He Brews Ministries

He Brews Ministries

Christian ministry focusing on building up Christians and those looking to begin their walk into faith with God.

Christians, We CANNOT Keep Doing This to Our Pastors 17/04/2024


Christians, We CANNOT Keep Doing This to Our Pastors Christians, we CANNOT keep doing these things to our pastors… In this video, Todd Friel warns us about 13 ways Christians can drive their pastors to despair ...

Christianity ‘increasingly regarded’ by the state as ‘harmful’ 09/04/2024


Christianity ‘increasingly regarded’ by the state as ‘harmful’ Sky News host James Macpherson says today Christianity is “increasingly regarded by the state as harmful”.Mr Macpherson said anyone who still believes the st...

How to Find a GOOD Church 25/03/2024


How to Find a GOOD Church Finding a good church is one of the most important things a Christian can do to get plugged in to a community of likeminded believers. But often times findin...


It's always a fun time when I'm able to talk about God with strangers. Hearing others' stories, testimony, passion for Christ is uplifting to say the least.

How to Love God 19/03/2024


How to Love God Sometimes in our walk, we can lose sight of just how wonderful God is. Our faith can be come stagnant or dry, and reading our Bible seems like a chore. In th...


Recording for He Brews Faith has been put on hold for this month. I'm in the process of upgrading some equipment, and it's on back-order. Ideally, in early February, I should have the continuation of 3 John recorded and released. :)


The next episode of is live! In this episode, I interviewed Amber Goodrich, the owner of Fisher of Men Retained, based out of Tennessee. She's a Christian utilizing the gifts God blessed her with to help others.

We talk about our faith, how she incorporates it with her business, and other aspects of Christianity!

Listen on all major podcast platforms, on YouTube or our website:



"I'm not perfect"

It shouldn't be an excuse for sin but instead an acknowledgment you need to be saved from sin, as we all do. If this is your catchphrase for doing something against the moral and committed standards we all have, then it should also be a wake-up call that there is a way to improve.


The newest episode of He Brews Faith is recorded. Now it's just to make it live and make a video for it. :)

Sorry for the delay on this. Certain things came up which made it hard to create the content of a useful quality.

2023.9 - Fear Brings Rest 09/09/2023

Here's the full video for the latest episode!

2023.9 - Fear Brings Rest Fear of the Lord brings rest for our souls and spirit.0:00 - Intro0:23 - Beginning Prayer1:08 - Today's Episode Is...1:15 - Why is Rest Important?3:01 - guid...

2023.9 - Fear Brings Rest #shorts #christian #hebrews #fearofthelord #rest 08/09/2023

Working on the first video for He Brews Faith on YouTube, and thought I'd share a little teaser with everyone. :) Check out the video below!

2023.9 - Fear Brings Rest #shorts #christian #hebrews #fearofthelord #rest Currently working on the inaugural video for the podcast .This episode will be talking about obedience to God, and how fear of the Lord can brin...


As mentioned, the newest episode of is released on all major podcast platforms and the website! Link here: https://www.hebrewsministries.org/he-brews-faith/fear-brings-rest

Speaking of which, the website has gotten a new facelift from ThirteenTwo Consulting!

The idea moving forward is to focus solely on being a media ministry, and with that will also mean more than podcasts. We have a YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/) that will start having content around He Brews Faith and other aspects of serving Christ.



The new episode of will be released today. :)

Along with that is the new site design.

To celebrate both of these milestones, the direction of the ministry is steering even deeper into utilizing media to share the Gospel and Jesus Christ.

Over the coming months this will be more prominent.


Recording the next episode of He Brews Faith tomorrow, so the episode should be up within the next day or two!

In this episode I'll be talking about how fear brings rest.


It's been a few days since I posted here, but I was trying to wrap up the new site and Sundays are typically super busy for the next couple of months. But I was reading through some scripture last night, and wanted to talk about this nugget of information -

"The only way you will be able to see life with clear vision is when you view all of life from the view from a kingdom perspective."

This is a note found in my study bible. When I read this I immediately knew I needed to understand more of what a "kingdom perspective" was, and so I reached out to a friend of mine.

There's a few different layers to this, but the one that stands out the most (and I try to apply wherever I am) is Colassians 3:23 - "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."

Through this lens, we stop trying to please man but please God. While this doesn't give us bonus points towards our glorification, it helps us keep hold of who we serve.

Serving man means the bar will always be raised, the goal post will always be moved and the air always a little lighter.

Serving God means the standard is the same as it was yesterday as it is today and will be tomorrow.

For me it's comforting to know that there's a consistency in this chaotic existence of life.


A fun is to read a chapter of correlating to the day. So for example today would be reading Proverbs chapter 20.

While there is definitely a lot of in each, I find certain passages stand out the most to me. Today's is verse 24:

The Lord directs our steps,
so why try to understand everything along the way?


As another week comes to a close today, let us remember and share with others the we have in .

A gossip goes around telling secrets,
but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.
- Proverbs 11:13 (NLT)

Am I Saved If I Can’t Hear God? – He Brews Ministries 10/08/2023

Newest episode of the He Brews Faith is out now!

Listen to it on all major podcast platforms or on the website here:

Am I Saved If I Can’t Hear God? – He Brews Ministries Am I Saved If I Can’t Hear God? August 10, 2023 He Brews Faith Table of Contents PodcastHighlights/NotesScriptureSupporting ContentPrayer Submission Podcast Highlights/Notes Christians, especially ones just starting to explore their faith can become trapped in this thought that if they can’t hea...


This isn't a popular opinion outside of biblical Christianity, but it's God's Word.

No matter the amount of good deeds you do, it won't grant you access to God's presence.

Our good deeds should be a reflection of Jesus Christ's grace and mercy towards us. Not our desire to enter Heaven.

If it's to make us feel better about getting into Heaven only, then at the end of the day our thinking will still be me-centered and not Christ-centered.

The time is drawing near. I'm not trying to scare you into being saved, as that's not real salvation. But instead I am spreading the truth of what is to come and how you can escape the worst of the worst, which is eternal separation from the Father.


Due to some technical issues, I'll have to release the podcast episode of tomorrow


Some changes are on the horizon, and for the better!

Currently working on the new site which will be more focused towards the online/audio ministry HBM is. The site should also be faster and more user-friendly as well.

He Brews Faith will also start being released on Wednesdays, but I don't want to guarantee a time. Due to increased involvement at my church on Sundays it became a bit difficult to really balance everything. Whereas for whatever reason I find Wednesdays the best day to do such things.

As for the next episode, I'll be releasing it sometime today so far. I just need to edit it and get it put up. I was hoping to have the new site done by now, but that's okay. It's all in God's timing!


The key question I ask myself every morning is this:

Who am I a to?

If I'm a servant to myself, then I find it very easy to just stay in bed, scroll on my phone or try to forget about the worries in the world.

If I'm a servant to another, to , then I find it easy to get out of bed and continue to provide for Him, for my family and lastly myself.

This isn't to say I don't struggle in either situation. I've stared down the barrel in my younger years of and fought hard to not get to that point. I get it. I may not understand it to the fullest extent of your situation, but I get it.

The key is to realize the element which you are serving, as we all serve someone or something.

The truth is serving any element outside of means we trust in man or some object to provide our next meal, our next breath and our next ability for us.

I'm not saying God is a vending machine who will give you whatever you want. That's not how the living God works. But He is THE , and I can provide you numerous examples in my short 30+ years of life where He has.

If you want to know more in any form, please feel free to either do so in the comments or message me privately. I'll be happy to share with you what I've received thus far.

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 8:23-27 - New International Version 04/08/2023

Last month my wife bought me a book. A 90-day called "Calm Moments for Anxious Days". I started reading day 1 today, and I feel it's a good lead in to the weekend as we .

The future will always be an unknown. The past will always be a memory. The present is the only thing we can change, and we can only change certain elements of that.

You can't control whether a company will hire you or not, or that you will have a job come the next business day, no matter the output you provide.

You can control how you react to these situations, however.

There's multiple areas in the that demonstrate God's love for us and desire to keep us protected. Today and this weekend, lets reflect on Matthew 8:23-27 -

Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat.

But Jesus was sleeping.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 8:23-27 - New International Version Jesus Calms the Storm - Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of l...


The footnote in my NLT bible says that the red-colored "suffered" is "died" in Greek.

Christ didn't just suffer FOR us, but he DIED for us.

Suffering would imply he survived but was (badly) wounded. But it was far graver than that, and for far more than we can ever dream or think of.

If you struggle to understand God's love for you, please ask. You can DM this page or me directly (Eric Hansen). I would much rather see you in heaven than be told you went to hell. You don't know the time, day or moment your last breath will be, nor do I.

So why take the chance of uncertainty when Christ gives us a guarantee of eternal joy and life.

Every Season Changes – He Brews Ministries 25/07/2023

After some further examination, I realized the audio was fine and so I just had to go through the editing process a little bit different. Phew!

The newest episode titled "Every Season Changes" is out now on all major podcast platforms and also on the He Brews Ministries site!


Every Season Changes – He Brews Ministries Every Season Changes July 25, 2023 He Brews Faith Table of Contents PodcastHighlights/NotesScriptureSupporting ContentPrayer Submission Podcast Highlights/Notes Christians go through cycles throughout their walk of faith. Some of these seasons are pleasing and joyous, while others are meant to prune...


While editing the podcast episode for release, I realized that the audio was not of the quality expected. So I will be re-recording it but still plan on releasing it tomorrow morning.


The book of James, while short, is full of deep spiritual reach.

While reading through the first chapter this morning, I kept thinking of all these verses that I wanted to share. However, I feel like this is a pretty strong and needed statement.

If we claim to be a believer but fail to have control over how we act and react to others, then how much faith do we truly have in Christ?

This doesn't mean those who fall short of glory by their words are immediate unbelievers or doubters, but it does offer a window of self-reflection and repentance. Acknowledigng we need Christ as our Lord and Savior to overcome the struggle of our loose tongue.

Videos (show all)

Trailer/soundbite for the next episode of He Brews Faith!  This Sunday, we'll be talking about what the gospel is, why i...
A preview of the closing episode about the armor Paul speaks to us about in Ephesians 6, covering verses 16-20.  This ep...