Roseland Educators Association

Roseland Educators Association

We represent the teachers and counselors of the Roseland School District in Santa Rosa, California.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality education while attracting and retaining world-class educators.


REA members showed up to tonight’s board meeting in person and on zoom fighting for our students and the educators that serve them!


REA Negotiators are at the District Office today. Fingers crossed for progress towards an agreement to benefit both Roseland students and educators!


Roseland Educators Association takes on the CTA Good Teaching Conference North! Learned a lot, but most importantly laughs and smiles were shared.


Last night over 40 REA educators went to the School Board Meeting to speak and show support for negotiation team and fellow staff members. Thank you to all our educators who went last night, in person and on zoom.


Negotiations Day 3! Our negotiations team was back to the table yesterday fighting for our students! REA’s proposals include having additional adult support to help our youngest learners be successful, ensuring our students have access to counselors, newcomer support and intervention teachers and fighting for a wage increase that allows our educators to afford to live in Sonoma County.

Unfortunately not much progress was made after yesterday. Hoping for more after our postponed Day 4 on February 13th!


San Francisco Educators have avoided a strike after many hours at the negotiating table. 9K on the schedule snd 5% for the 2nd year. They also got better working conditions and more student support!

Photos from Roseland Educators Association's post 30/09/2023

Roseland Educators Association members wearing their shirts in solidarity with Old Adobe Teachers Association as they fight for a living salary

Photos from Roseland Educators Association's post 27/09/2023

Another district is preparing to strike. Amazing educators are fighting for a living wage. Show your support on Friday for the Old Adobe District by wearing your Red 4 Ed shirts. We fully support the educators at OATA in their fight for a living wage in this beautiful yet expensive place to live.


Teacher Tuesday!
We are REA!

Meet: Justin Leong
REA Vice President
10th Grade English Teacher at RCP
Favorite Food: Vegan Ramen


Teacher Tuesday
We Are REA!
Meet: Matt Jones
7th Grade Teacher @ RAMS
REA President
Favorite Food: Mexican, specifically Quesa Birria

Adobe Acrobat - 2023-24 Webinar Flyer September 26 and October 17.pdf 30/08/2023

National Board Certification Info! Get certified for free, and get additional $1000 on your yearly salary!

Adobe Acrobat - 2023-24 Webinar Flyer September 26 and October 17.pdf View this file, and add comments too.


Such great information for our members. Never too early to plan and map out your retirement!

On 1st day of school in Sonoma County, our kids and our schools deserve grace 16/08/2023

On 1st day of school in Sonoma County, our kids and our schools deserve grace Teachers, staff and administrators here understand what our kids have been through since 2017. And still they show up and take on the kids and the traumas many of them carry.


Happy First Day of School Roseland Educators! Wishing you a successful first day and a wonderful academic year!


REA supports all children and will always be allies and advocates on behalf of our Roseland School District LGBTQIA+ youth and community, as well as the local agencies that support them.

Please read this message by Roseland Board President, Praticia Krueger, and Roseland Charter Board President, Ricardo Navarrette, in support of Positive Images and Landpaths:

"Dear Roseland District Community,

Creating a safe, welcoming learning environment where all students truly feel a sense of belonging is an essential part of our work in Roseland. We also strive to provide enriched learning experiences for our students in which they can explore their talents and the opportunities that exist in their surrounding community.

We are fortunate to collaborate with many community organizations to help us achieve these goals and wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the work of two local agencies with whom we have longstanding partnerships.

Positive Images is a community-based organization that provides direct services, advocacy, and education and support for the LGBTQIA+ community. They have been a wonderful partner to us in helping to provide annual professional development for staff, as well as yearly student presentations from the upper elementary grades through high school, on topics related to LGBTQIA+ awareness and allyship. They also provide us with essential education and resources to ensure we have the tools necessary so that we can best support our LGBTQIA+ students and families.

Landpaths is a local non-profit agency that we partner with to help provide environmental educational opportunities to our students. For the past two years, Landpaths has partnered with our middle schools to provide several nature-based field trips around the county, in which our students have the opportunity to hike, connect with the natural environment, participate in community-building activities, and engage in land stewardship projects. In addition to working with our middle schoolers, Landpaths regularly conducts educational events with our PreK-12th grade students, as well as the broader community, in activities such as gardening, literacy activities and environmental conservation projects. You will often find them at Bayer Farms right across from Sheppard Elementary.

We are so appreciative of these two organizations, as well as many others who do such important work, for supporting Roseland and the community at large. Their contributions greatly enrich our students’ educational experience and we look forward to a continued partnership with them.


Patricia Krueger, President of Roseland School District Board of Trustees

Ricardo Navarrette, President of Roseland Charter School Board of Directors"


Please share with everyone! 🍎

Photos from Roseland Educators Association's post 11/04/2023

Roseland teachers showing support for our colleagues in Bennett Valley!


REA supports our colleagues in the Bennett Valley School District!!


We love teaching in Bennett Valley because of the community that families and educators have built. It is truly a special place to be. It is disappointing that we are one of the lowest paid districts in Sonoma County. We love teaching in Bennett Valley, so we will do all that we can to help us retain our quality educators and to recruit more quality educators because our students deserve the best. ❤️🍎❤️


Teachers, counselors, and classified staff in Los Angeles have voted to strike as they fight for funding and resources.

REA stands with all educators in the quest to improve our schools.

Fully Repeal Unfair Social Security Penalties | NEA 11/03/2023

Help repeal unfair Social Security penalties for teachers by signing the attached petition.

Did you know that as teachers we face a significant reduction in our Social Security benefits accrued prior to our teaching career? This includes potentially losing all of our benefits.

The attached petition seeks to eliminate that policy.

Sign now!!

Fully Repeal Unfair Social Security Penalties | NEA Support the Social Security Fairness Act to fully repeal both the GPO and WEP.