Sober B

Sober B

Fancy becoming a sober B like me ? Think it’s an impossibility ?

Just like I did ... I’m offering motivation to live a bloody awesome life without alcohol and all the crap which comes with it !


one week in lombok ! not a single drop ! you want to bad enough ? you can do it ! i’ve loved feeling fresh every morning ! no sickness ! no embarrassment ! no arguments because i’m drunk ! no regrets the next day…..and the money saved ? well there’s a treat to come when home x x x


another month of sobriety ! and wow has this month been testy ! so much change and tiredness !!!!! but i didn’t give in or give up x super proud of myself x x x ❤️


had to steal - yep 😢 it’s an awful feeling x


i did it !!!!!! 2 years today alcohol 🍷 free !!!! where to start !!!!!! i didn’t believe i would do a night - week- when i started this journey ! alcohol had become such a s**tty habit !!!! happy, sad, celebrating, relaxing, holidaying, being social ! never needed an excuse …. but these were one of many ! the weight gain- swollen face - bags under eyes - dehydration - dizzy spells - not a nice person when drinking - bad decisions - the money - the mental health stuff (hangxiety) ! that’s all a thing of the past ! i look at that first louis vuitton bag i bought with my money saved from not drinking and i am so bloody proud 🥲 anyway …. 2 years down !!!!! if i can do it anyone can !!!!


Another month. …. 1 year 8 months ! 90 weeks - the 6 week challenge has been made so much easier because I don’t drink ! I hated being good all week then putting it back on after a bad weekend ! I never say never … but honestly, there isn’t a positive reason which could outweigh my negative reasons to start again ! Watch this space 🌼


1 year 8 months of feeling better ….




Another month down ! This month has been so full of triggers and urges to have a bloody drink and just check out ! But I’ve remained steadfast to this promise to myself to not drink …… 💛💯🙏🏻


Out to dinner on a school night - no worrying if I’m gonna make a ‘d’ of myself ? How bad I will be in the morning ? Can I do the school run ok ? Can I exercise tomorrow if I feel like crap ! May even push the boat out and have a virgin mojito (tasted like an alcoholic one! Without the ensuing drama 🎭) x


Had a feeling it was close ! And it’s today ! 1 year and 6 months alcohol freeeeeeeee ! “Free being the correct term ! Wish I’d never started with the stuff !!!!! All the opportunities and memories I missed ! Not wavering…. Not regretting - positives don’t outweigh my negatives still

Lovegrove Health & Wellness – I will inspire and support you to reach your health and wellness goals 04/07/2021

🌱 For all you out there struggling with dry July with this s**t weather and recent covid lockdown- kudos to you if you’ve kept going …. and if you’ve ballsed up reset and refocus tomorrow - Monday is a new week - here’s some hints to help and support you - write a list of what’s negative about drinking - add up the money you will save and either put it in a jar or save it in seperate bank account and by something you wouldn’t usually - at night have a Coke Zero or a kombucha in a wine glass with a slice of lemon 🍋 - if you want to get strong and lean and healthier too during dry July do an evening half hour online fitness class of some kind (I cycled between 6-7 tonight) - then …. when you wake up in the morning - no headache - no dry mouth - safe to drive - not tired - no anxiety 😴 remember that feeling …. every bit of it … smile and remind yourself daily how good it feels x x x you have got this x x Claire - Lovegrove Health and Wellness

Lovegrove Health & Wellness – I will inspire and support you to reach your health and wellness goals I used to be 20 kg heavier and didn’t like myself very much……. which led to self-sabotage behaviour involving drinking alcohol, smoking, over eating and poor food choices –now on my path to health, wellness and happiness, as a registered nurse and trained health and wellness coach I have vow...


End of working week 1 of quarantine ! Friday night and stillllllll alcohol free …… just !!!!! 1 year and 5 months smashed 💥 still worth it


Happy world gin day !!!!!! 💛


Boom 💥


Another month passes - gets easier every day ...... can’t imagine life with alcohol now .... the hangovers, the anxiety and the money spent - by far one of the best decisions I ever ever made 💛


Another month. The thought of a month without alcohol 🍷 at first seemed preposterous ! And now they roll into each other - the most important bad habit smashed 💥


A week from hell - and not a drop touched ..... Every day had been full of cravings and triggers - but I’m bloody not cracking x I can’t control so much in life but I can control this - the fall out is too great and the disappointment would be too much x x x


Another month down - at first a month not drinking seemed like an eternity - and now it is simply another month - it is normal - some days go past and a thought isn’t even given to it. - I keep getting asked how do you stop ! ... I’ve tried da Vinci coding it .... so here goes..

The Why ?
1) I wanted to (really wanted too)
2) I was embarrassed about my drinking
3) I knew physically I looked crap through drinking
4) My family hated me drinking

The How ?

✅Changed to gin
✅Day on day off
✅Then one week off
✅Then a month

When I messed it up I reset refocus Eventually I realised I was messing up every time
I did 8 months alcohol free - then drank on a girls trip and was so disappointed

ENOUGH was Enough .....

Stopped - and still going ..


Still feeling strong ! Even though it appears like every other meme or advert is linked to a pubs opening again in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 theme ! Wow ! This drinking game is a tough one to Escape ! 🙏🏻💛


Two weeks into my second year of not drinking - it feels like I’m in it for the long haul .... I genuinely don’t even think about it most nights ! I even watched the whole of ghandi with Ben Kingsley last night without a drink ! And that’s a looooong film (corker though ! Forgot how good it is !) - anyway - enough kidding yourself you haven’t got a problem if you have -and if you don’t know if you have ? maybe ask your loved ones what they think about your drinking habits ? Ouch sometimes the truth hurts - so be prepared x x x shout out of you need anything x always here x you got this x


3 days to go and it’s been a year without alcohol 🍷!!!! Can she get there ? 😂😂😂😊 hell yeah 👍🏻🙏🏻


Well after a night in a hotel in northbridge, in centre of town, I can safely say “thank god I don’t drink anymore “ ! There was a group of girls, about my age, and their arguments within their group went on allllll evening ! At one point they were in the lift with me and Etienne - one crying the others invading our space talking a load of crap - far out! I remember it (well not really it I was too drunk!) but alll the drama in drink - someone saying the wrong thing or something offensive or doing the wrong thing - or me saying the wrong thing or something offensive or doing the wrong thing and then the fall out x don’t miss it one little bit - life’s far too short 🤔🌟🙏🏻👍🏻💕


Alcohol 🍷 the only drug you get questioned for giving up .... so bizarre ! Even at yoga yesterday the “have a glass of wine” saying was thrown around ... nowhere is immune !.... 🤔 it’s alllll good though - just keep on focussing and remembering why I stopped and stay stopped 🧘‍♀️


Waking up to 2021 with 0 hangover ! Belter !!!!!!


Jan 2nd start year a sober b ! Who’s in ? Month challenge !!!!! X


I got asked at the weekend by a restaurant manager how on earth I started not drinking - I gave him some simple tips - in my case I swapped wine to gin and slimline tonic and started missing alcohol days .... originally one on one off - and there it began ...


Yes there are times when I could murder a drink. Tonight is one of them ! But I am steadfast to not drink ! The fall out is horrible !!!!! If I can do it anyone can ....

Photos from Sober B's post 03/12/2020

Looking forward to my first sober Christmas in 33 years !!!!!! 🍉💓🍎🎄🌴✅🙃


Done 10 sober months ..!!!! Longest ever ! Bloody proud !!!!


Camping 🏕 this weekend worn heaps of wine 🍷 and beer 🍺 and rum 🍹 and port ! And kombucha for me ! Made it through again ! Super proud 🏕🏕🎄🍷🙃