Gut Health Station

Gut Health Station

Do you want to have a stronger immune system and an improved mental well being?

If your answer is yes, like this page to get the right help and advice in order to have a better and healthier gut which is fundamental to all aspect of your health.

Ninja Gut : A Six-Week Nutrition Plan To Assist You in Focusing on Your Gut Microbiome, Developing a Strong Immune System, and Dealing With Chronic Fatigue and Diseases 15/05/2023

My book is finally published and ready to help you make a healthier gut and therefore a healthy body and a healthy life.

Visit the link below and please don't forget to leave me a review.

Ninja Gut : A Six-Week Nutrition Plan To Assist You in Focusing on Your Gut Microbiome, Developing a Strong Immune System, and Dealing With Chronic Fatigue and Diseases Ninja Gut : A Six-Week Nutrition Plan To Assist You in Focusing on Your Gut Microbiome, Developing a Strong Immune System, and Dealing With Chronic Fatigue and Diseases


If you add jogging to your daily routine, you will see a difference! Do you use exercise to improve your symptoms?


If you ever see anything abnormal when you go to the toilet, make sure to see a doctor! Here are some reasons you may be on the toilet more often. Let me know what helps you go less frequently!


If lately, you’ve felt like it’s time to cleanse, be sure to try some of these! What have you found to be effective when cleansing? Not everyone will benefit from the same cleanse, so I’d like everyone to get as many options as possible.


Although we talk primarily about gut health here, I think getting to know each other a little bit is great too. So, let’s get a little personal. Share a photo of your pets below so we can all see them!


Hey all!
Happy New Year and I hope you are all well.
Apologise for not being present so much recently, I've been having to deal with some personal issues!! But I'm back now and let's make this year a healthy Gut year!!!!
Let's not get this gut feeling anymore!!
Credit to Gemma Correll for the image!


Hello all,
I hope that you are well.
I also hope that the contents of this page/group have been useful for you.
I have been receiving messages, comment and questions as to how to solve the Gut related issues that you suffer from, such as the followings;
- I eat healthy and still feel week and have fatigue
- I have sleepless night and I don’t know why
- I have bowl problems
- How can I heal Gastritis naturally?
- I have a leaky Gut
- I have IBS
- How to improve gut function?
- My immune system is not strong
- I can’t lose weight!
And many more.

Within my replies I promised you my upcoming book that could help you restore your Gut health. The book that provides you with solutions about your Gut health and can make your Gut a powerful and healthy gut.

Well, promise is made!!!!

I’m launching my book next month on and to promote my book, I’d love to give 50 people in this group a FREE and EARLY copy!
Reply “BOOK” below and DM me with an email and I’ll send the first 50 replies a free copy of the book!


Hey everybody! Have you had success in improving your gut health? If you’ve got advice that worked great for you and you’re willing to share it, leave a comment below so we can all benefit.


Temptation is the hardest when you have it sitting right in front of you. Changing our purchasing habits will help keep us on track! How do you avoid temptations while shopping?


Good morning! Do you ever get migraines or notice your mood changing frequently? What about trouble sleeping? If these symptoms sound too familiar, it may be time to look at your gut.


Hey everyone! Do you have recipes great for gut health you’d be willing to share with the group? I would love to see what everybody has at their fingertips. Have a great day!


Although these foods are commonly known as healthy, they may not look like ones that would help your gut specifically. Most people think of only fermented foods, but there are so much more out there! Comment below your favorite foods.


Many people struggle with Crohn's, leaky gut, and more. You’re not alone! What do you think contributes to such a large number?


If you can identify the issue, you’re better able to handle the situation. Consider what might be causing frequent trips to the washroom! Let me know if you have any questions below.


If you want your colon clear, consider trying these options. What do you do when you feel you need a cleanse?


If you want your colon clear, consider trying these options. What do you do when you feel you need a cleanse?


Good day, everyone! Today I’d like to do another “Share a photo”. If you feel comfortable, I would love to see your transformations! It may inspire someone else who struggles with the same thing you used to.


Some great gut humor for you today 😂 Do you have any good gut health jokes?


After eating this food, you might feel lighter, more energetic, or vibrant. What food is it for you? I’d love to hear from the community about what fuels their bodies. Share your favorites below so we can all give them a try!


Today, I wanted to share this powerful proverb. Interestingly, most of us will go through most of our lives without questioning anything, and then a passage comes along like this, and it just makes so much sense. Let’s hear your thoughts on it below.



What symptoms appeared for you? Everyone is different, so yours may not be the same as the next person's.


The hardest part about gut-harming foods is that they are everywhere. No matter where you look, the temptation is present. This can make it extremely difficult for people to switch from unhealthy foods to ones that will nourish their bodies. Which of these three is the hardest for you to stop eating?


Gut health mainly surrounds food, so I love to share delicious foods that help boost your gut health! I’ve named five here, so leave a comment with some that you enjoy.


Hello everyone, I hope your day is going well so far. Who knew the body was such a fascinating thing? There is so much to learn and explore, so facts like these are always exciting to me. How many would you have guessed were in your gut?


Not everybody is the same, so having many tricks up our sleeves can be useful. I would love to know your recommendations when taking care of your gut. Leave them below in the comments and let’s share what we know!


Here are some colon cleanses to try if others haven’t been working for you. Comment below if you’ve tried any of these before.


I don’t think I know of one person who doesn’t love food! From pasta to steak to blueberry cheesecake, there will always be a favourite meal. If you want to drop the recipe below, too, that would be lovely!


I am here to help everyone get gut healthy! Please don’t hesitate to leave any questions in the comments for me.


If you have a story, I would love to hear it. I’ve heard stories where people end up in the hospital before they start looking into gut health. I can imagine that being a big turning point in their lives. Leave your answers below!

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