VBS-Church of Hope

VBS-Church of Hope

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Day Five: Well, Camp Firelight is officially over but it's a time to carry the memories of a very hot but very meaningful week for everyone! As you can see, we had a great turnout of kids, helpers and volunteers. They had a blast from day one! It's amazing how the first day it is pretty quiet, but as the week goes along, the enthusiasm increases and by Friday, it's nothing but pure energy. This photo is from the closing program where the kids sang a couple of songs and we had a drawing for Flash the Firefly. Millie Howell was the winner! We had a week of learning how to trust God and heard the stories of trust in the Bible. The third and fourth grade found Pastor Jan's spare kids' Bible stash and each received a Bible to take home. We also looked up the passages for the stories and talked about how to find them in the Bible as well as getting familiar with God's Word. It was amazing to see how excited they were as they looked into the Word. We took a collection for Heifer International and decided to purchase bee hives...we're keeping up with the insect theme. What is really wonderful is that Lindsey Muzzarelli volunteered to be the director for next year as well as Ed Voss and I am sure we are once again going to have a wonderful VBS! It's a week that is so important as this is a great time to reach out to the children in the area and teach them about the love of God and for each other. Thanks again to everyone who helped make VBS a success. It is a week I will never forget. Blessings!


Day Four: Sorry about the delay but time got away from me. We had such a good day as the kids are even more excited about VBS. They learned how to make lightning and tornadoes with Mrs. Howell and are busy crafting away with Mrs. Muzzarelli. Recreation is a winner with Mr. Kraft and the story for the day was Jesus Calming the Storm. Our focus was Trust God to Give Peace and the singing was tremendous. A big thank you to our helpers as the are the heart of this program as they help with keeping the kids on track. They are mentors and wonderful examples for the kids. I also am amazed by the Snack Ladies as they make sure the kids have their chips, water and Kool Pops! It felt like the week was dragging until yesterday when I figured out we only had one more day. Flash the Firefly will find a new home when we have a drawing to see who gets to take him home. It has been such a hot week, but we made it through learning about trusting God and trusting each other.


Day Three of VBS at the Church of Hope: It was quite a day as the kids are really engaged in participating. We have such a wonderful group of kids as they love to learn and play. The story for today was about Jesus when he was twelve and in the Temple and how his parents lost track of him only to go back to the Temple in which Jesus informs them that he is in his Father's house. The focus was Trust God to Share Wisdom. They are also practicing two songs and each day they know the words and motions even better. Halfway through VBS and two days to go! Once again, thanks to parents, grandparents, volunteers and the children as we are having such a fun time. Have a wonderful day and I'll have another update tomorrow!


Day Two of VBS at the Church of Hope: It was another hot day but a good day as we gathered in the sanctuary and watched a skit with Flash the Firefly. We then began to learn a couple of songs for VBS and I must say that the kids really learn quickly. They pretty much know the words and motions to two songs already. The focus for today was Trust God to lead the way. They heard the story of Ruth and Naomi and how loyalty is so strong along with love. They really do have a good time even in times of learning. One thing that I shared with them today was that I learned to trust God. I shared I was awake at 2AM this morning and God was asking me "Why did you not trust that VBS would go well this week?" I had to be reminded, like Jacob, that we need to put our trust in God as God does take care of us in all ways in our lives. We now have two days of blessings as the kids are really enjoying this week and are really engaged in VBS. Thanks for bringing your kids, grandkids, and for your trust in the Church of Hope as we continue to teach the love of God to the children as they have such a good time. Blessings!


Day One of VBS at the Church of Hope: Well, the day is here and I am so glad we have had a good day. It started out pretty shaky as I spent a lot of time getting things set up before it began. I must say that I have learned I need to ask others to help and let them do it, but time got away from me. Snacks were ready, water containers were full and fully iced, name tags were gathered and thank goodness for Val, Carolyn and Deb as they helped to make up the tags and take care of registration. We had 33 children today and maybe more will be coming each day. The volunteers are awesome as Lindsey took over crafts this year, Ashley was the science teacher, Jim was the recreation guru, and I am the storyteller. The most awesome part of all this is the turn out of our helpers who take time out of their summer vacation to come and help out with the littles. I can't name them all as we have so many, but it is amazing how they roll up their sleeves and take care of the needs of our little ones. The sound of singing voices as they are learning their songs and how engaged they are with Flash the Firefly and Ranger Ed. Ranger Ed is also teaching sign language with each days focus: Trust God to be with you. Our kitchen crew who makes sure the snacks are ready deserve a big hand as we all work together. I must admit I was a little more than overwhelmed as we began and I even questioned why we would be having VBS the hottest week of the year....but then I heard the voices and laughter and the responses as we shared the stories of God's love. Thank you to the parents, grand-parents and everyone who is making this year's VBS a huge success. Blessings and I'll fill you in on the continuing adventure of VBS at the Church of Hope.


The clock is ticking and Monday is the first day of VBS at the Church of Hope in Gardner! It is getting exciting and we are hoping to have a great turn-out! Thank you to our volunteers who will be helping us....you are all AWESOME! I hope you all can be at the church by 9:00am to help gather the kids for classes. To the parents, if you haven't registered your child/ren yet, that's okay as you can sign them up that day. If they can only make a few days,, that's okay...they will still have a fun time whenever they can come. VBS starts June 17-21st at 9:30-11:30am. Hope to see you all there! Blessings!


So much is going on at the Church of Hope in Gardner! VBS begins next Monday, June 17th at 9:30am and we are still looking for volunteers to help us with the program. This event is so important for not only the Church of Hope but for the community as a week of fun for the kids and the chance to teach them about being kind and about God's love through story, song, crafts, science, and recreation. We take Pre-K through 4th grade and then the fun continues for the older kids as they can be helpers and keep an eye on the kids during the program. For those kids who need community service hours for NHS or other programs, we issue a letter that they have served. It is amazing to see how everything comes together and we are all able to work together. Come and join us....or bring the kids. They don't have to come every day and you can't beat the price....it's FREE! Blessings to you all!


The clock is ticking and VBS starts Monday, June 17th at 9:30am. We are still looking for volunteers to help make our program a success. If you would like to help...even for one day please come.


We need your help! The Church of Hope in Gardner is offering VBS to the community June 17-21, 2024 at 9:30-11:30am at 202 North Monroe. Regristration forms are at the Gardner Laundromat, CiCi and LaLa's, the post offices in Gardner and South Wilmington, and Casey's as well as the Gardner Restaurant and in the micro-food pantry outside of the church. We depend on this ministry each year as we offer a week of fun and the ability to learn about God's love. This year, we are having difficulty finding volunteers due to moving and working. We have a director, science teacher, storyteller, and crafts as well as our wonderful ladies who hand out the snacks. We need a music teacher as well as volunteers to help make sure that the kids get from one place to another. We depend on our young people in the area to be there to help as they mentor and relate to the younger kids in so many wonderful ways. This program has been a part of the community for over 20 years and we will continue to have it as long as we can. Volunteers can be kids who are in 5th grade through high school and the older kids will get community service hours at the end of the week to help them meet this requirement for school. Please consider helping and see for yourselves what a great week we have at the Church of Hope....full of fun, laughter and love.


We are currently working on planning our VBS program for this year. We are in need of many hands as there have been many changes of volunteers this year. Some are moving away and some have new jobs…life keeps moving on and we are facing a time of change here at the church and our VBS program. Ed Voss has volunteered to take on the reins of director, but we need help with crafts and music as well as recreation and snacks. This is a great time for an inter-generational VBS as the older generation can mentor the younger generation. If you know of anyone who is interested in helping this year, please let us know. The dates are June 17-21, 2024 at 9:30am – 11:30am. Hope you can help!


The kids at the Church of Hope VBS collected money for their mission project for Heifer International. Sammy and Pastor Jan thought it would be fun if we had a contest between the boys and girls with either Pastor Jan or Ed Voss (Professor X) would get a pie in the face. The girls ended up collecting over $300.00 so Pastor Jan missed out on the pie in the face and the boys collected about $200.00 in the end. Ed got the pie and Pastor Jan got to smash it in his face. The place went wild! Pastor Jan has contacted Heifer International and got the following for mission: A Hope Basket that included chickens, rabbits and other items to go to a family in which they would learn how to run an enterprise of making an income and be provided food; A Gift of Clean Water in which the money would be used to provide a means of providing the ability to have clean water each day through small wells; A Goat; and Two Flocks of Chicks. It is amazing how these simple means can create a much better life for those who need help the most around the world. Thank you to everyone who has helped through donations and also sending their children to the Church of Hope to learn about the love of God as well as kindness and compassion.


Get more information regarding VBS on the Church of Hope page!


The date has been set at the Church of Hope in Gardner
June 19-23, 2023
More information coming!

Photos from VBS-Church of Hope's post 18/12/2022

Come to the Church of Hope Service of Remembrance at 2:00pm today. Share in a time of remembering those who are in our hearts and minds as well as taking time to reflect on the year. All are welcome to come. 202 N. Monroe in Gardner, IL.


You are all invited to our outdoor VBS program at 11:20am at the Church of Hope in Gardner.


VBS at the Church of Hope in Gardner starting June 20-24th 9:30-11:30am FREE!!!
Pre-K thru 4th Grade!


Well, the truck is rolling right along. Today I spent my morning beginning to plan for our VBS program at the Church of Hope. I ordered the crafts and have started contacting helpers and volunteers to help make our VBS a success. The date is: June 20-24, 2022 from 9:30-11:30am. Preschool (potty trained) thru 4th grade are invited to attend. Those who are in Jr./Sr. Hi will be more than welcome to help. The Jr/Sr Highs will receive a letter confirming their hours to go toward their community service commitment for school. We do know that this is the week for jr girls volleyball and we will be missing quite a few potential helpers, but we will be more than happy to welcome moms or grandparents who would just like to come and keep an eye on our kids. This is a very important program that has been going on for over 20 years and hopefully will continue on. If you would like a registration form, please pm me and I will make sure you will get them, or they will be available at Casey's, the Post Offices in SoWily and Gardner, and the Gardner Laundromat. You can mail them to the Church at P.O. Box 248, Gardner, 60424 or place them in the mailbox by the back door of the church. This is a great time for the kids as they get to learn about the love of God and neighbor as well as hearing stories, crafts, recreation, music, and maybe even science. Any questions, please let me know. Pastor Jan.


We are still in the planning stages of VBS for this year. It will be held in June during the day. We will keep you all posted.


VBS starts Monday, July 19-23 at 9:30-11:30am at the Church of Hope. Registration forms are at Casey's, Sowilly Post Office, Gardner Post Office, Gardner Laundromat, and CiCi's and Lala's. It's free and fun. I could also use some volunteers to help hold down the fort! If you are interested in helping, pm me. Helpers should be there by 9:15 to help get rerady to set up. I'm looking forward to a week of fun and fellowship for our younger set. Pre-K thru 4th Grade. Community service hours for jr and sr highs.


FREE Church of Hope Community Vacation Bible School

The Church of Hope in Gardner is once again offering FREE VBS, July 19-23, 2021 from 9:30-11:30am. We would like to invite all children ages 4 (must be potty trained) to 4th Grade to come and join us for Community Vacation Bible School. There will be crafts, music, storytelling, recreation and just plain fun! The Church of Hope is located at 202 North Monroe (corner of Monroe and Jefferson streets).

Vacation Bible School is FREE every year. Registration forms will be available at the following locations: South Wilmington Post Office, Gardner Post Office, Caseys in Gardner and the Gardner Laundromat in Gardner. You may also call the church at (815)237-8312 if you would like one. There is a drop off box for registration forms located on the alley side of the church by the red door. You can also access the form from our website: gardnerchurchofhope.org or email the church at [email protected] We are asking that your child/ren will be pre-registered by July 16th. We will also be requiring that the children bring a mask for indoor activities. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please feel free to call the church or Pastor Jan at 815-577-9119. We can always use volunteers and will give community service hours to our junior high and high school students.


Planning is in process for this year’s VBS at the Church of Hope July 19-23, 2021. Hoping to have a great time this year!


Due to the COVID-19, the Church of Hope has changed the date for VBS for July 19th-23rd. With the sports season being delayed until June 4th and the workers participating in these sports, we decided to hold off holding VBS until July 19th. We will keep you all posted during the summer. Thank you for your understanding. Please mark your calendars and we are looking forward to once again having a fun time with VBS!


Church of Hope worship service is now posted.


Stay tuned for information about VBS at the Church of Hope in June 2021!


We are working on next year's VBS. Stay tuned for more information!

Knights of North Castle Session 3: Armor Up with Peace! 29/07/2020

Day 3 Video: (sorry for the late post!)

Knights of North Castle Session 3: Armor Up with Peace! The Armorer, Sparky, and Knights of North Castle go on a quest to find the Shoes of Peace using clues from the King's book and t...

Videos (show all)

Day Five: Well, Camp Firelight is officially over but it's a time to carry the memories of a very hot but very meaningfu...
