Anchorage Gardens

Anchorage Gardens

Sculptures by Don Engbrecht

Timeline photos 21/07/2022

A new addition is popping up beside the Library - we are adding a bike rack :)

The rack was built by Don Engbrecht and painted by Border Auto Body. Eventually it will have something other than grass underneath it once the ground cooperates.

The project is supported by Hometown Manitoba.

Photos from Anchorage Gardens's post 11/10/2021

Some new photos of sculptures by Don Engbrecht:


So great to see Don Engbrecht’s sculptures at the Art Park in this ad about Boissevain!

Artist contributes to Peace Garden 03/07/2021

Artist Contributes to Peace Garden:

Artist contributes to Peace Garden MUNICIPALITY OF BOISSEVAIN-MORTON — Specializing in rusty iron sculptures, a Boissevain-area artist has pledged a dozen pieces to the International Peace Garden.The pieces, most of which are framed within wagon wheel rims, will soon be scattered through the Canadian section of the grounds located ...

Artist explores faith through scrap-metal sculpting 24/05/2021

A new article about Don Engbrecht and his art in Canadian Mennonite magazine!

Artist explores faith through scrap-metal sculpting Old agricultural equipment left to languish in junkyards or alongside highways gets a second life in Don Engbrecht’s workshop. He has created approximately 200 works over the 20 years he has been sculpting in Boissevain, Man., with scrap metal and welding tools. After seven years, he has finally c...



Profile pictures 12/07/2020
Photos from Anchorage Gardens's post 27/12/2019

Some other beauties in the winter sun! Visit our page to see many more pictures (click on Anchorage Gardens above)!

Photos from Anchorage Gardens's post 27/12/2019

Things that shine in winter at Anchorage Gardens that are usually peeking through the flowers... Visit our page to see many more pictures (click on Anchorage Gardens above)!


Lovely space at Anchorage Gardens ... Photo - Jennifer Engbrecht

Photos from Anchorage Gardens's post 14/08/2019

Some of Don Engbrecht’s sculptures in an art show on Canada Day in Boissevain a few years ago. Photos - Jennifer Engbrecht

Photos from Anchorage Gardens's post 14/08/2019

Winter pics of Anchorage Gardens and Don Engbrecht’s Sculptures... Photos - Jennifer Engbrecht

Photos from Anchorage Gardens's post 14/08/2019

Here are many sculptures created by Don Engbrecht that can be seen at Anchorage Gardens, in Boissevain MB, and in Killarney MB. Photos - Jennifer Engbrecht

Achor­age Gar­dens | Manitoba Gardener Magazine 14/08/2019

Anchorage Gardens in the Manitoba Gardener Magazine:

Achor­age Gar­dens | Manitoba Gardener Magazine An­chor­age Gar­dens is a quin­tes­sen­tial coun­try gar­den of yes­ter­year. The his­toric farm­yard in Bois­se­vain, Man. was trans­formed by Don and Betty Eng­brecht. The cou­ple’s pas­sion for their work can be seen in the charm­ing flower beds and dis­plays of...
