Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist

Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist

Animal Rights Activist based in Melbourne (Naarm)


Great job this weekend at by PBT & Animal Save team Australia & New Zealand (Aotearoa) πŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸ™

It was a blessing to hear so many passionate people speak up for animals this weekend.

Australia & New Zealand


It was wonderful to be able to briefly catch up with these two legends, .hurst and .purcell.ajp at the today and to hear them both speaking about the many wins that have been achieved by and

These two powerhouse women are truly inspirational for their incredible work, paving the way for real-workd changes for the animals on a parliamentary level!

I'm so glad that the animals have you fighting for them - thank you for all that you do!


In every single way that matters, they are exactly the same - so why love one and kill the other?

All animals have personalities, they have families and, ultimately, only want to live and be loved.

Every time I look into the eyes of a beautiful black cow, I am reminded of my beautiful companion animal (yes, she was a rescue-pup) and cannot fathom how anyone could look at a beautiful cow and decide that, because they have hoofs instead of paws, that they are somehow less deserving of living.

We have been conditioned, by the media, society and fast-food chains, to believe that the life of a cow is less important than that of a dog. This is called "speciesism."

Both of these animals want to live - their only possession in this world is their life and yet we turn a blind eye to the suffering.

If I decided one day that I wanted to kill my dog so I could eat her, I would be vilified and condemned, even jailed for "animal cruelty" - but in the meat, dairy and egg industries, killing animals for their flesh is completely acceptable.

It is legally sanctioned torture, abuse and murder.

All animals feel pain and have the capacity to suffer, just as they have the capacity to feel joy and love.

Vegans are labelled as "extremists" because they do not want animals to needlessly die or to suffer on their behalf - yet our society tells us it is totally fine to murder a different animal for our own taste gratification.

But what could be more EXTREME than exploiting the life of an animal, separating them from their family and then sending them off to be killed of a fraction of their life-span.

If something "humane" truly happened in a slaughterhouse, then why wouldn't we take our sick and dying pets to be euthanised there once their pain and suffering (due to terminal illnesses or otherwise) outweighs their quality of life.

The answer is simple; deep down, everyone knows that animals are not murdered compassionately or humanely in a slaughterhouse, otherwise we would take them to a slaughterhouse at the end of their life instead of the vet.

Slaughter is NEVER humane. So wake up from the Meatrix and start speaking up for animals today!


The is happening this weekend!!! Although I have not been "announced" as a speaker at the event, I will be speaking on behalf of on Sunday between 4:15-5pm in Room 3 (Yarra Room).

I am so excited and humbled to be given the opportunity to speak at this event and really hope to see some familiar faces in the crowd!

The subject of my speech will be centred around the importance of bearing witness and encouraging people to show their support for the work we do.

So, if you're coming this weekend, please come and say hi - I'll be at The Save Movement stall all weekend.

Let's all do our best to show our support for one another and the important work we all to do speak up for those who have no voice, the animals!



‼️‼️Strong Hearts Farm Sanctuary needs help urgently after severe storm damage!!
If you cannot donate or attend the working bee on Sunday, please like and share this post so we can get them the help they need!‼️‼️


On Sunday, volunteers with The Save Movement gathered outside Gathercole's Slaughterhouse to bear witness to the hundreds of sheep and cows being transported the facility where their lives will be stolen from them.

Watching these animals sweltering in anguish on the trucks was difficult to witness because it was obvious how badly affected they were by the elements.

When I arrived to set up at the vigil, there were already two transport trucks waiting outside the slaughterhouse gates, which open at 3pm.

These poor animals had already gone without food, water or shelter throughout the arduous journey to the slaughterhouse, only to be forced to wait over an hour in the scorching heat before they were finally able to be unloaded.

When multiple trucks arrive within quick succession of one another, the wait-time for unloading always increases.

We bear witness not because we enjoy doing so, but because we feel a moral obligation to be there in solidarity with those we are unable to save; and because they deserve to know that, at least to SOME humans, their lives matter.

I'm so sorry that this world has failed these beautiful animals so egregiously, but we won't stop showing up until the trucks do.

Being vegan is a start, but it is not enough, we NEED more activists if we are to have any hope of creating the change the animals need in this world.

Please, watch Dominion (2018) on YouTube or go to DontWatch.Org and share it with the people you care about.

Together we can help bring an end to the horrific violence and create a world that ensures ALL animals live free from harm.

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan!

✏: Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist
πŸ“Έ: Vegan Stace for Animal Save Movement Melbourne Animal Save Melbourne Cow Save Melbourne Sheep Save






Gathercole's Slaughterhouse Vigil - Sunday 7 January 2024

Every month for the past six months, this driver has avoided stopping for the vigil by entering the facility through the exit gate.

As we have an agreement with the slaughterhouse allowing us to bear witness here, they work with us to ensure both the safety of the animals and the safety of vigil volunteers - this month, they made sure the exit gates also remained closed so that we would have the opportunity to offer love to all the animals being transported to the facility.

This young female cow was all alone with eight young sheep. Given how young she is, it is likely that she was either unable to be forcibly impregnated, or unable to produce milk, hence, sent to be slaughtered at a fraction of her natural life-span. She couldn't have been more than two years old.

Staring into the eyes of these innocent animals you can see the fear and confusion - they know that they have not come to a place of safety, but one of fear, suffering and death.

You can help end this cruelty, go vegan and start speaking up for the animals today.

Watch Dominion (2018) on YouTube or go to DontWatch.Org to see the truth that these industries want to keep hidden from you.

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan.

✏: Vegan Stace for Animal Save Movement Melbourne Cow Save Melbourne Sheep Save and Melbourne Animal Save
πŸ“·: Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist


Yesterday, animal rights activists with Animal Save Movement gathered outside Gathercole's slaughterhouse to bear witness to the innocent animals being brought here to be unnecessarily killed.

Every single time you choose to purchase a product that comes from an animal, you are voting with your dollar to ensure that these horrific industries are able to continue exploiting and mercilessly murdering sentient beings.

All they want is to live and yet we steal the only thing they possess in this world, their life.

You can help end the suffering.

Go vegan today and start speaking up for the innocent victims of these industries, the animals need us.

Watch Dominion (2018) on YouTube or go to DontWatch.Org to see the truth these industries don't what you to know.

✏: Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist
πŸ“Έ: Vegan Stace for Melbourne Animal Save Melbourne Cow Save & Melbourne Sheep Save

Photos from Melbourne Animal Save's post 06/01/2024

πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š Thank you for being there to give the animals a voice πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


Yesterday, we gathered at Diamond Valley Pork in Laverton North to bear witness to the pigs being trucked to their deaths.

In the space of two hours, we saw 12 trucks, 10 filled with baby pigs between 5-6months of age and 2 trucks filled with sows, mother pigs who have had their bodies exploited their entire lives and then sent to be killed once their bodies can no longer produce enough babies for humans to eat.

This holiday season, will you choose to be their saviour, or the reason that they suffer.

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan.

✏: Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist
πŸ“Έ: VeganStace for Melbourne Pig Save
Melbourne Animal Save and Animal Save Movement
🎢: Mad World by VeganStace


Vegan Camp Out Australia was AMAZING!!

Happy Tail Tales - Episode 4 - Hershey 27/11/2023

Happy Tail Tales - Episode 4 - Hershey


Happy Tail Tales - Episode 4 - Hershey Another successful rescue transport for a beautiful kitten who is looking for her forever home.I did this transport for Rise Up Animal Rescue and Rehabilitat...


Last Sunday, Melbourne Animal Save Melbourne Cow Save and Melbourne Sheep Save held a vigil for Sheep and Cows outside the gates of Gathercole's Slaughterhouse in Carrum Downs, an outer suburb of Naarm (Melbourne).

This was the second truck full of sheep that we saw that day and, although I only recorded the first half of this truck stop, it was the hardest of the day.

I focused my energy on one sheep in particular, his entire body was shaking in fear.

As always, I started singing a Buddhist mantra "Om-man-ne-pad-me-om" to try and calm the animals. After I stopped filming I continued singing to him, the other sheep nearby watched on curiously as I gently stroked his head and snout until he closed his eyes, leaning his face into my hands and finally stopped shaking.

I stared into his eyes the entire time, singing softly and wishing more than anything that I could take him away from this wretched place.

I wish I could have done more than merely stopping the fear-induced convulsions that were shaking his entire body - it wouldn't be long until the fear returns, herded into a metal chute to have a captive bolt-gun discharged against his head before having his throat slit.

There is nothing "humane" about what will happen to him, there will be no more loving touches or softly-spoken words - there will only be fear, pain and death.

It was very clear that these sheep had been used for their wool and, that they had finally been sent to slaughter after being shorn over and over again, their rough and patchy coats still showing visible shearing marks.

I spent almost 20 minutes in total with the one sheep, as this truck was instructed by the drover to remain outside while the previous truck was unloaded.

Only ΒΌ of the sheep were unloaded here, the rest were taken on to a different slaughterhouse, including the beautiful boy who I spent most of my time with.

Vigil volunteers witnessed the truck driver physically throwing sheep off the transport, which may have been the reason that the slaughterhouse refused to accept the entire truck-load of animals.

They will all suffer in agonising fear, they will all soon be gone from this world - but for 20 minutes, they were seen, they were loved and, they will never be forgotten by those of us who had the opportunity to bear witness to their precious lives.

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan.

✏: Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist for Animal Save Movement


Today, volunteers with The Save Movement gathered outside Diamond Valley Pork slaughterhouse in Laverton North, just outside the city of Naarm (Melbourne) to bear witness to the pigs being trucked to their deaths.

None of these precious individuals have done anything to deserve the cruel fate that awaits them. In the early hours of tomorrow morning they will be herded into cramped gondolas and gassed in COΒ² gas chambers before having their throats slit. If they are unlucky enough to still be conscious after having their throat slit, they will then experience the excruciating pain of the scalding tanks as they are repeatedly dragged under the boiling water by metal fins.

Pigs are smarter than dogs and are known to form loving relationships with their family members. Most of the pigs on these trucks are just babies, sent to their deaths at only five or six months of age - the rest are mothers who have had their reproductive systems repeatedly exploited by force until they are considered " spent" and sent to be killed along with their children.

If you consume animal products, you are paying for their suffering.

You have the power to end this cruelty. Go vegan, share this video and encourage others to live a compassionate life also. Not contributing to this injustice is only the first step - the animals need us all to use our voices and speak up for them as, without us, their suffering goes unheard and unseen.

"If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan!" - VeganStace

✏: Vegan Stace - Animal Rights Activist for Melbourne Pig Save Melbourne Animal Save & Animal Save Movement
🎢: "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad"


Yesterday Melbourne Animal Save held a vigil for the animals outside Gathercole's Slaughterhouse in Carrum Downs, Victoria.

During the vigil, two trucks arrived at the facility, both filled with cows who were being transported to their deaths.

On the second truck, as can be seen in the video, one cow was pinned on the floor of the vehicle - it was so severely crowded that there was no way for them to be able to stand up, so they just lay there being trampled by the other cows.

Most of the cows on this truck looked extremely young and there even appeared to be some bobby calves amongst them.

I alerted the drover at the facility about the downed cow trapped in the back of the truck and he went to check on them as soon as the vehicle pulled up to the unloading dock.

Although the staff at the facility seem empathetic towards the welfare of the animals that are delivered to them, the reality is that they are still going to suffer horrendously once they are led to their deaths.

Forced into a metal box they will all have a captive bolt gun pressed to their head as they fight desperately to get away from it, then their throats will be slit.

It can take a large animal anywhere from five to ten minutes or more to bleed out and, unfortunately, the use of captive bolt stunning remains quite ineffective as pin-point accuracy is required to render an animal unconscious and, obviously, cannot be attained when an animal is fighting to get away from the hands of their killer.

Regardless, stunning practices make no impact on an animal's capacity to feel pain, so even though their motor function may be impaired, they can still feel everything that happens to them, including having their throat slit.

You can help end this cruelty - go vegan, share this video and encourage others to do the same.

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan.

πŸ“Έ: for Animal Save Movement
🎢: - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad


They say "pole dancer" like it's an insult! Only feeble minds ascribed to toxic masculinity would look at these images and cry "ho**er - w***e!"

When I see an empowered woman expressing herself through the wonder that is pole-dance, I see their strength, their beauty and, the fact that they're a total badass!!!

I wonder if any of the men in the comment section of Georgie Purcell - Animal Justice Party MP have ever done anything that requires this kind of strength - the most they probably lift is the beer in their hand while they sloppily type with the other one as they keyboard-warrior their way into a fugue state: "How could a woman be more than one thing, all at the same time?!"

"POLE DANCER," they cry - well, I say, thank you, yes I am!

I will not stand by and let a woman (or any person, for that matter) be shamed for both standing up for animal rights AND owning their bodily autonomy and expressing themselves in whichever way they see fit.

I've heard it time and time again when I have done the lingerie protests: "You're sexualising yourself!!" blah blah blah - when in reality, the viewer is the only one who can sexualise a person when nothing sexual is actually happening.

Pole or no pole, the onus of sexualising a person lies solely on you, the viewer.

So go ahead, call us every name under the sun because it only demonstrates how fragile all of these little trolls are - and, trust me, pole has given us thicker skin than the haters will ever have!

Keep slaying Georgie - I'll be right there with you, you absolute Goddess!!!

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan!

Happy Tail Tales - Episode 3 - Dimi (Dimitrio) and Demi πŸ’šπŸΆπŸ’š 11/08/2023

Episode 3 of Happy Tail Tales is up now on my YouTube channel - both puppies are available for adoption so check out the video description for the links to their PetRescue profiles πŸ’šπŸΆπŸ’š

Happy Tail Tales - Episode 3 - Dimi (Dimitrio) and Demi πŸ’šπŸΆπŸ’š Both Dimitrio (Dimi) and Demi are looking for their forever homes so, if you think one or both of these beautiful puppies would be the perfect addition to yo...


Being vegetarian does nothing to protect animals - the dairy industry is the meat industry.

If you really loved animals, you'd live vegan πŸ’šβœŒπŸΌπŸ’š


When people appeal to the nature fallacy argument πŸ€£πŸ’šπŸ€£

The classics πŸ€£πŸ™

What are your favourites? Or not-so-favourites πŸ˜¬πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‰ Follow us on instagram for sanctuary tours, vegan news, education, memes and more:

Photos from Strong Hearts Cat Rescue's post 25/07/2023

Are you able to foster a cat or looking to adopt?? There are TEN beautiful cats that are currently on the "kill-list" if they don't find homes.

If you can't foster or adopt, please share this post and help give them a chance to live.


Got any old blankets or bedding collecting dust in your linen cupboard?? This amazing organisation are collecting donations to help out the animals they rescue - check the details below to see how you can help!

It's time to clear out the old linen cupboard and put your unwanted towels, blankets, sheets and doonas to good use!
Our friends at Feast Geelong are collecting bedding for our rescued animals and its just in time too as our shelves are empty again!
You can drop off your donations during opening hours before Sunday 6th August and while you're there, why not grab a soy latte and check out their extensive plant based menu!

FEAST, 5 Ormond Rd, East Geelong VIC

We are also very grateful for any monetary donations to help us purchase new dog beds, cat beds, puppy pads and heat packs. If you can spare a few $ we'd appreciate the assistance!
Thank you!! βœŒοΈβ€οΈπŸŒ±πŸ•

Bank Details:
Victorian Lamb Rescue Inc.
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
Account number: 157854886


Credit card:
Please message us to request a donation invoice- securely payable online.

Happy Tail Tales: Snow's Rescue Mission 17/07/2023

YouTube Short of the first chapter of my Happy Tail Tales series

Happy Tail Tales: Snow's Rescue Mission

Videos (show all)

On Sunday, volunteers with The Save Movement gathered outside Gathercole's Slaughterhouse to bear witness to the hundred...
Gathercole's Slaughterhouse Vigil - Sunday 7 January 2024Every month for the past six months, this driver has avoided st...
Yesterday, animal rights activists with Animal Save Movement gathered outside Gathercole's slaughterhouse to bear witnes...
Yesterday, we gathered at Diamond Valley Pork in Laverton North to bear witness to the pigs being trucked to their death...
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Last Sunday, Melbourne Animal Save  Melbourne Cow Save and Melbourne Sheep Save held a vigil for Sheep and Cows outside ...
Today, volunteers with The Save Movement gathered outside Diamond Valley Pork slaughterhouse in Laverton North, just out...
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