Mrs. Kaczmarczyk, Mahar Regional

Mrs. Kaczmarczyk, Mahar Regional

Hey all! I will be adding any news I hear, or pertinent information about the current state of affairs to this page. Stay well!

Also, I welcome this as a way to keep in touch with my students and their families.




2020-04-09 Update for Students, Parents and Staff:


Volume down, or you'll regret it 🤣🤣


A little Fresh Prince inspiration!


Update for Seniors!

News for the Class of 2020:



A must-watch! 🤣🤣🤣



You'll all have to stay tuned for the blooper reel for this video!


Bagged lunches will be available to the students of Orange, Petersham, Wendell and New Salem for pickup at Fisher Hill School and RC Mahar throughout the week from 11:00-12:00 p.m. Thanks to some incredible volunteers, we will be offering delivery to those who cannot make it to the schools. Simply complete this form by 10:00 a.m. each day to have your lunches delivered to you:

If you do not have internet access, you can call (978) 575-4202 at 10:30 a.m. each day to request a delivery.

*Please only make requests if you DO NOT have transportation to one of our sites, as we want to ensure our resources are used efficiently.*


Connectivity Opportunity

Call to receive this service, call 1-844-488-8395
Visit for more details:

Community Assistance

More than ever before, Americans rely on high speed broadband in nearly every aspect of their lives. In the coming weeks, many will be affected either directly or indirectly by COVID-19. We're committed to serving our 29 million customers and ensuring they maintain reliable access to online resources and information they want and need. To ease the strain in this challenging time, beginning Monday, March 16, we commit to the following for 60 days:

We'll partner with school districts to make sure local communities are aware of these tools to help students learn remotely.
We'll open our WiFi hotspots across our footprint for public use.
We'll continue to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, our high-speed broadband program to eligible low-income households.
We won't terminate service for residential or small business customers who face difficult economic circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic. Similarly, we won't charge late fees for those customers facing difficult economic circumstances related to the pandemic. As always, we don't have data caps or hidden fees.

Our advanced communications network will make sure our customers, including government offices and agencies, first responders, health care providers and facilities and businesses, across 41 states, maintain the connectivity they rely on.

Our network is built to sustain maximum capacity during peak usage. We'll continue to closely monitor this dynamic situation and are well prepared to continue delivering reliable connectivity. We have extensive business and workforce continuity plans in place that will be adjusted as needed to best serve all our customers and employees.


March 17, 2020

Dear Union #73 & Ralph C. Mahar Regional Famiies/Caregivers,

This is a follow up to our communication to you regarding our shutdown for COVID-19. As you are well aware, the Governor has closed all public schools until April 7th with the possibility of the closure extending into May or June.

A few need-to-know facts are as follows:

-The school year has been capped at 185 days in the calendar. That means the last day of school for Orange Elementary is June 17. The last day for Ralph C. Mahar and Petersham Center is June 18. This will not change not matter how many days school is closed for COVID-19.

-Flurry Folders, Blizzard Bags and E-Learning as you’ve known them will not be in effect at this time. The Commissioner is expecting that teachers send home enrichment activities and make regular connections with students and caregivers via telephone, email & videoconferencing. Teachers in all three district will start reaching out to students today. At this time the Commissioner is expecting that work will not be graded but that teachers provide feedback.

-A free “grab and go” meal package including breakfast and lunch will be made available to all students in Orange, Petersham, New Salem and Wendell from 11am to 12pm, Monday through Friday. The locations are as follows: Fisher Hill & Ralph C. Mahar.

-AP and SAT exams are being postponed and rescheduled.

-All field trips and school events have been cancelled and will be revisited once school reopens.

-Medication retrieval will occur on a case by case basis; look for communication from the school nurse.

Thank you, everyone, for your cooperation as we continue to do everything we can to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in our communities.

I also understand that many of you may feel anxious about how things will unfold in the near future. The reality is that we are facing a national crisis - a time of intense difficulty.

In a time of crisis, our greatest assets are clear communication, credibility, compassion, and calm.

This is our preliminary plan. Every plan we make is subject to change given the conditions we are facing. What is not subject to change is our ability to rely on each other.

Sincerely yours,

Tari N. Thomas, Superintendent


Videos (show all)

#WFH #ILostCount #HeadTrauma
#wfh #day20
WTF #Day16 #singalong
#WFH #day14 #freshprince
#WFH #day11
#WFH #day9 #bloopers
#WFH #Day8
#WFH #Day7
#WFKH #Day6
#Day5 #Week2
WFH Log day 4

