Coaching and Therapy Solutions

Coaching and Therapy Solutions

CTS is offering the coaching and therapy support you need. Hit contact us button for a free consultation.

The purpose of this page is to create a safe space for mums, who are looking for coaching tips and therapy solutions in their life as mompreneurs.

Photos from Coaching and Therapy Solutions's post 17/01/2024

When you finally reach that moment of peace in the evening, after having so many days on a rollercoaster and you are thinking of having a blast 💥

Then, the only thing is just this “perfect moment of peace” ☮️

This is exactly the moment I was just about to enjoy 😊

Când ajungi în sfârșit la acel moment de liniste seara, după ce ai petrecut zile întregi ca pe un rollercoaster și te gândești ca acum e momentul tău de pace💥

Apoi, singurul lucru este doar acest „moment perfect de pace” ☮️ Acesta este exact momentul pe care il așteptăm ca să mă bucur 😊

Voi, mămici faine, aveți asemenea momente in viața voastră?


🕯️Papa Francisc este ceva ieșit din comun! Iată noul său mesaj, plin de înțelepciune și umilință. Dacă nu practici nicio religie, dacă ești agnostic, dacă ești creștin, dacă ești ateu sau martor al lui Iehova. Nu face nimic. Vă rog citiți-o... nu vei regreta.🕯️

😇FII FERICIT... ia-ți un minut să citești asta🙏

Papa Francisco

„Poți fi defect, anxios și uneori iritat, dar amintește-ți că viața ta este cea mai mare afacere din lume.
Doar tu îl poți opri să refuze.
Sunt mulți care te apreciază, admiră și te iubesc. Și tu nu știi, dar există oameni pentru care ești special
Aș vrea să vă amintiți că a fi fericit nu înseamnă să ai un cer fără furtuni, să mergi fără accidente, să lucrezi fără oboseală, relații personale fără dezamăgiri.
Să fii fericit înseamnă să găsești putere în iertare, speranță în bătălii, siguranță în frică, iubire în dezacorduri.
A fi fericit nu înseamnă doar să prețuiești zâmbetul, ci și să reflectezi asupra tristeții.
Nu este vorba doar despre celebrarea succesului, ci despre a învăța din eșec.
Nu este doar bucurie în aplauze, este bucurie în anonim.
A fi fericit înseamnă a recunoaște că viața merită trăită în ciuda tuturor provocărilor, tristeții, neînțelegerilor și perioadelor de criză emoțională și economică.
Sa fii fericit nu este un destin, ci o cucerire pentru cei care stiu sa calatoreasca in propria fiinta.
Să fii fericit înseamnă să încetezi să mai fii victima problemelor tale și să devii actorul propriei tale povești.
Este vorba despre traversarea deșerturilor în afara propriei persoane, dar a putea găsi o oază în adâncul sufletului nostru.
Este mulțumind lui Dumnezeu în fiecare dimineață pentru miracolul vieții.
Să fii fericit înseamnă să nu-ți fie frică de propriile sentimente.
Este vorba despre a ști cm să vorbești despre tine.
Este să ai curajul să auzi un "nu" chiar și de la cei pe care îi iubești.
Este vorba despre a avea securitatea de a primi critici, chiar dacă este nedrept.
Este despre îmbrățișarea copiilor, răsfățarea părinților, a avea momente poetice cu prietenii, chiar dacă ne rănesc.
A fi fericit înseamnă a lăsa să trăiască creatura liberă, fericită și simplă care trăiește în fiecare dintre noi.
Este să ai maturitatea de a spune "am greșit".
Este să ai îndrăzneala să spui "iartă-mă".
Este sensibilitatea de a spune "Am nevoie de tine. "
Este abilitatea de a spune "te iubesc".
Fie ca viața ta să devină o grădină de oportunități de fericire..
Sa fii un iubitor de bucurie in sursele tale.
Să fii un prieten al înțelepciunii și al păcii în iernile tale.
Și când greșești pe drum, începi din nou.
Ei bine, voi veți fi mai pasionați de viață.
Și vei afla că a fi fericit, nu înseamnă a avea o viață perfectă.
Dar folosește lacrimi pentru a tolera apa.
Folosește pierderile pentru a-ți perfecționa răbdarea.
Folosește toamna pentru a sculpta seninătatea.
Folosește plăcerea pentru a elibera durerea.
Folosește obstacole pentru a deschide ferestrele inteligentei.
Nu renunța niciodată...
Nu renunța niciodată la oamenii pe care îi iubești.
Nu renunța niciodată la fericire, pentru că viața este un spectacol de neratat! "

Papa Francisc cheamă pe toată lumea, indiferent unde se află, credință sau religie, la un moment de meditație sau rugăciune pentru pace. Întreaga planetă unită în PACE. 🙏🕯️🔅



So powerful and yet so profound 🧡


Never -ever doubt it again !!! Listen to this message up to the end 🧡 is just worth it 🧡


Anxiety is rarely logical so saying what worries them is "silly" or not really an issue is not helpful, it is real to them. Acknowledge that whatever their fear is would make them feel scared. Now this isn't agreeing with the fear, it is validating the emotion. You could say "yes that does sound scary" or "I understand why you feel worried". When a child (or anyone really) feels heard then they will feel safe enough to find a solution with you.

More information on my blog

Link in bio

Feeling disconnected: 11 Steps to Reconnect with Yourself and Others 05/10/2022

Do you find yourself disconnected from everyone and everything 😌!?
If so, I would suggest that you read this article all about discovering ways you can reconnect to yourself again.

Sending you much love ❤️

Feeling disconnected: 11 Steps to Reconnect with Yourself and Others A lack of connection with yourself often stems from exhaustion in general and you need to give yourself the proper care and love it needs. Here is how to get back to yourself when you feel disconnected.


Quality relationships are less determined by how much time you've spent together than by how much processing of emotions you've done together.

Processing emotions is about learning to understand, make sense of and deal with emotions in healthy productive ways. Learning to process emotions takes time. You might be so disconnected from your own feelings or so accustomed to suppressing them that at first you might just feel nothing.

Do you know that it only takes 90 seconds to process an emotion?

According to Harvard brain scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, ninety seconds is all it takes to identify an emotion and allow it to dissipate while you simply notice it.

I invite you to take those 90 seconds and allow yourself to process the emotions you feel and drop a comment in a chat box what difference it made for you?



This is so true!
We al need to remember that 🤗

Be comfortable in your own skin.
Know who you are.

Understand deeply that what people do is never a reflection of you and is always their perception of life.

You are not for everyone and they are not always for you.

When you are not included, invited, or considered, whisper to yourself, “Thank you for the space necessary in my life for the people that matter most to me. I am blessed.” 🤍

(You don’t find your worth in a person. You find your worth within yourself, and then find people who are worthy of you. Remember that.-Miracle)


This is what we all need to hear 🤗

Why is it important to understand our programming?

We talk about cells as the “antennas of self” — how our bodies are receptors of our own broadcasts. We also discuss the importance of creating and of breaking through our old programs and taking on new programs that don’t perpetuate disharmony. And to our giddy pleasure we also touch upon the importance of dreams: disconnecting from the machine and doorways.

Listen in at


Challenge yourself to be a better version of you every day. 💙

In expectation for a new arrival 🥰 last few weeks and soon I will meet my “dearest and sweetest girl” and I feel really blessed to become a “second-time mama” 🙂 It looks like “my pregnancy glow” is still there, as I have been complemented by most of you who knows me so far.

Thank you all for your kindhearted messages 🙏❤️


“Life is beautiful when you’re attached to nothing and connected with everything”

Many of us can’t seem to grasp this idea of loving everything and being attached to nothing. Years ago I couldn’t understand it either, but as time went by and as I started to ponder upon this idea, when I started to learn more about human existence and practice it, I got better at it. 
“Be attached to nothing and connected to everything”, was a great quote from Wayne Dyer, whom I deeply admire, and whom I still come back to every time I feel like I need inspiration and guidance.

You see, most of us want to have many friends, to be loved, have beautiful things, the more expensive the better, to travel to beautiful places, live in big and beautiful houses, etc.. And I can tell you that I want most of these things as well, I want them all, but this isn’t the problem.

The problem is that most of us get so attached to all of these things, attached to all of these people, all of these places, and once we lose them, and one day we will all go through this, we will be heartbroken, devastated, and the pain will be so hard to bear. For me, being so attached to it all is a very dangerous approach to life.

The people you love, they will leave you one day; the career you now have, one day it will be gone; the house you live in, one day will no longer be yours; the body you have, your beauty, your youth, they will all be gone eventually, and if that’s the case, why continue to pretend as if you are going to inherit the planet?

Now, it is up to you to decide whatever you think it’s best for you.
Love everything and remember, life is beautiful when you’re attached to nothing and connected to everything around you!

Love from me, Sabina ❤️🌷

** What about you? Do you think it’s possible to love everything and be attached to nothing? Or is this a ‘special gift’ reserved only for the holy and illuminated masters of the world? You can share your comment in the comment section below 🙂


April is here 🌸

🌸New month 🌸new beginning 🌸new mindset 🌸 new focus 🌸new start 🌸

And honestly, it’s been quite fast going since spring break and some life changing moments too 🌷

Drop a 🌸 if you feel the same 🙌🏻👇👇


🚨ALERT - Complimentary therapy sessions!

In the midst of everything that is happening in the world right now 🌎 I am officially back to serve YOU, dear mum 👩‍👦

I would love to work with you, or someone you know, who needs help at:

🌷 Building Better Relationships and communication with your family members, children, life partner and ultimately with yourself

🌷Enjoying Freedom, know that you can free yourself from daily negative chatter, ‘mama guilt’, sabotage, perfectionism,  blame and work overload.

🌷Practicing Self-Love: you could just feel that you are loved and that you can also love yourself more and have lots of love to give to others too.

In addition to some other painful aspects, we can look at it together:
👉Panic attacks
👉Fears & Phobias
👉Suffering (Sorrow)
👉Anger management

I know how difficult might be for you right now and I am here to give you support you need at this moment in time.

Just reach out privately or book yourself a free 20 minute slot, where we can discuss the ways I could help.

If you want to learn more or how I can help you and what I do, you can find information on my FB Therapy page , you can find the link in the comments below 👇

You can also write and ask me questions via private message. I would love to help as many of you here as possible, as a thank you for being devoted followers.

All my love to you ❤️

P.S. Drop me a DM and I'd love to hear how I can help you. The sessions are either in Romanian or English


Hey everyone! 👋🏻

So just wanted to address that I will be out of office for couple of weeks - I am taking a break due to some important changes in my personal life. I am moving houses, then going on winter holiday which is much needed ⛷❄️☃️

It’s so important to take time for ourselves and be with our loved ones and be able to live in the moment - that’s why I have decided to do a social media ban in the duration of my vacation! ❌

Although… there is something excited being done behind the scenes by my team so be sure to turn the notification bell to be alerted when I come back!

I’m super interested to know… are you going on winter break this year? Comment below 👇🏻



That fun sensation you get hitting your elbow, stubbing your toe or forgetting that the stove was on.


That hurtful emotion you feel inside, which hurts so much that you cannot let it go.

Pain has a lot of contributing factors – more than you might realize. Your environment, your memory, and of course your ‘injury’ type (whether a headache or broken arm) can affect the sensation and perception of pain. 

How often do you find yourself feeling the pain, get use to it, and make it permanent part of your normal life?

I bet, quite often.

So, what you can do to make the pain temporary ?

As simple as it may sounds, you can simply choose the perception about your pain. Give it another meaning or interpretation. This will
allow the pain to heal in itself.

Tap ❤️‍🩹 if this message served you in some way and tag someone you think can hear this today 🙌🏻


🙌🏻This is your self-reminder about things that we sometimes forget to do for ourselves.

When was the last time you really take the time to do something for yourself?

If the answer is : “oh, very long time ago!”, then I would strongly suggest to take any of the listed reminders and see what it is like to take a moment and just be…

…Be gentle with your feelings, and you’ll feel the difference!

Sending you much love your way ❤️

Let me know what was your experience and your thoughts in the comments below 👇


The Velentine day has come ❤️ but is it suppose to be just one day of love ?

I personally don’t agree with this, and I would prefer to say that I am love, we al are, so you can spread all over around you and have the other days filled with love if you wish 💕

Sending you much love your way 💕♥️

💕 ♥️


No matter how much you hate yourself or others, there’s always a place for just love 💕

A lovely Practice that you can do every day , starting today, even with your children😊

Breathe love ❤️
❤️Exhale love
Breathe gratitude 🙏
🙏 Exhale gratitude
Breathe more love 💕
💕Exhale more love

Be in love 🥰 and send as much love as you can for others too ♥️

Comment by sending a heart whatever color you may wish it to be♥️💙💖

Love from me, 🥰







Sometimes you do or say things you regret. If you’ve experienced this recently, you might be struggling to forgive yourself, especially if your actions hurt someone you love. ♥️

A few months ago, I had a falling out with a friend. It happened like most misunderstandings do: swiftly and unexpectedly. I barely had time to comprehend what was happening.

My friend was trying to convince me to join her in a business venture, which I politely tried to decline. After a while of us going back and forth, my patience was wearing thin, and she began to appear less like a friend and more like a pushy saleswoman.

She then made a comment that I interpreted as a personal insult. I immediately became angry and lashed out. I thought I was justified in my reaction, but upon reflection, I realized that I had misunderstood her words and rushed to judgment.

Even after a follow-up conversation, with my apologies and all, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had made a terrible mistake. I feared that our relationship would never be the same.

That episode in my life led me to think about the ways we get hung up on our personal failures. They can threaten to keep us stuck in the past and define who we are going forward.

My personal reflection and experience led me to realise that self-forgiveness is not a one-time deal—it’s a gradual process. Every time self-loathing thoughts surfaced, I would take a deep breath and exhale all the negativity I was feeling. You can do some similar act of kindness toward yourself when negative thoughts emerge.

My own mistakes and flaws have helped me become a better person to my friend, and that will ultimately strengthen my friendships going forward.

So forgiving myself for these silly mistakes and including my past mistakes, I realised that I can only grow stronger from them.

This is a great reminder that we All Are Worthy of Forgiveness!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! ❤️


♥️Learning how to heal ourselves can bring us back to a state of well-being and self-love.♥️

As we entered the month of love ❤️ I would invite you to reflect on this quote and then
think about times when you feel the love for others or perhaps from others, and …

….make the healing process one of which you allow yourself to feel better and love yourself for who you are ❤️

Sending you much love your way 🤗❤️


I'm Your Therapist | Linktree 03/02/2022

Let\s connect!

I'm Your Therapist | Linktree Here to help you overcome emotional struggle💗 RTT/NLP&TimeLine Therapist &Coach


It’s February 2nd 2022, and this is no ordinary Wednesday.
Today’s date is 2/2/22, a rare phenomenon that has sent conspiracy theorists absolutely wild.

It’s called a palindrome, which is a sequence that reads the same backwards as it does forwards.
This is the last time we’ll see this sequence until 22/2/2222, and some people believe the date is very significant.
Let’s explore the significance of 2/2/22 and find out what people think might happen today…


Did you know there’s actually a very strong link between numbers and astrology? It’s called numerology, which is the belief that numbers have spiritual meaning.
In numerology, repeated numbers are known as ‘master numbers’ which have incredibly strong energy. Palindrome dates are seen as ‘energy portals’ when significant things happen in the universe.
222 is also regarded as an ‘angel number’ which can symbolise a number of different things including balance, positivity, good luck, and joy.


Most people think that due to the date’s strong numerical energy, some very positive things could happen today.
Some believe that 2/2/22 is a day to manifest and wish for something that you want to come true.

Manifestation is incredibly popular on social media right now and is the process of wishing your aspirations and goals into existence.
Many think that if you manifest something at 2:22 pm today, it will become a reality in the future.
Others think 2/2/22 will simply be a day full of positivity, love and happiness.

However, some believe that the numerical energy will bring some far less positive things on 2/2/22.

Many have predicted natural disasters, terrorist attacks and even the end of the world.
Will any of these things happen? Probably not, but only time will tell.

What great things or not so great happened in your life today?

Drop a comment below 👇


Abundance is something you receive and continue to receive, each day.

In addition to everything else we do to be abundant, we have to be grateful for our abundance to continue to receive more abundance.

---- How?

Do the things that you love and bring you joy.

If you don't know what brings you joy, ask yourself the question,

"What is my joy?"

And as you find it and commit yourself to it, to joy, then joyful things will be poured over you like an avalanche.

𝓙oyful things,
𝓙oyful people,
𝓙oyful circumstances.
𝓙oyful events,
𝓙oyful opportunities.

---- Why?

Because when you are radiating in joy,

you bring in joyful experiences.

When there are joyful experiences,

you allow abundance to unfold.

Your abundance in life is directly proportional to how joyful you have lived your life.

---- Need help?

It's simple, it's actually easy...

The key 🔑 is in ❤️𝓡 . 𝓔 . 𝓓 ❤️

𝓡each for my hand. 🙌🏻

𝓔xpress yourself. 🤗

𝓓rop me a message. Ⓜ️

And together, let us give yourself the red gift of an abundant life, starting this February!


If you don’t believe in yourself, who else will?
Honestly, if you don’t believe you’re going to succeed, then how on earth would anybody else do?

This powerful question has stroke my heart for a little while when I had my routine conversation with my business mentor, and he made a very good point reasoning his point of view to me by saying:

“You need to believe in yourself – in your abilities, skills and passions – to take the leap into entrepreneurship or any other aspiration. Believing in yourself is the key of exceptional leadership, because self-confidence lets you manage and inspire others with assurance and direction.”

I let that sink in for almost a week or so and came to realise that I have to step into my own power and start believing in my own capabilities to achieve great things in my life, even though I had many other negative thoughts creeping in from time to time…

How many times did you tell yourself you can’t? I used to do it way too often. Finding an excuse that seems reasonable is incredibly easy, since our brains love to rationalize.

By feeding your brain with positive thinking and self-belief affirmations, you create no space for pessimistic thoughts. And even when they arrive from time to time, your confident attitude beats them instantly.

Therefore, we experience procrastination, self-doubt, negative thinking, anxiety and so on. The sure-fire way to overcome these obstacles is to not believe in them and truly believe in yourself.

How you can do that?

I have 7 Awesome Ways to Begin Believing in Yourself, inspired by my mentor and I am giving them unto you here:

1. Set yourself up for success, whatever this means to you 🔥
3. Surround yourself with people who already succeed in areas you’re working or do business.
4. Acknowledge accomplishments and passions you already have within.
5. Share what you have to offer.
7. Reach for the stars. ✨Be authentic!
9. Don't be afraid to speak up your truth.
10. And take care of yourself, you're important human being. ❤️

Tap ♥️ if this message served you in some way and tag someone you think can hear this today 🙌🏻


There’s really no secret to life, except for one we make for ourselves.

Besides, our life journeys are not always smooth, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges. Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, and weaknesses. Those obstacles could be blessings in disguise, but it is hard to realize that sometimes the obstacle is the way. All the obstacles and hardships are a test of our strength and weakness, courage and faith.

When things don’t go our way we can either focus on the fact that life is unfair and everything sucks or we can take the challenges with courage and determination and enjoy the ride!

Another important thing to consider while being on your life ride, value the people you meet on your journey of life. Some of the people you take on board will stay with you for life, others will ride with you just for a little while until they jump off to take another road. Value all of them, learn from them, enjoy their company whilst it lasts.

Everybody we meet can teach us a lesson, open our eyes, help us look inside ourselves, and help us discover who we really are.

Tag someone who needs to hear this today 🙌🏻


When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it’s Monday or Friday….

….you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.

Would you agree?

If so, wake up, wash up your worries and make it magical ✨

Tag someone who needs to hear this today 🙌🏻


Do you know that the world is expanding? 🌎

That the brain is neuroplastic? 🧠

That possibilities are endless? ⛳️

That realities are dimensional? ☴

I don’t blame you if you don’t, because you don’t know what you don’t know.

---- But if you do, how are you?

Are you expanding too? 🧘🏻‍♂️

Are you rewiring your brain? 💡

Are you launching your rockets? 🚀

Are you wanting and choosing? 🏷

---- As for me?

Yes, I do, I did, and I am! 🙌

I’ve let go, so as to expand. 🦋

I turned around, so as to take a different route to walk. 🛣

I am falling in love with my yet known self. ❤️

I chose to stay high.

Since I became conscious and deliberate with my life, I was able to transform my world.

Because in life there is no such thing as luck.

Your success in health, wealth, relationships, career, and life is reflected by your relationship with who you really are.

So, what are you waiting for?

Are you still in love with your pretence that life is a bed of thorns than roses? 🥀

Are you still hanging on to your longing that someday a hero will sn**ch you out from misery?

Are you still avoiding change just to stay comfortable?

Are you still in an illusion that life will default unfold for you?

Nah…. good luck with that. 🥴

But when you’re ready to rise and enjoy life as I am enjoying mine,

The solution is simple: BE THE REASON SOMEONE believes in YOU and the goodness of people too !

Book your transformation NOW✨

Act on it 🙌🏻


No one is exempt from experiencing emotions. That is a part of being here as a human.

Why then, do so many people experience difficulty with feeling emotions fully?

This might be because of a society that does not value feelings and prioritizes being “good” or “happy” above all else.
Other factors can also affect our readiness to feel, like not being allowed to experience or show emotions growing up, or being told that feeling certain emotions like sadness, grief, or anger are “bad” and shouldn’t be felt or expressed. 

We eventually learn that emotions are the problem and when we do experience feeling things like sadness, embarrassment, or shame, we are also the problem.
We learn to identify with them fully. We think “I am sad” as if we are that emotion. We think, “when I feel angry, I am an angry person. I don’t want to be an angry person so I will not be angry.” But we are not our emotions, even though we feel them.

Repeat after me: We have emotions. We are not emotions. 

What happens to emotions that have been suppressed?
Maybe you’ve heard the saying, what you resist, persists. When we avoid or reject emotions, the energy of those emotions gets stuck in the body. This is why we continue certain cycles and unhealthy patterns. The energy is never released and stays with us until we fully allow ourselves to feel. What we resist, persists.

A common fear about allowing oneself to feel is that the feeling might last forever. All emotions will pass, we might feel one for a longer period of time (usually however long it was resisted), but it will always pass.

Whether you don’t know how to feel your feelings, you don’t want to feel your feelings, or you’re struggling with feeling your feelings, I suggest that the best way to go through this is allowing yourself to feel your emotions as part of your healing process.

Tap ❤️‍🩹 if this message served you in some way and tag someone you think can hear this today 🙌🏻

Opening Hours

Monday 09:15 - 14:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 14:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 14:00
Thursday 09:00 - 14:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00