Pen It by JRobats

Pen It by JRobats

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The Cost.

How much has it cost you to be where you are?

Is it hardwork and determination?

Several failed attempts untill a breakthrough came?


Did you throw in the towel.
And turned to strange things?

What did you give up for what you have?

What did you turn a blind eye too, in order to fit in?

What's your total cost so far?

How much of you have you sold in order to sustain status quo?

When you look back is it worth it?

Does it bring,

Or are you filled with:
Regret ?
And Shame?
Do you fill stuck?
Or are you thriving?

Is your success pegged on something or someone?

Who is your godfather?

Does he threaten to pull the plug, if you don't deliver your end of the bargain?
Is he mean,and manipulative?

If so, then that must be so stressful?

See I know a Guy..
This guy is the owner of the universe.He owns the seen and unseen.

He is simple, humble and very down to earth.

This Guy paid The Cost in Full !!! 🫡

So you don't pay any..

He died for you so that you may encounter real freedom, in this life and the life to come.

His name is Jesus and the Bible says, whomever the Son sets free is Free in Did..

And It doesn't matter what you have done.
Doesn't matter where you have been.
A sincere and repentant heart is all he asks for.

He says even though your sins are as red as Scarlett..I will make them as white as snow.

And guess what ? He won't keep reminding you of your former sin..

As He says I will remember them No More.🙏😊

He gives peace like no other,
He sustains like no other.
His joy in unexplainable.

The riches he has for you, are more satisfying than any material things you can think of or imagine.

He will show you the meaning of true wealth..

He is not manipulative and will not threaten to take away his Gift.. all he asks of you is to accept his gift and live right shunning evil.

He is an admirable Leader,
He leads in Humility and love.

I suggest you check him out by reading the Bible. Start with the Gospel of John.

If you happen to have questions.please ask.. l and many other followers of Christ will be glad to walk with you.

Pen It by JRobats Writer


Miracle indeed


It’s rare to find a strong person with an easy past. 💪


Little things done consistently add up to big results. ⚡️


Waking up is a Miracle...

Returning home to Family is another Miracle.

Wish you all a beautiful day....


View from the Cage..

When the little bird was placed in it's cage it loved it..

The cage was cosy, shiny, had a lovely swing for it to perch and swing, food and water were in constant supply...

It sighed in utter satisfaction, where was I before all this began.. This is the life... The little birdy kinda felt sorry for other birds.

"They must be soo lonely, cold and hungry."

Then days turned to weeks then months... The little birdy felt cheated..

He missed flying freely in the sky, perching from branch to branch, catching worms and flies, He missed the rain, the warm touch of summer ,having a little chit chat with other birds.

And suddenly the cosy cage, became a jail.. And he was the jailbird (no pun intended)
He tried comforting himself that all was, well.
But no! he knew greater things lie oustide the cage.
And before long all the bright colors in the cage became dull and grey..

All he dreamt of was life outside the cage. Stepping out in fear and allowing courage to wrap itself around him with every step..

One day the birdy owner forgot to latch the cage door. The little birdy gave one last look at his cage, felt a rush of emotion, sadness and joy combined and bid his beloved home good bye..

He flew out, strength filled his wings and joy filled his lungs... Behold a new world awaited..


What is your cage?
Whats holding you back from life?
Why choose existence while you can choose life?
Is comfort causing you to stagnate?
Is fear of the unknown holding you back..

Choose life today..


What a Friend...
We have in Jesus,
All our SINS and GRIEFS to bear..
What a privilege to carry everything to God in Prayer.

Let that sink in...

There are times when your heart longs for a friend.
One that stands by you through all seasons.
To hold you when life's waves come crashing, To dance with you when you stand at the mountain peaks.
And above all be there during your plain days.

We have that friend in Jesus.
He is interested in everything about us.
He is the only friend who sticks closer than a brother.

He is not embarrassed by the skeletons in the closets.
When red hot tears flow down our cheeks.
When envy tags at our heart.
When pride stands tall.
When lust and greed crosses our mind.
He is there, watching and guiding.
Niether is he intimidated by our accolades.
He is genuine and true.

He corrects in love.
He bruises and binds
He is trustworthy.

I hope you open your heart to him.
His friendship brings peace joy and satisfaction.

What a friend we have in Jesus...


Kisses so gentle.
Love so tender.
Hugs so comforting.
Smile so warm.
Eyes so loving.
Counsel so personal.
This is my Testimony.

Thoughts so sweet,
Care so intentional,
Protective like a bear..
Favor so tangible
This is my Testimony.

He says,
He has numbered the hairs on my head.
He says,
He will hide me under his feathers,
He says,
I am the apple of his eye.
He says,
He will never leave nor forsake.
He says,
He will hold me first.

I see it.
I Experience it..
This is my Testimony.

My lover is mine and I am His..
He sees me, and I feel seen..
He cares, and I feel cared for.
He touches and I feel touched..
All glory to his name....



Are The Times Uncertain?
Yes they are..

Have the prices of everything gone high?
Yes they have...

Your heart and mind are troubled?
You are angry and bitter at how everything is going.?
You are scared of tomorrow?

I totally hear you.
I am not fearful as I should be..
And it's kinda scary..


Because of a certain Guy.
This guy proved himself in our darkest night..
When we had absolutely nothing.

In a slippery dungeon, with nothing to hold on to. He was there....

With nothing in the drawers and the tokens beeping, He was there...

With rent arears and fee balance. He was there...

With acidity and sleepless nights.. He was there..

He somehow ensured, that things work..

His grace and compassion are unfathomable...

He did it for me..

He continues to do it..

He will do it for you.

Of that I am sure..

In his words he says the birds of the air don't plant nor have barns but they never go hungry, you are of more value than the birds.
How much more will he provide for you.

Do you believe him..

Beauty is even when your faith is absolutely weak and non existent.
The Lord Jesus does what a loving Father does.
He provides,
He protects..
He remains true.

So as the prices go up..
As the ground dissappears underneath my feet,
I look to him..
And hold fast on his face.

He can be trusted..
He rides in the eye of the storm..
And makes it fun..
He will hold you fast...



The attached quote is actually true..
My mum used this tactic quite often and it works..

She spoke so highly of her children to everyone who cared to listen.

But it is when she spoke to us about us, that the weight of the trust she had in us sunk.

It made our hearts swell with joy.
But it also made us very careful not to disappoint.

We longed to make her proud. And to some great extent that made us keep off trouble...

Try it..
See how it goes..

Praise intentionally.
And correct with love...

Blessed day y'all..



This union can be amazing or hellish.

Every house seems to have their own rules of operation.

Wives and their opinions seem to dissipate and fade as days go by.

Many wives feel like possession over time, and their sole duty is to appease the man,
To read his moods and know when to speak and so on and so forth.

It breaks my heart when men abuse their wives.

Sexually and worse still physically...

I don't get it..

Why spend time, money, and emotion pursuing someone only to drain them of life and the joy of life..

Why subject innocent children to such toxic environment.

Why hate so strongly to a point of killing someones child...
Why pick someone's beautiful rose and trample over it?

Who are you?
Who beats you up when you err?
Why raise your hand to the mother of your children.

Men,,, yes all of you men out there, those who are married.

Look at your wives closely.
And note this.

She is who she is today, because of what you are slowly but intentionally turning her to be..

Positive or negative..
Your finger prints are all over..

Marriage is work and needs to be tended carefully by both..
No one has an upper hand.
Both work towards a common goal.
A safe haven for them and their children.

Love does not grow from dry grounds. But from well watered ground of teamwork and respect..

To every woman out there,
Going through turmoil of whatever kind in the marriage union.

May God hold you.
May he guide you.
May he give you wisdom to handle whatever pain you are going through.
Some decisions will not be easy. But they are necessary.



Had to Borrow...

3am Thought
In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

“Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery, there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her, this world would not and could not exist.”

Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”

Maybe this was one of the best explanations of the concept of GOD.
, not my original writing, but truly inspired by it....


We Underestimate..

Familiarity is Funny.

Coz we never really take time to let things sink in, We have heard them over and over.. ..

In the passage John 6.

Jesus fed over 5000 Men with 2 Fish and 5 loaves of Bread.

Some of the biggest weddings have 500 or 600 pax max..
And thats a huge crowd.
Imagine 5000.

Feeding them to satisfaction plus having left overs
Is quite something.
And knowing mob psychology those guys ate not to mention they were super hungry..

God is really the master.

The message here isnt really how much God is a super chef.
But how much he can work with soo little..

2 Fish.
5 Loaves.

How small?
How insignificant?
How anticlimaxing that is..

But not in God's hands..

His hands nurture, they multiply, they are on another level.

What do you have in your hands,
That you've looked down upon.
Give it to him.
Let him be God.
Trust him, he has it figured out already.


Throw it..

She wondered to herself, when is the best time to throw in the towel..

Is it after trying a million times and failing?

Is it after enduring the pain of failure and seeing no change?

Is it after pursuing it so hard that you look cheap?

When is the best time really?

Maybe it's not giving up after all.. Maybe it's looking up after being downcast for sooo long.

Maybe it's changing lenses and viewing things from a different angel.

Maybe it's gaining a new perspective and leaving the old.

Maybe it's getting a hold of life and choosing to live it..

There comes a time in life..
Where you got to look at it,
See it for what it is.
Accept the loss, pain and damage and make a choice to feel the pain no more.

Then make a deliberate and intentional decision to starting afresh with experience this time..

Throwing in the towel, could mark the beginning of a brand new start... And not a loss..


Raging Storms...

Sometimes you sit in quiet, enjoying the beauty of nature, taking in the Blue Sky, how it matches well with the greenery..
Oh what a creative God he is..

Then out of nowhere Grey clouds begin to gather and before long the blue is gone and all you see is GREY...
The beautiful welcomed breezed turns to harsh winds..

Who covered my sun..
Who took the warmth..

Life sometimes acts this way..
One moment you are flying high..
Hair flowing freely in the wind,,
Everything is beautiful and sweet..

Then out of nowhere the storm comes and stirs up the still waters.

And if you do not fix your eyes on God.
You wil be swallowed whole..

Its really easy to forget God's might and his mighty deeds when you are in the eye of the storm..

But above it all..

He is the God of the galaxies.

The great I am..

The one who changes the course of a river.. And dries up streams for his beloved to cross.

The one who struck the rock and water flowed..
The one who parted the Red Sea..

The one who fed his children with manna..

The one the only one..
Who works best in the eye of the storm..

What is your storm..
Hand it over to Him..
He is Able...



Sometimes We Forget..

The Stories in the Bible are very intriguing and captivating that we become spectators instead of partakers..

Now a story is told.

The Philistines wanted to humiliate the isrealites and God kinda allowed it due to the wickedness that was happening in the house of Eli his sons were trashing the offerings and all.

Anywho that is the backdrop of the story..

So the Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant and proudly placed it the tent that houses Dagon; their God.

😂😂 God allows things to happen but don't be too familiar, you are not age mates.

In the morning when they woke up..
They found Dagon an idol on the floor, face down before the Ark of the Covenant..

How did he /it get there???

This shocked them, but not enough, as the same night they put Dagon right next to the Ark of the Covenant.
And this time they found Dagon broken into small pieces by the door...

The Philistines had no clue what mess they had gotten themselves into by carrying the Ark of the Covenant..

The story gets juicier as it goes..
But I'd like for you to read it..

When I read this and many more Bible Stories I get a glimpse of how Majestic God really is..

And l find myself saying..

That is my God.
My God.
My Father and Friend.

It shocks me to even imagine this guy knows and loves me..

It humbles me to know, he sees and hears all prayers.

He makes everything work out for good.

He is a very present help in times of need.

This guy works things out in the most weird way..

Its shocking we almost always walk into our miracles and breakthroughs with frowns and grumbling...

God must be a huge comedian..
He must be one happy soul.
A loving Daddy with the hugest and most curious loving eyes.

Funny thing is when you start reading the Bible and allow yourself to see Him.

He is absolutely irresistible.

He is a fierce lover.
He is also so selfless.
He is a romantic and every bit pure.

I just can't seem to get enough of this guy..

I disappoint him for sure..
I am far from perfect.

But He rocks my world with His Him..

I love Him.

Seek Him, you will see why?


Years Back..

When I was young naive and kinda inexperienced.

I would create groups, it could be, House Warming,, Birthday Party, Bridal shower, Surprise party, Baby Shower.
You name it..
You know them.

Then add people and suggest an amount I imagined to be friendly and reachable and give a deadline on when we should receive the monies.

I .J. Would even have an attitude towards those who delayed in remittance.

He he he he..😂😂
Let me laugh at how wise I thought I was..

Now these days the mention of creating a group to ask for money for any kind of issue.. Gives me a huge migraine.

Reason being life slapped me hard,
And with the slap came a huge realization that nativity and assumptions are a dangerous thing.

You know,

Its easy to form this groups, make requests and even give ulitimatums when you have some money..
But life has a way of taking you to the other side of the fence.
So you can see the view that you hadn't imagined existed.
You get to understand when someone says. l don't have..
When contributing 1k is like giving out rent or an arm.

Sad thing is when someone is broke, the last thing they want or need is to have to explain that they don't have.
The thought of having to explain that they actually can't afford to buy food for the kids, let alone an orange top and a white bottom for the themed party, drains every ounce of energy and strength.

Being on the other side taught me manners,
Taught me to read between the lines,
Taught me to be sensitive,
Taught me to cover,
Taught me to hold my horses.

It made me realize the pain and humiliation we put people through when we expect equal division of everything.
It taught me to be cautious and to constantly put myself in others shoes..

People out here are going through a rough patch, don't assume..

And ask privately...

It also taught me something even more valuable.

The peace that comes in saying.

I'll pass.
I don't have this time.

Next time before you add someone in a contributions group.. Kindly ask them if they are comfortable.



She was in Church,

The sermon was beautiful and compelling.
The kind of sermons that take you to a place of soul searching..

The Pastor said,

We have all been called to serve, each and everyone of you has something to give and serve the body of Christ..
He said is the kindest ,sweetest way, and it sunk deep..

That statement stirred something in her. Something she had not given much thought, probably due to hiding in the crowd she felt safe and unseen.

But now she asked, what really do I have to give?

She felt empty and drained.

She felt like a novice and a failure?

With no track record of success in anything, what really does she have to offer.

If its bible study, what does she know?

If it's praying, how does one teach that?

If it's marriage, what does she really know?

If its life, ain't she still an active student?

She looked at the shelves of her life and felt empty, so empty and scared that she had nothing to give...

So she looked up to heaven and told God to fill her and show her what she can give..

She felt strongly that sometimes it's okay, not to have anything to give.

She felt that maybe it was time for her to sit and be fed at the masters feet..

She felt like Mary, let me sit and learn from you Lord.

Maybe it was a sort of sabbatical, a time to rejuvenate at the feet of God.

She felt it would be a lie to her, and to others to try to give while running on empty..

If that she is you..

If that she reminds you of you..

Be at peace.

Sometimes we go through empty seasons..

Not because you are stingy,

But because it's time to detox, unlearn and learn..

One day very soon.

The cup will be full and we will give..


Desire & Will..

So these two very interesting characters ,
Are neighbors and have been eyeing each other for ages.

They feel they should be together but are too tense, too scared and sometimes too lazy to make the first move.

Desire longs to be with Will and Will longs to be with Desire but their pride and fear of failure keeps the off each other.they pretend not to care but deep down, they do...

Fact is, if Desire and Will came together and set the weird emotions aside, they are a couple set to succeed.

But sadly.. They may die hoping and wishing and dreaming..

Desire is when you look at yourself in the mirror, and long for a toned body..
But the Will to work out is somewhere enjoying a bowl of ice cream.

Desire is when you long to be an avid book reader, But Will is somewhere sprawled on a couch watching Dr House Series for the billionth time.

Desire is when you long to read the Bible and have a closer walk with God, but Will has a degree in Tiktok and IG handle is always lit..
The phone message beeper disrupts every good intention.

Desire seems to know what she wants, but Will knows its important and critical, but is so preoccupied with other things.
That Desires desires grow weak and cold..

If only Will could support Desire then things will really look up and great things would happen..

What are your Desires?
Tame your Will and see magic happen..




The past week has reminded me of how weak and fragile we really are.

I have watched and listened to painful and distressful stories of death, lack, disease, strife, divorce and many more..

The cliché everyone has a story is true, but that shouldn't became a way of us shrugging off our shoulders when we see a brother hurting.

This week has reminded me of how small my shoulders really are, that they can barely bare anything..

Sometimes your own world is spinning out of control, how do you raise the other from a miry bog.

You can't even solve your own problems! Let alone the problems of people in your apartment block.

And with deep appreciation, I lifted my eyes to God and relief filled my heart..

We have a God,
We have a King,
Who knows everyone by name.
Who sees each tear,
kindly read that again..
He sees each tear that falls... And has ready help for all who call.

A Planet with billions of people!
The Lord knows them all.
The Just and unjust..
The Lord knows them all.
The Hurting and despairing.
The Lord knows them all..

Those praying for a Ferari and others for Food, he provides to all..

Nonstop prayers proceeding from all corners of the world, from a mansion, a jail, a street, or a shack. 24 hrs 365 days the Lord hears it all.

His wisdom really surpasses my understanding.

His nature and order, gives me hope for the world.

His love and gentleness, holds me fast and grounds me.

Looking back at mountains we crossed and valleys he leveled..
I am hopeful that he can do it again..

To you all, casting your eyes low.
Seeking help in low ground.
Please raise your eyes to God.
He is dependable ..

In the Miry bog He is..

Lost in the gorges, He is..

Trapped in a sad marriage, He is..

Nothing to eat,He is..

No Fee, He is..

No Shelter, He is..

Lost a loved one, He is..

Dealing with addiction, He is..

Troubled about your future, He is..

Whatever, whatsoever...

He is our VERY PRESENT HELP in times of need...

Lift up your eyes towards the heaven where our help comes from...



Love and Hate for New Towels...

I love new towels..
Actually l love new things.. We all do..
But Towels just give me chills..

Here's why!

Have you ever bought a cute colored towel and can't wait to use it..

You clean it to remove the fluff and the color runs. but you go like; wellllll.. now its ready for use....

Mmhhhhhhh 😳😳

So l got a gift.. A Cute Big Blue Towel, was so eager to use it..

So after the first wash, l was drying myself and realized oh! my fingers are blue..
On looking at the mirror l went like.
Jeeze I am a Smurf!

The other time my hubby looked like shrek with a million little green fluffs all over...
Like all overrrrrr....

I love new towels, but the hussle of waiting for all the fluffs to come off just gives me chills and make me pick the old ones over and over..

I usually go to the supermarket and admire the colors and arrangement..


The thought of fluff when oiling puts me offfffffff kabisaa.. And people telling you oh you have some white fluff on your nose, or eyes or hair.. Is 😏😏😏
I have new towels sitting in the drawers coz of that fear.. Fluff..

What's the remedy?
Please share.


Prediction Horrors...

So the last 2 yrs have been crazy.
Speculations, predictions, end or time eerie stories and more reigned.

At some point l got completely sucked into this abyss of despair and confusion.

So what next?

To invest or not to?
To dream or or pack up?
To store or discard?

New World order.
End of time.
Mass control and so on raged and continues to rage .

Then one day sitting by myself lost in thought..
A beautiful verse dropped off the corner of my mind.

And it said.

The Son of man will come like a theif..
Everything will be NORMAL ,
Men will be buying land,
Maidens will be getting married,
Business deals will be running as usual..

The verse woke me up out if my sombre mood..

As in...

The coming of Jesus will not be characterized by the absence of the norm..
But the norm will be 100% in action when he comes, that his coming will be an utter shock for the unprepared..

This gave me lots of peace and hope, it assured me that l should not resign from persuing an inheritance for my children and my children's children, for no one knows the hour or the time.

The rumors of war and endtime predictions shouldn't make you postpone life today..

Fasten your eyes on Christ. Then go on be a good servant and do your best. Listen to speculations but do not dwell. Trust God to be true.

Nothing will happen out of Gods Will..

No one can rush or prolong it.. In his time whats meant to be will be...

Have a blessed day ahead..


Are you ready for love?

Love is beautiful,
Love is warm,
Love is fulfilling,
Love is life giving,
Love renews and replenishes.,
Love is special when its real..


Love eludes those who love convenience,
As love is inconvenient,
Love follows no program,
It can't be assigned schedules of when to be expected..
Love isnt medicine to be dispensed at prescibed times..
Love should be timeless.

True love is stepping out of your comfort zone..
And sharing yourself with others even when it's uncomfortable.

True love is loving someone like you love yourself.
Putting yourself in the others shoe before doing something.

True love is work,
Its like a garden that needs to be tended with care.
True love has roots and a strong foundation.
True love isnt like hyacinth that keeps shifting.

True love is best seen by staring hard at God and seeing his love for mankind.
Love so selfless that he chose death to save sinful man..
Love to strong that it overlooked our weakness.
Love so divine that a creator died for a creation..

God looked at his might, Power and glory! Bid them goodbye and opted to hang on a tree for a careless people..

What an inconvenience!!
But He didn't think twice...

Have you truly loved.

Have you allowed yourself some inconvenience while at it..

If your comfort carries the day..

You ain't ready for love.


Nosey! Not Sure.....

She was sitting in a restaurant having her meal.

Across from her was a Lady probably waiting for her friends, As she had reserved a table.

One by one they came, dressed to kill, expensive scents filled the air. Car keys, designer clutches and hand bags found a spot on the table..
Painted nails pointed at the menu..

Before long, stories started flowing..
Achievements, addresses, titles and networks were mentioned. Vacation plans, places visited dominated the conversation.
The beautiful lunch became a muscle flexing activity..

She looked at the table smiling, she seemed entertained by the whole thing, it was actually nice seeing so much happy at the same place.. ..

They spoke about Husbands, Kids, Schools, Jobs, businesses each time trying to secure the top position of the greatest acheiver..

They made a nasty joke at a lady who walked past them.. And chuckled heartily!!

Everything to them was funny..

She got trapped in her own thoughts, trying to summarize life..

What is happiness?
What is fulfillment?

Is it in Good Food, Nice classy restaurants, Hot Wheels and Heels, Extravagant Vacays, Designer it all really bought by money?

She reflected on her life..
Been there done that.. She felt somewhat embarrassed that she was once them. Competing for the top shelf of recognition.

Life had beaten her black and blue, and her perception of value had shifted drastically.
See,She previously had a flourishing business, her kids went to the best schools, her husband was the envy of many..

One little miscalculation brought her business to its knees, her husband left her for a younger woman... She got evicted from her house, couldn't raise fees and opted to home school her children.
Friends left,and Family shunned her..

She became stigmatized and learnt to enjoy life in the crevices....
She smiled at the memories, Coz that is all they were.Memories.....

She paid her bill and left.. Giving one last glance at the happy ladies table.

And thought hmmm,, what a lovely lunch...


The Lady,

She came sat opposite me to ask for assistance.
I was glad to assist

Well something about her stood out for me, she seemed so mature and her speech was rich.

Many have sat where she sat, but seldom have l heard such depth in speech and spirit.

We had a brief talk on life and l loved this stranger.. She struck a strange chord in me and it didn't feel strange feeling vulnerable.

Needless to say she challenged me.. In a sweet kind of way, then she left...
I couldn't help thinking that was a divine encounter..

A week later, the stranger came again.. And asked to take a walk with me..
I obliged and knew it was gonna be deep..

Oh it was deep indeed.
She said things that have been racing through my mind.
One which was.
If l knew how much longer I had to live, what would l do different?
Would it be better to know or not to?

My beloved new friend told me, she had a year to live.. And has purposed to be happy and to make the best of every second.
She challenged me to be deliberate, to shun procrastination and make intentional decisions.

My eyes welled up as she spoke. She said please dont pity me..
I am done with that..
I have made peace..
I just choose to be happy..
You go on be happy in all you do.. We are all on borrowed time.

I hugged her and said goodbye.
I know God can change her story.

On my way home, reflecting on our talk..
understood why she was so rich in speech and mannerisms.
I understood why it felt so at home with her..

I feel like she is an angel sent by God..
I'll take her words to heart...
I hope she lives for many years. But I thank God for the encounter..
