Jason Potter

Jason Potter

Jason Potter is an experienced speaker, leader, and storyteller. He has lived all over Australia in the outback and the city.

As humans, we all have an innate need for belonging, to a place, a person, or a group of people. This book is about a boy named Josiah who grew up in a family that moved ever too often, leaving him feeling like he had no place he could call home. It's a tale about how a little boy got bullied throughout school and overcame the rough start at life in order to become a healthy adult – through Josiah


Josiah by Jason Potter is out now! https://amz.run/4z9S


If I could make a difference in their lives, then maybe God could do something good with all the hard things I had experienced. https://amz.run/4z9S


Find the courage and believe, just as Josiah did in face of hardships! Shop now. https://amz.run/4z9S


I stopped talking to the teachers about anything because every time I told someone that I was being bullied, things would just get worse. https://amz.run/4z9S


Read about author Jason Potter's experience with bullying through his latest book, Josiah. Out now! https://amz.run/4z9S


I didn't need a big group of friends. Usually, I would find one friend, and that would be all I needed. https://amz.run/4z9S


That's what Josiah's father had taught him always. Josiah by Jason Potter is available on Amazon now! https://amz.run/4z9S


Get inspired by author Jason Potter's latest book, Josiah. Purchase your copy now! https://amz.run/4z9S


They influence many of the choices we make and the values we hold. https://amz.run/4z9S


In Josiah, author Jason Potter tells the story of a young boy's struggles against bullying and other hardships. Grab your copy today. https://amz.run/4z9S


But we all have something of that young child inside of us that finds change hard, and our first reaction to experiencing change can be a desire to retreat to where we have just come from, even before we have any idea what the new reality might be like. https://amz.run/4z9S


Josiah by author Jason Potter is a powerful and moving fictionalized account of the author's journey. Buy your copy today! https://amz.run/4z9S


Learn about the long-lasting impact of bullying on one's life in Jason Potter's latest book, Josiah. Grab your copy today! https://amz.run/4z9S


As humans, we all have an innate need for belonging, to a place, a person, or a group of people. This book is about a boy named Josiah who grew up in a family that moved ever too often, leaving him feeling like he had no place he could call home. It's a tale about how a little boy got bullied throughout school and overcame the rough start at life in order to become a healthy adult – through Josiah's story, the author shows the power of resilience. His message to the readers is simple; suffering leads to perseverance, perseverance leads to character, and character leads to hope.
