Empowerhouse Coaching

Empowerhouse Coaching

Helping Mission Driven Leaders SYSTEMATICALLY strengthen their mind and cultivate their creativity s

Scaling to success is a business experiment – a messy process full of trial and errors. Creativity is the GUIDING FORCE to leadership, product design, marketing, and every other aspect of the business. When Business Leaders are creative, they are accessing a higher level of intelligence and exploring breakthrough thinking and innovative paths and solutions. Creativity is what makes you effective,


Leading with Influence requires the courage to be your authentic self. While authenticity celebrates our unique gifts and quirks, bringing your whole self to work or business can be challenging, as it tends to disrupt established norms and might be perceived as a subconscious threat.

If leadership and creativity are inherently disruptive, how do you confidently lead with influence to make a meaningful impact? It’s an art form. 🎨

Recently, I wrapped up a Leading with Influence series for a client and their Directors. Excited to share insights and tips from the series with you. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more!

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I haven’t taken a vacation since pre-pandemic. In the past, I made it a tradition to visit NYC, explore a new country annually, and plan mini trips throughout the year. However, I’ve consciously decided to sacrifice time and money for personal growth 🌱 , leading to a journey of building, failing, and learning, redefining my priorities along the way.

Recognizing my souls crave for a recharge, I had to reframe a vacation 🏖️ as more than leisure; it’s an investment in my clarity 👓, creativity, and purpose 🎯 .

There’s something profound about stepping away from your routine and environment. Venturing far enough allows the new surroundings to reset and cleanse your energy ⚡️, providing a valuable escape from the usual noise of work and hustle. This break becomes a fertile ground for wisdom and creativity to unfold.

For example, in my time away, my Voice of Wisdom (VOW) surfaced and helped me realized some of the self doubt, sadness, and frustrations I was experiencing were being driven by my Voices of Judgments (VOJs)- my critter brain! My VOJs had been attaching themselves to the fact that they thought I would have more time in my schedule this last year to accomplish all the things. Well, I didn’t, and my VOW reminded me to stay focused on what I have gained this year, and let that energize me.

Vacation is a catalyst for clarity, and clarity is power 💪🏻. Deciding to explore Mexico City became a pivotal choice for me – a strategic pause to fuel⛽️ my mind, reconnect with my roots, and propel my journey forward ↗️.

Stay tuned for a video 🎥 following this post, where I share expcetional food, fun, and moments that made this trip truly a one of a kind experience 🇲🇽 ❤️



We all hold frustrations 😤 about our jobs, relationships, politics, the state of the world… It's natural to vent and healthy to release negative emotions. However, there comes a point when venting turns into recurring complaints, and those recurring complaints shape our daily and forever mood 😒.

But what if we repurposed that energy ⚡️ for something good? What if we invested that energy toward something we were passionate about solving?

Instead of dwelling on personal, professional, or worldly issues, we could use our challenges as an opportunity to create a vision 👓 of success and take action 🎬. Become the catalyst for transformation, leading the change we wish to see in the world 🌎.

When I finally started to reflect 🪞 on my passions and how to be a part of the solution to leadership, purpose, and creativity deficiencies in organizations, it is then that I discovered my own purpose in my work and made the decision to redirect and invest my energy into figuring out how to make a better future for myself and others.

Be the light of hope for others, and inspire✨ change, growth🌱, and transformation.

Photos from Empowerhouse Coaching's post 23/10/2023

Let your dreams 💫 blossom 🌻


We've all been there – complaining about our job 💼, our business📈, personal life, or the state of the world. It's easy to get caught in the cycle of venting frustrations. But here's the deal: that energy you put into complaints can be a game-changer. 💪

When we complain, we're not just letting off steam; we're shaping the atmosphere around us. In our jobs, complaining can drag down morale, hinder progress, and stifle innovation. In our personal lives, it can strain relationships and bring negativity. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Imagine if we harnessed that energy for good. 💡 By focusing on solutions, on creating positive change, we become the catalysts for transformation. Your actions influence those around you, shaping company culture, family dynamics, and even the world.

The power of being the change you want to see is incredible. It's a ripple effect – you start it, and it spreads. Let's be the change-makers, the problem-solvers, and the champions of positivity. Turn those complaints into a force for good, and watch the world transform. 🌍✨


I’m proud to say, I’ve never felt MORE Powerful 💥 and IN Peace 🧘🏻‍♀️ living out this mindset 🧠.

If you’re living in anxiety, your Purpose 💫 might be waiting for you to answer the Call ☎️.

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.


Don’t confuse movement and speed 👟💨 with progress, because you can run in place.

In the race of life, remember, vision 👓is greater than a fast pace.

Having clear direction 🗺️ is your anchor ⚓️, and helps to ensure you navigate life’s chaos 🌪️with intention and purpose 🎯

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In a world filled with endless possibilities, it's crucial to have a vision that guides your path. 🌟 When you envision your future, you're essentially setting a destination for yourself, a North Star 💫 that keeps you motivated and focused on your goals 🎯.

But here's the secret sauc🥫: Intuition 🧘🏻‍♀️.

Your intuition is like a silent guide 🧭 that helps you navigate the twists ➿and turns of life. It's that gut feeling, that inner voice 🗣️, that unexplainable sense of knowing what's right for you. When you combine your vision with your intuition, magic 🪄 happens.

Your actions take on a deeper meaning. Every step 👣 you take becomes purposeful because it aligns with your vision, and it resonates with your inner self. You're not just going through the motions; you're on a journey that's uniquely yours.

So, trust in your vision, listen to your intuition, and watch how your life transforms into a purposeful adventure. 🚀✨ It’s Empowering. 💪🏻


Behind every great leader, at the base of every great tale of success, you will find an indispensable circle of trusted advisors, mentors, coaches, and colleagues.


Most days during the week, I’m up by 3:30 AM ⏰ and at the gym 🏃🏻‍♀️ by 4 AM or starting my 2 hour trek 🚗 up to Palmdale 🌵.

Some have called me crazy 😵‍💫 (maybe they’re not wrong 😜).

I say, I do it because it’s worth it! 🙌🏻

I wake up energized ⚡️for the opportunity to do what I love 💕 (and get 💸 paid for it!) and I go to sleep 💤 satisfied knowing I’m living out my purpose 🎯 and passion❤️‍🔥, and making an impact 💪🏻 with it.

Where I’m at in life is not forever, and I know it’s not sustainable for me, but I also know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be right now.

Experiencing a fulfilled life isn’t easy, but I’m proud of myself for continuing to have the courage to make hard decisions that contribute to my growth, purpose, truth, and my vision.

My advice to you (even though you didn’t ask for me 🙃) is to stay true to your desires…to your dreams! They are the compass 🧭 to your purpose 🎯.


When I took my break away from making content, one of the reasons was because I wanted more clarity on my focus of work.

The biggest question I kept asking myself was, what kind of coach do I want to be?

I had such a hard time answering that question because the practical personal development tools I offer can literally help solve any problem. But Mentors were telling me over and over again, you’ve gotta niche down…

That said, the time I used to apply to creating content, I reallocated to myself. I got curious of all the different things taking up real estate in my mind and my heart, and then I worked to clear it. In doing that work, clarity hit.

I realized Leadership and Culture Transformations are my passion, and so is Life Coaching. And you can’t help a Business Leader develop as a Leader without helping the individual develop as a person. And what makes me different type of coach is my superpower 🦸🏻‍♀️of supporting the Leader holistically, not just in business.

I recommend taking time to clear up what’s taking up real estate in your mind🧠. You’d be surprised how much energy⚡️, clarity👓, and creativity 🎨you get in return and you can apply to your passions❤️‍🔥.

What’s taking up space in your mind🧠? Let me know below 👇🏼


Photos from Empowerhouse Coaching's post 19/06/2023

“Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” — David Bowie


The woman I was yesterday…

Introduced me to the woman I am today;

Which makes me very excited about meeting the woman I will become tomorrow.


The best view ⛰️comes after the hardest climb 🥾.



I finally had the opportunity to meet my beautiful client ❤️

We’ve been working together since last year, but have only been able to connect virtually since she lives in Colorado. When she hit me up to let me know she was coming to Cali, I had jump to the opportunity to meet!!

As you can tell, we had a blast painting 🎨 the town, in San Diego 💃🏻 💃🏻💕😊


Too many of us are not taking action to live out our dreams because we are living our fears.

If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit at home and think about your dream life. Go out and create it.

Just do it scared.

Walk to fear. Greet it 🙋🏻‍♀️.

Walk with it, hand in hand 👫

We grow fearless by walking 🐾 into our fears.

Clarity and confidence comes from action.



Curly ➰hair is more than just hair, she’s an attitude 💁🏻‍♀️

And I aspire to be like her: A little wild, a little spontaneous, fierce 💃🏻, and always care free.

Hair by .baker.beauty


A lack of clarity creates chaos and frustration. And those emotions could poison any living goal and slow down the journey to success.

When clarity in the heart of troubles is uncovered, it gives direction, power, vividness, focus, and joy to life.

But don’t wait until you have all the answers to get started or take action.

Action creates clarity.


When I first came across this quote years ago, I immediately made it my life mantra (and a tattoo 😜)

It triggered me to evaluate every area of my life and challenged what I thought was possible and impossible for me.

Your thoughts are your biggest source of motivation or demovation. A negative mind will never give you the motivation to produce a positive life or positive results.

What will be your New Year’s mantra that propels you to new successes in 2023?


For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone.

The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes.

The same thing happens to people when they dream big and take action to achieve their goals.

The process of making dreams a reality might feel like a complete destruction of self, but it is in fact a transformation.




Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

Vision without action is merely a dream.

Action without vision just passes the time.

Vision with action makes a powerful reality and can change the world.

Mental focus follows visual focus.

How will you start your new year?


The dream is free.

The hustle is sold separately.



If what’s stressing you out is out of your control, you are NOT powerless.

You ALWAYS have the power 💥 to shift HOW you relate to your life and your ATTITUDE towards your circumstances.

You can relate to your life in a stressful way 🤯, an accomplished way 💪🏻 , a peaceful way ✌🏼, a rewarding way 🏅 …you get to decide.

Choose wisely because your attitude determines your altitude!

Follow for more success quotes!


Your mind, emotions and body are instruments, and when you align and tune them, you find your spirit in harmony and happiness is the natural result.



Give people a Piece 🧩 of your Heart ❤️
Rather than a Piece 🧩 of your Mind 🧠


The only difference between winners and losers is that winners do things losers don’t want to do…they try again, and again, and again, until they succeed.


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Videos (show all)

If you’ve been feeling angered, defeated, or anxious about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, Tune i...
@empowerhouse_coaching Whether you’re a new or seasoned entrepreneur, navigating todays economic challenges is a REAL ch...
@empowerhouse_coaching She lived through and survived a workplace shooting 11 years ago, but gained fear, anxiety, and l...
@empowerhouse_coaching Repeated shootings in schools, churches, and stores are eroding our sense of safety and creating ...
@empowerhouse_coaching Did you know, according to scientists, luck exists? And there are key characteristics associated ...
Did you know your intuition is mistake free and can be used as business tool to make decisions? Yes, data base approache...
Empowerhouse Coaching presents, Creative Mindsets for Business, a podcast where Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, and the...
Radical Responsibility vs. Blame

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