The Ocean of Omnipotence

The Ocean of Omnipotence

There are few hopeless misfortunes despair is more deceptive than hope.


✅ Belly vacuum is an excellent aid to regular workouts and proper nutrition. Thanks to it, you will be able to reduce your waist size and affect your posture in a short time.

The exercise can be performed in any conditions: home, work, subway and in any poses - 15 seconds a day. To confirm the effectiveness of the correct "belly vacuum" technique, record the results "before" and "after" performing the exercise. Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger himself advises.



A vacuum for the abdomen is a special yoga exercise that helps to increase the tone of the transverse muscles. The benefit of this effective exercise is that it promotes weight loss and reduces the waist. Do the exercise as often as possible (at least 5 times a week) and in just 21 days your figure will become slimmer, and the shape of the press will improve significantly. The transverse abdominal muscle is a natural "athletic belt". In untrained people, the transverse muscle is stretched, weak, and as a result, the stomach "hangs". The correct technique of performing "vacuum" gives the transverse abdominal muscle elasticity and tone.

A LITTLE HISTORY. The exercise was invented by bodybuilders for a toned torso and straightened posture. As a rule, abdominal vacuum was actively practiced by performing athletes before competitions. The most famous example is Arnold Schwarzenegger.


There are many myths surrounding women's fitness related to power loads. Here are the main ones:

1. Masculine figure
Imagining a woman after strength training, we see in our head a picture of pumped-up bodybuilders. However, the girl will not be able to achieve such a result without hormone therapy physically. Therefore, the relief of the fair s*x is a dry muscular corset that forms a beautiful, feminine figure. And in order to acquire really desirable forms, spend more time on problem areas and the lower half of the trunk.

2. The weight is growing
This is not a myth. The weight really grows along with the increase in muscle mass. The reason for this is that the muscles that replace fat weigh much more. The figure thus acquires a beautiful outline.

3. Loss of flexibility
And this is also not a myth. But flexibility can be preserved and multiplied if you perform a set of stretching exercises after each workout. With this approach, you can not only acquire a beautiful figure, but also develop flexibility and grace.

4. Cardio training is more effective
There is a myth that cardio is more effective for weight loss. In the short term, this is indeed the case. Especially if you take into account the number on the scales as a result. After all, from the power load, the weight can slowly grow, while the figure acquires a slender outline.

But if you need a comprehensive weight loss, strength training allows you to burn fat more actively. After such a load, the muscles continue to be saturated with oxygen for a long time (up to 24 hours) and burn fat deposits for this.


Strength training for women with the right approach and a measured pace of exercise have a large number of advantages:

1. The ability to lose weight and model the figure by working out those areas that need it, such as legs or buttocks.
2. Strengthen bones by increasing the level of mineralization.
3. Normalize the hormonal background and the production of endorphins – hormones of happiness.
4. Strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system.

In the process of strength training, muscles actively lose oxygen, after which they continue to burn fat for a long time. That's why strength training is so effective for weight loss.
