Mosaic Unity

Mosaic Unity

Mosaic Unity is a progressive Christian Church with an open welcome to all.

We are LGBTQ+ affirming and welcome all regardless of your previous or current religious affiliations.

Timeline photos 26/11/2020

Today we give thanks for the many blessings and challenges that 2020 has brought into our lives. Although we cannot control the seemingly random nature of the Universe, we can control our reactions and move closer to living into the fullness of our true self!

Timeline photos 03/11/2020

Today is Election Day! Here is a little reminder from the Prophet Micah of what God expects from those who claim to love God as you go out and vote.

Timeline photos 02/11/2020

One day left before Election Day. Go out and Vote!

Timeline photos 31/10/2020

Three days before Election Day. Early voting is happening right now. Go out and Vote!

Timeline photos 30/10/2020

Four days before Election Day. Early voting is happening right now. Go out and Vote!

Timeline photos 29/10/2020

Five days before Election Day. Early voting is happening right now. Go out and Vote!

Timeline photos 28/10/2020

Six days before Election Day. Early voting is happening right now. Go out and Vote!

Timeline photos 27/10/2020

Seven days before Election Day. Early voting is happening right now. Go out and Vote!


Matthew 22:37-39


My sermon for today is short, sweet, and giving me a much needed sabbath of my own:

Sabbath is sacred: We all need time away from the demands of work so that we might better do the work God calls us each into in this world. In that, I bless you this day to rest, to play, to do something that renews your soul, something that makes you laugh, smile, or simply appreciate the beauty in the world. Find something that helps you capture a childlike wonder, if only for a moment. If you cannot find that, then know that you are still held as a beloved child of God in whatever emotions this day brings to you. May God keep you and Christ bless you whenever and wherever you are.

Timeline photos 16/10/2020

It can be difficult to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. It's nice to step beyond the ideas of wrong and right sometimes, and just appreciate the world as it is.

Timeline photos 14/10/2020

The primary focus of Christianity is to emulate the teachings of Jesus by becoming embodiments of the Christ-self, the true self, in service to those that Jesus calls "the least of these" in our societies. Therefore, to become like Christ, Christians must work towards the betterment of all humanity through love and reconciliation. Anything that deviates from that path becomes an apostasy to the faith.

Timeline photos 13/10/2020

Never be afraid to change your opinion. As long as you are open to change, being wrong is okay. It happens! We cannot possibly know everything. We just need to be open to acknowledge when we are wrong and move on.

Timeline photos 12/10/2020

Whatever you do, you will be much more successful—and much more content—if your heart is in it. The mind is important, of course! But the heart is what really makes things great.


Sermon on Matthew 22:1-14

Timeline photos 09/10/2020

Do not concern yourself too much with what others think or say about you. We are all a work in progress and a unique expression of God. Be content with who you are, strive to better the things you can, and love yourself fully and authentically. Remember always that you are one of a kind in an infinite reality. Therefore, be the best version of yourself!

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

Heaven and hell are concepts created to understand the "good" and "evil" of this world. Many people of faith hope that in death, they end up in one over the other. However, this theology fails to realize that heaven and hell are places created in our minds based on how we decide to live our lives. Therefore, if you wish to live in paradise, start doing so while you are here and embrace life to the fullest, loving self and others with no reservations. How you live your life reflects which reality is at work deep inside your divine self. So, where do you want to be?

Timeline photos 05/10/2020

The entirety of the known Universe, from its inception to the present moment, can be described as a love song to change. Whole systems of order are born, evolve, and go through constant cycles of death and rebirth. We are all part of a grand design whose only constant is change and forward momentum. Therefore, surrender to the flows of life. Stop trying to swim against the currents of change. Doing so will allow you to view life from the perspective of discovery and not through the fallacy of domination.


Sermon of Matthew 21:33-46

Timeline photos 02/10/2020

Life is what you make of it. We must accept that the only power that we have is to control how we react to the seemingly chaotic nature of the Universe. Therefore, in a chaotic world, embrace simplicity, love yourself more deeply, and know that you have the power in you to always operate as your authentic self.

Timeline photos 01/10/2020

As people of faith, we proclaim that all of humanity reflects the infinite diversity that is the Universe. As such, we condemn any ideology that favors the few and instills hatred and violence against the many. We are ONE people, living on ONE planet, with ONE shared destiny. White supremacy is not of Love, and hence it is not of God.

Timeline photos 01/10/2020

Humanity is bound to a linear existence in time. Our collective spiritual wisdom reminds us not to live in the past of our greatest hurts and regrets, nor to get lost in the fog that is the future. Instead, live in the moment of today, loving others with no reservations while embracing the abundant joy of our authentic selves.

Timeline photos 30/09/2020

We honor the experience and wisdom of generations that came before us by collectively embracing what works and lovingly rejecting where they failed to operate as their authentic selves. Every generation has the task of collectively working towards the betterment of all humanity.

Timeline photos 29/09/2020

Sometimes, the things that hurt us the most, can become opportunities for growth. Through introspection and self-love, our wounds can become stained glass windows that reflect our authentic selves towards others.


A reflection on Matthew 21:23-32

Timeline photos 25/09/2020

Fun fact: the human brain is wired to prioritize bad things over good things. It's a survival trait, but it can be very annoying sometimes. Just remember that things are probably better than they appear to be!

Timeline photos 24/09/2020

Sometimes we will come across something that makes us question our beliefs. And that's okay, that's good! That discomfort is how you discover the truth. You just have to be open to it!

Timeline photos 23/09/2020

You are not your past. You can be so much more than that!

Timeline photos 22/09/2020

You are enough. You are powerful. Don't let anything make you think otherwise.

Timeline photos 21/09/2020

Change can be scary, but remember that it is natural and necessary! It is better to embrace it and flow with it than to fight it.

Videos (show all)

The First Wrongness & The Greatest Commandment
Accepting the Invitation and the Robe
Radical Responsibility & The Hypocrites Among Us
Prostitutes, Tax Collectors, & The Modern Church
Putting God in Boxes
Gritty Hope
Inclusion and Exclusion By Faith
Taking Up Our Cross