

A website about health and a healthy lifestyle!


Cheese is one of the most popular, healthy and delicious dairy products. Whatever it is – hard, soft, curd, processed or with additives – its benefits are huge.
What is the use of cheese
1. In cheese contains all the vitamins of milk, from which it is prepared. It also contains up to 22% protein, up to 30% fat, and mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus.
2.the Protein contained in cheese is the most useful, since the amino acid content is similar to the proteins of our body.
3.Cheese has gums that are involved in the proper metabolism of fat and the digestion. This product is almost completely and quickly absorbed by our body.
4. Cheese is rich in mineral salts associated with protein. That is why it is useful for children, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women.
General useful properties:
· increased immunity;
· improved metabolism;
· strengthen muscles and bones;
· normalization of pressure;
· improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
· rejuvenation;
· help with stress relief.
Kind of cheese
On the shelves of the store a huge number of cheeses, you can just get confused, which is the most useful. Let's try to understand:
Suluguni. It stimulates the intestines and improves appetite.
Adyghe. It is made from sheep's milk. It contains a huge amount of vitamins. But remember that it can only be stored for a month after manufacture and is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance.
Curd. It is the safest for the human body and you can eat it every day. Curd cheeses saturate the body with calcium and do not create stomach discomfort. They are recommended for young children and those who are on diets.
Feta. It contains many antibiotics that protect the body from substances that negatively affect the body.
Parmesan. This delicious cheese contains almost no cholesterol and is good for everyone. If properly prepared, it can be stored for 10 years.
Cream. Here it is important to pay attention that it does not contain food and chemical additives, only then can we talk about the benefits. Natural processed cheese contains B vitamins, casein, calcium and phosphorus.
With mold. Brie and Dor blue are known for their bactericidal qualities and are incredibly beneficial for digestion. Mold helps synthesize vitamin B and helps the bowel function.


People deliberately reject dairy products in favor of plant-based ones, even if they love them, just because of fashion. And this is wrong!
When is it better to limit or not consume dairy products at all
Lactose intolerance. And not just "I think so", but confirmed by genetic analysis. Genotype T/T, S/T - norm, genotype S/S - lactase deficiency. After making a diagnosis, we exclude dairy products and monitor your health, then you can gradually introduce small amounts of fermented milk products.
Allergy to cow's milk proteins. We determine the level of specific IgE class antibodies. Here you need to exclude all dairy products from cow's milk.
Children under one year old. They should not be given either cow's or goat's milk due to enzyme deficiency. Here I want to mention that I was fed goat's milk as a child, but today this tactic is not recommended.
Individual sensations (pain) in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Quite often, dairy products, especially acidic ones, can cause pain in gastritis, for example. Keep a food diary and note your reactions. If it's bad, exclude it.
Personal choice. If you decide that you don't like milk, that it gives you acne/bloating/heartburn, etc., try to reduce the amount first and then exclude it. And don't forget to consult your doctor about where to get calcium.
When you don't need to exclude dairy products
If you love them and feel comfortable.
For insulin resistance/diabetes.
For hypothyroidism, autoimmune/detox Protocol, and other fictional nutrition systems.
To lose weight.


Chia seeds are edible 2-3mm oblong seeds that come from a desert plant salvia hispanica. The seeds are black, dark brown and white in color, tiny and have a mild nutty flavor. There are also the red variety but the former is preferred.

Chia seeds are unprocessed and can easily be absorbed by the body. They are becoming better known for their excellent source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is a great source of digestible protein compared to protein from animal meat. Chia seeds are very versatile and you can put them in almost any food.

Chia seeds are very low in sodium and cholesterol and an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. They have very high content of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants which are beneficial for overall health. An important omega-3 fatty acid in chia is alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) that is anti-inflammatory.

In the micro-nutrients department, chia seeds are rich with the B vitamins, C, D and E and having minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc.

Anti-cancer: The high antioxidant content in chia seeds neutralize free radicals that can cause damage to molecules in cells and contributes to ageing and diseases like cancer.

Bone health: Chia seeds are extremely high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and protein that makes it beneficial for strengthening bones, teeth and nails.

Brain health: The rich omega-3 fatty acids are helpful for maintaining brain health. It helps reduce brain inflammation, nourish and reconnect neurons, thus increasing brain performance, preventing brain deterioration and brain fog.

Cellular health: Chia seeds have a low content of saturated and mono-unsaturated fats and high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which makes it beneficial for vigorous cellular development with diverse health benefits.

Diabetes: Individuals with blood sugar issues may benefit from including chia seeds in their diet for their rich fiber that may also help lower blood sugar, risks of heart disease and stroke.

Fiber: One of the main reasons for eating chia seeds is for its rich fiber. One serving of about 30 grams (approximately one ounce) of chia seeds may meet a third of the RDA for an adult. Eating fiber daily will gradually improve digestive health.

Heart health: These seeds can reduce the risk of a fatal cardiac arrhythmia or heart attack because they contain healthy fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 that are not synthesized naturally by the body. Chia seeds produce phytosterols, which help decrease the amount of cholesterol in the body and removes fat buildup in the arteries.

Inflammation: Chia seeds can help reduce inflammation and may be beneficial for those suffering with arthritis, psoriasis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even tuberculosis because it improves circulation.

Weight loss: All of the fiber in chia seeds can absorb up to 10-12 times its weight in water, it becomes a gel-like substance and expands in your stomach which can enhance fullness, slow absorption of your food and help you eat less calories. The rich protein content can also help reduce appetite and food intake.

The recommended consumption of chia seeds is about 3-4 tablespoons a day. Start with a smaller amount a day as they are fibrous and it may be different for different individuals, how they are able to tolerate fiber. They can be eaten raw, soaked in water or juice, added to baked goods, soups, puddings, yogurts, vegetable dishes, or mixed into smoothies or shakes.

Chia seeds absorb both water and fat. When added to water, they can expand up to 10-12x their own weight. It is recommended to soak them for about 10-15 minute and have them fully expand before consuming.

Eating them dry will have the chia seeds absorb moisture from your intestines instead, and may cause dehydration or constipation, and in some cases may even cause choking.

Store chia seeds in an airtight container in a cool and dark place to prevent it turning rancid.


20 Amazing Benefits Of Capsicum/Bell Peppers For Skin, Hair And Health
1. Good for Eyes:
Being high in vitamin A, red bell peppers help to support healthy eyesight, especially night vision. They are a rich source of a carotenoid called lutein that helps in lowering the risk of macular degeneration of the eyes. Macular degeneration of eyes is the most common cause of age related visual loss. Bell peppers also protect your eyes from cataracts due to their high levels of beta-carotene and vitamin C.

2. Burns more Calories:
Red bell peppers help in activating thermogenesis and increase the metabolic rate. Capsaicin which is responsible for increasing the hotness of other peppers is found in bell peppers in very small amounts. Thus, they have a mild thermogenic action that increases the metabolism without increasing the heart rate and blood pressure unlike hot peppers. Hence, they can support weight loss.
3. Anti-Cancer Benefits:
Being rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, bell pepper provides several anti-cancer benefits. The risk of cancer increases due to chronic excessive inflammation and chronic unwanted oxidative stress. These factors can be offset with regular intake of phytonutrients having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, bell peppers also contain health supportive sulphur compounds. The enzymes in bell pepper help to prevent gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. The carotenoid lycopene is found to be effective in the prevention of prostate, bladder, cervix and pancreas cancer.

4. Cardiovascular Benefits:
Red bell peppers are rich in lycopene, thus making them excellent for a healthy heart whereas green bell peppers are a good source of cholesterol lowering fiber. Increased homocysteine levels can lead to a higher risk of heart disease. Bell peppers contain vitamin B6 and folate which help to lower homocysteine levels. In addition to these, the powerful antioxidants vitamins A and C present in these vegetables help to wipe out free radicals. Potassium contained in bell peppers lowers about 162 milligrams of blood pressure which is also beneficial for heart.

5. Supports the Immune System:
Vitamin C is vital for maintaining a healthy immune system and for building strong collagen to support skin and joints. It is instrumental in lowering the risk of arthritis and reducing inflammation. Vitamin K aids in the formation of blood clots. It is important for developing strong bones and protection of cells from oxidative damage.
6. Great source of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium:
The combination of vitamin B6 and the mineral magnesium leads to decrease in anxiety levels, particularly due to pre-menstrual symptoms. Being a natural diuretic, vitamin B6 helps to reduce bloating and prevents hypertension.

7. Cures Iron Deficiency:
Red bell peppers provide almost 300 percent of the daily vitamin C requirement. Vitamin C is essential for the proper absorption of iron. Thus, those suffering from iron deficiency should consume red peppers.

8. Benefits of Capsaicin:
Capsaicin is found in the white membranes of peppers which is responsible for imparting heat to the seeds as well. It lowers the cholesterol levels and triglycerides. It kills the ulcer causing bacteria in the stomach and boosts immunity.
9. Detoxifying Properties:
Bell peppers help in clearing out the congested mucus membranes in the nose and lungs and eliminate toxins through sweating.

10. Benefits of Potassium:
Bell peppers are good sources of potassium. This mineral helps in keeping the fluids and minerals balanced in the body. It enhances muscle function and regulates blood pressure.

11. Other Benefits:
Bell pepper juice has proven to be effective in curing gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers, diarrhea and dyspepsia. It also lowers the incidence of several respiratory problems such as emphysema, asthma and infections in the lungs. Drinking bell pepper juice is an effective remedy against sore throats and nose bleeds.
Hair Benefits Of Bell Pepper
Getting healthy, long and thick hair is everyone’s dream. But unfortunately an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of proper supply of nutrients in the diet often lead to several hair problems like hair thinning, dandruff, split ends and hair loss. Now this might appear strange, but bell pepper can support hair growth by improving the circulation of blood to the scalp. Given below are the benefits of bell peppers for hair.

12. High Silicon Supports Hair & Nails:
Green bell pepper has a high content of natural silicon, which may support healthy hair and nails.

13. Stimulates Hair Growth:
By stimulating circulation, bell peppers improve the effectiveness of other herbs. Red bell pepper is a natural hair growth stimulator and is highly effective in curing hair loss. In case of hair loss, capsicum improves blood flow which is vital for proper growth of hair and protection of hair follicles from the effects of dihydro testosterone (DHT).

14. Strengthens Hair Follicles:
One of the reasons why bell peppers plants and the fruits are good for hair is the fact that they are excellent sources of vitamin C which is essential for hair health. Vitamin C helps in proper absorption of iron, thus ensuring that there is enough iron in red blood cells to carry oxygen to hair follicles. Vitamin C is also used in the formation of collagen. Collagen is required by hair follicles, blood vessel and skin to stay healthy and for their optimal growth. Vitamin C deficiency can cause dry, splitting hair that breaks easily.

15. Enhances Hair Growth & Health:
Applying bell pepper on hair can be effective in triggering hair growth through the improvement of blood circulation in the scalp. Boil a few dry red bell peppers in water and leave it for 5 to 6 minutes. After cooling it, massage it on your scalp with the help of a cotton pad and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash off the hair. This should be done twice a week for best results. The spiciness of bell pepper enhances the growth and health of the hair.
Skin Benefits Of Bell Pepper
A healthy and radiant skin plays an important role in enhancing the overall appearance. Some of the common skin problems faced today by many people are the appearance of wrinkles, discolouration, thickening and decrease in elasticity. Though genetics largely determines when the skin starts showing signs of ageing, there can be other causes as well such as skin damage and unhealthy lifestyle. Oxidation is a chemical process in which the free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells, thereby causing skin damage. Most of the skin damage occurs due to exposure to smoking and sunlight.

16. Fights Oxidative Damage:
Red, green and yellow bell peppers are rich in vitamin C which helps in the production of collagen. Collagen keeps the skin firm and protects the cells from further damage. It increases the ability of the skin to fight against oxidative damage.

17. Turns Skin Healthy & Youthful:
The antioxidants and phytochemicals present in bell pepper juice makes the skin healthy and youthful.

18. Heals Shingles & Athlete’s Foot:
Due to their anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, bell peppers can alleviate infections like shingles and athlete’s foot in combination with proper medication.

19. Reverses Signs of Ageing:
Consumption of bell pepper juice helps in reversing the signs of ageing due to its high antioxidant levels. Bell peppers protect the skin from damage-causing free radicals, thus promoting healthy and younger looking skin.

20. Clears Skin Blemishes & Rashes:
A mixture of carrot and green bell pepper juice can be very effective in clearing blemishes and rashes on the skin.

Nutritional Value Of Bell Peppers:
All peppers are good source of vitamin A, C and K; however, the red ones are the highest in nutritional value. Red peppers also contain carotenoids such as lycopene and beta-cryptoxanthin. They are rich in phytochemicals and have significant amount of fiber. A substance capsaicin which occurs in the white membranes of other peppers is present in lesser amounts in bell peppers. Some of the nutrients available in bell peppers are given below.
