My Dark Path - MF Thomas

My Dark Path - MF Thomas

Stories from the fringes of history, science, & the paranormal. Creator & Author: MF Thomas This is why we also release a new podcast episode every fortnight.

Welcome to My Dark Path, a fascinating platform where we delve into the less traveled corridors of history, the intriguing elements of science, and the captivating realms of the paranormal. This is a hub for enthusiasts and explorers, who revel in unraveling the mysteries and unexplained phenomena that our world has to offer. If you're intrigued by the enigmatic, find thrill in the unknown, and en


Let's dive into a story that's sure to send a chill down your spine, shall we?

Now, let's talk about Robert the Doll. I mean, come on, who doesn't love a good haunted doll story? It's the epitome of creepy, and it's got all the classic elements: odd noises, inexplicable happenings, and an eerie feeling of being watched.

Gene, our main character in this narrative, had an unusual attachment to Robert. He insisted on treating the doll like a living entity, even demanding that it be seated at the dinner table. You know what I mean? It's like those stories where kids insist their imaginary friends are real, but with a supernatural twist.

But here's where things take a turn for the bizarre. Gene's wife, Annette, reportedly felt unsafe around Robert. She would hear Gene arguing with the doll and, when left alone, she'd lock it away in the attic. Frightening? Absolutely. But also fascinating in a can't-look-away-from-a-car-crash kind of way.

So, what happened to Robert? Annette donated him to the East Martello Museum, claiming the doll moved around their house on its own.

You might be thinking, "Surely, that's the end of it?" But no, dear reader, this is where our story truly begins. For Robert's reign of terror isn't confined to a single household, it's now on display for all to see.

Stay tuned for more on this hauntingly intriguing tale. After all, who doesn't love a good scare before bedtime?

Share this post if you love spine-chilling stories like the tale of Robert the doll.

Photos from My Dark Path - MF Thomas's post 14/07/2023

Let's dive into a tale that's going to make your hair stand on end. You ready?

Picture this: It's a sweltering August afternoon, and Julian Carlton is serving lunch to his employer's family and guests.

There's a hum of conversation, the clink of cutlery, but by the end of the day, this scene will be unrecognizable.

So, Carlton asks his wife to head home early. Nothing suspicious there, right?

But then he fetches some gasoline, supposedly to clean the carpet.

And that's when things start to take a dark turn.

As soon as he's alone, Carlton locks all the doors. Within moments, the house is ablaze, a roaring inferno trapping everyone inside.

Sounds like a scene straight out of a horror movie, huh?

As the trapped occupants scramble for an escape, Carlton doesn't just stand back and watch.

No, he's got a hatchet in hand and he's not afraid to use it.

Borthwick and her son John, they never stood a chance.

They fell under Carlton's ruthless attack, while Martha, despite her severe injuries, was left to the merciless flames.

The horror doesn't end there. Carlton, in his relentless frenzy, targets the workers who are now ablaze, adding to the carnage.

By the time help arrives, it's a sight straight out of a nightmare.

Charred bodies, devastation everywhere.

It's a chilling reminder of the monstrous act of one man.

Now, how's that for a terrifying true crime story? Stick around, we've got more spine-chilling tales coming up.

Photos from My Dark Path - MF Thomas's post 07/07/2023

Have you ever thought about the tragic role of parsley in the history of Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

Let's dive deeper into this unusual and heart-wrenching tale.

For centuries, there's been a border dispute between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Now, let's talk about Dominican dictator, Raphael Trujillo, who wanted to settle this dispute with Haiti's president, Sténio Vincent.

But did you know that Dominican sugar plantations relied heavily on Haitian laborers for decades?

In September 1937, things took a dark turn when the Dominican army started rounding up Haitians along the border.

Trujillo gave a horrifying order to his army: murder every Haitian they encountered.

So, what does parsley have to do with this?

Well, soldiers carried sprigs of parsley and used it to determine the nationality of those they stopped.

Pronouncing parsley in the Spanish way meant survival, while pronouncing it in the French way led to ex*****on.

What are your thoughts on this shocking piece of history? Share your insights in the comments below.

Photos from My Dark Path - MF Thomas's post 30/06/2023

Have you ever heard of Jane Walford, the ultimate survivor of not one, but three witchcraft accusations?

Let me tell you her incredible story.

Back in 1648, Jane's neighbor, Elizabeth Rowe, accused her of witchcraft, but Jane was found not guilty.

Now, Jane wasn't one to let things slide.

She sued Elizabeth, won the case, and got a public apology and two pounds in compensation.

Fast forward to 1656, another neighbor, Susanna, cooked up a wild tale, accusing Jane of attacking her with fire and shapeshifting into a cat in the woods.

You know what they say about the woods being the devil's domain, right?

Well, Susanna's plan to have Jane executed didn't work, as Jane was found not guilty once more.

Jane faced a third witchcraft accusation from a physician in Boston, and guess what? She was found not guilty again!

I mean, come on, Jane was unstoppable.

She sued the physician, won the case, and received another public apology and five pounds in compensation.

Jane Walford's story is a shining example of resilience and determination in the face of false accusations and injustice.

What do you think about Jane's awe-inspiring journey?

Let me know in the comments, and stay tuned for more amazing stories of strength and perseverance!

Photos from My Dark Path - MF Thomas's post 23/06/2023

Have you ever heard about the unbelievable escape stories of WWII prisoners at Colditz Castle?

Well, let me tell you about some of the most daring and ingenious attempts.

Now, let's talk about Alain Le Ray, a French lieutenant who spotted an open door in a building meant for German junior officers.

What did he do?

He hid for an hour, and then made a run for it, successfully escaping the castle.

Let's move on to British officer Peter Allan, who came up with a unique way to break free.

He hid inside an old mattress that was scheduled to be removed from the castle.

And guess what?

The mattress was taken out, and Allan was free, without anyone even noticing.

Now, let's talk about Michael Sinclair, another British officer who was determined to escape.

He devised an elaborate plan, involving fake uniforms, with the hope of dismissing the German guards from their posts.

As prisoners watched, Sinclair began his performance.

But did it work?

Unfortunately, no. The guards saw through the disguise and triggered the alarm.

Tragically, Sinclair was shot during the commotion.

You know what I mean?

These incredible stories of bravery and determination during WWII are just a few examples of the lengths people went to in order to regain their freedom.


Have you ever heard the incredible story of soldiers who refused to be mere prisoners during World War II?

I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to escape from captivity, right?

Let's dive into the tale of Alain Le Ray, a French lieutenant who found himself in Colditz Castle, a notorious German POW camp.

Now, let's talk about seizing opportunities. Le Ray noticed an open door and just went for it.

After laying low for an hour, he made a run for it and successfully escaped.

You know what I mean? Sometimes you've just got to take a chance.

But wait, there's more.

Around the same time, an ingenious British officer named Peter Allan made his own daring escape.

He hid inside an old mattress that was scheduled to be removed from the castle.

Can you imagine the nerves of steel it took to pull that off?

Finally, let's talk about Michael Sinclair, a persistent British officer who refused to give up.

Sinclair crafted a bold plan, involving the creation of fake uniforms.

He believed he could fool the German guards and gain his freedom.

As prisoners watched from the windows, Sinclair began his performance.

Unfortunately, the guards were not so easily fooled, and Sinclair was shot in the ensuing chaos.

It's crazy to think about the lengths these brave men went to in their quest for freedom, isn't it?

Their stories serve as a reminder that sometimes, against all odds, determination and ingenuity can prevail.

So, next time you're facing a seemingly impossible challenge, remember the soldiers of Colditz Castle and ask yourself: "What would they do?"

Share this post if you want to hear the incredible stories of daring escapes from Colditz Castle!

Photos from My Dark Path - MF Thomas's post 16/06/2023

Did you know the CIA was once on the case of UFO sightings in Washington DC?

Yeah, that's right! Let's go back to 1947 when the CIA was established for foreign intelligence and covert action, but their early days weren't exactly smooth sailing.

Fast forward to July 19th, 1952, and Washington DC was buzzing with strange sightings in the sky and on air traffic control screens.

An airman at Andrews Air Force Base even reported an orange ball of fire moving at incredible speed.

You'd think this would prompt immediate action, right?

Well, fighter jets were sent to intercept these objects, but they came up empty-handed.

Now, let's talk about the week that followed.

Exactly one week later, the bizarre events repeated themselves, resulting in hundreds of sightings around the nation's capital.

At this point, the CIA couldn't ignore the situation any longer.

They decided it was time to investigate UFOs, believing there must be a simple earthly explanation.

But as months went by, the CIA hit a wall.

Too many sightings couldn't be explained as meteors or weather balloons, leaving the agency scratching their heads.

So, what happened next?

Well, that's a story for another day.

But if you're intrigued by the CIA's UFO investigations and other mind-blowing historical events, make sure to follow us for more captivating stories like this one.

Who knows what other secrets are waiting to be uncovered?

Photos from My Dark Path - MF Thomas's post 09/06/2023

So, did the US military lie about the Roswell incident?

Well, let's dive into the truth behind this famous UFO story and see what we can uncover.

Back in 1947, the Roswell Army Airfield announced they had recovered a "flying disc," which, as you can imagine, sparked widespread rumors and conspiracy theories.

But then, the military quickly changed their story, claiming the debris was actually from a weather balloon.

Now, let's talk about the skepticism that followed. Many people weren't convinced by the new explanation and continued to wonder what really happened.

Decades later, we finally got some answers. It turns out the debris was indeed a balloon, but not a weather balloon.

Let's move on to the top-secret operation called Project Mogul, which was the true purpose of the mysterious balloon.

Project Mogul aimed to detect sound waves from Soviet nuclear tests by using high-altitude spy balloons equipped with sensitive microphones.

So, why did the military mislead the public? To protect the secrecy of Project Mogul and keep the Soviet Union in the dark, of course.

In 1994, the US Air Force conducted an internal review of the Roswell incident and finally admitted to the deception.

While the Roswell incident may not have involved extraterrestrial life, it remains an intriguing example of Cold War espionage and government secrecy.

You know what I mean? It's fascinating how far a cover-up can go and the long-lasting effects it can have on public perception.

So, if you want to learn more about fascinating historical events and government secrets, don't hesitate to follow us for more eye-opening stories that will make you question what you thought you knew.


You know that feeling when you check into a hotel and everything seems perfectly normal, but then something strange happens? I mean, come on, we've all been there, right?

Now, let's talk about haunted hotels. You might be thinking, "Really? Ghosts in hotels? Are you kidding me?" But let me tell you, some of the most haunted hotels in the world have some seriously spooky stories to share. And guess what? The Taipei Hyatt is one of them.

Let's move on to the chilling tale of a guest's experience at this particular hotel. Picture this: you've just arrived in Taipei, checked into your room, and left for a short while to attend a meeting. When you return, you find the lights in your room switched off, even though you're certain you left them on. Strange, right?

But wait, it gets weirder. As you look around the dimly lit room, you notice a figure standing by the window. Your heart races as you try to make sense of the situation. Is this a case of hotel staff giving you the wrong room key? Or is something more sinister going on?

Now, I know what you're thinking. "This can't be real, right? It's just a figment of the guest's imagination." But let me tell you, this isn't the only spooky story that's been shared by guests of the Taipei Hyatt. In fact, the hotel has a reputation for being one of the most haunted hotels in the world.

So, do you believe in ghosts? Or is it all just a bunch of hocus pocus? The truth is, we may never know for sure. But one thing's for certain: haunted hotels like the Taipei Hyatt definitely make for a thrilling and unforgettable stay.

And who knows? Maybe next time you check into a hotel, you'll find yourself sharing your room with a ghostly presence. After all, stranger things have happened, right?

Like and save if you want to discover the haunting mystery of the Taipei Hyatt!


Welcome to My Dark Path - MF Thomas ! Stories from the fringes of history, science, & the paranormal.

By: Creator & Author: MF Thomas

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