Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund

Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund


The Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund trains attorneys and secures the financial resources needed to support precedent-setting court cases to protect all children from non-therapeutic ge***al cutting customs (e.g.


GALDEF Global Film Screening Webinar (Aug 3)

GALDEF invites you to join us on Saturday August 3rd for a global webinar screening of the films Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying No to Circumcision and Facing Circumcision: Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories.
The films will screen simultaneously across the U.S. starting at 4pm/Eastern, (1pm/Pacific), and at corresponding times in Europe, the Middle East and “Down Under.” A panel discussion will follow the screenings in which nurses and physicians from the films will take questions submitted by attendees.
This double-feature event is intended to both educate newer intactivists about the historic actions taken by ge***al autonomy pioneers during the 1990s and to raise funds supporting GALDEF’s mission of attorney outreach and funding of impact litigation.
The 1990s saw an explosion in the production of documentary films about male ge***al mutilation/circumcision and GALDEF presents these films as part of its retrospective series of landmark documentaries from that decade.
For more information, including specific screening times in your time zone and how to buy tickets for the webinar, please visit this page on the GALDEF website:


May 4, 2024: GALDEF will screen Whose Body, Whose Rights?, a fundraiser featuring the world’s first documentary (1995) to challenge the custom of circumcision. Watch with others around the world and meet ge***al autonomy pioneers from the film. Read more about global screening times across various time zones and how to purchase tickets at


GALDEF is in need of volunteers!


Support Legal Justice for Circumcision Sufferers through GALDEF's current Go Fund Me campaign at

Home - GALDEF 12/11/2023

Great things happened at WAS2023! If you haven't already, subscribe to our newsletter so you can read all about it in our December newsletter.

Home - GALDEF In the late 19th century in the U.S., doctors were the ones who decided if their male newborn patients should be circumcised. By the middle of the 20th century, hospitals began asking parents to decide and consent to have their sons circumcised, without really knowing what their son's wishes might b...

GALDEF submits Amicus brief to SCOTUS in Clopper v. Harvard - GALDEF 05/10/2023

GALDEF submits Amicus brief to SCOTUS in Clopper v. Harvard

GALDEF submits Amicus brief to SCOTUS in Clopper v. Harvard - GALDEF In August GALDEF joined Doctors Opposing Circumcision and Jews Against Circumcision in submitting Amici Curiae briefs to the U.S Supreme Court in support of Eric Clopper's appeal of denial of due process in his case against Harvard University. On October 2 the U.S. Supreme Court entered an order den...

CURED Educates, Inspires and Motivates - GALDEF 05/10/2023

CURED Educates, Inspires and Motivates

CURED Educates, Inspires and Motivates - GALDEF On Sunday, September 17, 2023 GALDEF offered a unique opportunity to ge***al autonomy advocates to become better educated about a parallel social movement and to help raise funds for the organization. Over two dozen people from across the US, and from the UK and Australia, attended the event. GALDEF...

Riverside Pride a Resounding Success - GALDEF 05/10/2023

Riverside Pride a Resounding Success

Riverside Pride a Resounding Success - GALDEF The Convention Center in Riverside, CA was the site of the Second Annual Riverside Pride festival, Sunday, September 10, 2023. Around 4,000 attendees were at the event, which included scores of booths from LGBTQ and allied agencies and businesses from across Southern California. Tim Hammond and seve...

Help Circumcision Sufferers & Restorers at WAS2023 - GALDEF 01/10/2023

“The World Health Organization will be well-represented there and they need to hear this.”

Help Circumcision Sufferers & Restorers at WAS2023 - GALDEF “The World Health Organization will be well-represented there and they need to hear this.”The Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund (GALDEF) is thrilled to announce our latestGoFundMe campaign to raise $7500 by October 31 to send two dedicated researchers to WAS2023,the World Associa...


GALDEF will have an info table at Riverside Pride (Riverside, CA) on Sunday, September 10. Come out to the Riverside Convention Center from 12 noon to 10pm and enjoy the festivities, and be sure to stop by our table to say hello!

Help Circumcision Sufferers & Restorers @ WAS2023, organized by Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund 29/08/2023

Please support Tim Hammond and Dr. Mohamed Fahmy to present at WAS2023 (World Association for Sexual Health)!

Read more:

Help Circumcision Sufferers & Restorers @ WAS2023, organized by Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund “The World Health Organization will be well-represented ther… Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund needs your support for Help Circumcision Sufferers & Restorers @ WAS2023

"Cured": What the Gay Rights Movement Can Teach Us About Grassroots Campaigns to Change Medical Practice (And How You Can Support GALDEF) 11/08/2023

David Balashinsky, one of our board members, wrote an excellent blog article that discusses the documentary "Cured" and mentions GALDEF's plan to provide a screening of the documentary along with a Q&A with GALDEF representatives.

"Cured": What the Gay Rights Movement Can Teach Us About Grassroots Campaigns to Change Medical Practice (And How You Can Support GALDEF) by David Balashinsky In the history of the gay rights movement, certain events stand out as milestones. First and foremost is the Stonewall...


What do homos*xuality and the pe**le fo****in share in common?

Learn more and find out about an opportunity to watch an excellent documentary while supporting ge***al autonomy for all simultaneously!

Tim Hammond from GALDEF and Eric Clopper from Kane Law at 2023 LAPride 09/07/2023

Founder and president of GALDEF Tim Hammond with Eric Clopper from Kane Law meet at Los Angeles Pride.

Tim Hammond from GALDEF and Eric Clopper from Kane Law at 2023 LAPride


Eric from Kane Law discusses GALDEF with Brad at the 2023 Los Angeles Pride event.


Brad from Kane Law discusses GALDEF with Eric at the 2023 Los Angeles Pride event.

Forced Fo****in Retraction: A Medico-Legal Scandal 09/07/2023

Learn what forced fo****in retraction is, how it harms, and what you can do to prevent it.

Forced Fo****in Retraction: A Medico-Legal Scandal This conversation between John Geisheker, JD, LL.M, the executive director and general counsel for Doctors Opposing Circumcision and John Adkison, a cofounde...


Today is GALDEF's first anniversary (based on our incorporation date in the state of Washington).

We've come a long way and have a lot to be proud of during our first year. Because of the hard work and commitment of our Board and Advisory Council we not only were able to accomplish Phase I (Administrative set up), but we were also able to have a presence at Intact 2022 in Atlanta, Palm Springs Pride 2022 and L.A. Pride 2023.

As we now embark on Phase II (legal outreach and litigation planning) we'll be able to begin fulfilling GALDEF's core mission of advancing impact litigation that will help to redefine the legal landscape surrounding male child ge***al cutting.

Thank you to everyone who has helped to make our first year a success and I look forward to working closely with each of you to design and implement Phase II in the coming year.

In unity for the children,
Tim Hammond
Founder | President

GALDEF Statement in Support of the 2023 WWDOGA - GALDEF 20/05/2023

GALDEF Statement in Support of the 2023 WWDOGA - GALDEF by David Balashinsky May 7th, 2023 is the eleventh anniversary of the ruling by the Regional Court of Cologne recognizing that nonconsensual, non-therapeutic pe**le circumcision constitutes an illegal act of bodily harm. That ruling has been commemorated every May 7th since as the Worldwide Day of G...

GALDEF Celebrates L.A. Pride – June 11, 2023, organized by John Adkison 13/05/2023

GALDEF is going to L.A. Pride! A fundraiser has been created at GoFundMe to provide the necessary funds for the event. Please consider donating. Unlike other donations made directly to GALDEF, donations via this fundraiser will be specifically for this event.

GALDEF Celebrates L.A. Pride – June 11, 2023, organized by John Adkison This will be GALDEF ’s (Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund) … John Adkison needs your support for GALDEF Celebrates L.A. Pride – June 11, 2023

Did California REALLY Extend Coverage for Newborn Circumcision? - GALDEF 30/03/2023

Did California REALLY Extend Coverage for Newborn Circumcision?

Did California REALLY Extend Coverage for Newborn Circumcision? - GALDEF Tim Hammond – GALDEF Founder and President Recently, there have been rumors in some intactivist circles that the Medicaid program in California (Medi-Cal) had reinstated coverage for newborn circumcision. Earlier this year, a supporter contacted us after seeing Intact America’s December 8, 2022 ...

How GALDEF will Change the Legal Landscape Surrounding Pe**le Circumcision - GALDEF 30/03/2023**le-circumcision/

How GALDEF will Change the Legal Landscape Surrounding Pe**le Circumcision

How GALDEF will Change the Legal Landscape Surrounding Pe**le Circumcision - GALDEF Dan MacClymont US legal defense and education funds have been responsible for some of the most influential human and civil rights court cases in history, ranging from the 1963 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that ordered desegregation of public schools, to the 2015 Obergefell v. H...

Blog - GALDEF 06/02/2023

Today is International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Ge***al Mutilation (FGM)

Blog - GALDEF GALDEF Blog STATEMENT ON THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ZERO TOLERANCE FOR FEMALE GE***AL MUTILATION February 6, 2023 is the twelfth anniversary of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Ge***al Mutilation . This annual observance was established by the United Nations General Assembly as an oc...

Debriefing of the Legal Challenge to Massachusetts Medicaid Funding of Newborn Circumcision 08/12/2022

Check out our Debriefing of the Legal Challenge to Massachusetts Medicaid Funding of Newborn Circumcision

Debriefing of the Legal Challenge to Massachusetts Medicaid Funding of Newborn Circumcision


As we approach the end of another year and many people's thoughts turn to charitable giving, I want to take this opportunity to remind you about Giving Tuesday, a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. This year Giving Tuesday is November 29. Following that, many people will also plan to make end-of-year tax-deductible contributions.

I'm writing to ask for your support of a new 501(c)3 non-profit organization on whose board I’m proud to serve, the Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund (GALDEF). Many people are already aware that medically unnecessary, permanent ge***al modifications forced upon children too young to consent is a human rights abuse. GALDEF assists attorneys in the fight for children's bodily integrity and the freedom to decide for themselves how much of their ge***als they get to keep. We work with attorneys to help secure legal protections for children's bodily integrity, regardless of s*x or gender.

If you're inclined to be generous this Giving Tuesday, or anytime between then and December 31, I encourage you to visit our Ways to Give page. There you can donate through popular payment processors (Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc) or directly with your credit or debit card. We even accept cryptocurrency and donations from outside the U.S.

Want to donate through an Employer Matching Gift program or designate GALDEF as a beneficiary in your Will? No problem. Our donor page shows you how.

Are you an avid Amazon shopper? Our donor page will walk you through the simple steps to designate GALDEF to receive a portion of all purchases you make on Amazon Smile.

Want to show your support without actually sending us money? The donor page shows how you can apply for the no-annual-fee Charity Charge Mastercard and designate GALDEF as your beneficiary so that a portion of every dollar you charge to the card gets sent to GALDEF, when you use it to buy gas, groceries, dining out, travel, pay rent or property taxes, and also when making purchases on Amazon Smile.

There are so many ways to give. I hope you'll consider GALDEF to be worthy of your support and find the giving method that's most convenient for you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for reading this far. I wish you and your loved ones a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season.

Tim Hammond

Andrew Little @ Intact 2022 symposium, August 27, 2022 - Atlanta, GA 26/11/2022

See the wonderful presentation made at the Intact 2022 Symposium by our Secretary Andrew Little:

"Title: A Current Perspective Of Infant MGM Litigation"

Andrew Little @ Intact 2022 symposium, August 27, 2022 - Atlanta, GA

Introduction to Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund (GALDEF) 23/11/2022

See the presentation that our founder and president provided as an introduction to GALDEF at the Intact America Symposium:

Introduction to Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund (GALDEF)

Photos from Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund's post 14/11/2022

In GALDEF's first attempt to gain public exposure, founder Tim Hammond attended Pride Weekend festivities in Palm Springs, CA (Nov 4-6), distributing close to 1,000 information cards (see photos) to let the LGBTQI community and its allies know about GALDEF's existence. The front of the card bore the message: Bodily Autonomy. Which children deserve the right to remain whole? Girls? Boys? Inters*x? The reverse of the card begins with the headline: All children. Different bodies. Same rights.

The reverse continues: Medically unnecessary, permanent ge***al modification forced upon children too young to consent is a human rights abuse. The Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund assists attorneys in the fight for children's bodily integrity and the freedom to decide for themselves how much of their ge***als they get to keep.

Dozens of information and vendor booths lined each side of the half-mile festival site along S. Palm Canyon Way, which Tim traversed multiple times under blue skies and desert sun over a three-hour period each day. To attract attention, Tim wore a black and white t-shirt bearing the phrase: Intact Ge***als are a Human Right. Supportive comments were the order of the day with many people expressing gratitude for spreading our children's rights message. This was not totally unexpected, since the issues of bodily autonomy and s*xual autonomy resonate strongly with many members of the LGBTQI community.

Tim occasionally stopped at transgender information booths and began conversations with booth staffers about the common ground shared by those advocating for transgender rights and GALDEF's mission to protect the rights of those born male to make their own decisions about their bodies when old enough. He was also met with supportive comments from representatives of the LGBT community centers of both Palm Springs and Los Angeles, each of whom had booths there, about the need for a support group to serve circumcision sufferers. Staffers said they were not surprised to hear that such concerns are all too often ignored or trivialized by many medical and mental health professionals and they welcomed further dialogue about creating such support groups.

Because Palm Springs Pride draws racially, politically, s*xually and age-diverse crowds from all over California and the U.S., GALDEF reached a broad spectrum of people who, for many, were presented for the first time with the issue of children's bodily autonomy.


Legal Organization Aims to Protect Children’s Bodily Integrity
Asserts Ge***al Autonomy is for Everyone

GALDEF position interest 16/11/2021

You are invited to join other spirited human rights advocates to assist with the growth of a new ge***al autonomy organization, the Ge***al Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund. Please visit our website to learn more (

You can also complete this short survey with your interests, skills and contact details.

GALDEF position interest Complete this form if you are interested in performing one or more of the roles in the organization.