Jarom Johnson

Jarom Johnson

This is the place for Dad's to find inspiration, support, and resources to assist them in accomplishing their entrepreneurial dreams and goals!


Getting "back in the saddle" can be difficult, especially after getting bucked off hard! A good friend can help calm your nerves and bring you the perspective needed to try again.


Fatherhood is so tough sometimes! But it does come with priceless rewards . . .

Team Hoyt an inspiration 21/09/2021

I was in need of some inspiration this morning . . . The interview below was just what I needed. This interview is with the Hoyt father-son racing duo that is just incredible!!!! So much to learn from these two men about fatherhood and entrepreneurship!


Team Hoyt an inspiration In 2012 I was lucky enough to meet and interview Rick and Dick Hoyt a father/son racing team that continues to inspire millions. This year they will be cross...


I love this quote from Lauren Gibbs . . .

Why Wait to get a New Digital Device? 04/09/2021

Wondering about getting a smart-device for your son or daughter? Here's a few things to consider . . .


Why Wait to get a New Digital Device? Just the other day, my eight year old daughter was trying her best to convince me that it was a good idea to get her a smart watch. ⁠—Now don’t get me wrong, I really think a smart watch is a terri…


The secret ingredient to sustainable progress. . .self-compassion. Extending forgiveness, understanding, and respect to one's self


It's easy to get distracted. Stick to your minimum viable product or skill (MVP). What is your MVP?

Wild at Heart 17/08/2021

Oftentimes, a little bit of 'crazy' helps our hearts come alive! The work of John Eldredge has impacted me greatly and helps me maintain balance in my life as I pursue entrepreneurship. Check out his message at:


Wild at Heart We live now in a culture of expertise, so completely second nature to us that we don’t give it a second thought. Cutting-edge advances in science and technology—ever sharpening, ever thrusting forward—are now available to anyone with an Internet... READ MORE

Media Choices: Where do we start? 13/08/2021

Struggling to find good media content for the kids . . .


Media Choices: Where do we start? Have you ever felt blind-sided with unwholesome content in a movie you just sat down as a family to watch? Or have you given permission to your child to watch a movie you thought was harmless only …


I've been listening to Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection. This book is helping me change . . .


"It's impossible to feel stress and gratitude at the same time."
-Clay Jacobsen

If You Feel Fear or Anxiety, Listen to This (Millionaire Secrets) | LESLIE ZANN 05/08/2021

Great stuff here on overcoming fear in business, in relationships, and in life . . .

If You Feel Fear or Anxiety, Listen to This (Millionaire Secrets) | LESLIE ZANN What are you afraid of?We all experience fear and anxiety, but what we do with is far more important.💰 Claim Your Free 'Millionaire Shortcut' Book Here 👉 h...

Cutting Back the Tech 30/07/2021


Cutting Back the Tech If you’re like me, you’ve been hit many times with the troubling realization that your kiddos are spending way too much time on screens and engaging with content that’s not so gre…


Courage over convenience; connection over comfort.


Find your Why

The Unpopular but Essential Skill 16/07/2021

When it comes to smart-phones and screen-time. Discipline is key.


The Unpopular but Essential Skill The Skill of Discipline As parents, the word “discipline” may very well trigger feelings such as drudgery, inadequacy, or weariness. If you ask me, this reaction isn’t surprising. We may have devel…


The ability to do challenging, difficult, or uncomfortable things over time for a desired result.

With Purpose: Part 2 25/06/2021

Have a goal in mind . . .


With Purpose: Part 2 “Our focus is our future and what we focus on will multiply in our life.” — David DeNotaris Have a Goal in Mind While Minecraft and Mario may be engaging games to play on a screen, the investment …


Writing content can be daunting. What I've found works for me is being consistent, doing a little each day.


I believe in accomplishing personal goals and dreams. I also believe that our most important life accomplishments will consist of the help we gave to others along life's journey.
Who can we lift, help and encourage today?

How To Overcome Struggles To Achieve TRUE SUCCESS! (Millionaire Secrets) | DARREN PRINCE 18/06/2021

This entire interview was so powerful! The following quote from Jeff Lerner really hit me . . .

"The beautiful thing about money is it gives you more power to do things that matter, but it doesn't mean that you've been doing things that matter."
-Jeff Lerner


How To Overcome Struggles To Achieve TRUE SUCCESS! (Millionaire Secrets) | DARREN PRINCE You CAN overcome life’s struggles and achieve TRUE success! 💰 Claim Your Free 'Millionaire Shortcut' Book Here 👉 https://getentre.com/z14osDarren Prince is...

2D vs Full Dimensional 09/06/2021


2D vs Full Dimensional Ever wonder why 3-D glasses were invented? Well, I don’t think it was to make the trees and flowers in the yard look better. Or to get a better look at ocean waves or the stars at night. As we all …


One of my goals that I plan to accomplish through entrepreneurship is helping a good friend of mine build a school for blind and vulnerable children in the Soroti region of Uganda. Not only will this school provide education, it will also provide housing, food, water, and medical care to children and youth lacking access to these basic necessities. What causes would you like to impact through entrepreneurship?


Here's a thought to cool down with as we roll into summer . . .


Why bother building wealth? Watch the video below to find out . . .

Empowered4Tomorrow 26/05/2021

Something I am so passionate about is helping people change their screen-time habits. Developing healthy habits in our use of smart-phones and other digital devices is hugely important to living a healthy and balanced life. It is also crucial to the success of our businesses as entrepreneurs. Check out my blog below for tips in when it comes to parenting in the digital age!


Empowered4Tomorrow Helping children become masters of their screen-time.


Addressing beliefs around money . . .


When we learn to apply the principles of entrepreneurship, we effect change in every facet of our lives.