Midnight Rider Astrology

Midnight Rider Astrology

The Midnight Rider is driven to guide you on your Spiritual Journey. We offer Astrology and Tarot readings, Spiritual and Life Coaching.

All designed by Certified Specialists in the field. Allow us to help you transform! After all, the journey never ends. Disclaimer:
All services provided by/from The Midnight Rider are for entertainment purposes only. No guarantee can be given, as to the accuracy of any reading or coaching session. The user is responsible for his/her own life, choices, and decisions. I/The Midnight Rider am not qu



"You attracted pain because you desired or deserved it".
"If you ever think there's a problem with another's words or behaviours,
YOU are always the one who's confused".
"Everything is always just your projection. Everything is in your mind".
"Clear up your vibration and you'll stop attracting bad things to yourself".
"You are too attached to the body. Go beyond the body. It's not who you are."
"The past is an illusion. Let it go right now!".

I'm so tired of all this New Age bullsh*t.
I'm tired of ANY spirituality that doesn't fully honour
our messy, unresolvable, first-hand, real-time, embodied human experience.
That doesn't bow deeply to the struggle of our raw and tender hearts.
That guilt-trips us for our imperfections and shames our limitations.

No, it's not always your projection.
Yes, sometimes other people really ARE abusive and you need to move away or set clearer boundaries.

No, everything isn't always "in your mind".
Yes, your body matters. Your feelings too.

No, your doubts and fears are not 'wrong' or 'bad' or 'unevolved'.
No, you do not 'attract' abuse through a faulty 'vibrational frequency'.
No, you do not deserve to be violated in any way, in the name of Truth, in the name of God, in the name of Love, or IN ANY OTHER NAME.

Yes, your boundaries deserve to be respected, your 'yes' AND your 'no' too.

No, it's not okay for spiritual teachers to abuse people "for their own good"
- to shock them into awakening, to enlighten them, to help them.
Teachers that use abuse as a tool are simply abusers, not teachers.

I reject any spirituality that dismisses our tender, vulnerable, fragile humanity.
I reject any spirituality that shames us for our precious human thoughts and feelings.
I reject any spirituality that begins any sentence with "If you were enlightened..."
I reject any spirituality that divides self from no self, divine from human, sacred from profane, absolute from relative, heaven from earth, duality from nonduality, material from spiritual.

I once saw a popular spiritual teacher addressing a recently bereaved woman.
He said, "Your heartbreak is illusory and only the activity of the separate self.
One day the separate self will vanish, along with all suffering".

And in that moment, I saw a deep, deep sickness and inhumanity at the heart of contemporary spirituality. The invalidation of trauma, the false promises, the power games, the suppression of the feminine.

And I vowed to bow to that f***ing broken heart as if it were God Herself.

Until the end of time.


💫 Super Full Moon in Aquarius 💫

♒️August 11’s Full Moon is the last Supermoon of 2022. This means that the emotional energy will be more intense than usual. It’s close proximity to the earth makes us feel the lunar potency more as the moon appears bigger and brighter.

🧿It’s also a moment of realization and truth. The moon’s gleam allows us to be more aware of our surroundings, embrace our intuition, and see matters from a clearer perspective.

🔮A full moon in Aquarius offers us the chance to see how we can rise up and implement radical change. The water-bearer (the symbol of the sign Aquarius) is a humanitarian, as they’re always working hard to help others survive and thrive. With the moon in humane and charitable Aquarius, we’ll want to do our best to help humankind. Being that it opposes the Leo sun, which is known for egotism and dramatic expressions of the heart, we will have to strive for a middle ground to balance out these opposite energies. This opposition relates specifically to how we can find our place in the world through charitable endeavors. Aquarius and Leo find satisfaction in giving to others. Saturn retrograde and Uranus, connect with the rebellious Aquarius moon, creating a revolutionary and altruistic sentiment.

🪬The caveat is that Saturn is retrograde during this lunation, making it more of a reflective time. We will all take note of how far we have come and how much more work there is to do. We can no longer turn a temporary blind eye to all these issues. Especially this karma season.

👀When it comes to matters on a personal level, it’s essential for people to give others the benefit of the doubt and practice forgiveness. SPEAK YOUR TRUTH or REMAIN SILENT FOREVER. Also, we need to give ourselves one more chance to believe in the goodness of others. This marks a good start towards mending and healing the pain and trauma that we’re all experiencing at this moment in time. Paradigm shifts, compassion, justice, and ethics are themes that we may also experience during the Supermoon.

🔥Lastly, It’s still karma season… some will be feeling that heavily! Just remember… Karma is given as a lesson, not a punishment. Make sure you are learning from it 💯 Most importantly… The main theme at this time is FREEDOM AND FORGIVENESS. Some people, places and things, need one or the other… Maybe even both 😊 Now is the time to make your choice. You already know what to do!



This Full Moon is creating necessary endings in the areas that rule Capricorn such as: career/jobs, personal goals, dreams, ambitions, & financial security.

With 3 planets Retrograde and Cancer season- this Full Moon may be an extra emotional one for some of us. It’s a -feel the feels-don’t hold back the tears- type of Full Moon. While others may want to buckle down and get their lives back in order. On either side of that see-saw, be sure to ground often and find healthy ways to channel the heavy energy. Cleansing and purging work and home spaces is an excellent way to not only refocus, but it also invites both Cancer and Cap influences. Creating order (Cap) within the home (Cancer) will keep stress and anxiety away.

The polarity between a Cancer Sun and a Cap Moon is that of finding a better balance in our work life (Cap) and our home life (Cancer.) The Cancer Sun influence is encouraging us to nurture ourselves more and spend more time with loved ones. We were not born to work 24/7. With that said, avoiding responsibilities will not make them disappear. The Capricorn influence wants us to be more determined, responsible, and complete our daily tasks… while remembering to not get lost in all this work and practicing self-care often.

Capricorn’s ruler Saturn (which is in retrograde) rules over limitations, self-discipline, &karma. This Full Moon just may force us to rethink the level of productivity & integrity we carry. While a Cap Moon ushers us into a time of due diligence, it’s also making us recognize how we react to life’s difficulties. Are we ignoring what makes us uncomfortable? Are we pretending nothing is wrong when there’s loads to fix? Are we being honest with ourselves? Are we making time to find solutions? Are we being kind and honest?


🌚 Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio♏

♏️ ​"Intense" and "powerful" are words frequently used to describe the way Scorpio energy feels. With Scorpio, we become deeply attuned to our most potent, soul-burning desires as we simultaneously come face to face with the deeply-rooted, psychological fears around actually attaining those desires. Scorpio can feel very exposing, visceral and all-consuming because this energy gets right to our core, the truth of who we are and the seat of our creative power as human beings, which is our desire.

​🌚 Anytime we have a Total Blood Moon it has the potential to be energetically, and emotionally, quite intense. Add Scorpio's influence and we are in for a potentially transformative time that may require an immense amount of our energy as we dive into our shadows in order to be healed and renewed from our darkest depths. Being that this eclipse occurs near the South Node, it is our past that will be called to our attention and held under the magnifying glass of the Scorpio Blood Moon.

​♏️ Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, both of which are activated by this karmic Full Moon. Fortunately, these planets are acting in assistance and providing an opportunity to heal and take action in order to bring light to the repressed or suppressed parts of our being. This energy is deeply psychic and around this time we may find our intuition to be extremely heightened, and the veil to be quite thin. Some of us may be very open to have psychic visions and potentially paranormal experiences.

​🌚 Saturn in Aquarius, now in an ongoing square to the Nodal Axis, is active at this Full Moon Eclipse by square. This means that Saturn is assisting the great overhaul of our lives the way Saturn is known to do―through challenge. Anytime we desire a new path, we must first ask ourselves if we are willing to work for it. Sometimes the hardest work of all is letting go of things we've clung to from our past, including fears and toxic beliefs, that are taking up too much space energetically and no longer allowing our soul's to expand.

​💪 What are you finally ready to release in order to transform?


Now is the time!!!!




Be careful of what you think and say 💯 you are manifesting 👀



The new earth is already here. The 3D to 5D shift is a shift from WITHIN YOU. You can jump onto this timeline and into a different dimension whenever you choose. The colors will be brighter, everything will look shinier, almost like it sparkles. It's the same, but different, better, lighter and less dense. It isn't something you have to wait for. It can be achieved like this:

Every time a negative thought or emotion arises in you about another human, picture them in your mind's eye and say this: "I love you, I forgive you, I release you from our attachment." Then if you like, you can picture yourself tearing up your soul contract with them. This must be done with love in your heart and must be done from a space of detachment. You may have to do this multiple times with the same people as the karma bounces back and forth between you and all those you've traded energies with.

It takes work, but it will be worth the work, and you ascend a little bit higher vibrationally each time you do so. The shift is gradual. The more you shift the more you see that your resentment was senseless because the people you resented were just aspects of yourself that YOU chose to manifest in order to learn lessons, and that the separation was always an illusion.


Tonight is the second New Moon in April making it a Black Moon. Take a deep breath, you’ve made it to the end of a hectic month. The Celts and the Druids seen a Black Moon as a time of great changes and an omen of a big event coming. The Romans and Greeks seen a Black Moon as a symbol of good luck. The last month has been very hard for many of us but things will start to settle down now and fall into place. When a Black Moon happens it amplifies the effects the Moon usually has over us, our emotions will be heightened, our intuition will be on high alert. It also heightens the magical affects of the Moon which is why this is also known as the Witches Moon, in fact the Black Moon isn't a scientific term at all it is a very ancient term used in witchcraft.

Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Ta**us bringing with it a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. Truths will be spoken and what was hidden will now be uncovered. So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light, This New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see.

Tonight's New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Bull. It's time to enjoy life's simple and physical pleasures, savour good food and enjoy activities that bring us in touch with nature and with our bodies. It's time to stop and smell the roses and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Ta**us energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This will be an emotional New Moon, Your feelings may become overwhelming, you may feel a flood of different emotions all coming at you all at once, you may even find yourself becoming empathic and feeling others emotions. We may find that we have been carrying around a lot of heavy emotional energy that belongs to our friends, lovers or relatives and we will need to recognise that it is time to try to off load it and to stop feeling responsible for how other people feel.

The Ta**us New Moon is about strengthening our sense of security. It is a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and to figure out what it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled. It's a time for considering new ways of increasing our income or earning power. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth. We are asked to get in touch with what it is that we truly value and want in our lives and to part with those things or situations that are not contributing to our feelings of worthiness. This includes identifying those things that give us a false sense of security.

This is a time for getting back to to nature and seeing the beauty all around us at the moment, trees are full with foliage, flowers are starting to open up and bloom, fields are lush and green, days are bright and warm, birds are singing. Look at the beauty in our lives and be grateful for all you have. Try to stay positive and steer clear of negativity, look at the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. Ta**us gives us strength so now is a good time to get any tough jobs done you may have been putting off.

Use this New Moon to grow both materialistically and spiritually. Nature is giving us so many gifts at the moment don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things, ask for more, do more, be more. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. This is a powerful time of healing and cleansing our spirits, to release the old and stale energy to allow a new and more positive energy in.

Have a blessed New Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.


Stay 👀


✨ Eostre is also known as Ishtar, Gaia, Astarte, Freyja, Asherah, Inanna, Isis, Parvati and Aphrodite (just to name a few, there are MANY)... These Goddesses were known all around the world, in ancient times. HUGE festivals were created in their name. Today, Fertility and Rebirth is still celebrated all over the world (symbolically with the Easter bunny and eggs). Most Christians are unaware of this cancel and replacement of the Pagan ways... The resurrection of Jesus Christ, is what is celebrated in modern times. Regardless of who or why you're celebrating...
💕🐰 May you all have a blessed day, manifesting the rebirth of yourselves 💕🐰
✨ If you chant the goddesses I've listed, at any time on any day, you will feel YOUR power rising thru you!!! It's easiest if you choose 3. I choose Asherah, Inanna, Parvati ✨


APRIL 16, 2022

🌚The first full moon of the new astrological year sets the stage for what's to come this year. And it is quite a year……This FULL MOON in LIBRA, SQUARES PLUTO IN CAPRICORN and IT PACKS A PUNCH! Its job is to uncover deeply buried emotions.

💫Feelings will run high and things might seem off-balance, but it's a time to take in the way we approach different situations particularly in relationships.
Pluto brings tests and challenges of the extreme. It’s a planet that works at a very subconscious level and deals with your shadow, the emotions that may be even hidden from you! Surprise! Out comes your shadow! It deals with the things you don't want to talk about. But the truth is, at the end of the day, it's the planet of hidden power. If you're not really getting in touch with your personal power, this moon is going to show you that.

🌝The spiritual meaning of this particular moon is to address your darkest feelings, habits and reactions. Tough but necessary, Pluto's involvement might bring something to the surface that can no longer be kept down. Since the pink moon will be a full moon in Libra, it'll make us reexamine our relationships with ourselves and those we love.

💫Try to remember that the universe is not working against you—it's pointing out what's not working, which can be a bit tough.
This is a time to do deep psychological work by focusing on any healing practices. Have you had interesting dreams? Dreams help us process our life to bring us an understanding of something we need to look at. It will be hard to control our emotions during this time, so we have to be very careful in how we express our anger.

💫Now is a great time to begin a dream journal and discover more about yourself. Healing baths, meditation and yoga are good ways to balance this emotional energy.


Rule #1 ❤️


Now you know ❤️


Full moon in Virgo! Let’s get it!


Keep going ❤️


Read it until you believe it 💯


This tho 💯🤣





May your new story be your fairytale 💕


And the journey never ends 💕


Pluto is coming for the USA 💯 Just sit back and watch, it’s all for the good 🙌




The Pluto Return of the USA 2022-2024
Just like people have their own birth chart, so do countries. The “birth chart” of a country highlights its energetic vibrations and the themes we would expect to see unfolding.
The issue with using the birth chart of a country is knowing what date to set.
At present, the current birth chart of the United States used by many astrologers is set to July 4, 1776, at 5.10pm LMT in Philadelphia, PA, which was the alleged time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
I want to acknowledge that Native Americans had been living on this land long before this date and long before this “birth” chart of the United States.
The reason this chart is used is because it’s determined to be the birth of the current laws and beliefs of the United States. It was the document that was signed that day that created the America that we know today.
According to this commonly used chart, the US will be having what is known as its Pluto Return from 2022-2024.
This means Pluto will be returning to the exact same position of the zodiac where it was on July 4, 1776.
Pluto Returns take 247 odd years to occur, so for the United States, this is the first Pluto Return it is experiencing.
Pluto is the planet associated with death and rebirth. It is the force that crumbles things to ashes in order to be rebuild.
No one walking this Earth will live to see a Pluto Return personally, as it takes longer than our lifespan to come about, but we are about to witness the US go through it, and we are already starting to see the signs.
Understanding Pluto
Before we dive into what we can expect to see, it’s important to first understand a little more of what Pluto is all about.
Pluto is considered the Lord of the Underworld. It has the knack of exposing hidden truths, dark secrets, and the shadowy stuff. It brings the dark, hidden, and taboo up to the surface in order for it to be dealt with and faced.
Pluto is a highly creative energy, but whenever we have something new coming to the surface, there has to be a certain level of destruction too.
Pluto rules over the process of transformation. That dark night of the soul moment that then leads us into a spiritual awakening and then ultimately, a rebirth.
Pluto’s energy is subtle and slow-moving. It takes many years for it to weave its magic, but when it is through with us, we feel reborn, renewed, and recreated in some way.
Pluto Return and the USA
The United States will officially experience its Pluto Return from 2022-2024, however as mentioned, we are already feeling the effects.
Pluto is going to bring a revolution of sorts. It seems that whatever intention was set for this country back on July 4, 1776, is going to be revisited.
Pluto is going to ask- What needs to change? What needs to be transformed? And what needs to be honored?
We will be forced to look back to see whether the original intention set for this country is still being upheld or if anything needs to change.
We will be forced to look back and readjust in some way, before we can move forward.
We may even have to revisit some of the energies that brought about the creation and need for the Declaration of Independence as well.
Because Pluto Return is occurring in the sign of Capricorn, there will be a spotlight on government, big business, authority figures, and essentially anyone in a position of great power.
A Pluto Return in Capricorn could manifest as the crumbling of the government or an established hierarchy, but it also the building of a new one.
It can lead to deep and lasting changes in the way that the country is run and governed, and the rules that citizens choose to abide by.
This energy is like the dark night of the soul of the country. It challenges the US to face up to its dark side and to expose any corruption. We have to remedy the past so we can create a brighter future.
While a Pluto Return can expose shadows, it is also an incredibly powerful transit that can help any country to rise up in to its fullest potential.
When the Pluto Return is officially completed, it will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes- stronger, and more awakened than before.
While the US will wrap up its Pluto Return by 2024, due to its slow movements, it may take till 2028 to truly see the metamorphosis that has taken shape. (This is when Pluto officially leaves the zodiac of Capricorn for good.)
USA Pluto Return Predictions
While it is difficult to predict exactly what is going to happen, here is what we may see, plus what has unfolded as other countries have experienced their own Pluto Returns:
Major changes in the laws
Shift in government structure
Exposure of deep corruption
Need to heal the past
Civil War/ Power struggles
Conflicts with other countries
Agreements/Partnerships with other countries
Leaving agreements/partnerships with other countries
Changes or an overhaul of banking/economy
Changes or an overhaul when it comes to big business
Unconventional leaders
Death/Overthrowing of leaders
Changing of allies
Rise of independence
Rebalancing power dynamics
Ultimately, a Pluto Return is a very eye-opening, transformative, dark night of the soul experience. While it does stir things that may be uncomfortable, I do feel it can pave the way to create a more balanced, fair, and just country, where all feel loved, welcomed, respected, and equal.
Astrology Insights
by at Forever Conscious


Tomorrow is a mirroring date ( 2-22-22) 🪞

We won’t see another date like that for another 200 years✨, be careful with the energy you put out tomorrow considering this is a mirror date so envy and anger will come back to you, get up super early dress in your favorite clothes surround yourself with happiness and friendliness and others with like minds also don’t forget to make a wish 💫just remember however you behave will be reflected back to you…


Be you 💯


Don’t stop 💯

