Glory Retreat 2022

Glory Retreat 2022

A Catholic Christian Women's Wellness Retreat. Facilitated by certified health & life coaches, this September 23 and 24 2022 in beautiful Central Washington.

Registration is open!


We are sad to say that due to unforeseen circumstances we had to cancel our retreat for next weekend. Thank you for your prayers and support! We hope to reschedule sometime in the next year!

Glory 2022 Women's Wellness Retreat 19/08/2022

Working with our music leader on some amazing ways to pray together with music. Can't wait to have you join us!

Glory 2022 Women's Wellness Retreat Registration includes 2 days of in-person content and action guide workbook. Housing and food are up to the retreatant to organize on their own. The Hilton Garden Inn is offering a discounted rate of $179 on a double queen room. Discount valid until August 24, 2022. 25 rooms available. (Staying on s...


How often do our hearts as women echo the words of Martha from the Gospel of Luke? (Luke 10:38-42)

But how does Christ respond to Martha's words? He lovingly invites her to rest. We are not meant to feel alone in our vocations.

Join us for a weekend of to feel connected to other women of faith, to recharge and to honor gift that is our health. Glory Women's Wellness Retreat is September 23-24th in beautiful Central Washington. With content designed by faithful women who are also certified health and life coaches it is sure to be a weekend to grow in body, mind and soul.

Take a break from the serving of others and take care of yourself.

Register here


In the Gospel story of Martha and Mary, Jesus lovingly reminds Martha that that it is enough to just BE with Him. (Luke 10:38-42)

Take a step away from being anxious and worried. Take a weekend to be more like Mary at the feet of Jesus.

Glory Women's Wellness Retreat is September 23-24th. Join us to rest, reconnect and restore your body and mind.

Registration is open. Limited spots available. Reserve your weekend of rest now.

Glory 2022 Women's Wellness Retreat 19/07/2022

Just finished a great strategy session for our retreat. We have some amazing things planned for you!

Glory 2022 Women's Wellness Retreat Registration includes 2 days of in-person content and action guide workbook. Housing and food are up to the retreatant to organize on their own. The Hilton Garden Inn is offering a discounted rate of $179 on a double queen room. Discount valid until August 24, 2022. 25 rooms available. (Staying on s...


The gospel story of Martha and Mary from this Sunday reminds us that sitting at the feet of Jesus is enough.

Jesus entered a village
where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him.
She had a sister named Mary
who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak.
Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said,
"Lord, do you not care
that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?
Tell her to help me."
The Lord said to her in reply,
"Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.
There is need of only one thing.
Mary has chosen the better part
and it will not be taken from her." Luke 10:38-42

Join us for a weekend of rest, community, and listening to the voice of Jesus in our lives. Glory Women's Wellness Retreat is September 23-24th in beautiful Central Washington. With content designed by faithful women who are also certified health and life coaches it is sure to be a weekend to grow in body, mind and soul.

Take some time to be more like Mary. Join us. Registration is open, limited spots available.

Register here


Here’s your reminder to make some time today to take care of yourself today.

On Sunday we get to celebrate God's goodness with the Church.
I encourage you to extend that act of honoring your spiritual health into taking care of your physical health as well this week. Our bodies, minds and spirits are all created to glorify God.

There are lots of forms of self-care. I can see how self-care can often been seen as selfish when its reduced to only physical pampering and "checking out". It's SO much more than bubble baths and face masks.

Exercise, journaling, budgeting, meal planning, grocery shopping, prayer are all things that can be considered self care.

I want to offer some extra support and accountability for you! Check in below and let me know what you are planning to set yourself up for the success this week.

Maybe it’s blocking out time for grocery shopping. Maybe prepping an easy lunch to have on hand for the week. Maybe planning a hike with some friends. Maybe asking for support from your family for 30 minutes each day to go on a walk or do an exercise video.

Post below what you are committing to today!!

Registration is open for our in-person Women's Wellness Retreat in September. Join us for a weekend of spiritual and physical self-care and renewal.


As you start to plan your summer vacations and adventures, make sure to plan a getaway for yourself. Registration is OPEN for our 2 day in person Catholic Women's Wellness Retreat.

An amazing location, incredible community and content designed to powerfully revive your physical and spiritual health. Limited space is available so reserve your spot today!


Here on site! I can’t wait to pray, rest and reconnect with you in a few short months! Registration is open! Link in comments!


To all women in our lives who reflect the heart of God.


Looking for an amazing Mother's Day gift? How about a weekend retreat? Registration is open for our amazing Glory Catholic Women's Wellness Retreat in September.


I'm so excited!! Registration is OPEN today!! Mark your calendars ladies and grab your spot. It's going to be AMAZING!

I've missed in person events so much over the past few years and I bet you have as well!

Here are some details. We have 78 spots available. Registration link

Who: Women who want to spend time in relaxation, prayer, and community.

What: 2 day Catholic Women’s Wellness Retreat. (Not Catholic? You are still most welcome. :) The retreat will speak to the Christian faith tradition).

When: Friday September 23 and Saturday September 24, 2022

Where: Hilton Garden Inn, Wenatchee Washington

Why: Designed and facilitated by certified health & life coaches, this retreat will explore the connection between our physical and spiritual health. And we could all use a good girls' weekend of laughter, prayer and community!

Cost: $97 early bird pricing until July 15th. Then $125 per person.

​Register here

We are planning an incredible weekend of rest, reconnection, prayer and community. Can't wait to see you in person!

Send me a message or comment with any questions that you have!

The glory of God is YOU fully alive!


Our location is reserved in beautiful Wenatchee Washington for our retreat September 23 and 24th.

Registration opens this MONDAY!! Only 78 spots and we can’t wait to have you join us for a weekend of rest, prayer, connection and FUN!


Love this! Exercise with the right intention can be prayer. ❤️


Exciting updates! We have moved the retreat date to September to best serve you and keep costs reasonable. We are excited to also have found a great location in Wenatchee, WA.

Registration will be opening soon!

Sign up here to stay in the loop on our email list!


Thank you for your feminine genius!

The Church gives thanks for all the manifestations of the feminine ‘genius’ which have appeared in the course of history, in the midst of all peoples and nations; she gives thanks for all the charisms which the Holy Spirit distributes to women in the history of the People of God, for all the victories which she owes to their faith, hope, and charity: she gives thanks for all the fruits of feminine holiness.​​​​​​​​
// Pope Saint John Paul II’s apostolic letter Mulieris Dignitatem, paragraph 31 ​​​​​​​​
Thanks for this graphic and quote, ❤️​​​​​​​​
Happy , friends. We are so grateful for the gift of you. ​​​​​​​​


Mindy, Theresa and I just HAD to take a girl’s day trip to Leavenworth to check out sites for our retreat. So many amazing options! Getting close to finalizing details and we can wait to share.

And of course we ate some good Bavarian food while we were there.


Hey friends! UPDATE about our retreat registration. We wanted to open it up tomorrow, this Saturday, but we are still finalizing some details of the contract.

So we will have full details and registration as soon as we get it all the details on paper.

Please keep our retreat and all the amazing women who will attend in your prayers.

Stay tuned....


As we prepare for Lent, what is God calling you to let go of so that you can walk closer with Him?


Update: We are looking for a new location to better serve the experience we want to create for this amazing weekend. We are looking in Wenatchee and Leavenworth. There are some amazing options available! Keep the location in your prayers. We know that God has something beautiful in store for all of us.


Are you ready to live fully alive?

This quote from St. Irenaeus, a Catholic bishop from the 2nd century, is the retreat theme inspiration.

In modern language, "The glory of God is [the human person] fully alive."

Or put your own name in the brackets.

"The glory of God is [Karen] fully alive."

How amazing does that feel to think that God desires for us to be fully alive! God wants us to be whole. He came so that we might have life!

A critical part of fully alive is taking care of our own physical, mental and spiritual health.

Join us May 20 and 21st for a weekend of community, prayer, encouragement and fun. We will explore what it means to experience more of God's glory in our daily lives. And take time to rest and restore as a community of Christian women.

Join the email list to stay in touch about the details.


Mark your calendars for an amazing weekend of friends, faith and taking care of YOU!