Yoga with Jerri

Yoga with Jerri

Yoga and meditation in the Eden Valley


I'm back from holiday and we are back at on Tuesday 3rd September at 6pm.

Please email me at [email protected] if you would like to come try out my class.

Suitable for all levels, abilities and ages.



One more yoga class tomorrow before I leave in search of summer!

DM me if you'd like to join me on Tuesday 23rd July at 6pm.


Yoga at The Studio Morland
Tuesday 14th May
6pm - 7pm
£8 per session
Bring a mat and any props you like to use.

Tonight will be a gentle practice targeting all major muscle groups. My yoga style is called Pralaya Yoga, based on a Hatha style designed with additional modifications to protect and strengthen the joints.

For more info please email [email protected]


Join me for yoga on Tuesday at 6pm

Places are limited so booking advised. Email [email protected] to book.


I'll be teaching yoga tomorrow (Tuesday, 9th April) at 6pm at The Studio Morland.

If you would like to join us, please email me on [email protected]

Our focus will be Alignment. The class is suitable for beginners and experienced yogis. Any questions, drop me a note.

£8 per session
Please bring a mat and a yoga belt (or alternative) if you have it.


Join me on Tuesday 6th April at 6pm at The Studio Morland.
This week the session will focus on flow and flexibility.

Classes are £8 per session.
Spaces limited; Booking essential.

Email me on [email protected]


It's WooHoo Wednesday!

It's a day to cultivate contentment. Is your Wednesday 'Hump Day' to you?

If so, why? Is there something you need to do to make mid-week enjoyable for you?

Obviously we can't all quit our jobs and travel Europe in a VW Campervan (yes, I would LOVE to do that!) but we can find moments and activities that make mid-week marvellous.

Go for a wild swim. Start a Couch to 5K running programme. Join a Yoga class (I know a good one...), buy a cold pod and practice cold dipping on a daily basis.

Find your moment and enjoy it.



Join me tonight at 6pm at , in the square in Morland village, next door to the Millyard Cafe.

Spaces are limited, therefore please contact me to book a place.

£8 per session, bring your own mat!


At some point today, take ten minutes or longer to walk silently. If necessary, you can do this inside, but I recommend getting outside in nature if possible.

Remain silent throughout your entire walk so you can hear what your mind is producing.

As your attention is drawn to particular objects or sounds in your environment, to your thoughts and feelings, to sensations in your body, call them out (silently, in your head). For example if you notice a bird, say 'bird, bird, bird' to yourself in your head. Equally, if you find yourself thinking about something that was on your mind before your walk, acknowledge with a simple 'thinking' in your mind and resume your silent walking.

Notice how this makes you feel. Was it relatively easy or did you find it challenging?


Next week, we focus on lower back pain, with a goal of improving spinal health and flexibility.

Join me on Tuesday 30th January for my weekly yoga session at The Studio Morland, in Morland, Penrith. You'll find the studio right next to Mill Yard Cafe.

6pm - 7pm
£8 per session
Bring a mat and prepare to feel amazing!


Yoga is great easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain. For a simple one you can practice every day, start with the basic Cat-Cow pose.

Begin on your hands and knees in table top pose (or quadraped), with a neutral spine. As you inhale and move
into cow pose, lift your sit bones upward, press your chest forward and allowyour belly to sink.
Lift your head to a neutral position, relax your shoulders away from your ears, and gaze straight ahead.
As you exhale, come into cat pose, rounding
your spine lifting vertebrae toward the sky, tucking in your tailbone, and drawing your p***c bone forward.
Release your head toward the floor — just don’t
force your chin to your chest. Most importantly, just relax.

Repeat several times, and feel free to play with the movement - wag your tailbone side to side and find what feels good for you.


What's going to make your Wednesday special?

Watch the sunrise? Did you journal or practice yoga before work?

Perhaps a simple daily routine like a morning dog walk, or sitting with a cup of tea before the rest of the house wakes up.

Find your moment and enjoy it.



Join me tonight at 6pm at , in the square in Morland village, next door to the Millyard Cafe.

Spaces are limited, therefore please contact me to book a place.

£8 per session, bring your own mat!


Yoga focusses on strength and flexibility, of course, but it also focuses on the breath. Movement with the breath.

This mindful breathing exercise can be done almost anywhere and at any time. All you have to do is focus on your breathing as described below for one minute.

Try to let go of your worries, to-do lists, and other thoughts that try to take over. Focus on the breath and be still. Breathe as described below for at least one minute. You can count the breaths if it helps.

Start by breathing in slowly through your nose and out slowly through your mouth. One cycle should take around 6 seconds.

Observe your breathing purposefully, using your senses to notice the pathway of the breath as it flows through your body.

Don't worry if other thoughts try to crowd their way in. If this happens, acknowledge it without judgement - simply acknowledge silently to yourself 'thinking', and return your focus to your breath.

Follow me for more mindfulness and yoga tips.

If you're local I invite you to join me for yoga classes on Tuesdays at The Studio Morland at 6pm.


Yoga focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. Regular yoga practice can help with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains (including lower back pain), depression and stress according to the NHS.

Some people describe yoga as "meditation in motion".

Join me on Tuesday, 23rd January for my weekly yoga session at The Studio Morland, in Morland, Penrith. You'll find the studio right next to Mill Yard Cafe.

6pm - 7pm
£8 per session
Bring a mat and prepare to feel amazing!


Tree (or vrksasana) is one of my favourite yoga poses. This pose can improve your posture and counteract the effects of prolonged sitting. Tree strengthens your thighs, buttocks (glutes), and ankles. It helps to feel grounded and can also build confidence.

Tree also boosts energy, strengthens your core, stretches around your shoulders and your back and promotes a feeling of groundedness.


I'm borrowing Woo Hoo Wednesday from the amazing Helen Bullen because we don't like 'Hump Day' - it's like everything is geared to 'getting through the week'. Let's make every day a great one.

Have a Wonderful WOOHOO Wednesday, everyone! 🙏


Join me for yoga this evening at The Studio Morland for an hour of 'you time'.

The only essential equipment is a mat, comfortable clothing you can move in and yourself!

6pm - 7pm
£8 per session
Bring a mat and any props you wish to use (blocks, bricks, straps, blankets and bolsters).


This exercise is as simple as it is powerful. It is designed to connect with the beauty of the natural environment.

Choose a natural object - a stone, a leaf, a flower, a spring bulb, tree - anything that takes your fancy or speaks to you (not literally..or maybe it does!).

Now relax and explore the object like you have never seen it before. Visually explore every aspect of it and connect with your object, its role in the natural world. Do this for as long as your concentration allows, aiming for at least 10 minutes.

Do this exercise twice today.

How do you feel? What did you notice?


Yoga improves strength, flexibility and balance, and that's just for starters. If you're like me, you get stressed and overwhelmed at times…who doesn't? A regular yoga practice can help find a place of calm and serenity even when all around you feels like chaos.

Join me on Tuesdays at 6pm at , in the square in Morland village, next door to the Millyard Cafe.

The next class is Tuesday 16th January - will you be there?

Spaces are limited, therefore please contact me to reserve a space.
£8 per session, bring your own mat!


Yoga returns to The Studio Morland on Tuesday 9th January at 6pm.

Classes are £8.

Please email me on [email protected] to book a place.


New Year Yoga at The Studio Morland

Looking for a goal for the New Year?

Why not join me on Tuesdays at 6pm for an inclusive yoga session?

* New block of classes starts 2nd January 2024
* £8 per session
* 6pm - 7pm
* Bring your own mat and props (more on that later)

Please book a place by emailing [email protected].

Payment on the day, or in advance via BACs. Email for details.


Please join me for Yoga tomorrow evening at 6pm at The Studio Morland.

This is week 3 of a 5 week series of classes. We will be building on the two previous weeks' postures, however each of the classes can stand alone should you have missed any.

Please email me at [email protected] to book a place.

£8 per session
Bring your own mats and props


It's difficult to pick just 5, but I'll try!

1. Improved flexibility and posture
2. Community and support
3.Adaptability and accessibility
4.Better sleep and relaxation
5. Holistic wellness

Join me for yoga on Tuesday at 6pm at The Studio Morland where we will be focusing on strength and understanding our power.

Classes are £8, you will need to bring a mat and any props you like to use (blocks/bricks/towel/eye pillow/blankets).

Email to book: [email protected]


'Every day is a great day for yoga.'

Join me this Tuesday for the start of a 5-week series, taking us through the inevitable hustle and bustle leading up to the holidays.

Take time to slow down, be grounded, breathe and let go.

The Studio Morland
Tuesdays from 6pm - 7pm
Booking advised

Email [email protected] for further info.


Join me for stress-busting Yoga at The Studio Morland on Tuesday evening from 6pm.

Classes are suitable for both beginners and intermediate practitioners. Please DM or email [email protected] to check availability - spaces are limited.

The only equipment necessary is a mat, however feel free to bring bricks, blocks and straps if you normally use these.

As the evenings get cooler, bringing a warm blanket is a good idea for your comfort during Savasana.

See you on the mat 🧘‍♀️🕉


No yoga this week (17th Oct) or next (24th Oct).

I'll be back on Tuesday 31st October at The Studio Morland.

Please do email [email protected] to book your place.



Please join me at Yoga this Tuesday 10th October at 6pm .

£8 per class

Email [email protected] to reserve a space.


Every Yoga class focusses on mind, body, and spirit. We combine movement with breath. Last week, our additional focus was on shoulders, arms, and upper back.

This week, the focus is going to be on hips, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles.

You may find that if you have some lower back grumbles niggles that hamstrings and your hips will ease that pain.

Please drop me a note to reserve a space.

