ONGEA Usikike.

ONGEA Usikike.

Great Advice for Great Minds�


Telling your friends what you do for a living won't cost you anything. Your pride will close your doors and opportunities forever. K**a mimi sasa nafanya mjengo.



One evening my mother made dinner after a hard day's work. She put a plate of eggs, salad and burnt toast in front of my father...
I immediately noticed, the burnt toast.... And, I was waiting to see if he was going to complain about it, but my father started to eat them, smiling and asked me how I spent my day at school...
My mom apologized to my dad for the burnt toast. I will never forget his response to her: "Honey, I love burnt toast!"
Later when I went to bed and my dad came over to kiss me goodnight, I asked him if he really liked the burnt toast?
He hugged me and said, "Your mother has had a difficult day and she is really tired. She went out of her way to prepare this meal for us, why blame her and hurt her. Burnt toast never hurt anyone; but words can be very painful!"
We have to know how to appreciate what others do for us, even if it's not perfect, because it's the intention to do well that counts, and no one is perfect...



He is coming back to us after many years away. We released him to you, young, vibrant and eloquent.
But you've brought him back, an Old Man from Bondo, a "mganga with a heavy tongue, defeated with eyes eternally dripping tears, and empty-handed!
We gave him out as the best we could find around here, one who had we known, we'd have kept around here to look after our affairs."
He was a good son, that Amollo you people mocked, was a good son!
But see who you have brought us back!
Well, he is ours and we'll build him a house by the shore!



*How to remain peaceful after Presidential results are released:*

[ ✅ ] Celebrate your win without mocking the losers.

[✅ ] Don't post what demeans the losers in whatsapp group containing people of different opinions.

[ ✅ ] Remember those who lost will be somehow affected, don't aggravate their anger.

[ ✅ ] Accept the one who will be announced as your President and move on.

[ ✅ ] Don't listen to politicians who will try to raise your emotions.

[ ✅ ] If emotionally affected, stay off social media.

*It was just an election not a war*

Peace🕊️, Love and Unity!

*God bless Kenya*



Do not take sides with your children in order to out do your spouse. Always present yourselves as one before your children.
Remember you are a landmark and bedrock of how your kids will view life.

Keep the ministry God has given you alive. Do not allow marriage to suffocate your calling.

# For future homes
# For couples



Raila, Ruto, Chebukati, and a grade two pupil are in a plane flying from Kisumu to Bomas.

All of a sudden the plane's engine fails and crashing is eminent.

Luckily, there are three parachutes in that plane.

CHEBUKATI picks the first parachute and looks at the other three guys..he says,

"YOU all know how important I am today. If anything happens to me before I release the results, Kenya will burn."

Chebukati then jumped out of the plane shouting, "iebccccc....."

Ruto then removes his eyes and looks at baba and the Kid with bad eyes. He says, " Mimi ni hustler, I need to be alive because the hustlers look upto me in all Corners of the country. Mimi nimejipanga."

Ruto then grabbed a parachute the kid had on his back and jumped out of the plane shouting.. "Freeedooooom...."

Raila with a heavy heart looks at the small boy and says.
"YOUNG man, I have achieved almost everything in my life while you are only starting to grow up. Here, take this parachute and jump out. My presidency is inconsequential incomparison to your young life. Go well son and great Kenyans."

The young boy with a delight tells baba, 'here, take this parachute and let us fly out to Bomas together now. There are two parachutes for us."

Confused, Raila asked, "How is that possible? There were only three parachutes in the plane!"

The little boy points through the window laughing, ' Inawezekana! That hustler did not take a parachute, what he grabbed from me was my school bag.'

Raila and the boy then jumped out of the plane shouting, 'Canaaaaaaan.'🤭😂😂


Angela My Wife,

This is not what we discussed No. This is not what you promised me when I knelt down in front of our friends and asked you to be my wife.
You assured me that nothing was ever going to separate us and I believed you. Our love was so strong that even the angels questioned if we were humans.
Angela, you were just too good for me, you even donated your kidney to my sister who never supported our marriage. You did it and said "Kelvin, I did this for you".
5 years in marriage and no child of our own but the neighbors children were always around you. Their parents even sent them to our house whenever you were around because you were the only one that they listened to.
My sister, the one you gave your kidney to even came to the house and called you a witch for not having a child. Even when I reminded her that she was alive because of you, you told me never to say that again!!
Finnally you were pregnant,To God be the glory and we celebrated with the entire neighbors. Everyone was happy for you or so I thought. I didn't go to the office for 1 month because I wanted to take care of you.
My family didn't allow you do anything because they didn't want to hear stories and I supported them.
So when your water broke and i rushed you to matero level one hospital, I told you I was going to stand by your side till the baby comes out.
I cried with you as you pushed and I kept on my praying.
Alas my baby came out safe and sound and I started dancing with all amount of joy and happiness. The doctors even cried when they saw the joy on my face.
But something wasn't right, the doctors immediately rushed back to you. You were quiet and stiff. You just let out a wry smile, closed your eyes slowly and you were gone.
Angela, you left me alone in this wicked world to cater for our child. How am I going to start? What am I supposed to do? Angela I'm gradually loosin



1. Call him by a pet name

2. Allow him exercise his authority as the head of the family.

3. Do not challenge him when he is hurt.

4. Be silent when he is angry. You can go back to him in his sober moment with apology n explain why you
behave that way that annoyed him.

5. Be quick to say "I'm sorry dear" when ever you offend him, insist on his forgiveness, appreciate and kiss him when he does.

6. Speak good of him before his friends and siblings.

7. Honor his mother

8. Insist that he buys gift for his parents and so be sure that he will do same for your parents

9. Surprise him with his favorite dish especially when he has no money at hand and never delay his food.

10. Do not allow the maid to serve him food when you are at home. Because you may lose him to her.

11. Give him a warm reception with an embrace when he returns, collect his luggage and help undress him.

12. Smile when you look at him and give him
occasional pecks when you are out socially.

13. Praise him before your children sometimes.

14. Wash his back while he is in the tub or shower.

15. Put love note in his lunch box or briefcase.

16. Phone and tell him that you miss him.

17. Dial his number and on hearing "hello" just tell him I love you.

18. If he is a public figure or a politician, gently wake him at the early hours of the morning and romance him to the point of demand. He will not be entice by any other woman that day.

19. Tell him how lucky you are to have him as your husband.

20. Give him a hug for no reason.

21. Appreciate God for the Adam of your life.

22. Pray together and also pray together before going to bed in the evening...

May God bless your marriages. Singles may you experience true love today and forever,Amen 🙏
