1 minute of mindfulness

1 minute of mindfulness

1 minute of mindfulness provides an opportunity to practice stillness, focus, gratitude and ✌️


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

'Rest is not idle, not wasteful.
Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do for
your body and soul.'
- Erica Layne

‘Deep rest’


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

“The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

After a whirlwind of 9 days of travelling not only in my state first but then 🚘 through two others to reach Queensland, I’ve come back 🏡 to be a helper at a retreat so having a staycation 💜 oh the joy, surprises and discovery.

Look at this picture. I could be anywhere ✨Feeling gratitude in my backyard ❤️



Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

"True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are"
Brene Brown- Atlas of the Heart (2021, p. 158).

📸 Barmera


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

“throw away the idea that happiness is getting everything you crave. true happiness is based on embracing change and having the ability to be without always wanting more. it is the presence and mental clarity that allows you to enjoy life, it is living without causing yourself unnecessary stress.”
-yung pueblo

🎨 Lemanjah is the Queen of the Sea


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

is taking the time to notice and then purge the limiting beliefs 💫

🎨 Twigseeds


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

“Lovely days don’t come to you, you should walk to them.”
― Rumi

Have a wonderful weekend everyone☀️

📸 .of.lights1 🙏


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

A lovely reminder on of one step at a time….

Thank you Lang Leav 🙏

My Day, Today

How do I approach my day today on a day such as this
when everything is resting on that one thing that swing between
all my wildest dreams and despair
Where do I start?
What would make this day any less than what it already is regardless of what it does to me
How do I ready myself
How can I prepare
when my life up until now feels like one endless preparation
What more can I do but place myself
where I'm meant to stand
And then
And then
A deep gushing breath
A small, tentative step.
- lang leave

📸 unknown but 🙏


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

Today’s is a lovely reminder 🤔💜✨ for 2024 ❤️

This New Year
What if instead of charging forth with the intention of radical self-change, we first sit in stillness to practice radical self-love?
Maybe when we prioritize loving ourselves
for who we already are...
Our resolutions can become
just an added bonus.

Happy New Year 2024🎈🧘‍♀️🤞


🙏 Raise Her Wild with Mehr Lee


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱


Whilst 🎄 is a special time for most, it can be an extraordinary challenging time for many.

For some, 🎄 being the end of the year has meant that your body and mind is in a state of complete exhaustion. You’ve pushed it to its limits with work, family commitments … you may even be close to burnout.

For others 🎄 it is a lonely time. Whilst others are connecting to family and friends, 🎄 reinforces just how little close connections you do have.

🎄is a time where grief and loss are triggered. You can be reminded of the loved ones that are no longer around or you have created boundaries and avoid family of origin or are isolated from existing family due to trauma history.

🎄 is a financial burden. For food and presents. Fixing up the house, making it look good… extending yourself financially, meeting societal and family expectations.

🎄 is a time where there are people who do not celebrate due to religious or cultural reasons.

🎄 is also a period of pure indulgence…
too much food,
lack of sleep,
socialising …

And let’s not forget all the ‘shoulds’ and the expectations to feel happy,
To be looking forward to it …

So this 🎄 let’s take the time to
Take care of ourselves…
Open the door to others…
Give ourselves some time away…
Indulge less…
Buy less…
Give more…
Acknowledge loss…
Say no…
Say yes…
Get rid of the ‘shoulds’
Acknowledge our grief…
Nurture and nourish ourselves…
Be kind to yourself and others…
Remind ourselves how special we are 💚🎄

📸 Watch this video on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/v/zE7SJcTyZnVCczXj/?mibextid=21zICX&startTimeMs=1000


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱


Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.
~Paulo Coelho



Good morning ☀️🌈🌊

Today’s is about hope 🙏🌈☀️

“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.”

― Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

📸South Coast Aerial Images


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

No extra words needed with this post ❤️💜🌻

‘Be patient with yourself. Shouting at a flower won’t make it bloom.’
-Charlie Mackesy

🎨Charlie Mackesy


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

This poem has been a beautiful discovery 💛⭐️👑🌟🏆

I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible,
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom
and that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.

-Dawna Markova, From "I Will Not Die an Unlived Life"

To me this poem is about
❤️letting go of fear
🧡 Being curious
💛Trying things out
💙Being authentic

When we do all the above, we allow our worlds to expand, we create meaning and our path leads us to interesting destinations 🌈

🎨 Caitlin Welz- Stein Laura Diehl


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

This photo was taken at one of my walks in Türkiye, where in an over 1 hour of walk, I encountered only two women out. One jogger and this beautiful woman. Only a few minutes before I stopped down the same path, admiring the sunrise, watching the remnants of the full moon, enjoying being alone, just like her….same same but different 🌅🌕☮️

“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone.”
~ Charles de Lint



Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

Today’s is about travel.

Travel is super special to me.

It gives me many moments of awe and mindfulness.
A break from routine.
A refilling of my cup.
A dip into culture and environment.
It’s a pivotal practice in my self care.

It allows me to discover the road less travelled, hike mountains, swim and walk beaches, watch sunrises and sunsets; tantalises all my senses with sounds of different languages, smells and tastes of food and surroundings.

I love meeting people not like me. I love learning from others peoples point of view and perspective. Noticing the differences but loving the commonalities.

Making connections.

I love the awe and reminder of the beauty of our planet and our people.

Travel is needed to remind me to never stop learning and discovering new things about this one precious planet.

Thank you to travel for opening and transforming my eyes and my heart.

Many mindful moments but this experience was 🤯❤️🙏



Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

On holidays. Limited WiFi. Sleeping on deck. Right place right time.

Call to prayer


🇹🇷 Türkiye


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

This morning message is a reminder to TAKE A MOMENT

Whether it’s in nature. In your favourite chair. In bed. Or looking at a photo.

Sense: Feel. Smell. Taste. Touch. Hear.

Take a moment to…

Just to BE. To REVEL in the beauty of a moment. To SAVOR. Appreciate. For what you appreciate …APPRECIATES✨

📸🙏 to my daughter


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

A beautiful reminder🌷

“Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful.”
-L.R. Knost

🎬Not quite a minute but a beautiful reminder of the ‘amazing-ness’ of life ✨


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
-Marcus Aurelius



Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

Today’s is about focusing and finding ‘glimmers’ in our lives ✨🎇🧨💖⭐️🌟💫

Glimmers are the opposite of triggers.

Glimmers are those micro moments in your day that make you feel joy, happiness, peace, or gratitude. Once you train your brain to be on the lookout for glimmers, the more these tiny moments will begin to appear.

🎨 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxCDIJ-sJR7/
Thank you 🙏


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱🎋

This mornings is the growing story of bamboo🎍

A beautiful reminder for us to be patient, believe, persevere …our investment with reep rewards 🌈⭐️

Like any other crop or plant, Chinese Bamboo needs to be nurtured in order to grow; fertile soil, water, and sunlight are crucial for its survival. As the story goes, a Chinese farmer once planted a bamboo tree as he heard that it can create miracles, and he needed one to care for his struggling family.

The farmer faithfully watered, fed, and cared for the soil, in which he planted the bamboo seeds, for an entire year but saw no sign of life. No growth, no sprouts, no hope. The second year was the same as were the third and fourth years. His patience and faith in this “miracle” bamboo plant started to fade. How could something he had so diligently cared for reap absolutely no reward? During the fifth year, just as he was about to give up on his dream of growing the plant, he noticed it started to sprout. The bamboo sprung up 60 feet over the next six weeks!

🎬 walk with me down the bamboo path at


Good morning ☀️🌈👨‍👧‍👦

This is for all the fathers and fathers at heart, fathers of humans and fur babies, living or dead, not-yet-fathers, thank you for your dedication,love, care and kindness ☀️🌻❤️

“Sometimes I think my papa is an accordion. When he looks at me and smiles and breathes, I hear the notes.”
-Markus Zusak

My father is not well at the moment. He’s ageing. Has cancer. I have seen him deteriorating in front of me. His frustration of not being able to show ❤️ through doing, helping, fixing, carrying…..😢

In my mindful moments this morning. I am grateful for:

* his tears at sad movies, it was always just the two of us
* His ability to fix anything
* His care and compassion he showed when I was in pain
* His role modelling of non gendered roles
• All of his doing, helping, fixing, carrying
* ………

Happy Father’s Day 2023 😘


📸 unknown but 🙏


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

Today’s is about breaking old trauma responses of fleeing, isolating and self sabotaging 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍‍♂️🕴️

For some people, running away is the only response when life gets too challening. Moving away to a brand new place seems to be the only solution. Whilst it can be essential for reasons of family and domestic violence…..

Spending time on checking in on yourself, your feelings, reflecting, understanding old patterns, changing mindsets; willingness in talking through it with friends, family or professionals, can see your situation in a different 💡

“You don't need to move to a new place to begin again, a new mindset is all you need to start over.”
-Barb Schmidt

🎨 created by Claudia Tremblay


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

I was just about to post when I saw this and so reposting from Rumi Heals I couldn’t resist. The image is 😅😂🤣 so ❤️ warming

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. “
— Victor Hugo

I hope you find and feel some laughter today ☺️


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

Today’s is about the power of colour.

Often when a client needs grounding, I get them to imagine a colour of love and nurture so that they can put in their hand and then I do a guided meditation to spread this colour throughout their body. Once done, I get them to notice that colour everywhere around them as a reminder to love and care for themselves. And it’s amazing, where they find it 🎨💅🏼👩‍🎨🖼️

FYI Over half the time, the colour is pink.

“Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink."
- Lilly Pulitzer

What would be your colour of love and nurture?
I wonder if you can see it around you today?

💓 this photo. “How's the serenity? So much serenity”👌

📸 taken at


Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

A beautiful poem to remind us of the simple pleasures and gratitude we have all around us ✨💜 the last sentence is ❤️

The Patience of Ordinary Things

It is a kind of love, is it not?
How the cup holds the tea,
How the chair stands sturdy and foursquare,
How the floor receives the bottoms of shoes
Or toes.
How soles of feet know
Where they're supposed to be.
I've been thinking about the patience
Of ordinary things,
how clothes
Wait respectfully in closets
And soap dries quietly in the dish,
And towels drink the wet
From the skin of the back.
And the lovely repetition of stairs.
And what is more generous than a window?
-Pat Schneider

Here’s my love of the sturdy chair and the generosity of my bedroom window that lets in the beautiful afternoon ☀️light ❤️


Todays is about getting rid of expectations.

Like the saying goes, expect nothing and you’ll never be disappointed.

The moment you expect something from someone, you set yourself up for the possibility of being disappointed.

It’s not easy to do. We are constantly thinking people should be behaving a certain way; maybe because it’s something we would do. They are not us and we are not them. So let the expectation go.



Good morning ☀️🌈🎈

Today is the 2nd birthday of 🎉🍾🥳👏🏻

I started this page when we were in a lockdown. I was going through a major life change due to a separation. I just moved to a new town. There were many losses and uncertainties in my life. I needed to be reminded of living and enjoying the moment 🧘‍♀️🪴✨

I wanted the page to be a reminder to others and to myself of the power of mindfulness in healing.

When I write a post, I’m inspired by something I see in life, a poem, quote, a photo, one of my friends or client’s struggles or something I needed a reminder of ✋ 🌈🪴

Sometimes it’s hard to see the good in our lives and it helps to savour, appreciate and know that that even though the clouds are around, the sun is always shining🌤️🌦️⛅️🌥️

Here’s an image of me living and enjoying vicariously through my daughters, who after some serious saving, working long hours, planning,patiently waiting for the 🌎 to open up, are enjoying the freedom and beauty of life.

Keep practising gratitude and mindfulness because:


🙏 for the 👍 ❤️ and comments of appreciation over the two years. Happy birthday to



Good morning ☀️🌈🌱

Today’s is about surrounding yourself in environments that nurture, empower and support you.

"You deserve to be in environments that bring out the softness in you, not the survival in you." -Ronne Brown

🎨 Tarn Ellis

Videos (show all)

Good morning ☀️🌈🌱Today’s #1minuteofmindfulness is about travel. Travel is super special to me.It gives me many moments o...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱On holidays. Limited WiFi. Sleeping on deck. Right place right time. Call to prayer 🙏 🇹🇷 Türkiye#callto...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱 A beautiful reminder🌷“Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in betwee...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱🎋This mornings #1minuteofmindfulness is the growing story of bamboo🎍A beautiful reminder for us to be p...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱This mornings #1minuteofmindfulness is a beautiful reminder of mud settling and beauty returning 🪷 Afte...
Good morning ☀️🌈 🌱Long time between posts as I’ve spent 1 month taking a well deserved break to travel with loved ones o...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱Today’s #1minuteofmindfulness is about goal setting❤️🎯Being in the here and now does not mean you don’t...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱This mornings #1minuteofmindfulness is about silence 🤫 “We sit silently and watch the world around us. ...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱Today’s #1minuteofmindfulness is about taking the opportunity to notice. “I urge you to please notice w...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱Today’s #1minuteofmindfulness is about rumination. Rumination is a natural occurrence- our mind drifts ...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱💫Life happens for us, not to us ✨It is always difficult when things are not going the way we want them ...
Good morning ☀️🌈🌱One thing I love about travel is all the new adventures and unexpected finds… travelling by ’gut’ or in...
