A bookish Mom

A bookish Mom

This page is for anyone who likes bookish Contents, recommendation, book quotations, book reviews, s


Here is my current read...
I am 50 pages in and it is an interesting read..

The World Between Us by Sara Naveed


Here is my 2021 wrap up
I read 30 books some of them were great while others were meh. I happen to read some different genres this year too.
These are my favorite.. have you read any of them. Let's talk about them

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
It End with Us by Colleen Hoover
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
Love Knot by Hina Shamsi
Ishqzaad by Nazia Kamran
What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty
The Last Star Standing by C.G.Twiles
The Dollhouse by Sara Ennis


I have read my fair share of  domestic thrillers and this was anything but boring.
The story was gripping and was constantly taking turns . Story was narrated by two daughters in laws of an Italian family settled in Brighton UK.
The writing was very engaging and character building was spot on. There was a point where I can definitely imagine all the characters and would have anticipated their reactions.

Personal note:
I wish I have the confidence and optimism of Maggie .
Anna can be related to the 85% Mother in Laws of Pakistan but I think if the story was set in Pakistan Anna would have all the different reaction about Lara and Massimo.


LINK TO SOUL by Rida Ashraf

Review Time:

Link to soul by is the story of Ibrahim and Khair ul wara .
Ibrahim following his dream went to Greece to study and adjusting to his new life.
On the other hand Khair ul wala his cousin living in his house  is studying here in Pakistan.

Life take some turns and both of them have to surrender infront of fate. I don't want to reveal the story there I'd so much happening in the story.

According to me the book was a very good effort as a new author. The script is a very easy read so beginners can also enjoy it.

The story is really relatable to our culture .

The main theme of the book as mentioned in the name is normal people's link to spirituality in their normal life and their ability to understand that .

One of the thing I love about the writing is that it described the scene so beautifully one can easily picture what is happening there.
The bond between Khair Ul Wara and Dr Sana was one of the best friendships in the story.
I wish desi parents become half of the parents Ibrahim have.

You all will get my points once you read this book.
The book was  buddy read by and is available with the author.


~Review Time~
I have this book on my tbr for so long and on my bookshelf for more than 7 months but I finally picked it up so here is what I think of the book.
This is a mystery thriller about a couple whose 6 month old  baby girl got abducting when they were attending a party next door. Yeah they were attending party leaving an infant alone in the house.
The chapters are neither short nor lengthy. The pace of the book was on the slower side but story was moving steadily after every chapter.
At 18th chapter it was revealed that who is the kidnapper but that thing changes after few chapters.
In beginning it feels like that it will be a story from detective point of view but it was all from the parents.
In the last few chapter the story was wrapped up nicely but I didn't care for the unnecessary drama just in the last chapter.. it felt like the act out of spite just to spice up the ending but for me it didn't do anything.

I rated ⭐ ⭐⭐/5 on goodreads.. Shari Lapena will not be my first choice for thrillers but can be read sometimes ☺

.. Name the recent thriller you read which blow your mind??


This was a liberty publishing book and I buddy read it with some more bookstagrammers from

The synopsis and the book reviews mentioned on the covers were intriguing and gives the impression that the book is about suppressed women living in the city of Karachi.
The story started with a boy named Jamal aka jimmy who lives next door to some 4 sisters. He always wanted to know them and one day he got the chance to meet one of them Ayesha which lead him to know them and their family well.
Jamal lived with his grandfather as his parents died when he was a child and being an introvert he was loving the company and friendship of the four sisters.

The book comprises of three parts which were all written from Jamal's point of view. Chapters are long and boring. One can easily detect the resemblance of the plot from the famous classic LITTLE WOMEN by Alcott. My interest spikes in the third part where sisters started behaving unnaturally after their mothers' death but whole things lead to nothing.
The book can be written in so much better way instead of turning it into a desi version of the famous classic.
At some points, the writer forgot that her characters are from Pakistan and the use of certain terms and sentences seems a bit out of place.
My rating is ⭐/5 stars and I don't recommend the book. There are way too many books to read.
P.S. I was baffled all the time reading it because I really loved Little Women I think author should have mentioned that this is inspired work or something...

Tell me a book that you absolutely hated??


Hello peeps,
I was sent this PR book from LOVE KNOT by and I am so grateful that they chose me for this.
Look at the beautiful cover oh this is one of  the most beautiful books on my book shelf.

If you haven't heard about this beautiful book so keep reading because this book was beyond my expectation.

This is a story of Aaira who thought she is getting her happily ever after and how her life turned out because of unrealistic expectations of our society.

This is the story of Maria who didn't take a right decision on time because of HAW HAYE of people and regretted that.

This is the story of a mother who should have supported her kids in their decisions instead she thought about Log Kiya Kahain Gay.

This the story of a girl who fought all her emotional and mental demons independently and sensibly.

This is the story of a women destroying the life of other.

This is the story of a single mother and her struggles to raise a different man in this society.

This is the story of love.

This is the story of Aira and Mehmat and their second chance of LOVE ❤.

This is the story of a Man who understands that his Wife is a separate person from him.

My Review:
It was an amazing and unputdownable book for me.
This book takes you to Turkey and  introduces the reader with their cuisine and culture and baklava and kunefeh and Yum .
Being a krachitte Aaira should be more careful following the Mehmat but then she can't find her love there.😄😄

I was amazed how easily Hina was able to pinpoint very little things which sometimes is all we want from a family.

The type of mother Aaira turned out to be in phenomenal someday I wish I might be that supportive of my sons and have the patience to support them with love no matter what.
As title suggests it is a romance novel but for me it was more about Aaira, Merub and Zofeen.
The best part is the readability and how Hina wrote the translation of urdu words used.
I was waiting for Mehmat to land in Pakistan too 😌


: What did you usually have in your breakfast?
I am looking for some ideas


I was sent the ARC of Hiring Mr Darcy by Netgalley and it was sitting on the TBR for so long.
And I am really feeling sorry that I didn't  read it sooner as it turned out to be an interesting book.(remember a meme 😅)

I think it will be more interesting for those who had read  Pride and Prejudice unlike me but I have watched the movies based on it and It was good enough for me to get the references.

This is a story of Meg who is a Jane Austin fanatic or more appropriately teaches her to her students and wanted to took part in a Jane Austin festival with her Boyfriend Harrison. But he dumped her as a partner for a younger starlet so out of frustration she decided to took part on her own and hire his replacement.
Here comes the dreamy Jeremy who made her feel all wooed and important and most of all No No I I not going to spoil it for all

This is a contemporary romance novel and made me laugh at several scenes which is really rare ,I mean RARE .....

It is a light read where one knows where the story is going .

I heard people having mixed reviews about it but I  thoroughly enjoyed the book.
It was light and easy going read with real feeling not morally high feelings and I think every once in a while everyone is entitled to feel like this...

I rated the book ⭐⭐⭐.5/5 on goodreads and I am definitely recommending this as a light read.

P.S. I am definitely going  to ask some serious Mr.Darcy level question to my Husband.


QOTD: What books are you seeing everywhere on instagram and are you planning to read them??

The Dollhouse by Sara Ennis was an  electronic Advanced reader copy sent my way by booksiren and I am so grateful for this opportunity .
This is definitely a ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 read.

This is the story of Alfred who is collecting living blond, blue eyed human dolls to rewrite his past. He is creepy and craaazy.
This is the story of Angel, Bud and Olivia, who are at the mercy of this creep....What will happen to them??

I haven't read any psychological thriller this crazy for so long. I am usually not that easily creeped out by written word seeing everything here on news has make my nerves strong but this book made me throw my kindle away for the night watching Big Bang Theory for for good half hour.
The story is shocking, twisting,heart pounding and what not.

The book is well written and I really want them to be saved and want a little loophole somewhere so they can be rescued soon.

The chapters are short which kept me intrigued till the very end..
I was unable to put it down in last 30%of the book..
At a point I just wanted to put the kindle away and was scared for the dolls..

I heard that a sequence is in the progress so excited for that too.


چلنے والی مچھلی از تسنیم فریدی
Review Time
Recently I received this children's book from and I am so grateful for receiving this amazing book.

I always complain to people that children books in Urdu have no fresh content according to today's world but this book amazes me.

This is a story of a boy Amjad living in a very poorly conditions with his parents . One day he find this magical fish and his life changed..

The book portrays the clear picture of each scenario. It is not a story of poor kid it is a story of moral values and what not..

Readability is very good my 10 year old loved reading it and 7 year old wanted me to read to him again .

I am so happy and .faridi introduced this great book to our world and hoping that I will be reading more of her work in this genre.


Yesterday I got my PR package from and it was their new book by the "LOVE KNOT" . I am so excited to read this book and will post review soon ...


Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty

I saw the trailer of a series based on this book and rushed to read it and as always Liane Moriarity doesn't disappoint me..

I love the characters their stories and how the story of each character progresses.

As the title suggests there are 9 people who booked 10 day at a health retreat which claims to transform their clients.

My favorite charachter is of Frances obviously who is a romance writer. And Carmel has very beautiful expression of her feelings... infact I love each and everyone part except Masha.

The story discusses many issues which can easily effect one's mental health and how people react to this musing thrown to us by fate.

I just love how Moriarty never ends a book in all so happy way... there is always more practical more acceptable endings .

  Which book to series/movie should not be made?? Like  total disappointment...


My TBR for August /September... I hope to read these ...
I am in dilemma I want to read all of them can't decide which one instead I started watching Netflix doing this for the last week ... Can anyone help?? I am open for tips...
QOTD What are you reading and what should I read first??


"When in a bad reading slump pick up a Colleen Hoover book" this is becoming my mantra... Who else agree with me??

This book just grips you right from the very first chapter.
The hots between Layla and Leeds is beautiful and sensual.
When I started this book I had no idea what is the Plot of the book other than that it will be a love story of some kind but after the first half I was excited to read what to come next.
I started having Leeds for his morality but in the end that all justifies somewhat maybe meh 😐

I just love how Layla has a different POV on many things. She is really fun to be around .
I don't want to say anything about the writing of CoHo she is just muahhh....

I recommend the book to everyone
I rated it ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 on goodreads


The Last Star Standing by C.G.Twiles was my first book by this author and I can guarantee that her books are going to be my must have list....

I rated ⭐⭐⭐⭐ on Goodreads

The book is about a singing reality show winner Pipper Dunner who from the famous and beloved singer of the nation becomes a nobody so soon. She is happily married and is almost a mom misses being the famous singer and jealous of the runner up Hayden who is famous Star and have already won an Oscar.

Then something start happening to her and she started finding reasons for the demise of her career.

The story was gripping and unputdownable in the second half . I find it a little slow in the first few chapters. Pipper going back in time and thinking about her days on the reality show are little too much detailed for me.

I love the friendship between Piper and Jojo and how they both have compassion for each other after all this time.

The chapters are short and kept me hooked to the story.... I finished the last 10 chapterd in the morning before breakfast.... I was too anxious to eat having mirror syndrome with Pipper...

I will recommend the book to every thriller lover and would love to read her next book for sure.

I received this ARC from and I am so happy that I do...


Here is my Review of the PR package I received the other day

LAMHAY NE KAHA is collection of poetry  by a Pakistani poetess Munira Qureshi.
It is the collection of her life's work in Azad Nazm by poetess.

Just by looking at the index one can be sure to be in for a treat as there are so many different topics.
The introduction by poetess was one hopeful and  interesting bit.

My Opinion:
    For me poems should have rhythym and verses needed to rhyme but these poems kept my interest .
One can easily get the hint of sadness in the poems which was not showed in the introduction. This reminds me of Ibn e Insha..
She seriously have good grasp on scene description as I can visualize some places pretty clearly.
There was hardly a poem with the conventional urdu poetry topics like jewelry and unloyality etc so it was a plus for me.
The book is so beautiful inside if you are not into poetry that much it will be a great addition to your book collection

Some of my favorite poems are
1. Darinday
2. Mashriqui Aurat
3. Sawal Jawab
4. Jazba e Dosti.
Having that one descriptive line about poems help understand the context better.

This book can be ordered

لمحے نے کہا ایک پاکستانی شاعرہ منیرہ قریشی کی آزاد نظموں کا مجموعہ ہے۔
سب سے پہلے سرورق کی بات کرتے ہیں جو کے مجموعہ کے نام کی ہی طرح  لامحدودیت کو اپنے اندر سموئے ہوئے ہے۔
فہرست پے نظر ڈالیں تو اندازہ ہوتا ہے کہ بہت ہی الگ الگ موضوعات پر قلم آرائی کی گئی ہے۔
شاعرہ نے کتاب کے آغاز میں بےانتہا  دلچسپ تعارف لکھا ہے۔
اب آتے ہیں نظموں کی طرف۔۔۔۔ زیادہ تر کلام میں غمگین پہلو نمایاں ہے لیکن امید بھی نظر آرہی ہے۔
بہت عام جذبات کو بہت خاص انداز میں بیان کیا ہے۔
خواتین شعراء کی طرح چوڑی، گجرا، بیوفائی اور محبوب کی بےاعتنائ سے ہٹ کر لکھا ہے۔
شاعرہ نے کچھ جگہ پہ کمال کی منظر کشی کی ہے لگتا ہے کہ آنکھوں سے دیکھ رہے ہیں۔
کچھ الفاظ جو تقریبا متروک ہو چکے ہیں وہ پڑھ کر بہت اچھا لگا۔
میری کچھ پسندیدہ نظمیں:
مشرقی عورت
سوال جواب
جذبہء دوستی
کچھ نظموں کے آخر میں سیاق و سباق کا حوالہ بھی ہے جو نظم کو پڑھنے کا مزہ بڑھا رہا ہے۔


  if you have to donate all your books and to keep only one which book would it be and why??
  I will keep my copy to Twilight with me  because it was a first book by my non reader husband when we first got engaged❤

I have to say the book lives upto its name... Reading it was a Dilemma to me as I want to read it but I don't want to read it.
B.A.PARIS is my goto thriller author I have to read any book by her because of   but this book hits a different cords of my brain.(I wish you can hear the bhishoom sound my brain is making while writing this 😀😊). She is such a good writer that she wrote almost 300+ pages novel on a topic that can be finished in just 150 pages.
When I started this book I had noticed that it will be  family drama.This is a story of a couple who is keeping secrets from each other. And for me that is a real secret one should never keep from any parent. I was unable to accept the fact that one can feel husband's anxiety and choose not to ask or wait till the party is over.
I really liked the writing style in short chapters and telling the perspectives of both Livia and Adam side by side but at a point it become irritating for me and I just wanted to skip a few chapters but can't 😥.
I rated ⭐⭐⭐/5 on goodereads and anyone if you haven't read anyother book by B.A.PARIS go for it but not a first choice if you have read her other work.


Remembrance by Jude Deveraux is set in Victorian Era .... my favorite Era I love to read novels set in Victorian Age where the protagonist is a writer who fall in love with the leading man of her new book.

Interesting haan

The book is about past lives. It has mystery, trill,love,romance, magic and what not.
If you are into these types of books go for it.


Here is another old favorite of me

MASTER OF GAMES by Sidney Sheldon.
This is the story of Kate Blackwell and her family. The story is spread through the family tree.
This story makes you love her and hate her at the same time.
Story statrs with an ordinary but ambitious man going for diamond prospect in South Africa.
I have learnt a lot from this book and one of my favorite of Sidney Sheldon.
I still look for his books and regret selling those book which I had.

Tell Me Your Dream
Other Side of Midnight

are other favorites by him.

I have read many thrillers and mystery novels contemporary too but I still think that Sidney Sheldon wrote it BEST.
: Who is your all time favorite author??



I have decided to share some if my all time favorite books unless I am reading my current read.

The Class by Erich Segal is a classic novel and my all time favorite.

I read this book when  I was in my graduate year and I loved it then and I loved it now.

I have lost the count of how many time I have read this book, you can guess by the condition of this book.

The story is about 5 students of Harvard, their life in university and outside the academy.

This book taught really big lessons of life and how life not always follow the plan.

ERICH SEGAL has written many books but this is my second favorite and nahi Love Story is not my favorite book. He has an engaging writing style which captured the reader's interest and they can relate with the characters.

One might not able to find the copy of this book but give it a try read an ebook or borrow or look at old book stalls .

Lately I have been remembering the snippets of the book may be its time for another re read.

: Where are you if you are in your book?
: I am in Florence,Italy


: Name a character with whom you related the most and why?

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty is a very wel  written book which progressed developing the characters and their life's journey.
I love the book and still I am loss of words what to say about it.
The story is about Alice (as the name suggests) and Nick's life. One day Alice hit her head in the gym and forgot 10years of her life including her kids and why she is separated with her husband and getting a divorce.
This is Alice's journey to get her life on track and remembering what she has become in the last 10 years from a 29 years old newly married  to 39 year old mum.
In addition there are letters of Frannie her adopted granny (yes you read it right) to her fiancé and  her sister Elizabeth to her therapist which added a different perspective. Many people think that these hijacked Alice's journey but for me that was another perspective. Reading only about Alice would be not that fun.
I definitely related to the mom part of the book but this book discuss a lot more issues then that. I learn a lot and may be I let go somethings too.
My heart goes out with Elizabeth and her struggles which is hard for me to understand.
I rated this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5  stars on goodreads and wonder why I rated this book this late.



A scientist who believes all the spiritualist are fraud and is on the mission to proof that in London.
A lady who serve as a medium between living and death and doesn't use the fraudulent methods and very discrete in her work.

How both of them ended at the haunted house where massacre took place and calling the next heir.

This is my first spooky, horror book and I love it.. the heat between the leas characters was light and exciting.
The writing was gripping. The scene description was on point. The story was fast paced and easily grabs readers attention.
It was unputdownable.

I rated the ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 on goodreads. Anyone wants to grab a good spooky book this is for you

Photos from A bookish Mom's post 16/04/2021

I received this copy of Scone of Contention by Lucy Burdette and I am so happy that I did.

This is a mystery set in Scotland where the protagonist Hayley with his husband and an elderly friend Miss Gloria was visiting her Sister In Law on her honeymoon. ہاں وہاں بھی خاندان گیا تھا ھنی مون پہ ساتھ۔۔
Where she witnessed some accidents which make her suspicious of the people around her. Especially her Sister in law Vera and her friends Ainsley,Gavin and Glenda.

The mystery revolves around the places they visited and Hayley was very much interested in solving thsi mystery.

As Hayley was Food Critic in the magazine and the serious Foodie the book is full of tasty delights and delicious foods and keeps my mouth water.

The writing was intelligent and gripping. The setting of book initially in Keywest and then in Scotland was awesome. The book satisfies all the hit points of a mystery lover and most importantly being a foodie the food, recipes and the description of food was just mouth-watering. I am definitely going to try the Scones now.

The book is 11th in the series and all the books revolves around the food checkout the titles of other books they are all very interesting. There are recipes of all the food in the end پکا لو اور مجھے بھی کھلاءے ضرور

And lastly look at the cover it is so beautiful I read the eArc on my but I simple adore the cover I found on goodreads.

I rated this book ⭐⭐⭐/5 on goodreads
The book publishes on 10th August 2021


What is your dream in life??

Kal main aik series dekh rhy thi wahan aik heroine ko uska dost mashwara daita hai k agar tumhara dream hai tu tum is k liye mehnat karo... and being the overthinker main sochnay lagy k mera dream kiya hai zindagy main??

Main is tarha se sochnay main akely hun ya or bhi log hain ju aesa sochtay hain ya kuch log waqi ambitious hain or koi dream rakhtay hain ...So I am asking again .



Let's play today.... that can be any book or magazine


"Men tell stories,” I say. “Women get on with it. For us it was a shadow war. There were no parades for us when it was over, no medals or mentions in history books. We did what we had to during the war, and when it was over, we picked up the pieces and started our lives over."
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah  is a historical fiction novel based on the story of two French sisters separated by years,experience and ideals.
But when war broke in 1943 they both have to make some choices with risks of lose.
The writing is impeccable. Every character is well fitted in the plot and its value of emotion.
I am not a crier but I will admit that I can feel the pain.. the tragedy of WWII is written in many books and shown in movies but here I wanted to know what happened next but I don't want this story to finish I don't want leave these sisters behind..
Readers appear to love this book but there are many who hated the book and discrepancies in the timeliness and things but for me this book is an emotional journey and I know it will remain with me for a long time.
There were some very disturbing scenes where Isabelle is reminding herself to stay alive and thought everything is fragile while on the other hand Vianne's struggle with right the winters brrrrr...
I rated with book⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5  stars on goodreads and recommend to everyone.
: how does negative comments about something you read and liked make you feel??



I was sent an eARC ...It was my first book by Kane and definitely not the last...
This is a "gangland "thriller set in a Mainland Glasgow.. where Reid is the king and anyone who tries to mess with him or his business will never see the light of day....
Maisie the young 16 year old daughter of heroine addict parents got pregnant and was afraid for her child..
Annie Wicks end up in a bar where she met the life she didn't know and was exciting for it..
Leah Martin a perfect mother and Housewife spill some of her secrets to her friends about the robbery she did a long time ago..
With lots of characters and lots of twist the book is engaging and interesting...
I love the fact how every character is connected in some way...
At some point it feels like I am watching a bollywood movie..
Only thing that bothers me was excessive use of abusive words but it guess that was part of being gang language..
I rated this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 on goodreads


I tried flatlay for first time...
Does abusive language in books makes you uncomfortable too??

Review post:
I have been reading this amazing book for a week and in the end I deliberately slowed down because I don't want it to end..

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarity...
Cecelia thought she knows her husband but one day she found a letter written by her husband in a dusty attic and her life changed..
The story had some more characters all if them are relatable to me the struggle between the right and wrong is real..
The story builds at a good pace and characters which are many I mean MANY are linked in a way with each other..
I rated this book 🌟🌟🌟🌟 on goodreads and Liane Moriarity will be a my new favourite ...
Many people think the book is boring or cliched but for me it was like a movie where there are several stories which got connected in the end..
I seriously feel bad for Mr.Whitby.

