Consciously Connected

Consciously Connected

Education, Coaching, and Mental Health Awareness

Utilizing my research, studies, and clinical observations as a trauma therapist, I educate and coach those who are looking to overcome life and mental health barriers.


If you really want to get to know yourself, check your motives and intentions for the content, messages, pictures, or videos that you post to your social media. If you can look at yourself and your behaviors with honesty and curiosity, you can unveil parts of yourself that feed off external validation (ego and unconsciousness). Social media can be a breeding ground for unconscious cycles, as much of the population attempts to project ideals of their self image or their life. What could change if you became more aware of what you are projecting on social media?


F I V E ways to increase your consciousness and increase feelings of emotional regulation. 🌞 🌱 It all starts with awareness and willingness to engage with your life in a different way. Start paying attention to the roles you are playing in your life and get out of your own way!!


You deserve to find your freedom and experience life as it was meant to be experienced.

It’s time to unsubscribe from a life that is keeping you sick, depleted, stuck, and focusing on the WRONG things!!

Let’s take a look at the life of the average American 🇺🇸

Wake up and immediately consume toxic coffee, screen time within FIFTEEN MINUTES of waking up, busied mornings, rushing you and your children out the door, consuming highly processed foods because your schedules are too busy to find time to cook (or because your mental health prevents you from doing so consistently), orienting to screens for a large portion of our day, working 40+ hours a week in an job that keeps you disconnected from what you value most, pacifying children with screen time instead of allowing them to explore outside or be bored, feeding children dyes, sugars, and neurotoxins, taking children to extra curricular activities in another rush under the misinformed idea that all this extra stuff is “good for them”, unwinding and “relaxing” with more screens, more processed foods, and/or alcohol or drugs. Minimal time in nature, minimal time attending to the body’s needs. Using the weekends as a time to indulge in the exact things that perpetuate poor health and stress. Chasing materialistic possessions, over-identifying with thoughts. Comparative thinking and engaging with ego platforms such as social media as a staple to your everyday.

The common denominator in this is YOU. You are not here to get sucked up in the river of life and allow it to move you passively and unconsciously. The days weeks, months, and years flyby because you are in a chronic state of autopilot and dissociation, asleep to your true potential and the meaning of life.

Stay stuck, or start making changes.


How much of your day do you spend consuming input that does not serve you? Consuming media, consuming the opinions and values of others, consuming television programming, movies, or music with subliminal messaging? Consuming alcohol or other drugs? Consuming food that harms your brain and body?

Take an honest look at your consumption levels, contemplating what you could be creating instead. Could you be creating a higher version of yourself with this time instead? Creating a plan to get out of an undesirable situation? A healthier home? Creating healthier habits? Creating change? A new business? New coping skills? Creating a new routine, skill, or hobby? Creating a new energy presence for yourself, your children, and the world?

The material or consumer part of our world is a part that feeds into stress hormones and leads us away from the point of our existence. At minimum, consuming less and creating more will bring us back to our power, where we are no longer living passively.

If you could create one thing in this lifetime, what would it be? And what is currently stopping you?


You cannot be living consciously if your ego is going unchecked! Unfortunately most of humanity is living in an ego state. Many times we hear the term ego used in a very superficial way, one that relates it solely to pride or physical appearance, but ego is much more complex than that.

The ego, a part of our subconscious functioning, operates based off of conditioning and feeds off of the cycles of the mind that allow it to feel “protected”. The problem is, the ego is very misinformed about what makes us truly powerful. The ego prevents us from living more consciously and in our true nature.

Once you have practiced recognizing your own ego at play, you can easily begin recognizing when others around you are operating from their ego. This can tell us a lot about a person’s emotional maturity, self-awareness, and level of consciousness.

Sometimes we can over-identify with parts of ourselves that make us feel better than others, or even parts of ourselves that allow us to feel like victims so we can subconsciously perpetuate cycles that reinforce that narrative.

What stories is your ego telling you? Catch yourself in your ego states, hold it in a light of consciousness, and drop your ego like it’s hot. 🔥


Be mindful of your daily habits that may be feeding your mental and physical ailments. Our beloved coffee is (unfortunately) wildly contaminated. When we are consuming it on a daily basis and starting our day off with something so toxic, it’s no wonder that our system may struggle to feel well.

If you struggle to give up your coffee, try looking for clean label coffee. It definitely is not cheap, but chronic illness and mental health issues will cost you more. If you want your brain and body to work the best they possibly can for you, eliminate the poisons we have normalized as a culture and get your brain health back on track.

Beware of false claims about the “benefits” of coffee - caffeine in and of itself is terrible for our body and true research that is not bias has shown this time and time again. The “benefits” are the very short lived symptoms of consuming a stimulant.

I challenge you to a trial period with no coffee (at least a couple of months to allow it to fully process out of your system) and see how you feel! Feel the difference between starting your day with a cup of highly contaminated coffee versus starting your day with lemon water, herbal tea, or a cleaner coffee alternative. You may appreciate the initial effects that your conventional coffee gives you, but please know there is nothing but damage being done to your system. Don’t take my word for it, try it!!


Fighting thoughts from a cognitive approach is not successful because the nature of your thoughts stem from the state of your body. Practice being the observer to your thoughts and determine if your body has entered a survival state. Survival states don’t care what logic you present, you must know how to nurture your system out of survival modes.


How you feel on Monday is a reflection of what you did (or did not do) the day prior. Here are some ways to increase healthy “fuel” for your brain as you start your week.

1. Get good quality sleep by eliminating screens a minimum of 2 hours before bed. Melatonin production is cut off by 50% when you look at a screen.

2. Pay attention to the input you are giving yourself before bed - am I orienting to something stressful versus relaxing?

3. Challenge negative associations with beginning your week (dreading the start of your week). If you notice your system wakes up in a stressed out state, take ACTION. How can I regulate myself? You have the power to intercept and manage your stress cycles.

4. Did I have a restful weekend that allowed me to feel organized or prepared for this week? Or can I recognize that I may be spending my time indulging in things that feed a stress cycle?

5. Plan for healthy meals

6. Drink at least one glass of water (bonus if you add lemon) upon waking up to stimulate your brain and body and eliminate toxins.

7. Prioritize grounding in nature as a regular practice. Nature offers us a potent way to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression as it regulates our bodily functions and soothes the nervous system.


At least 95% of your daily behavior is governed by your subconscious brain. Which means that only 5% (or perhaps even less) of your daily behavior is in your conscious awareness. Meaning, you are unaware of 95% of the reason why you are functioning the way you are. Unless, of course, you are doing subconscious work.

This piece of information is exactly what I have built my philosophy and work on - the idea that we MUST understand what is within our subconscious that is contributing to the way we show up in the world. Recent literature and research estimates that the vast majority of humans are living unconsciously - and it really shows.

Get into the depths of your brain to unlock your potential, kick old hard-wired habits, and wake up to a new level of feeling alive and awake. Connect with me to start learning today! 🧠


Surrender is not a bad word, and it not resignation. Resignation implies that we have given up, that we will take no further action. Surrender means to accept the conditions of the current moment and work with it, not against it. Resistance only creates further suffering and keeps you in a stress cycle. Whether it’s an unexpected turn of events, a difficult day with your kids, or a painful emotion. Notice it and hold it in intense conscious awareness. Allow it to be what it is. From this grounded place of observing and surrendering, there, you will take whatever action is necessary. When we make decisions out of a place of resistance, this ego-based response will not be sustainable in some form or another.

Surrendering in practice looks like:

Noticing the wave of emotions and intensity of how I feel. Just noticing.

Total acceptance of the present moment, with wisdom that you can not change what has been done. So why spend precious energy dwelling? It is done.

Acceptance of the fact that we can not change others/not resisting the behavior of others (this does not mean not having boundaries, it means knowing you can not change a person’s actions, only your reaction to it)



Making decisions from a grounded and intuitive place to manage what is within my control. What is needed in this moment? What can I do?

Resistance looks like:

Latching on to the stress of a situation

Needing to overly discuss and rehash events or emotions with frustration (different than processing)

Over-identifying with your mind and the story it has created around this situation

Having a harsh negative response to self, others, or the circumstance itself

Overly focusing on things out of my control

Extreme reactivity

Being able to surrender to life’s circumstances has been one of the greatest and humbling teachers on my path, and I hope it does the same for you. 💕


Every single day you wake up you have the opportunity to awaken out of your unconscious patterns, hold a light to the role you play in dysfunction, and recognize your ego and conditioning in action. Only you can make the unconscious conscious, and until you do so, your stress, struggles, addictions, and patterns of behavior will be driven by a defensive, resistant source. Choose to wake up to your truest self and truest potential today.

What does it mean to be truly conscious? What is this true self? If you are ready to live more deeply and more in peace, connect with me to learn more. ❤️


LETS GET OUR HEADS OUT OF OUR PHONES! So much suffering comes from not being in the power of NOW and allowing our minds to work against us. How might your mental health, productivity, or practices of self-love or self-care change if you weren’t constantly grabbing for your phone or electronic devices? What would it be like to go days upon days without getting sucked into the distraction of these things? These distractions offer us such easy access to increasing our stress hormones, and eating away at our mental health and full potential. I challenge you to substitute each time you grab for your phone mindlessly, to replace it with something with meaning. There are other ways to practice mindless activities. There are other ways to practice self-care. There are other ways to enjoy your leisure time. A pattern of behavior around habitual phone use/addictive relationships with screens and meaningless content is one that is working against your health and your ability to get to where you want to be. Look long and hard at your goals and your values, and be honest with yourself about the barriers that get in the way of you being present and active in your own life. I truly believe if everyone gave a fraction of the time that they spend distracted by media to personal developmental, we would be living an entirely different world. 🙌🏻


The brain is wired for negativity - it takes an intentional and consistent practice to re-route this bias. Recognize when your mind and the negativity bias are taking over and practice choosing presence and the new state of being you are trying to achieve. The more we neglect the solidified neural pathway of negativity and destructive patterns or thoughts, the quicker it will dissipate. Neuroplasticity offers us the possibility of expansion beyond our stress induced, self-destructive minds. You literally hold the power to reshape your brain and find peace. It. Is. Possible. ✨💕


This is an interesting concept - that we can become addicted to a chemical reaction in the brain tied to negative emotional experiences. Who would want to create more negativity and stress in their brain and body? This is a deeply unconscious process - until it isn’t. Emotional addiction manifests in many ways. Be the observer to your patterns and increase your awareness of your role in subconsciously creating situations that fuel and feed pain and stress. What do you notice about the cycles of emotions you experience? Do you notice that you engage in something daily or consistently that impacts how your brain and body feel in an intense or negative way? We all have a role in our stuff, taking accountability of where that role is harmful must be part of a consciousness journey. ✨🧠

Photos from Consciously Connected's post 28/11/2023

Seek within and you shall find ✨🗝


🦃🍂 Happy Thanksgiving: How Our Ancestors Thrived in Health and Harmony 🌾🍁

As we gather around the table, let's take a moment to reflect on the wisdom of our ancestors and the power of ancestral living. Ancestral living refers to the idea that our ancestors laid out a blueprint for a healthy lifestyle - a lifestyle that was free from much of what causes us disconnection and dis-ease today.

🌽 They consumed real, organic, unprocessed foods necessary for sustaining life. A whole foods diet that provided essential nutrients for what the body needs, including the consumption of organ meats.

🚶‍♂️ Physical activity was a part of daily life, connecting them to the earth and to the importance and value of their physical bodies. Consistent movement also provided them with "feel good" chemicals in the brain on a daily basis.

🌞 They honored circadian rhythms, following the sun's cycle for work and rest. Our best, healthiest sleep happens when we are in sync with the sunrises and sunsets.

🌲 Nature was a source of solace, play, spirituality, creativity, inspiration, appreciation, food, and medicine. Nature immersion on a daily basis also provides the brain with chemicals conducive to feeling well and buffering out stress.

👨‍👩‍👧 Rituals of connection to each other were built into daily life, songs, prayer, or the way a system worked together and protected each other.

How far have we gotten away from some of these tenets of ancestral living, and what is the impact of this on our health?

This Thanksgiving, let's embrace these timeless lessons and cultivate a lifestyle that aligns us with the wisdom of generations past. 🙏💚

May your day be filled with gratitude, love, and a deep connection to your roots. Happy Thanksgiving! 🍗🧡


It’s not “toxic positivity” to wake up every day and acknowledge what you DO have and what you HAVE accomplished. It’s training your brain to orient to what is accessible and available to you. It’s grounding, it’s humbling, and it allows you to shift outside of a survival based and rushing-to-the-next moment perspective and into one of presence and appreciation. If you feel like you are truly searching for things to be grateful for, try focusing on the basics of living that may be true for you. Such as, I am grateful that I am able to see. I am grateful I am able to walk. I am grateful I am able to hear. I am grateful I have somewhere warm to sleep. There will ALWAYS be something negative you can give your attention to, however valid it may be- just remember, where your attention goes, energy flows. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good will come from focusing your attention on negative aspects of your life. If you do not train your brain to focus on what is positive in your life, it will, by default, pull you into the ever-present negativity bias. Gratitude is transformative. ✨


This can be a topic that elicits defensiveness in the parenting world, but I promise you this is something that serves the overall health of your children. The over-normalization of screen use for kids has had a tremendous impact on childhood, behaviors, and development. Check out my new blog post for more insight and screen-free ideas, link to my page in my bio! ❤️


If you are a screen user at night and want to see drastic changes in how you feel - disengage from your devices by 6pm (or at least two hours before bed). Screen use before bed cuts off melatonin production by 50% and sends a cascade of stress hormones through your brain and body. So instead of restful sleep, you get poor quality, disruptive sleep and wake up in a stressed out state to start your day. When your body’s sleep needs go chronically unmet, mental health and physical health issues begin to emerge. Your brain and body depend on quality healthy sleep, and if you deprive yourself of this your mental and physical health will without a doubt deteriorate. You have control over your health. Eliminate night time screen use for better mental and physical health 🧠💓


Aside from the obvious fact that children are operating with an under-construction brain, here are some MAJOR influences of their behavior. Anytime someone comes to me with a child who has behavioral struggles I prompt them to examine these areas FIRST. Your child’s behavior is ALWAYS happening for a reason. We must understand behavior in kids from a holistic viewpoint - one that honors and respects the idea that in order for us to function our best, our brains and bodies have to be treated well. So before we blame, shame, or punish a child, let’s first consider the factors. There is so much to learn about what provides your kiddos with the foundation and the tools they need to navigate their emotional and physical health. Take radical responsibility for your children and transform your family for years to come ✨


I believe primal or attachment wounds are one of the most overlooked contributing factors to poor mental and physical health. And there can be so much misunderstanding around what this actually means! These types of wounds on the psyche and on the body have the power to shape your behavior in remarkable ways. Check out my new blog post on understanding what a primal or attachment wound really is, and determine if this may be a factor for you. Link in bio! 💛


PLEASE do not let fear, anxiety, and stress allow you to abandon your consciousness and your desire to live more enlightened, and more healthily. Fear and stress are both very appropriate emotions when shifting your life, your health, your mindset, and your perspective. Process that emotion, move through it, and ground into why you are choosing this in the first place. Do not lose sight of your WHY. Easier is never better. 💛🌱


Holistic mental health coaching provides you with the support you need to:

🧠 Engage in subconscious processing
🧠 Understand how the deepest, most powerful parts of your brain and body function (and how to protect them)
🧠 Examine and address root causes of issues
🧠 Awaken to truths of our culture massively impacting your health
🧠 Get better sleep
🧠 Learn and implement information to increase nutritional consciousness
🧠 Overcome urges to engage in harmful behavior
🧠 Reduce or eliminate substance use
🧠 Learn effective, research based skills and psych-ed material for every day life
🧠 Gain clarity around decision making and life path
🧠 Deepen the connection to self
🧠 Develop wealth consciousness
🧠 Create specific goals and checkpoints of accountability
🧠 Understand the brain-body connection as one
🧠 Unlock your potential

There’s no better day than today to begin investing in yourself! Connect with me to get started today ✨


Our brain struggles immensely to create new neural pathways (new connections in the brain) if it is not being properly supported. It NEEDS the right fuel to give us the best outcomes. Absolutely everything you do or don’t do plays a role in your mental and physical health. If you want to feel your best, you must examine ALL facets of your lifestyle. This doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and you don’t have to address it all at once. Just begin looking at these facets of your life and how it may be impacting how you feel. Set simple, realistic goals for change and build from there. Start giving your brain the fuel it craves, and protect it from the things that feed illness 🧠💓


Looking for something that is actually effective in improving your health? The big problem with most interventions when it comes to mental or physical health and trying to facilitate change is that people start to address and fight with the cognitive and conscious parts of their being. This absolutely has its’ time and place, but the reality is, the root of our issues (fears, emotions, addictions, patterns of behavior, habits) that plague us are living deep within our brain - housed in the subconscious. Brainspotting is an intervention that uses your visual field to locate brain spots that hold a bundle of neurons that are “stuck”. Releasing this allows your brain and body to complete the stress cycle, uncover insight, peace, clarity, and connection back to the self. Brainspotting is a profound and powerful tool to help you access a new level of clarity and health. Learn more at or connect with me to start your process. Let’s find your freedom!! 🌱🧠


As long as you have that burning desire for something different, I have your back on the rest! 💛 In my own journey I found there was so much conflicting and just straight up false information out there, making it harder for me to feel like I was gaining progress or even understanding myself. I lot of what I have read (and continue to read) can be very shaming, blaming, and counterproductive. I have worked tirelessly to find accurate, sound information and effective interventions to allow you to feel your best - and my promise is to always deliver this in a grounded, judgement free zone. If you find yourself overwhelmed but are set on getting started, I am your gal 👋🏼 Connect with me and let’s jump into this together! 🧠☀️


✨ Conquering means “to successfully overcome a problem or a weakness”. We all have such problems or “weaknesses” - some of which do not interfere with our lives, and some of which very much do. If you are feeling powerless to overcome the things that do disrupt your life, you do not have to undertake the process alone. Commitment to doing things different can be extremely overwhelming, discouraging, and it is most definitely not a linear path of growth. Allow me to provide you with the latest information and research to assist and empower you on your path to conquer habits that keep you feeling stuck. For we can not successfully conquer until we have the right tools, knowledge, and the most effective strategies to gain control. Here’s to conquering ! 💫 🧠


Anxiety stems from a wide range of potential causes - but it always has a root source. Challenge yourself to be mindful of the daily practices that are absolutely within your control to manage differently. When we are only managing the symptom and not digging deeper, we do a serious disservice to ourselves. A very powerful part of our brain (the subconscious) is often playing a role in anxiety symptoms - learn more about the power of your subconscious and how to come into partnership with it for healthy, sustainable shifts. Educating others on this fascinating part of our being is one of my greatest passions 💛 Connect with me to armor yourself with the knowledge you need , link in bio! 📒✏️


Take your power back by understanding your emotional triggers. 🧠 When do you become reactive? In what situations do you lose control of your behavior, actions, or words? Losing control can look like anger, lashing out, shutting down, impulsively using substances, eating, or spiraling in our thoughts. We are not ourselves in these moments, and depending on how we react, these moments can induce a lot of shame and guilt for behaving in a way that is harmful to ourselves and others. A reactive and out of control state happens because we drop into a survival/fear based response. Learn about the parts of your emotional world that trigger this reaction, and the strategies to assist you in getting your brain out of a reactive state. Operating in consciousness means learning what you can to understand and manage your behavior. You have the power to feel more in control! 🧠🌱 Connect with me to learn more about what creates these intensely reactive moments , link in bio!


If there is one thing we underestimate, it’s our negligence in dealing with our stress and emotions. A large portion of our culture chooses very ineffective ways to deflect emotions and stress, and as a result it becomes trapped in your system and prevents proper functioning of the brain and body. Research shows that daily stress has the same potential to wreak havoc on your brain and body as big traumas when it goes unchecked. Mismanaging emotions and stress is NO JOKE and has huge implications on your health. Gain the knowledge you need to release emotional energy and restore health. Connect with me for 1:1 consultation and support or join our foundations program to begin educating yourself on these powerful concepts.

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You can not sustain relationships without a certain level of consciousness. Reasons why a lack of consciousness breaks d...
LISTEN ‼️ We ALL face challenges, DO NOT LET THE FACADE of social media make you feel less than. If you notice that you ...
PLEASE do not let fear, anxiety, and stress allow you to abandon your consciousness and your desire to live more enlight...
Hey Everybody 👋🏼 A little re-intro to emphasize my presence for those who are really trying to get out of their patterns...
What if instead of looking in the mirror to scrutinize and find a reason to make an appointment for something, we saw li...
Your best bet in conserving your emotional energy and holding an emotionally immature person accountable is to disengage...
I recently watched a woman on the beaches of Maui spend over 30 minutes filming herself while her kids played in the san...
I often talk about how people get stuck in a state of living passively. This is when we allow life to just “happen”. We ...
Alllll the things we do to avoid being alone with ourselves —scrolling, binge watching, eating, numbing with substances,...
Be sure to take your mental and spiritual “vitamins” by consciously choosing to affirm, seek out, and focus on all thing...
Here’s what the problem ACTUALLY is: Our food is heavily contaminated, affecting the functioning of our brains and bodie...
A large percentage of our behavior is driven by our subconscious—so it only makes sense that we learn about it to find s...