

Let me bring out your emotions through my words .Follow me on instagram @my_lines__your_emotion. Sh


He - Do you remember our first call ?

She - Yes! How can I forget that it just happened like you said "I want to say something thing very important but it's to hectic to type over text. Can I do a phone call ? " and then rest is history.

He - ( laughs ) You know what the fun part was ?
I actually wanted to hear your sweet voice and believe me that day was one of the best day of my life. I used to like you before but after that call I fell in love with you deeply.

She- I know and also we proposed each other on phone call... Liking someone on social media and then having a long conversation over phone call then living a life together for rest of life is beautiful journey.

He - Exactly .. I wonder how million of people would have expressed their love over phone call .

She - Yes.. it's not only about love. Thier are many people who eagerly wait for a phone call from their favourite person.
Think about the wife of army or police officer and a mother who have not seen their husband and wife for long time they don't get time to spend their beautiful time due to their duty for a nation. The phone call is only the way they cherish each other presence.

He - You are right. Even a two friends who have not not meet each other for long gets in touch with each other over a call. Yes I know social medias are there but conversation over call is something different. Thier are many stories where a call from a wrong number came and later on they became each others best friends.

She - ( Holds her hand ) Promise me whenever you will be away from me for whatever reason. You will make sure to do one call to me .

He - Are you mad . How can ever I think of not doing a phone call being away from you. Of course I will do. Promise.

He - I will do phone call not only to you but also to my parents my friends and whoever is in need for me.
Because if one phone call with argument can make person apart then It can also make them come closer to eachother with love.


He : Why do u feel that my love for you have got down after our marriage ?

She : I don't why but I fear sometimes that you r going away from me..

He : ( Laugh ) ....
I am going away from you .

She ; Now don't laugh at me .

He : Ok ok.. But tell me one thing . Have you gone on a long drive in a hilly regions.

She : Yes , of course ..

He : Then I am pretty sure that you might have faced the stiff turn and up downs of the road .

She : Ya.. I did .. but why are you asking these things to me..

He : I am asking u all these things because I want to let u know that we together are like a bike on a road . We will face many up and down in life . There will be many such situation where we will fight but we will not get apart . Just like the wheels do in case of motorbike they never gets after in their journey . Doesn't matter how long it is.

She : But what if we fight and do not agree ...

He : If one wheel of bike's get punctured .. we repair it . On the other side another wheel wait for it to get repaired and then they again began their journey.
In the same way we will try to convince each other .. our life is like a road where we don't know where it ends.. but their is one belief in ourselves that we will do it.

She : ok ok .. but U are so bad. U showed our relationship in road and bikes ... But I liked it .

He : haha.. sorry .....but I thought that you will ask why do some people fails to cover this journey.. no problem let me tell u.

She : Shhh... I know it's answer .. It's because they don't believe on each other and they gave more priority to the past instead of living in present.

He : Wow... Wow.. I just realized someone said past... ( Hahah )

She : Come on don't tease me...
I love u baby....

He : I love u too.. sometimes may be not .. but on the long run .. I will love u forever ❤️



She : Why do I feel better when I hold your hand and gaze at clouds sitting on the river side.

He : It is so because you know when the wind blows u think they are praising our togetherness. You imagine clouds are making something special figure for us and river is singing a beautiful song for us.
And the most important thing you know that whatever will be situation , whatever the society says or whatever happens to us I will be standing beside you.As like your second soul forever.

She : You are dead or alive ? People say you are no more in this in this world. I do not believe them . I am doing doing right . Isn't it ?

He : Yes you are doing right . As I told you I will be beside you always . Enjoying everything you do , crying whenever you cry . It doesn't matter if I am dead or alive . Just have faith on me

She : Ya .. I love you.

He : .............

No reply came from another side . He was not there .No one was holding her hand.

She opened her eyes. River still seemed like it was singing, Wind was still praising and clouds figuring something beautiful for us.

- Abhiking

Pic :- .mahat0


Love can happen again ❤️


Abhi and Tisha were best friends from school days.They were childhood friends. After schooling they took admission in same college and during college days they became more attached with each other.

Days passed happily both of them were happy with each other each others company. Years went off and one day they both graduated from college. Both of them began to search for jobs. Tisha was good in academics and had got good marks. She cleared her competitive exams and was selected for lecturer in college.On the other hand Abhi was not good in studies but his physical abilities were excellent. He had won so many medal and trophies in different sports. But due to weak in studies he was not able to clear exams for jobs.He tried his level best to clear exams but disappointment only came in his favour . Beside all these job tension and exam. Abhi and Tisha realised that both of them had soft corner for each other .

Only six months had passed after college graduation and both of were missing each others company. There was not a single day both of them had not talk .
Tisha was happy and started her job but for Abhi his feelings of love for Tisha became weak in front of unemployment problem as he had many family responsibilities over him. He attempted many times for several exam but only disappointment came in his hand he was very sad and depressed. He began to make distance from every one and stopped talking with others. He even ignored Tisha’s call. Tisha was very worried by sudden change in Abhi’s behaviour. She kept calling him but there was no answer fr other side. Sometime he didn't pick up the call and some time his phone was switched off . Tisha could not tolerate this and decided to visit his house and meet him . She took a cab and went off .

Abhi’s parent were shocked and happy at same time by seeing Tisha. They welcomed her and after little bit of conversation she went to Abhi's room. Thier she was shocked .He was.
sitting in the corner of the room covering his face. She went of to him and lift his face.
He had become weak and he was face was pale . It seemed he had been crying for long time. Seeing Tisha in front of him he began to cry badly.
Thisha become more worried she asked what had happened why was he in this condition. She too began to cry . She was very worried and tensed. Abhi told everything to Tisha. That hat how hard he was studying but was not able to clear the exam and began to cry. Tisha felt so bad. She cleaned his tears from his eyes and told him . Dude don’t worry why I am here I will help you in your studies your are good and hardworking boy don’t worry you will get success and then she hugged him. Tisha’s gentle gesture made Abhi to fall in her love more.He loved Tisha and decided to tell her everything about his feelings.He softly said
listen I think I am in love with you. By saying this he felt a huge relief finally he had expressed his feelings for her.
But wait he surprised and shocked both because Tisha had said same thing that he had just said . It was a beautiful coincidence . They both laughed and confirmed what they have just said . They were very happy and hugged each other more tightly and finally kissed.

Days went off and then months passed Abhi was working very hard and with the help of Tisha he making good progress. Time arrived where he had to combat with exams .He gave several job exams and finally passed a exam and that was of army . He was so happy. He took the phone and called Tisha he gave her the good news both were happy. For Abhi physical test was easy as he was good sports person .He cleared all the test and after 3 months of training he was finally an official army officer. He was very happy . Tisha was happiest girl after knowing he was finally an army officer Abhi's parents were happy too they organised a dinner on their son success. Tisha and her parents were invited. Abhi and Tisha both decided to tell their parents about their relationship. On the dinner table they both told their parents about their relationship. Parents were very happy with their decision and they had no objection . Date was fixed of their marriage and after few days they got married.

After that three years passed of their marriage . they were a happy couple . Due to army duty abhi was away from maximum of time but he had promised Tisha that don't worry I will come every year on our anniversary as it was the most beautiful moment of my life because on that day I got u in my life. I will keep my promise .There was not a day they didn’t missed each other they were sobbed in love .

One day while cleaning some stuff Tisha fainted and fell down later on when she open her eyes she saw a doctor. He told him she was pregnant. She was very happy and their was tears in her eyes. She wanted to tell this good news to abhi and so she wrote a letter to Abhi about the good news.
After some dyas when abhis received the letter Thier was no bound of his happiness he was very happy . He wrote a letter to Tisha baby I will come on our next anniversary to welcome our new members and gave many good advices.

8 months passed and that day the romantic vibe was in the air. Everywhere love songs were being played . It was valentine’s day and also the 4th anniversary of Abhi and Tisha .
Tisha was filled with excitement. She woke up early in the morning and dressed herself in best way as she can. Between every minute she ran i to door to see if Abhi had arrived or not .
It was afternoon now but abhi had not arrived yet. She was tensed but then she thought he had promised me he will come and he always keeps his promise. She was lost in thought when the door bell rang . She ran towards the door.
But Abhi was not there. Instead their were few army officers they lower their head down and said Major Abhi Sharma had sacrificed his life for the country fighting against terrorists. Three days ago he fought bravely and killed six of terrorist but one bullet came from other side that strike on left chest of his though he kept fighting and killed many of them . We won the battle but could not save him . His last words was for you he told us tell you he loved you and his family so much and also told sorry.

Then they brought a body wrapped in Tri- colour .
The army men handed a diary to Tisha it was Abhi’s diary .In it only one thing was written one thing in every page. And that was

"My all body parts have felt two beautiful things in the world . First one is my beautiful country for which I am here and second Tisha my beautiful wife and my family" I have promised to both of them my life is for them . My country and my family.
And no matter what will be the condition and situation in my way .
"I Will Keep My promise"

She closed the diary and wiped her tears and then saluted his body and then last time kissed his forehead.

After one month she gave birth to a baby boy and name him Abhi.
The promise was kept he had came again.

- Abhiking

------------------------------ The End -------------------------------

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Thank you❤️


Happy Republic Day 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


Would you will be there ???? ❣️❣️❣️


Come let us live again ❤️❤️❤️




Time heals ❤️




Never hide your tears. 💔💔💔
Ig - my_lines__your_emotion
FB - my_lines__your_emotion


IG- my_lines__your_emotion
FB - my_lines__your_emotion


what happened to your promise 💔💔


Girls dream ,, boys responsibility ..
It's the symbol of true love . The devotion for each other..




Happy independence day to all 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


Your presence ❤️


It was very important day for him as it was his birthday. It was his 15th birthday. After having breakfast and taking the blessing of his elders he opened his facebook. Many of his friends had posted in his timeline wishing on him for his birthday .He was very happy and replied to all.
In afternoon his best friend Divya called him . She wished her and demanded for the treat. After minutes of conversation she said
Hey someone is here with me she too wants to wish you she is my friend. Talk with her.
Hey abhi happy birthday. A sweet voice greeted him.
He was taken aback by hearing such a sweet voice .
For few seconds he was silent. then he replied thank you.
What is your name he asked ?
Let it be mystery she replied.
Mystery. He was shocked.
You wishes me on my birthday and now you are hiding your name from me its strange. He said and laughed aloud.
No this is not strange I am here to wish you not to introduce myself . So let my name be mystery. she giggled
This is funny . He said .
Ok bye I have some work. Talk with divya.
She said this and handed the phone to her friend.
He tried to ask the name of the girl to divya but she refused to tell him.
And cut the call.
After that day there was not a single day he has not asked divya about that unknown girl but every time divya used to ignore .
One day after lots of request and promise divya agreed to tell the name of the mysterious girl in return she demanded a big treat from abhi.
Ok done I will give you treat now tell me the name he said
Ankita Sharma .divya replied.
Ankita hmm..
Is she on social media. He asked eagerly.
Yes she is.
Ok thanks and you are not getting any treat he replied.
You cheater . I will punch you . divya said.
No you cant … he laughed and disconnected the call.
Without wasting any time he opened facebook and searched Ankita Sharma .
So many profile came in front of him. Among them he saw one profile where there was written one mutual friend . He opened the profile and found Divya was her mutual friend. He did not realised his heart was throbbing. He viewed all her photos and said she is beautiful.
He saved all her photos and finally sent the friend request within five minutes there was notification on his mobile .
Ankita Sharma accepted your friend request .
His happiness had no boundary on seeing that notification. He kept jumping in joy. To come back at normal and control his excitement he drank water.
He picked up his mobile and opened messenger to text her to his surprise there was two messages from Ankita.
Hii Abhishek
How are you ?
I am good. What about you ?
I am fine. So finally you found me.
Divya told me you kept asking her about me.
No. nothing is like that. I just had a short of curiosity. he replied.
So what next. She asked ?
Next . I have no idea. He replied.
Will you be my friend. He asked.
We are already friends now Mr . Abhishek
So we are friends. He said.
Yes we are . She replied.
Do you have a GF she asked.
No . Why are you asking this it’s too early .he said.
You are too cute that’s why I asked.
Ohh ok. He said.
Ok I will talk with you later. She replied and became offline.
After this Abhi and Ankita used to text all day long . They came very close to each other soon they became good friends. Their formal conversation changed into frank talks. They used to talk like they know each other from long time but it was hardly a month the have became friends.
Time went and few days were left for the end of summer vacation then again he will have to go in hostel.
When Ankita used to be offline abhi used to miss her a lot . Every single second of her absence was like a year for him. He realized he had feelings for Ankita and wished she too had the same feeling. He wanted to tell her what was in his heart but he dropped the idea fearing he would loose her friend . Days went and they were very happy enjoying each other company although they had not met physically.
Only two days were left for school to restart . He wanted to express his feelings badly but was not able to gather the courage. That night they did chatting up to 10 .00 p.m. Generally it was to early for them but they did goodbye to each other and slept. In the mid up the night his sleep broke and he woke up the took his phone and without thinking anything he typed.
Ankita Sharma I know this is weird but this is true. I know we have not meet physically it’s been hardly a month we know each other . I don’t know this is right or wrong but if I kept this within me I will always regret. Ankita from the first day when you wished me I was taken aback by your sweet voice I thought it was attraction but when I came to know you I found you are like me Your thoughts match mine I never comes close to someone so easily but with you few hours were enough. I don’t know what you will think of what will be your reaction.
But Ankita the truth is that
I like you.
He taped on send icon and delivered the message to her.
Next morning he woke up late and found no message from her she had not seen the message yet. Because of nervousness he switched off his phone whole day. In the evening when he opens the messenger their was message from ankita.
She had written
I am surprised. Be online tomorrow I have something to say you.
Next day he was very nervous. Random thoughts were running in his mind about her answer. He checked his phone their was no message . He kept checking for her message but their was no answer from her. Next day he had to go hostel . In night he again opened his mobile and check the messenger but Their was no answer this. He was worried why she had not replied yet .
After dinner he checked the messenger again this time tears came out of his eyes because she had deactivated her account without leaving a message.
All night he did not slept.
Only one question was running in his mind and that was.


Stories 22/07/2020

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There you can read some short stories by me . and many new are queued .
I hope all of you are safe and fighting the global pandemic in positive way.

Be safe . Stay Home . Maintain social distancing.

Lots of love


Stories Here I began my journey with my short romantic, thriller and adventurerous stories. Hope my reades will like it and bless me . 🎭Abhiking🎭


Ig:-. my_lines__your_emotion


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We the Civil Engineers ❤️❤️❤️


This is really heartbreaking 💔😔 may your soul rest in peace sir.


Instagram- my_lines__your_emotion


Is it a bluff ❤️❤️
Instagram - my_lines__your_emotion

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