Commit Health + Wellness

Commit Health + Wellness

Health and wellness coaching with an emphasis on effective exercise, a balanced diet full of delicio


So I had a hysterectomy… it’s so funny to me that people are surprised that I’m openly talking about it, but why not? It’s a body part. No one would think twice if I talked about an appendectomy. Female health isn’t discussed enough so here I am, doing my part (and oversharing in some people’s opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️).

So why did I get a hysterectomy? Well, I’ve had bleeding issues for 5 years that have been getting progressively worse (26 periods a year, anyone?). I’ve also had three different instances where I’ve lost consciousness due to severe pelvic pain.
Additionally, my athletic performance over the last couple years has significantly decreased, especially on the bike. Turns out you can’t be your best when you’re super anemic 😜 Iron transports oxygen throughout your body and that’s kinda important…

I’ve had so many blood tests, inconclusive biopsies, hormone replacements, and ultrasounds over the last few years. Nothing was helping and my numbers were just getting worse. After working with 3 different amazing doctors, we decided this was the best course of action in my case.

Because I’ve had 3 c-sections, we decided a robotic hysterectomy made the most sense. No need to open me up a 4th time… Not surprisingly, there was a significant amount of scar tissue connecting my bladder to my uterus which complicated things and turned what’s usually a shorter, straightforward surgery into a 4.5 hour endeavor. It also meant I went home with a catheter for 5 days (that was the worst part by far). Coming out of anesthesia was tougher this time and I struggled with nausea the first night home. If I had to do it all over again, I would’ve opted to stay overnight in the hospital. I definitely could’ve used an IV!

It’s a long road to recovery but I’m committed. Walking is the only exercise allowed for the next 6 weeks. I’m not allowed to lift anything over 5 lbs for the first month, then 10 lbs for the second month. No biking, no running, no submerging in water for 8 weeks. Talk about cramping my style 🤦🏻‍♀️. But I realize that the better I take care of myself now and follow directions, the better my long-term recovery and results will be.


Tired of making the same resolutions year after year after year? How are you going to change it up this year to actually get it done? If you truly want to accomplish something, you have to COMMIT to it. Perhaps you need a guide - someone to steer you in the right direction and teach you tools so you can keep yourself on track.

I’m expanding my health and wellness coaching business is 2024. My kids are getting older and I have the time to take on more clients, both remote and local to Sacramento. Most clients choose my 6 month program which includes 3 months of intensive coaching followed by 3 months of accountability to ensure that their new habits are cemented into their life. People who need a little less have a 3 month option or I can even work hourly to address individual issues. Let’s schedule an intro call to help you figure out exactly what you need (link in bio). I’m offering $100 the first month to the first 3 people who sign up for the 6 month program between 1/1-10/24.

I’m also hoping to work with more teens, as I have LOVED my time coaching a few teens this year. I had the opportunity to work with a few student athletes about eating better, sleeping better, cross training and the importance of organization and time management. As a former high school and collegiate athlete, I’ve been there, done that, and I sure wish I knew then what I know now…

Give it some thought. Are you or your teen ready to COMMIT to some real, lasting change? Do you want to be happier and healthier in the upcoming year? Let’s do it!



It is not selfish to prioritize your own needs. When you are at your best, you give your best. So often personal needs fall to the wayside during the holiday season and I encourage you not to let that happen. Start today! Let’s make it a lifestyle by starting a coaching program in January. I’m chatting with 2024 clients now.


If you’ve been waiting for a sign to get your butt in gear and start prioritizing your health, here it is. Waiting is simply deferring results.

You’re never going to feel completely ready to start because that kind of confidence doesn’t build until you’ve made some progress. You just have to decide that the buck stops now.

Let’s chat! There’s a link in my bio for free 20 minute informational calls. We can workout just what you need, whether it be a full 6 month coaching program or just an hour consult to get you back on track.

And who is this quote from? It was also in a 90’s movie. Props if you know either!


This summer, I’m going to spend a lot less time on social media, both scrolling and posting. I only have so many summers with my three kids and I’ve decided to soak this one up as much as I possibly can. That doesn’t mean I’m not servicing my existing clients, I’m just not seeking new ones until August. I’m putting my phone down, and keeping my eyes up. I’ve gotta admit, it feels pretty good to step away from the pressures of constantly posting. I encourage you to focus more on the important stuff this summer. Cut away the fluff and focus what feels good to your soul. I’d love to hear what that is!

Photos from Commit Health + Wellness's post 23/03/2023

I have two coaching spots opening up in the second week of April. If you answer yes to one or more of these slides, let’s chat! I would love to help you get back on track.


One of my clients is leaving on a trip and I have two coming up! Traveling is my absolute favorite thing to do and I’m so excited to go exploring. I like to give myself some flexibility when I’m on the road, but I do have a few things I prioritize ALWAYS: hydration, delicious food and movement. I hope these tips stay in the front of your mind on your next trip. Where are you heading?


I am already seeing all the “summer body” posts and they kill me every year. Your body is not seasonal. The best thing you can do is take excellent care of yourself year-round. Be confident in yourself and your choices. I assure you, the positive swagger of someone who loves theirself looks soooooo much better than insecurity on ANY body. When you are well fed, well exercised, well rested and happy with your life, you can’t help but look good. Wanna feel proud of yourself again? Schedule an informational call with me. Link in bio.


One of the most important lessons I teach my clients is balance. How to balance your plate, how to balance your workouts, how to balance your life to have less stress and more sleep! Working with was so much fun. As a busy family practice doctor and mom, she certainly had a challenging schedule but we found ways to maximize her time and improve her lifestyle. We also significantly lowered her A1C in the process! Now I’m helping her patients do the same thing.


Puget Sound is a little colder than our pool in Sacramento. Here’s to more cold plunging in 2023! It’s so good for you.


You are not obligated to transform your life starting on January 1st. In fact, you may not need to make any major changes. However, many people could use a shift in a different direction and oftentimes, they could use a little help. But here’s the deal, only YOU can decide when it’s time to start. To be successful, you have to be fully COMMITTED, and that day is never tied to a calendar. Never forget that you are in charge of you and only you can choose when the buck stops.

Photos from Commit Health + Wellness's post 13/12/2022

Ada has been such a joy to work with over the last three months. While her primary goal was weight loss, she soon realized that improving her relationship with food was really the most important work she could do. Overtime, she stopped tracking on multiple apps and simplified her approach to food. Of course, we worked on sleep, stress, and finding exercise that she enjoyed as well. But perhaps the most impressive thing about Ada was her willingness to try new things and trust in my process. Let me tell you, it sure has paid off, and while I generally don’t talk about weight loss specifics here I must admit that I was over the moon when she told me she lost over 8 inches during our time together. That’s pretty spectacular!


Wellness is all about finding the right balance for you! Sometimes clients are surprised by some of my recommendations. For example, I had to tell a client to workout less. She was spending way too much time at the gym without a proper plan. I cut her workout times almost in half and she saw better results. I had to tell another client that it was a good idea to stop having her new superfood smoothie every day. While it had a ton of really healthy ingredients, it also added 400 calories to her day that she did not offset elsewhere. And recently, I made the suggestion to sleep less (I know, I know 😜). Her schedule had changed and she started sleeping later but felt groggy every day. I explained that sometimes there’s too much of a good thing. She got back to her old sleep schedule and returned to feeling rested and energized in the morning! Sometimes your lifestyle needs a second look and that’s what I do. That’s why I call myself a health and wellness coach, not a diet coach. My goal is to make your life happier, healthier, and more efficient!


I would rather sit in discomfort temporarily but often than marinate in mediocrity. There is little change where there is little challenge.


Ready is a decision, not a feeling. Oftentimes if we wait to feel truly ready for something, the feeling never arrives and we miss our opportunity. Ready is a choice. We choose to jump and make a change, we choose to pivot and move in a different direction. It’s all up to you. Stop waiting; align your brain with your heart and DO it! Maybe you are ready for coaching? Maybe you are ready to apply for that new job? Whatever it is, this is your sign to get after it 👊🏻


I read six books during my six weeks away, but these are the two that I found the most interesting. Mindful eating is something that I continue to struggle with (seriously, I eat way too fast) but this book gave some great tips for slowing down and truly enjoying your food. As an added bonus, it includes some delicious recipes that I look forward to trying soon. The Circadian Code was pretty fascinating! I learned about our body’s most efficient rhythm in regard to eating, exercising, and sleeping. The power of light on our health was also explained in much greater depth. If either of these topics interest you, grab a copy and report back. Now, do you have any health related book recommendations for me?


Rewarding yourself with food, while extremely common, can actually create an unhealthy relationship with food. Food is fuel, not an emotional soother, whether it be positive or negative. Many of us experienced this at an early age (remember those ice cream cones for good report cards?) and continue “reward” ourselves into adulthood, often passing the behavior down to the next generation. It’s something I’ve recently become more aware of and I’m working on it. I encourage you to take a look at your own behaviors and try to make adjustments, as well. We’re all a work in progress 😉 What are some of your favorite non-food treats?


What if I told you you didn’t ALWAYS have to make the best choice? Life is just a series of decisions and as long as you’re making good decisions the majority of the time, you don’t have to feel like you’re constantly living within rigid structures. Health and wellness is about balance! For example, let’s say you really feel like having a soda or a craft beer with your dinner. You can absolutely make that choice; however, a better choice might be a light beer or a diet soda. The best choice is water but water’s not always going to do it for you 😉 Another example could be skipping your workout. The best choice would be sticking to your plan and doing the workout; a better choice would be going for a walk or getting in some other activity. If you’re following a plan that has no flexibility, you’re far less likely to stick with it in the long run. Make good choices, find some balance and you will still reap the rewards!


I’ve got a pretty great recipe for hummus! Check out my latest blog post and make it yourself. Be sure to tag me when you make it! Link in bio.


To eat the bread or not eat the bread, that is the question. Bread is one of my favorite things; it has to be good bread, though. Yesterday I ordered a cup of soup and a half sandwich at a café downtown. It was served with an additional three slices of bread. Usually I wouldn’t give it much thought but yesterday I decided to skip it. Why? Because I already enjoyed some bread with half my sandwich and I had jury duty so I was sitting for 7 1/2 hours. Usually I’m far more active. To compensate, I took the bread home to my kids who enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s always a good idea to balance your day. Less output should equal less input and vice versa. Be mindful with your food choices and remember that just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to eat it!


Job love Friday! While I do appreciate the flexibility that technology gives us, meeting my clients in person is still my favorite part of this job. We go on walks, we have coffee, I loan them books, I sometimes even take a peak inside their cupboards and refrigerators to help them make the best choices. Simply put, deeper connections happen in person. Don’t worry remote clients, I love you, too! I just wish I could see your face one a week as well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meditation… I have a new blog post all about it! There’s a link in my bio to my blog. Go read all about the benefits to doing nothing 😜


It was an exciting week being featured on the podcast “Experience the Buzz” with the Sacramento sports and media guy, ! We talk about the evolution of Commit Health + Wellness and so much more! Follow the link in my bio to listen to the full episode.


If you’re going to improve on one thing in 2022, let it be your discipline. Having discipline is the difference between thinking about workouts and actually getting them done. Having discipline is the difference between talking about making better food choices and actually making those better choices. Discipline is about sticking to a bedtime and a wake time. Discipline is about choosing water over empty calories. It’s the opposite of procrastination and it’s what makes you better at just about everything. Let’s walk the walk in 2022, okay? And if you need help, I’m here for you.


This little (snarky) story got some attention and some people wanted to share it so here it is again. Why on earth would you put an end date to better health choices? After 30 days, are you just going to eat like garbage again? Or stop working out? Lord knows no one is going to keep doing double days after 75 Hard; it’s not even good for you. Temporary changes yield temporary results. Is that what you want? How about lasting habit change so the rest of your life is healthier? That’s what I’m about. Just sayin’ 🤷🏻‍♀️


Holiday treats are everywhere. Deprivation has never been my modus operandi so I do enjoy many of the seasonal delicacies. However, yesterday I was reminded that I have to indulge with more respect for my body. Indulgence isn’t worth it if your body feels terrible afterwards. You see, my kids wanted some special hot chocolate yesterday and it sounded great so I had some, too. I could have ordered it with oat milk but I was lazy and didn’t. It tasted amazing but my body does not like dairy. Yogurt and cheese are fine but drinking milk feels like a gut punch and more a few hours later… That’s not respecting my body. Discomfort can also come from over eating or drinking. Know that you can absolutely have treats this holiday season but before you do, make sure that you will enjoy them in the present AND the future.


What’s your jam? There is no right answer! The best place to workout is where you will go consistently and work hard. For some people, that means staying in the comfort of their own home. Time savings and lack of germs are some of the greatest benefits, but those people need a little extra discipline and training. You SHOULD NOT be doing things at home you have not been trained to do correctly. I’ve seen plenty of Peloton and Tonal users who greatly benefit from the guidance of a professional. Gym users, on the other hand, in addition to more time, need a different kind of discipline to make it to the gym regularly. Generally their performance can be elevated due to the presence of others. However, there is also that distraction factor. See? There is no perfect option! You do you. Maybe you can even do both. The most important thing is that you do SOMETHING. Where do you work out?


How many times this week have you said “I didn’t have time to …”? Know that you’ll make time for things that are truly important. Schedule your days, schedule your weeks, and make time for what truly matters. Only you can do that. Sometimes this involves saying no to other people or other opportunities. If they don’t serve you in some way, they are not worth your time and that is OK! Self-preservation is not selfish. Make your health a priority and your life will get better in so many ways.


Ingredients matter! This is my tray of staples I keep on my counter at all times (but out of direct sunlight, of course). Avocado oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, Himalayan salt, fleur de sel, and a pepper grinder. Cooking is as much artistry as it is science and there is a lot of trial and error involved! The greatest kitchen philosophy is taking whole foods and simply enhancing their flavors. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to taste good! You’d be amazed what a little splash of vinegar or a little crunchy fleur de sel can do to some pretty basic ingredients. What are your staples?


When life gets busy, make time to slow down. Boom! School starts and then you blink and it’s the holidays; the last 100 days of the year are oftentimes the busiest. With all the go-go-go, it’s even more important to take little breaks and destress. Even a few minutes can recharge you and improve the rest of your day. I like to grab a book or do a little meditation. What’s your favorite way to reset midday?

Videos (show all)

The Olympics are my kryptonite. I stay up too late, I wake up too early, and I do it for two+ weeks straight. My sleep h...
When it’s 100°+, I don’t want to cook! I don’t wanna turn on the oven or the stove or the air fryer. Thankfully, we gril...
On this edition of “Yes, you DO have time to make a healthy meal”, I make an easy, nourishing salad utilizing our dinner...
The things you say to yourself matter so much more than you think. Test this out and tell me what happens 😜Talk to yours...
You have time to make a balanced meal, I promise. I make one here in under five minutes that you can enjoy for either br...
This is my supplement protocol, which isn’t necessarily the best protocol for you. Always talk to your doctor before sta...
Knowing how to navigate restaurants and eating out is an extremely important skill that I teach my clients. Of course, t...
Problems are like pizza; you don’t want to attack them in one bite. You generally have to cut them up and take a little ...