣
- quote from my friend Kayla

I'm quieting my mind this morning before shift 🚒 with an encouraging podcast while I iron clothes for Little Man. I've also got a load washing and one drying trying to catch up on chores I didn't get to.

The week is over and I felt like I missed my mark despite all the things I did right that are moving me in the direcrion towards my goal.

But you know what?!
There's no going back, so girlfriend, we've gotta just keep moving forward. ➡️

Maybe you missed the mark on what you wanted to accomplish. That's cool. Just pick up those stray arrows alongside me. Those that missed the target over the weekend while we take note of the ones that did stick.

Realize your progress isn't a bullseye 🎯.
You've gotta first get consistent with HITTING THE DAMN TARGET before you can fine tune the perfection part, so don't be so hard on yourself.

Do like me and keep lining back up each Monday to try again.

Your goal is worth your effort 💕
Love & Strength



If you see me out and about today with fizzy hair! It's all I could do post shoulders washing and drying.

Thank GOD I live in Texas where its okay since everything is bigger in Texas 🤣

(Side Note: Wash & dry your hair the night BEFORE shoulder day! You can thank me later. 😳)

Photos from Good Fit Vibes with Coach Kris's post 22/01/2021

It's Finally Friday 🎶

And since this health page is ALL about having some Good Vibes, let's celebrate! 🎉 🍸🏝

First off, let me share with you my skinny margarita recipe!
1) 10 oz. Ice water
2) 1 small lime
3) Shot of Tequila
4) Salt

- Cut lime into 4 wedges, squeeze juice into ice water and drop each lime wedge in the water.
- Add shot of Tequila. (Keep in mind agave is carb free, low in sugar yet packs about 70 calories per shot.)
- 2 dashes of salt from your salt shaker
- Stir and enjoy!

Now here's my Chicken Margarita recipe:

1 Tbsp. tequila
1/2 cup 100% natural orange juice
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1/2 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (4 oz.)
1 dash salt
1 dash cayenne pepper

- Combine tequila, orange juice, lime juice, onion, and garlic in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.

- Place chicken in glass dish. Pour marinade over; toss gently to coat. Refrigerate, covered for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

- Preheat grill or broiler on high.

- Remove chicken from marinade. Season with salt and cayenne. Discard marinade.

- Grill or broil chicken for five minutes on each side, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle.

To complete this dish, consider pairing chicken with some fresh green leaf lettuce, cilantro & tomato with a pinch of lime and salt or sauté up some fresh squash and zucchini with cumin, salt and pepper! 🙌

Have a happy Friday and feel free to share this with your girlfriends.


3 Ways to Manage Stress

Now that you know "what" stress effects can do to your body (after reading the earlier post in this feed), it’s worth your time learning how you can best manage it.

Here are some ideas:

1- Exercise (You knew I'd start here, right?!)
Exercise (particularly at moderate levels) can offset stress by reducing cortisol levels while boosting levels of feel-good hormones, including endorphins and serotonin.
Physical activity can help distract you from the source of your stress. Now, I do realize getting started or staying on track can feel difficult at first, so know I can help you with both of these. Just shoot me a message and I'll fill you in on the details.

2- Meditation
To help counteract the effects of stress on the body, start with a guided meditation program. There are a TON of apps out there and if you use the same workout library I do, there's a video series you can follow as well.

3- Sleep
You need some solid quality sleep to help ensure your body is replenished to help you fight stress, so stick to a consistent sleep schedule and avoid caffeine, alcohol, to***co, and phone screens before you go to bed.

Creating a nighttime regimen to follow each night will also help.

Love & Strength,


I have struggled with this most of my life. Being a people pleaser may seem beneficial — after all, everyone typically likes you and you keep the peace in difficult situations. But this has lead to a lonely life for many seasons and I want to share with you what I've learned.

Here are 5 ways to learn how to stop being a people pleaser:

1. Spend Time With Yourself
Think about what you think, you like, and you feel. Be patient, because it can take some time to hear your inner voice again.

2. Set Boundaries
You may need to set boundaries to only communicate with those who can respectfully communicate in return, not take someone else’s workload (at the office or home) when you’re already strapped.

3. Practice Saying “No”
Acknowledge that it’s OK to say no, to ask for more time, or to ask for help. Then work your way up to slightly bigger and bigger “no”‘s.

4. Don’t Explain or Apologize
When you say “no,” that should be the end of it.

5. Stall
Swap that instinctive “yes” with “let me think about that." Give it a chance to see if you’re just reacting, and sit and see how you feel. This helps you be more mindful about why you are saying yes.

People-pleasing can undermine your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. You can also lose sense of who you are because you easily get caught up in others’ preferences, plans, and identities.

If you ever need help back to who you are, know I've got you!
Love & Strength,


Uplevel your ol' college dorm fav with this homemade Turkey Ramen!

Noodles?! Kris?! 🤔 RAMEN NOODLES?!

YESSSS!!! 🙌 You can still have noodles and get results, too!

Check this out:
- 1 tsp extra-virgin organic coconut oil
- 1 cup shredded carrots
- 4 cloves garlic, chopped
- 4 cups low-sodium organic chicken (or veggie) broth, hot
- 2 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
- 1 tbsp red miso paste
- 1 tbsp + 1 tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped
- 2 cups cooked ramen noodles (whole-grain, if possible)
- 1 cup shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced
- 1 cup bok choy, coarsely chopped
- 1 cup Napa cabbage, thinly sliced
- 2¼ cups turkey breast, shredded and roasted
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 2 hard boiled eggs, large, cut in half
- 2 green onions, thinly sliced (for garnish)

1. Heat coconut oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
2. Add carrots and garlic and cook, stirring frequently, for 1-2 minutes. Set aside.
3. Combine broth, soy sauce, miso paste, and ginger in a large measuring cup; whisk to blend and set aside.
4. Divide noodles evenly between 4 serving bowls. Top evenly with carrot mixture, mushrooms, bok choy, cabbage, and turkey.
5. Top evenly with broth mixture. Drizzle evenly with sesame oil.
6. Top each bowl with half an egg and sprinkle with green onions + serve!

Let me know what you think of this dish 😘 Enjoy!


If you're anything like me, you've been here before, head in your hands, unsure how much more you can take.

Of course, some stress is normal — necessary, even—as it keeps us alert and focused when the stakes are high.

But when it's chronic and prolonged like mine has, the effects of stress on your body can be significant. Many of which can have serious long-term health consequences such as hypertension or worse with heart attack and/or stroke.

Here are some subtle hints of how stress can be affecting your body:

1. Weight Gain
When you’re stressed, it can be harder to maintain a healthy weight. Increased cortisol often causes an associated increase in appetite. In other words, “stress eating” is a real phenomenon.

2. Poor Sleep
Stress and sleep are definitely connected. And for those of us who do not routinely sleep the whole night through, you may notice insomnia or the lack of being able to fall asleep.

3. Stiff Muscles
When danger is imminent, our muscles tense up as we brace for impact; it’s an important part of the fight or flight response. But constantly bracing, clenching, and tensing muscles such as your shoulders (whether in response to a predator or a looming deadline) can lead to muscle pain, as the muscles do not have the opportunity to fully relax.

4. Immune System
It’s no coincidence that when you’re stressed you tend to catch every cold, bug, and flu that’s circulating. Research shows that stress can disturb the balance between the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system.
This effect of stress on the body just adds insult to injury — not only do you have to navigate a stressful situation, but you have to do it with the sniffles.

5. Gastrointestinal Issues
Ever experience an overactive gut or a slow moving one? Stress can not only cause stomach pain and discomfort, but it can also alter the gut’s bacteria, which can impact the brain and influence your mood, too. This is because the gut and the brain are in constant communication via hundreds of millions of neurons.

6. Mood
Stress is not only harmful physically. It can take its toll mentally and emotionally. It can cause anxiety, sadness, depression, anger, a lack of focus and motivation, and feelings of being overwhelmed.

More serious than just feeling down or worried, these psychological effects of stress on the body can be disruptive to your everyday life and should be addressed by a mental health professional when needed.

Here's how I can help.
I offer private, online training in the areas of mind, body, nutrition.

When it comes to stress, learning the right Personal Development to suit your needs can help you not only acknowledge what triggers your stress, but also how to cope most efficiently.

For more information on when these trainings are, shoot me a message or drop me a comment below.

In the meantime, stay tuned for ways to manage stress.
Love & Strength,


Welcome to Good Fit Vibes!✌

Thanks to FB and security, I'm moving my health journey and accountability here to this page. 🎉 I hope you enjoy the content I have up my sleeve for you here in 2021.

Love & Strength,
Coach Kris


I will never forget the day I took my first before photos.

It was January 2018 and I was in my bedroom.

My camera on the self timer and I stood there smiling as the camera clicked.

After turning from side to side and then taking my rear photo I looked at them.
Tears 😭😭

What the heck!
Who is this woman?!
How could this be me!?
I just couldn’t believe WHAT was before my eyes.

A "specials" mom losing herself in depression and feeling alone.
I was like many moms in that I bounced back to my pre baby state in the blink of an eye, but no one warned me about the toddler years where I stress ate goldfish crackers by the handful, and then all of a sudden, I was just struggling to not wear my old maternity clothes 6 years later. 😳

I honestly felt like a loser!
I felt sad and I knew better than to "let" this happen to me!
That was my second of my many rock bottom moments when I decided things needed to change!

That was 3 years ago!!
Things are different.

I'm shooting for some (currently too small) goal jeans as pictured - still on my own personal good vibes journey, but now it has become SO much more than just finding my old pre pregnancy body... it's about rediscovering me!

Today I am snapping this progress pic because I am giving my 2021 body a "What If" upgrade challenge. What IF showing up for myself gets me to my goals? What IF this was my year?!

Friend, the work doesn't have to be perfect. And this realization feels good going into the new year feeling less pressured and more prepared to uplevel my nutrition, my fitness, my mindset and it’s my passion to help other women do the same.

So, if you are looking for support and accountability like I was and are ready to live life a little more joyful, energetic and strong... this post is for you!!

We can connect through messenger or drop me a text if you already have my number 📧

We can talk about options for working together and transforming your life like I am: mind, body, nutrition.

Maybe your upgrade starts today!?!💕
Love & Strength,