Energy Transformation

Energy Transformation

Transform Chronic Fatigue into Energy and Vitality And Increase your Performance in your Career by a

Photos from Energy Transformation's post 19/12/2022

Make sure that inspiration doesn’t become desperation or overwhelm.

So you stay motivated 💪
So you can take action ⚡️

Questions about this?
Let me know 😊

Photos from Energy Transformation's post 16/12/2022

Make a choice today!

Who do you want to be?
What do you want to achieve?

Setting goals and making choices to work towards those goals are the first steps.

And take ACTION 💪

Sign up for the free masterclass to unlock the power of your mind and be on top of your game! 🤩

Link in IG bio 😊

Photos from Energy Transformation's post 06/12/2022

I used to cope with stress through distracting myself and eat lots of sugary foods.

Because I didn’t know that there were other ways to cope with this.
I wanted to stop, I really did.
But every time I tried to stop eating sugar, the desire for it got even bigger!

Sometimes I even drove to the shop, to get more chocolate.

And I felt embarrassed by this, because I did eat healthy for a long time, but the sugar was still a problem.

I started to work on myself, to listen to my body more.

Loving myself more and start to connect with myself instead of being focused on all the things that I HAVE to do or all the things that I SHOULD do, or that I MUST do.
I started to care for myself instead of always taking care of others first. Mostly there was no energy or time left to take care of myself. So I didn’t.

Nowadays I don’t cope with stress or emotions with sugar or chocolate.
I am still human, not perfect, so I eat sugar and chocolate once a while, but not like I did before.

So now I don’t link the good things to the sugar anymore, but I can see what bad things it does for my body, but also my concentration, my focus, my mind.

I teach this to my clients and they tell me that they are more conscious about food, their body.
And it doesn’t feel like an obligation, like a diet. Because it feels so good, to be able to listen to their body and notice what is going on.

They become more aware of their feelings and what triggers them.

So it is a win-win ;)

Let me know if you want to know more about this😊

Or sign up for the free masterclass 🤩
It is all about changing your habits and your beliefs in an easy way 🙌
Link in IG bio


It is a beautiful Sunday today!

Time to set your intentions for this week.

Mine for this week:
❤️ This week is going to be an amazing week full of health, wealth, love, respect, success and gratitude!
❤️ There will be lots of beautiful opportunities every day of this week!
❤️ My clients will have amazing and magical results!
❤️The interactions I have with my loved ones will be amazing! Full of respect, love, joy and gratitude! We will have so much fun and laugh a lot!
❤️ I will have lots of energy and be healthy every single day!

And this list goes on.

What are your intentions for this week?

Setting intentions creates a good mindset and a good mindset creates better reactions and better focus to the good things.

So setting intentions is a beautiful way to start and end your day ❤️



Audio hypnosis session for free 😊

Photos from Energy Transformation's post 14/08/2022

Sunday is a good day to start healthy habits!


How do you enjoy your weekend?

Even when you don’t do anything special

Enjoy the time with your family

Enjoy your alone time

Take the time to do something that you’ve wanted to do for a very long time, but never had the time for it

See some friends or family, loved ones

Spend some time with your pet

Enjoy the sun, or the rain

Give yourself a big smile first thing in the morning in the mirror

Enjoy every little thing, like a little child: amazed by how cool the world is ❤️
Like you experience things for the first time

I wish you all an amazing weekend!!


Your value comes from within

You can feel good,
know you are good enough,
Know that you are a good person
Know that you are loved
Know that you are smart
Know that you are beautiful

Because you know your worth!
No matter what other people say,
Because what we say reflects how we feel.
So if they make you feel bad, ugly, stupid, not loved,
That says more about how they feel…

They reflect what they feel onto others

So it has nothing to do with you

Otherwise they would give you constructive feedback in a nice way.
So you could actually do something useful with it

P.S. In the P.A.I.N.F.R.E.E. Success Formula we go into feeling confident and being a real powerwoman!
Feeling good from within and how to get to this place of feeling good

Going through life as a real powerwoman pain free and with lots of energy, having an amazing career that you love and support your family!

Because you deserve to have the best life possible!

Timeline photos 09/08/2022

Most people think we can not change the past

And they are right!

We can not change the past, what happened, happened

BUT we can change our memories of the past.

Our memories are changing all the time.

Research has shown that 50% of our memories change in the first year (Elizabeth Phelps (neuroscientist)

What do you remember correctly: mostly the overall story, the location and the emotion.

The emotion is what locks the memory in. That is the key of your experience, so chances are that you will forget a lot of the details.

Those wholes (from the things you forgot) you will fill with existing knowledge (semantic memory).

Every single time we think back to that one situation or we tell something about it, chances are very likely that this memory will change a little bit.

So that means that we can make our memories as bad as we want, but also as good as we want.

From those memories and experiences, we create believes.

And the more we experience likewise situations, the stronger the believes get.
Tony Robbins said it nicely: it is like you have a table top: the more table legs you put underneath, the stronger it gets.

This is the same with our believes. The more you experience likewise situations, the stronger your believe becomes.

But the other thing is that were we focus on, we see and notice.

For example: the moment you decide to buy a new car, you see that car everywhere. Before, you didn’t really notice, but now you see it everywhere. Before and after your decision to buy that car, nothing happened and there are not magically more cars. You just notice them.

So the more you focus on something, the more you will experience it and notice it.

That means if you keep staying in that same bad past, the more you will experience or notice likewise bad things.

But that also means that you miss out on the good things that you could experience, because your focus is on the bad things of your experience and not on the good things.

If you keep living in the past, that means that will make yourself miserable!

Because you make yourself re-live that bad experience over and over and over again!

And what’s in it for you? Feeling bad, noticing the bad things and missing out on so many good things

What can you do to change this?

1️⃣Start to notice when you are re-living the past in your head and you feel bad about it
2️⃣ Ask yourself: Is this happening right now?
4️⃣So actually you feel bad about something that is not happening right now. And you have forgotten that you are not living in the past, you life in the present
5️⃣So what can you focus on that is happening right now?
◦ What do you see?
◦ What do you hear?
◦ What do you smell?
◦ What do you taste?
◦ What do you feel?
6️⃣ And start living in the now

This is the start of change

You can leave your thoughts in the comments below

Lots of love

Timeline photos 08/08/2022

A few years ago I felt lost and stuck.

Stuck in a reality and body that I didn't like...

Because there were so many things that I could not do

I couldn't
❌Work a lot
❌Study properly, it took me so many hours to remember things and rest afterwards
❌go out with friends
❌make a lot of money
❌stay up late
❌I couldn't help a lot of people, because I didn't have the energy for it

I missed out on so many things being young

I felt like I was wasting my youth

But due to my mentor, my teachers and a lot of books and courses

I stopped letting this fatigue and pain determine who I was

I decide to celebrate every win, every single step forward.
Even if it was just a little one

✅I could study
✅I actually succeeded on my exams and graduated!
✅I could help some people
✅I had an amazing boyfriend, friends and family who supported me and were very understanding
✅I could walk and do very little exercises
✅If I calculated some rest afterwards I could go out once in a while (not late, but still, some hours)
✅I could work some hours a week

I started to focus on those wins
Because I was making progress and I had achieved so much already!

By shifting my focus on the things I already achieved instead of the things I still wanted to achieve, a lot changed

I started to see that I was actually moving forwards
Sometimes not fast enough, but it was forward instead of backwards 😉

I started to be happier with my life
I started to celebrate ever single win: the small and the big
I started to enjoy life more

It was with falling and getting up again, but I was doing it.

I was redefining who I was and being happy right this moment.

So my victories got even bigger and I enjoyed them more!

So what can you celebrate? 🤩

Love to hear your thoughts


Timeline photos 08/08/2022

A few years ago I was lost and stuck

Stuck in a reality and life that I didn't like

I didn't know who I was anymore

❌Not able to do what I wanted to do.
❌Not able to go after my career goals.
❌Not able to be young and go out with friends a lot
❌Not able to grow my business
❌Not able to exercise
❌Not able to live life the way I wanted to

So I felt lost and alone
I saw everyone around me go on with their lives and I felt so stuck

I was doing better already, but still wasn't able to do a lot of things

Due to the coaching of my mentor, all my teachers I saw that I already had made so much progress.

That I could not let this fatigue and pain determine who I was, because I was so much more!

I tried to see what I could do already
✅After years of hard work, I finished university
✅I could work, even if it was just a couple of hours every week
✅I could help people, even if I could only see a few people in my practise every week. These people I could help
✅Sometimes I could go out for a couple of hours
✅I could do some things with the people I love

Those things were already huge victories!
Even if those things cost me a lot of effort and energy, I persisted till I reached my goals!
It took a lot of work and sacrifices, but I got there

But by focussing on the things that I still couldn't do
I missed out on all those victories!

I decided to celebrate my wins instead of focussing on my losses

Only this made a huge difference in my life.

Celebrating every single step forward, even the very little ones, made me so happy!

I saw the progress I made (instead of the things I hadn't)

I saw that I was going forward!
That I had so much victories, more than losses.

This made a huge shift for me and I felt good again.

It is a process with falling and getting up again. But I am getting there, reminding myself from time to time to celebrate all the steps!

Love to hear your thoughts on this 😊

Have fun with celebrating!🤩

Lots of love


Selfcare is crucial!

It is actually egocentric not to take care of yourself. Because if you don’t, you won’t have the energy and the love to take care of others..

If you feel good, you want everyone to feel good!
If you feel bad, it is more likely that you will be irritated very quickly or that you will be angry or say things that you don’t mean, or you don’t have the energy to cope with other people.

So taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself and others 😍

Because then you will be able to do so much more for others too! ❤️

P.S. In the P.A.I.N.F.R.E.E. Success Formula we go into this and help you with coaching and hypnosis, so you can do this without feeling guilty and enjoy taking care for yourself and others at the same time 😘

Because you deserve to have the best life possible! ❤️

Photos from Energy Transformation's post 06/08/2022

Dopamine is one of the hormones that make you happy, give you a good feeling.

There are different ways to boost it and to feel good from within, without needing anything external.

Which one do you use?

P.S. This is explained in dept in The P.A.I.N.F.R.E.E Success Formula

Being painfree, have lots of energy
Feeling good again
Enjoy life!
Spend time with your family and friends
Finding your passion and increase your performance at work with at least 50%!

Do you want to know more or have a talk? Dm me 😉 and let’s see how I can help you 😊
