Kingdom Gist

Kingdom Gist

To see that singles desires a godly marriage and to raise godly singles in this ungodly world.



Check out this new episode of KINGDOM GIST with DAUGHTERS OF ZION on YouTube@

You will be blessed! ❤️✨



Isaiah 55:9 (KJV)- For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

All we're called to do is, "trust and obey!"

Check out this latest episode of KINGDOM GIST on Youtube Gist

Watch and be blessed! ❤️✨


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Dear child of God, in Christ you have received grace to live in purity! ✨✨

Thanks ♥️


Have you watched the latest episode of KINGDOM GIST?

If you haven't, do visit this link to the video on YouTube to watch now 👉🏾

Remain blessed! 🌹


KINGDOM GIST is here again with another beautiful episode! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

On this episode we centred on "DEFILEMENT!"


We must all come to understand that we are the Temple of God and that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and hence we cannot afford to defile God's temple!

We must stay pure, we must embrace purity!

Do watch and be blessed! God loves you ❤️❤️ We love you ❤️


Dear child of God, impurity reduces your worth!

Stay pure!



Dear Child of God, your purity is non negotiable!


Heyyyyyyyy! We're back with another wonderful episode of KINGDOM GIST! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

On this episode we centred on "God can hear you, He's not far!"


We must all come to understand that God hears us! He's closer to us than we can ever imagine. He dwells in us, so He hears us!

He hears our thoughts, He hears our silent heart cries, He hears us mumblings, surely, the Lord’s hand is not shortened at all, that it cannot save, nor His ear dull with deafness, that it cannot hear.. He feels what we feel. HE'S NOT FAR!

So dear Child of God, do well to keep the Faith! Keep praying, keep trusting! He will come through for you soonest!



..Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy! (Lev. 19:2)


Have you seen the latest episode of kingdom gist..💃💃💃
Don't tell me you haven't seen it o..🤭
Oya goan watch on YouTube, it's no that you will be blessed.

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Life is a series of challenges and test. It comes fully equipped with pleasure and pain, sunshine and rain.

I have been in the storm, and one thing I must tell you is that the storm does pass over after a while, the rain stops, the cloud receds, and the day breaks. What a blessing it is when the night has been long to know at last it is morning.

You see, there are good times as well as bad, no one can escape bad times, no one is exempted. There are realities that come to the richest home as well as to the poor, simply stated, this is life 😆

It is the way it is, it has always been, and it will always be. Yet in the midst of all, when we are facing situations that seems to have no reason, it helps to know that somewhere beyond the passion and pains there is a God.
Blessed be the God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2cor 1:3-4

One of the many names of the Lord is the comforter. I cannot tell you what an excellent description that is. He is the great comforter.

His presence can make us comfortable in the most uncomfortable situation. He can unravel the dark shroud of grief and release the captive heart that is buried within.

He carefully pulls all of us out of things that we thought we could not get out of. He has the ability to wipe away trauma and restore peace, He catches our tears and collect our pains, He has the capacity to be there for you, whenever you need Him, He's there.

We live each day not knowing from moment to moment what we will have to face, not knowing what tomorrow holds.

But it is a great comfort to know who holds tomorrow.
Tomorrow is not in the hands of your supervisor, parent or anyone else, tomorrow is not yours to manipulate, it is not mine to dominate.

Tomorrow is in the hands of the Lord, trust Him.🙌🏻

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KINGDOM GIST 12/11/2020

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KINGDOM GIST Follow and subscribe on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube


Do you know that Christ is the object of our pursuit, and His church is one of the ways that we access Him.
However, I realized that accessing Christ is not limited to the Church. Yea! He can appear in your room or in your car, He can even bring His presence to you now as you contemplate His word.

You may ask"How can I embrace a God I cannot see?" "What pleasure will I derive from speaking to a God I cannot hear?, What fullfilment can be gained from intimacy with a God I cannot touch?".
I'm glad you asked, you see, God is not a man, yes, you cannot approach Him with your flesh,(John 4:24) but He's in your heart.
It is in the very depth of your spirit that you can touch Him, and if you listen with your inner ear, you can hear Him speak to you.

I know you have believed in others and have been disappointed, you have believed in others and have been rejected, then why don't you embrace a God who cannot lie. It is time for you to open yourself to Him in a deeper way, because He's an epitome of life.
His wisdom is stable and His counsel is sure. 🙌🏻

The only challenge is you, what you need to do is just to believe, just if you will, there will be no drought in your heart, no dryness in your spirit, and no emptiness in your life.

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Kingdom Gist with daughter of Zion. ...raising godly singles in this ungodly world... 09/11/2020

Kingdom Gist with daughter of Zion. ..raising godly singles in this ungodly world...
Episode one dropping soon

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Kingdom Gist with daughter of Zion. ...raising godly singles in this ungodly world... Kingdom Gist with daughter of Zion. ...raising godly singles in this ungodly world... Episode one dropping soon ...



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Kingdom Gist 31/10/2020

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Kingdom Gist Follow and subscribe on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube


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It is so amazing to me that a God so holy could reach as low and touch a broken world. It reminds me of the moment in the scriptures ( John 8:1-11) when they brought before Jesus a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery. They had dragged her battered body roughly down the street of Jerusalem into the presence of the master, the great teacher Himself.

Her body was bruised at the hands of self-righteous men who thought themselves judges of her decadence. They pushed and shoved her while she wailed in shame and tried to cover herself. They accused her and finally brought her before Jesus, they had even planned to stone her, they had planned to mock her shame and to put on public display her private weakness. But to her amazement, Jesus did not join them in the lyching of this woman, instead He seems distracted from the whole event. The scriptures says He stooped down and took His finger and began to write in the dirt.

You know what? It is that stooping action that fascinate my mind, yeah it got me thinking. That someone so high could stoop so low. I am not sure what He wrote was important. What's far more important to me is that God can stoop to my level and write in my life.

It is important for me to articulate to you that there are some of us whose flaws and spotted pasts would cause us to be stoned and tackled, and yet somehow His infinite grace and mercy embrace us in the sight of our greatest accuser. He has the ability to look beyond our fault and focus on our needs. A man needs to know that there is a God who can know his darkest, deepest secrets and still have compassion for him.

What man would not appreciate a God who becomes an attorney, assumes his case, which requires no fee, and still wins him the victory?

What man would not be awed to know that there is a God who can be convinced of his guilt and yet insist on his forgiveness? (Rom 5:8) This is the epitome of Love: to know we are all naked before him and yet somehow He, by His grace stoops low and touches the dirty places in our lives.

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EXPOSE IT, BEFORE IT EXPOSES YOU!Check out this new episode of KINGDOM GIST with DAUGHTERS OF ZION on YouTube@ https://y...
GOD'S WAY, NOT MINE! Isaiah 55:9 (KJV)- For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your wa...
Have you watched the latest episode of KINGDOM GIST?If you haven't, do visit this link to the video on YouTube to watch ...
KINGDOM GIST is here again with another beautiful episode! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾On this episode we centred on "DEFILEMENT!"DO WATCH...
Heyyyyyyyy! We're back with another wonderful episode of KINGDOM GIST! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾On this episode we centred on "God can ...
Have  you seen the latest episode of kingdom gist..💃💃💃Don't tell me you haven't seen it o..🤭Oya goan watch on YouTube, i...

