The Violent Kind

The Violent Kind

Our new EP, "Archetypes" Coming Soon!!! Youtube:


The Violent Kind's cover photo


Greetings to all of our new fans, please feel free to download and listen to our songs and let us know what you think. We are excited to be working on new material for you in the near future.


Men at some time are masters of their fates;
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
but in ourselves, that we are underlings


Here's our awesome news!! We've spent this past winter writing for our new EP, titled "Archetypes". We're entering the recording stages as we speak, and can't wait to this with you all, it's definitely something we're proud of. Thanks for sticking with us! We hope you enjoy these songs as much as we do. Stay tuned!


We have some pretty awesome news coming later on today, keep an eye out for it!!



Our friends in Büllet have decided to get back together! We're pretty stoked about this, as some of you may know, Dave used to play drums for them, and Dan and I played many kickass shows with them while we were in The Outside Inn. This is awesome news. Hopefully we can get some gigs together with them soon. Head over to their page and give them a like.

Rock n' Roll


We are not dead yet, something will happen


Update coming soon, stay tuned!


Felix jump from the edge of space

Not a music update, but this is really sick!!! Check it out, it's also on Discovery too Felix Baumgartner attempts to make history with Red Bull Stratos - Mission to the Edge of Space and Supersonic freefall. Don't miss this once in a lifetime event.


Hey everyone! Don't forget that tomorrow morning our music will be featured on The Morning Show - NECN. The show starts at 7AM. Check it!


Check out our friends at SJ Films, They're some cool dudes and they're going to be helping us out soon with filming!


Awesome news! Our music is going to be featured on The Morning Show - NECN on Tuesday, September 18! The show runs from 7 AM to 9, so tune in to check it out!
